Course Description:
In this rapidly changing world, particularly with the advent of AI technology and its growing influence on language education, how should English language instructors in English Literature, Business English, and Translation Studies programs approach college English language teaching? This three-day, hands-on, interactive workshop, grounded in current theory and research, guides college English instructors in exploring new paradigms, pedagogical models, instructional strategies, and AI tools for designing college English courses tailored to English Literature, Business English, and Translation Studies. Active participation is anticipated.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
1.Design flexible yet innovative course frameworks that are based in sound pedagogy for English Literature, Business English, and/or Translation Studies;
2.Build a repertoire of teaching strategies that promote active learning, collaboration, learner autonomy;
3.Develop effective AI-integrated teaching practices across key instructional stages, including lesson planning, material design, delivery, feedback, and assessment;
4.Cultivate a mindset for life-long, self-directed professional growth in teaching and learning.
2025年07月10日 - 2025年07月14日
研修地点:上海外国语大学虹口校区(SISU Hongkou)及上海纽约大学(NYU Shanghai)
1. 研修费:2880元/人,费用含学费、餐费、资料费、交通费(上外-上纽大往返,大巴接送)、场地费、服务管理费等。
2. 优惠政策:同一单位5-9人报名参加,享受研修费9折优惠;同一单位10人以上报名参加,请联系会务组了解优惠信息。以上优惠均不再与其他优惠政策同享。