教学素材 | 如何战胜对失败的恐惧

How to Break through Your Fear of Failure 如何战胜对失败的恐惧 词汇 | CET-4 | 句法CET-4 | 文本CET-6刘立军 供稿Failure is a normal part of life. Everyone experiences it, especially when stepping outside of their comfort zone. Despite being common, failure feels overwhelming because it is tied to negative emotions like shame and disappointment. However, the real issue may not be failure itself but the fear of failing. 失败是生活的一部分。每个人都会经历,尤其是在走出舒适区的时候。尽管失败很普遍,但它带来的负面情绪如羞耻和失望等等让人感到难以承受。然而,真正的问题可能不是失败本身,而是对失败的恐惧。Reframe Your Fear 重新定义你的恐惧 It’s important to ask yourself why you are afraid of failure. Are you worried about others’ opinions, losing a job, or not achieving your goals? Failure can damage your self-esteem and confidence, but it’s part of growth. Instead of seeing failure as an end, think of it as a learning opportunity. 重要的是要问自己为什么害怕失败。你是在担心别人的眼光,失去工作,还是无法实现自己的目标?失败可能会损害你的自尊和自信,但它同时也是成长的一部分。与其将失败视为终点,不如把它看作是一次学习的机会。For example, if you didn’t get a job you wanted, this setback could be a chance to improve your skills and find a better fit. If you miss a deadline, it can teach you to manage your time better. By analyzing what went wrong, you can turn failure into a stepping stone for success. 例如,如果你没有得到想要的工作,这次挫折可能是一个提升技能并找到更合适机会的契机。如果你错过了一个截止日期,这可以教会你更好地管理时间。通过分析是哪里出了问题,你可以把失败转变为通往成功的垫脚石。Changing your mindset is key. Rather than fearing failure, view it as part of the process of learning and improvement. This shift can make you stronger and more resilient. 改变心态是关键。不要害怕失败,而是把它视为学习和提升的一部分。这种心态的转变会让你变得更强大、更有韧性。Visualize Success 设想成功 Fear often leads to self-doubt and procrastination. To overcome this, train your mind to focus on positive thoughts. Replace negative thinking with positive affirmations. For instance, athletes use visualization techniques to improve performance. By mentally picturing success, they enhance their physical skills.恐惧常常会导致自我怀疑和拖延。为了克服这一点,要训练你的思维专注于积极的想法。用积极的肯定来代替消极的思考。例如,运动员使用视觉化技巧来提升自己的成绩。通过在脑海中描绘成功的场景,他们能够增强自己的运动技能。You can do the same. Try visualizing yourself achieving your goals. Be specific and use your senses to imagine success vividly. You can also create vision boards with images and words that represent your goals to keep you motivated. Visualizing your achievements can help you stay focused and reduce fear. 你也可以这样做。尝试想象自己达成目标时的情景。具体一些,用感官生动地想象成功时的各种细节。你还可以制作一个愿景板,上面贴满代表你目标的图片和文字,以保持动力。想象自己达成目标可以帮助你保持专注,减少恐惧。Surround Yourself with Supportive People 与支持你的人为伴 Having supportive friends and mentors is crucial in overcoming fear. Real friends offer encouragement and can help you stay motivated, even during tough times. They can also provide honest feedback, helping you navigate challenges and improve. 拥有支持你的朋友和导师对于克服恐惧至关重要。真正的朋友不仅会在你遇到困难时给予鼓励,帮助你保持进取心,还会提供真诚的反馈,帮你应对挑战并不断进步。Supportive relationships make failure less daunting. When others believe in you, it becomes easier to believe in yourself and keep going after setbacks. 支持性的关系使失败显得不那么可怕。当他人对你有信心时,你也会更容易相信自己,并在遭遇挫折后继续前进。Take Action 采取行动 Fear of failure can paralyze you, making it hard to take action. However, taking small steps helps build confidence and reduces fear. Start with manageable tasks, and as you achieve them, you’ll feel more capable. Focus on progress rather than perfection. Remember, failure is not the end ― it’s part of the journey toward success. 对失败的恐惧可能会让你停滞不前,难以采取行动。然而,通过一步步采取行动,你可以逐渐建立信心,减少恐惧。从容易处理的任务开始,随着你逐步完成它们,你会感觉自己更有能力。专注于进步而不是完美。记住,失败并不是终点,而是通向成功之旅的一部分。Taking action is key to breaking the cycle of fear. Every step forward helps you move closer to your goal, even if there are failures along the way. 行动是打破恐惧循环的关键。每前进一步,即使途中遇到失败,都会让你更接近目标。Learn from Failure 从失败中学习Failure is an opportunity to learn and improve. Instead of resisting failure, accept it as part of life’s ups and downs. Entrepreneur Malcolm Forbes said, “Failure is success if we learn from it.” Each failure teaches you valuable lessons that can guide better decisions in the future. 失败是学习和提升的机会。与其抗拒失败,不如接受它是生活起伏的一部分。企业家马尔科姆·福布斯说:“如果我们从失败中学习,那么失败就是成功。”每次失败都能教会我们宝贵的教训,指导我们在未来做出更好的决定。Life is not perfect, and neither is the path to success. Embracing failure with humility and courage will help you thrive. Celebrate your successes, but also appreciate the lessons that failure brings. 生活并不完美,成功之路也不尽然如此。以谦逊和勇气接受失败,这将帮助你茁壮成长。庆祝你的成功,但也要珍惜失败带来的教训。When you stop fearing failure, you open up a world of new possibilities. 当你不再害怕失败时,你将打开一个充满新的可能性的世界。【词汇】 1. mindset n. 心态2. resilient adj. 有韧性的;适应力强的3. procrastination n. 拖延症4. affirmation n. 确认,断言5. mentor n. 导师,指导者6. navigate v. 导航,航行;找到正确的方法7. daunting adj. 使人气馁的,使人畏缩的8. paralyze v. 使瘫痪,使麻痹9. humility n. 谦逊,虚心(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

教学素材 | 人生旅途轻装上阵

The Art of Traveling Light through Life人生旅途轻装上阵词汇:考研 | 句法:六级 | 文本:考研刘立军 供稿Ancient philosopher Socrates embodied simplicity, owning little and even forgoing shoes. Despite this, he frequented marketplaces not to acquire goods but to appreciate the abundance he could live without, as he famously noted to an inquiring friend. 古代哲学家苏格拉底以其简朴的生活方式著称,他几乎一无所有,甚至常常赤脚行走。然而,正如他曾对一位好奇的朋友所说,他经常光顾市场,不是为了购买商品,而是为了欣赏那些他能够舍弃的丰盛物资。In the context of travel, ‘traveling light’ means moving unencumbered by excessive belongings, which translates into a more pleasant journey with less burden and greater freedom. This idea extends beyond the physical realm into a philosophy for living. This concept encourages us to question what constitutes a life traveled lightly ― is it minimal ownership like Socrates, or is there more to it? 在旅行的语境中,“轻装上阵”意味着不被繁重的行李所累,从而享受更加轻松愉快的旅程,减少负担,获得更多自由。这一理念不仅仅局限于物质层面,它更是一种生活哲学。这种思想引导我们前去思考:什么是轻装上阵的生活——它是像苏格拉底那样过极简的物质生活,还是有更多的内涵?The tale of King Midas reveals that an insatiable desire for possessions can lead to downfall. His wish to turn everything to gold, granted by Dionysus, turns tragic when the things he treasures most are lost to his greed, teaching him the peril of material obsession. 迈达斯国王的故事向我们揭示了一个深刻的道理:对财富的贪得无厌可能导致灭亡。他祈求将一切变为黄金,这一愿望虽由狄俄尼索斯实现了,但当那些他最为珍视的事物因他的贪婪而失去时,这一愿望最终酿成一场悲剧,让他深刻体会到了痴迷物质的危险。Humans naturally accumulate more than necessary, often driven by an innate instinct for survival, from securing homes for shelter to stocking food against hunger. However, for some, this need tilts towards excess, acquiring vast properties and collections of vehicles far beyond necessity, echoing Midas’s folly. While possessions offer convenience, they can also anchor one’s life with responsibilities and maintenance demands, whether it’s the upkeep of a lavish villa or the financial strain of an expensive mortgage, trading freedom for security. 人类出于生存本能,往往会积累超过实际所需的物品,从确保住所的安全,到储备食物以防饥饿,皆出此因。然而,对一些人来说,这种需求逐渐演变为过度的占有欲,他们积累了大量远超必要的财产和车辆,重蹈迈达斯的覆辙。尽管拥有这些财物能带来便利,它们也带来了诸多责任和维护的需求,无论是豪华别墅的日常维护,还是高昂房贷带来的财务压力,都是在以自由换取所谓安全感。Epicurus argued that the pursuit of pleasure should not result in greater distress. Our attachment to both possessions and burdensome thoughts impedes progress. Ancient philosophies, such as Stoicism, Cynicism, and Buddhism, guide us toward letting go of these material and mental weights to alleviate our lives. 伊壁鸠鲁认为,追求快乐不应该导致更多的痛苦。我们对财物的执着以及内心的负担阻碍了我们的进步。斯多葛主义、犬儒主义和佛教等古老哲学都在教导我们:应学会放下这些物质和精神上的重负,让生活变得更加轻松自在。Desires and aversions exert their own weight, where fulfillment leads to contentment and a sense of lightness, while unmet desires breed dissatisfaction and burden. Philosophical traditions across Stoicism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam prioritize non-attachment to worldly goods, viewing them as distractions from a path meant for those unburdened. 欲望和厌恶会分别带来不同的负担:当欲望得到满足时,人们会感到轻松和满足;而未满足的欲望则会引发不满和沉重感。无论是斯多葛主义、佛教、基督教还是伊斯兰教,这些哲学传统都强调对世俗财物的淡泊,认为它们是那些追求心灵自由之人路上的障碍,只会分散他们的注意力。The minimalist approach isn’t only about reducing physical possessions but also mental clutter. Letting go of future anxieties and past regrets brings psychological lightness, enhancing our overall well-being and allowing us to navigate life with ease. 极简主义不仅仅意味着减少物质上的财物,它还包含洁净心灵上的杂念。放下对未来的焦虑和对过去的遗憾,可以带来心理上的轻松,进而提升整体幸福感,使我们更加从容地应对生活中的挑战。After periods of global turmoil, embracing a nomadic lifestyle underscored the value of minimalism. The capability to work remotely with minimal equipment exemplifies the physical and metaphysical lightness sought by many. Whether it be in a hotel room or traversing international borders, the ability to live and work with just a suitcase is liberating. 在全球动荡之后,拥抱游牧式的生活方式更加彰显了极简主义的价值。只需极少的装备即可实现远程工作,这体现了许多人所寻求的物质和精神上的双重轻盈。无论是在酒店房间,还是穿梭于国界线之间,仅凭一只手提箱便能自在生活与工作,这一能力赋予人们极大的自由。The agility afforded by traveling light is akin to the experience of playing games like Skyrim with a nimble character. In life, being agile equates to adaptability ― being able to change course rapidly without the encumbrance of possessions or obligations. Ultimately, true lightness is achieved when one’s mind is unburdened by worries and desires, transcending even the most minimalist lifestyle. 轻装上阵所带来的灵活性,就如同在玩《上古卷轴5:天际》游戏时操纵一个敏捷角色的体验。在生活中,灵活意味着适应能力——能够在不被物质所累或义务束缚的情况下迅速改变方向。最终,当一个人的心灵不再受忧虑和欲望所困时,真正的轻盈感就实现了,这种状态甚至超越了最简约的生活方式所带来的自由感。An uncluttered mind allows for a truly light life journey, wherein the absence of mental strain makes even the smallest suitcase seem weightless. 一颗没有杂念的心能让生活旅程真正变得轻盈起来,那时,即便是一个最小的手提箱,在没有精神压力的情况下,也仿佛轻如鸿毛。【词汇】1. forgo v. 放弃2. unencumbered adj. 无负担的;没有阻碍的3. the tale of King Midas 迈达斯的故事。传说,希腊神话中的弗里吉亚王迈达斯贪恋财富,求神赐予点物成金的法术,酒神狄俄尼索斯满足其愿望。最后连他的爱女和食物也都因被他手指点到而变成金子。他无法生活,又向神祈祷,一切才恢复原状。4. insatiable adj. 不知足的;无法满足的5. folly n. 愚蠢;愚笨6. upkeep n. 保养;维修7. villa n. 度假别墅8. Epicurus 伊壁鸠鲁,古希腊哲学家。9. Stoicism n. 斯多葛主义,古希腊罗马时期的重要哲学流派,强调理性、自律、坚忍以及接受命运。10. clutter n. 杂乱的东西;杂乱11. nomadic adj. 游牧的;流浪的12. metaphysical adj. 形而上学的;抽象的;玄学的 13. Skyrim 一款开放世界角色扮演游戏,全称The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim(《上古卷轴5:天际》,简称《天际》或《上古卷轴5》),由贝塞斯达游戏工作室开发。14. nimble adj. 思路敏捷的;机敏的15. agile adj.机敏的,机灵的16. encumbrance n. 妨碍者;累赘;障碍物(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 澳大利亚计划禁止16岁以下儿童使用社交媒体

澳大利亚计划禁止16岁以下儿童使用社交媒体Australia Plans Social Media Ban for Children under 16慢速 | 高考 偏难 | 593词 | 6min16s刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is the main purpose of the new bill introduced by the Australian Parliament?A. To ban social media for children under 16.B. To promote social media use among children.C. To increase social media engagement.D. To support social media companies financially.Q2. What is Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s main concern regarding social media?A. The economic impact of social media.B. The safety of children online.C. The popularity of social media platforms.D. The technological advancements in social media.Q3. What is Antigone Davis’s position regarding the age limit proposal?A. She opposes the age limit completely.B. She believes social media should be banned for everyone.C. She supports respecting the government’s age limits.D. She thinks social media is not harmful to children.Q4. What is the main idea of the opposition to the social media age limit?A. The ban will improve children’s mental health.B. The age limit will enhance digital literacy.C. The age limit will increase online harm.D. The ban is not an effective way to address social media risks.Q5. Why does child psychologist Philip Tam believe enforcing a ban for children under 16 might be challenging?A. Children under 16 do not use social media.B. The problem might be driven underground.C. The technology to enforce the ban does not exist.D. Parents will not support the ban.Part II. TRANSCRIPTAustralia Plans Social Media Ban for Children under 16The Australian government recently announced plans to ban the use of social media by children under the age of 16.Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said, “Social media is doing harm to our kids.” He added that now is the time for the government to intervene.The country’s Parliament will introduce a new bill during the final two weeks of its meeting starting on November 18. (Q1) The bill will set an age limit of 16 for children to use social media and make the services responsible for enforcement.parliament n. 议会,国会enforcement v. 执行,实施Albanese told reporters that the age limit would take effect 12 months after the bill is passed. And social media services, including X, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, would need to use the year to work out how to put age controls in place.(Q2) “I’ve spoken to thousands of parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles. They, like me, are worried sick about the safety of our kids online,” Albanese said.be worried sick 非常担心The proposal comes at a time when governments around the world are considering ways to control how young people use smartphones and social media.Under the Australian proposal, social media companies would face penalties for violating the age limit. However, under-age children and their parents would not face penalties.(Q3) Antigone Davis is the head of safety at Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram. Davis said the company would respect any age limits the government wants to put in place. She added that officials need to discuss the ways social media can make the age limit happen. She suggested that stronger tools in app stores and computer systems for parents could be a “simple and effective solution.”effective adj. 有效的X did not immediately answer a request from The Associated Press (AP) for comment. TikTok said it would not offer a comment to the AP.Some groups oppose the age limitMore than 140 experts in fields related to technology and children signed an open letter to Albanese last month opposing a social media age limit. (Q4) The letter said a ban would not be an effective way to deal with the risks of social media use.Sunita Bose is a director at the Digital Industry Group in Australia. Bose said in a statement, “Rather than blocking access through bans, we need to take a balanced approach to create age-appropriate spaces, build digital literacy and protect young people from online harm.”literacy n. 读写能力,文化水平Jackie Hallan is a director at the youth mental health service ReachOut. She also opposed the ban. She noted that 73 percent of young people across Australia seeking mental health support get it through social media. She added that young people are likely to find ways to use social media even with a ban in place.Child psychologist Philip Tam said it would have been easier to enforce the ban for children under the age of 12 or 13. (Q5) Tam said, “My real fear honestly is that the problem of social media will simply be driven underground.”Prime Minister Albanese said there would be rules to permit social media use in some situations, such as a need to connect with educational services.Earlier this year, the government began testing age-restriction technologies among a group of users. Officials will use the test results to guide what reasonable steps social media services can take.Lawmaker Paul Fletcher said the services already have the technology to enforce such an age ban. He added that if the law for controlling social media use is well written, Australia can get the results it wants.Part III. KEYQ1. A. 细节题。题目出处为:The bill will set an age limit of 16 for children to use social media and make the services responsible for enforcement. 意为:“该法案将设定16岁的年龄限制,禁止16岁以下的儿童使用社交媒体,并要求这些服务提供商负责执行这一规定。”因此答案是A。Q2. B. 细节题。题目出处为:I’ve spoken to thousands of parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles. They, like me, are worried sick about the safety of our kids online,’ Albanese said. 意为:“我和成千上万的父母、祖父母、叔叔和阿姨交谈过。他们和我一样,非常担心孩子们在网络上的安全问题,”阿尔巴尼斯说。因此答案是B。Q3. C. 细节题。题目出处为:Antigone Davi... said the company would respect any age limits the government wants to put in place. 意为:安提戈涅·戴维斯……说公司会尊重政府决定实施的任何年龄限制。因此答案是C。Q4. D. 主旨题。题目出处为:The letter said a ban would not be an effective way to deal with the risks of social media use. 意为:这封信表示,禁止使用社交媒体并不是应对社交媒体风险的有效方法。因此答案是D。Q5. B. 推理题。题目出处为:Tam said, ‘My real fear honestly is that the problem of social media will simply be driven underground.’ 意为:Tam说,“我真正担心的是,社交媒体的问题将被直接转入地下(以更隐蔽的形式存在)。”因此答案是B。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 肥胖症

肥胖症WHO’s Science in 5: Obesity慢速| 考研 | 619词 | 4min52s刘立军 供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the interview and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What factors contribute to the development of obesity according to Dr. Francesco Branca?A. Unhealthy diet and low physical activity only.B. Genetic predisposition and use of certain medications.C. High energy foods and stressful life.D. Limited access to healthy food and exercise facilities.Q2. What is the estimated global impact of obesity in terms of health and economy?A. 5 million deaths annually and a 3% loss in GDP.B. 3 million deaths annually and a 5% loss in GDP.C. 5 million deaths annually and a 1% loss in GDP.D. 3 million deaths annually and a 3% loss in GDP.Q3. How can an individual identify if they live with obesity, according to Dr. Branca?A. By measuring their height and weight only.B. By calculating their body mass index and measuring waist circumference.C. By observing high blood pressure and blood lipid disorders.D. By consulting a health practitioner for a professional diagnosis.Q4. What advice does Dr. Francesco Branca give for preventing obesity, especially for those without easy access to healthy food and exercise?A. Focus on consuming wholegrains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and limit sugars.B. Rely on community and national policies to provide access to healthy lifestyles.C. Prioritize breastfeeding for young infants and avoid sugar-sweetened beverages for older children.D. Both A and C.Q5. What is the main idea of Dr. Francesco Branca’s discussion on obesity?A. Obesity is a complex health issue influenced by multiple factors and has significant health and economic impacts.B. Obesity is primarily caused by genetic predisposition and cannot be prevented.C. Obesity is a minor health concern with limited effects on individuals and society.D. Obesity can be easily managed through simple lifestyle changes and community support.Part II. TRANSCRIPTWHO’s Science in 5: ObesityVismita Gupta Smith: Did you know that where you live, the food systems around you, your opportunities to be active – all of this has an impact on your risk of developing obesity? How big is this issue? How can you reduce your risk of developing obesity and protect yourself? And how would you know if you’re living with obesity? Hello and welcome to Science in 5, I’m with Vismita Gupta Smith. We are talking to Dr. Francesco Branca today. Francesco, talk to us about obesity.Dr. Francesco Branca: Obesity is a chronic disease defined by excess fat deposits that impair health. It can lead to Type 2 diabetes, heart disease. It may affect bone health, reproduction. (Q1) It is associated to certain cancers, and it affects the quality of living, and you get obesity because of the consumption of unhealthy diet, because of low physical activity, but also because of poor sleeping patterns and a stressful life. Some people are genetically predisposed to obesity, and so it’s easier for them to get obese. But also obesity can be the result of using certain medications. Many people live in environments that are conducive to obesity because of foods which are high energy, that are available around the clock, that are cheap. predispose v. 使倾向于;使受…的影响Vismita Gupta Smith: So, Francesco, how big is this problem of obesity?Dr. Francesco Branca: So obesity is a problem for health and for economic development. (Q2) We calculate that 5 million deaths every year are caused by the consequences of obesity. And countries lose up to 3% of their gross domestic product because of obesity.Vismita Gupta Smith: How would one know if they live with obesity? And how can they manage their condition?Dr. Francesco Branca: (Q3) To identify obesity, you would measure weight and height and calculate the body mass index in adults, a body mass index higher than 30 kg per square meters helps diagnosis of obesity. You can also measure waist circumference. In women, a waist circumference over 80 centimeters, and in men over 90 centimeters indicates a high risk of the consequences of obesity. You will also see that with obesity, there’s a high blood pressure, there are disorders of the blood lipids and of glycemic control. The response to this is that obesity is not your own responsibility. You shouldn’t be ashamed if you’re living with obesity and people should not blame people living with obesity. Then the most important thing is to go to see a health practitioner, who also should be professional and respectful for the people living with obesity should help to diagnosis and should help with an integrated response, which is providing the counseling on diet and physical activity and as needed, suggesting drug treatment or even some surgical practices that would limit the consumption and the absorption of food.circumference n. 圆周;圆周长lipid n. 脂质;类脂glycemic adj. 血糖的Vismita Gupta Smith: What if I do not have access to healthy food or do not have access to or easy access to exercise? How can I prevent obesity and protect myself?Dr. Francesco Branca: Community and national policy should help everybody to have access to healthy lifestyles. I would like to give some tips for everybody. (Q4) If you’re an adult, choose wholegrains, fruit and vegetables, healthy fats and limit sugars. Prefer water to any other drinks. Be active. If you’re a mother, of a young infant, breastfeed her or him as long as you can. Then for older children, give water and not sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit and vegetables instead of confectionery. Walk to school, limit screen time and make sure that adequate sleep is given.confectionery n. 甜食(糖果、巧克力等)Vismita Gupta Smith: Thank you, Francesco. That was Science in 5 today. Until next time then. Stay safe, stay healthy and stick with science.Part III. KEYQ1. C. 细节题。根据文本中的描述:“It affects the quality of living, and you get obesity because of the consumption of unhealthy diet, because of low physical activity, but also because of poor sleeping patterns and a stressful life.” 可知,导致肥胖的因素包括不健康的饮食习惯、低运动量、差的睡眠模式和压力重重的生活。因此答案为C。Q2. A. 细节题。文本提到:“We calculate that 5 million deaths every year are caused by the consequences of obesity. And countries lose up to 3% of their gross domestic product because of obesity.” 这表明肥胖症每年导致大约500万人死亡,并且国家因肥胖症而损失高达3%的国内生产总值。因此答案为A。Q3. B. 细节题。文本中提到:“To identify obesity, you would measure weight and height and calculate the body mass index in adults, a body mass index higher than 30 kg per square meters helps diagnosis of obesity. You can also measure waist circumference.” 这说明个人可以通过测量体重和身高、计算身体质量指数(BMI)以及测量腰围来识别自己是否患有肥胖症。因此答案为B。Q4. D. 推理题。文本中Dr. Francesco Branca提到了几种预防肥胖的建议,包括:“choose wholegrains, fruit and vegetables, healthy fats and limit sugars”和“give water and not sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit and vegetables instead of confectionery.”也就是说要选择全谷物、水果和蔬菜、健康脂肪并限制糖分,多喝水;母亲要尽可能长时间母乳喂养婴儿,对于年龄较大的孩子,给他们水而不是含糖饮料,给水果和蔬菜而不是甜食,此外,他还提到了社区和国家政策应该帮助每个人获得健康生活方式的途径。因此,答案是D,即A和C两点建议。Q5. A. 主旨题。整个对话中,Dr. Francesco Branca讨论了肥胖症的多种成因,包括不健康的饮食、缺乏运动、遗传因素、药物使用、睡眠模式和生活压力等。他还提到了肥胖对健康和经济的严重影响,以及如何识别和管理肥胖症。这表明肥胖症是一个复杂的健康问题,受到多种因素的影响,并对个人和社会产生了重大影响。因此答案为A。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 语言和传统是民族认同的核心

语言和传统是民族认同的核心Report: Language, Traditions Central to National Identity慢速 | 四级 高考 | 864词 | 9min32s刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. Based on the text, which of the following statements best reflects the views of those who participated in the Pew Research Center’s study?A. National identity is predominantly shaped by one’s language and traditions.B. Birthplace and religion have a negligible impact on national identity.C. National identity is a uniform concept across different cultures and societies.D.The importance of language and traditions to national identity is contested and varies by country.Q2. According to the text, which specific aspect of national identity do respondents from Mexico and Indonesia agree is central to being considered a true national, with a 91 percent consensus?A. Language proficiency.B. Shared customs and traditions.C. Birthplace significance.D. Adherence to the main religion.Q3. What does Janzen’s perspective on being Canadian imply about the national identity of Canada?A. It is primarily defined by speaking one of the official languages.B. It is inclusive and not strictly tied to any single criterion.C. It is strongly associated with being born within the country’s borders.D. It is mainly reflected through participation in the country’s customs and traditions.Q4. What is the implication of the Pew Research Center’s study findings on national identity for countries with a higher proportion of immigrants?A. They tend to prioritize language proficiency over birthplace for national identity.B. They are less likely to consider shared customs and traditions as important.C. They view religion as the most critical aspect of national identity.D. They believe that being born in the country is less important for national identity.Q5. How does the text suggest that the concept of national identity varies among individuals and countries?A. By showing that language and traditions are universally accepted as the core of national identity.B. By highlighting the uniform importance of birthplace and religion across all surveyed countries.C. By demonstrating the diverse opinions on the importance of language, birthplace, and religion.D. By indicating that shared customs and traditions are consistently valued over other aspects.Part II. TRANSCRIPTReport: Language, Traditions Central to National IdentityLuciana de Oliveira considers herself transnational. That means she is more than one nationality. de Oliveira grew up in Brazil, but she moved to the United States for her studies. She became a U.S. citizen in 2017.transnational adj. 跨国的;多国的de Oliveira has some strong feelings about national identity. She believes speaking a country’s majority language is a very important part of one’s national identity. de Oliveira speaks both Portuguese and English.A new study found that most people around the world share those feelings about language and national identity.The Pew Research Center carried out the study and released the results last month. Pew’s study centered on people’s ideas about national identity. It included answers from people in more than 20 countries.(Q1) Pew researchers asked study participants about four aspects, or parts, of national identity: language, traditions, birthplace and religion. They found that language is by far the most valued aspect of national identity.In fact, a median of 91 percent of people across 21 countries said that speaking a country’s most common language is “important for being considered a true national.”Traditions and customs are also key to national identity, the study found. Beliefs about the other two aspects – birthplace and religion – were more divided.VOA Learning English spoke with several people who live in countries that were included in the study. Among them is Jorge Catalan. He has lived in Mexico most of his life. The Pew study found that 93 percent of respondents from Mexico said that speaking the country’s main language – Spanish – is important to national identity.Catalan said he agrees that speaking Spanish is very important. But he added that it is regrettable.He said, “Mexico is a place where we have around 68 spoken languages besides Spanish.” He noted that the government has pushed Spanish as the main language throughout history and has turned it into a “must-have tool.”Agatha Janzen was born and raised in Canada. Pew researchers found that more than 80 percent of Canadians say that speaking the country’s language is important to national identity. In Canada, both French and English are official languages.Janzen said that “speaking one of the official languages is important to being Canadian for practical reasons.”(Q1) Traditions and customs are also a central aspect of national identity, the study found. Results showed 81 percent of people believe sharing their country’s customs and traditions is somewhat or very important to national identity.The Pew study found that 67 percent of Brazilians consider practicing customs and traditions an important part of national identity. That is the fourth lowest percentage of all the countries included in the study.But customs and traditions are important to de Oliveira. To feel closer to her Brazilian identity, she said she wears jewelry and shoes from Brazil and follows and supports Brazilian soccer.Mexico is tied with the highest percentage of respondents who answered that customs and traditions are an important aspect of national identity. But for Catalan, they are not so important. He noted that Mexican traditions have changed over time. He added that he does not take part in many Mexican traditions, “but I still feel proudly Mexican.”Beliefs about the two other aspects of national identity – birthplace and religion – were more mixed. A median of 58 percent of respondents from 23 countries said that being born in a country is important to national identity. An even lower number of respondents – 42 percent – said that being a member of the country’s main religion is important to national identity.(Q2) Respondents from Mexico and Indonesia had the strongest feelings about the importance of birthplace as central to national identity, at 91 percent.Calatan, who was born and lived most of his life in Mexico, agrees somewhat. “If you are born outside of Mexico and never lived in it, it would be difficult to get a real sense of what being Mexican means.”(Q3) But Janzen, the Canadian, said, “Being born in Canada has nothing to do with being Canadian.” For her, Canada is a melting pot and offers refuge to those who need it.refuge n. 庇护;避难These ideas match the results of the study. Countries where immigrants make up a smaller share of the population tend to see birthplace as a more important aspect of national identity. (Q4) Countries with a greater share of immigrants are more willing to accept those born outside of the country as true nationals.Less than half of people in most of the countries in the study do not feel religion is important to national identity. All of those who spoke with Learning English said they agreed that religion is not an important part of national identity.Christine Huang is a research associate at the Pew Research Center. She is one of the writers of the study. She told Learning English, “This question of belonging in a country is related to other work we have done to measure how connected people feel to each other.”Huang added, “When looking at how people relate to others in their community, in their country, and all over the world, people most frequently report feeling close to others in their country.”|Part III. KEYQ1. A. 主旨题。文本中提到:“Pew researchers asked study participants about four aspects, or parts, of national identity: language, traditions, birthplace and religion. They found that language is by far the most valued aspect of national identity.” 以及“Traditions and customs are also a central aspect of national identity, the study found.”这表明研究参与者普遍认为语言和传统是民族身份最重要的部分,所以民族身份主要由一个人的语言和传统塑造。因此答案为A。Q2. C. 细节题。文本中提到:“Respondents from Mexico and Indonesia had the strongest feelings about the importance of birthplace as central to national identity, at 91 percent.” 这表明墨西哥和印度尼西亚的受访者中有91%的人认为出生地对于民族身份认同至关重要。因此答案为C。Q3. B. 推理题。Janzen表示:“Being born in Canada has nothing to do with being Canadian. For her, Canada is a melting pot and offers refuge to those who need it.” 这表明 Janzen 认为出生在加拿大与成为加拿大人无关,加拿大是一个大熔炉,为需要的人提供庇护,这意味着加拿大的民族身份认同是包容性的,不严格依赖于任何单一标准,如出生地或语言。因此答案为B。Q4. D. 推理题。文本中提到:“Countries with a greater share of immigrants are more willing to accept those born outside of the country as true nationals.” 这意味着拥有更多移民的国家更愿意接受在外国出生的人作为真正的国民,可推测出他们认为出生地对于国家身份认同不那么重要。因此答案为D。Q5. C. 主旨题。文本通过展示不同国家和个体对于语言、出生地和宗教在民族身份中重要性的不同看法,表明民族身份的概念在不同人群和国家之间存在差异。特别是对于出生地和宗教的看法更为混合,这表明民族身份的构成因素在不同文化和个体中有着不同的解读。因此答案为C。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 国际学生应该如何看待写作与人工智能

VOA慢速:国际学生应该如何看待写作与人工智能How International Students Should Think about Writing, AI慢速 | 四级 偏易 | 1031词 | 8min53s刘立军 供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is considered plagiarism in the context of academic writing according to the text?A. Using complex technical language.B. Failing to attend the first-year writing class.C. Not giving credit when using another person's words.D. Using artificial intelligence tools for research.Q2. Why do international students find citations difficult according to Nat Smitobol?A. Because they are not familiar with the English language.B. Because they are more used to focusing on providing the correct answer.C. Because they lack access to citation management tools.D. Because academic culture dramatically varies from one country to another.Q3. What is one of the first things ELC students learn at American universities?A. How to avoid plagiarism accusations.B. How to improve their social communication skills.C. How to record source material according to university guidelines.D. How to use AI tools for grammar improvement.Q4. What are the consequences of incorrect citations for master’s or Ph.D. students according to Meredith Bricker?A. They may lose the opportunity to study abroad.B. They could face serious impacts on their future careers.C. They will have to take the first-year writing class again.D. They might be required to use citation tools more frequently.Q5. Which statement best represents the main idea of the text?A. The challenges of academic writing and the unique difficulties faced by international students are significant, including understanding plagiarism and citation practices.B. The widespread use of AI in academic writing is altering the landscape of post-secondary education in the United States.C. The strict guidelines of American universities make it difficult for international students to adjust to college life.D. Advanced degrees require students to solely focus on research without the need for academic writing skills.Part II. TRANSCRIPTHow International Students Should Think about Writing, AIStudents must learn academic writing and research methods when moving from high school to college. That is why universities require a first-year writing class. As experienced students move on to higher degrees, they continue learning how to do research and to write for academic publications.But learning the new writing methods can be difficult for international students, said Nat Smitobol. He is a counselor for IvyWise, a company that helps students prepare their applications for top-level American universities.Different “academic culture”In the United States, Smitobol said, most students have a basic understanding that they must give credit to, or cite, the sources of the words and ideas in their academic writing. For those who come from other countries, this can be new.Smitobol said one of the most important lessons students new to the U.S. learn is: “this academic culture of really making sure you give other people credit in a formal way.”(Q1) Using another person’s words without giving them credit is considered plagiarism. VOA Learning English recently prepared a guide for international students who need to learn more about plagiarism and why it is a serious concern. A plagiarism accusation recently led to Harvard University’s president having to step down from her position.(Q2) Smitobol said the reason citations are difficult for international students is that teachers and professors overseas are more often concerned that students provide the correct answer to a question than showing the information source.Amjad Binshahbain agrees. He is a student at the English Language Center, or ELC, at Old Dominion University in Virginia. Binshahbain is from Yemen and also attended school in the United Arab Emirates. In Virginia, he takes classes with students from places like Greece, Spain and Japan. They often discuss the academic differences between the U.S. and their countries.AI tools(Q3) He said one of the first things ELC students learn is how to follow American university guidelines for recording source material. They also talk about writing papers without the help of artificial intelligence, or AI, tools.Binshahbain said it is easy for students who are learning how to write papers in English to depend on generative AI tools. These tools can change their grammar or make their writing easier to understand. However, after nearly a year at the ELC, he has, in his words, “progressed a lot.”“I have been improving since then, since the summer in 2023. Now I can write a whole assignment without any outside source. I can read an article and understand it and write it in my own words. That’s one of the techniques that I got since I come to the U.S.”He said it is better to struggle with writing and adding citations to academic work early in college than to find out that you do not know how to do it later on.Smitobol noted that many universities will show students how to use tools such as the RefWorks citation manager. The computer tool permits students to carry out research online and collects all of the source material necessary.High stakesMeredith Bricker teaches in the English Language Institute at the University of Michigan. Many of her students are working on advanced degrees. That means they are learning and doing research on difficult academic subjects. She said the citation tools are both good and bad. On the one hand, they permit students to easily create a source list. On the other hand, they can prevent students from finding or understanding the best sources for a project.“They’re like, ‘OK, fine. I’ll just put whatever comes up (in my search) on my citation list,’” Bricker said.Students who come to Bricker’s class are doing their own research, she added. They hope that they can make a discovery or create a new idea and be published in a journal. So, the stakes are high for master’s or Ph.D. students compared to those just beginning college. She said it is likely the people cited in a paper by one of her students will read it.“In some ways it’s (citations) more relevant. You know, like, almost easier for them to see the purpose and the point. (Q4) But I think it’s also the flip side of that is if they do it incorrectly, it could have such devastating effects on their futures, you know, pretty immediately.”flip side:(想法、论点或行动的)另一面,反面,负面devastating adj. 破坏性极大的;毁灭性的International students who are caught using other people’s ideas without citing them can be expelled or removed from school. That would cause them to be in violation of their F1 student visa. At higher levels, a young researcher who is caught plagiarizing may have trouble finding another job.AI is ‘not going away’Bricker believes students should also give credit to AI tools whenever they use them. “Gen-AI is not going away,” she said. “Part of our job as writing teachers is to make sure students know the boundary between appropriate and inappropriate use.”She said some academic journals will permit the use of artificial intelligence and others will not. “It depends on the field,” she said, noting that a linguistics journal might have different rules than an engineering journal.Bricker said she tells her students that it is difficult for teachers to know if their students are using AI tools. But as a writing teacher, it is her goal to help them learn to write on their own, without help from a machine.“I’m a teacher of writing. So, letting my students know ‘I want to see your writing, you.’ I want to see what you’re doing as a writer, and I want to help you grow as a writer. So I can do that with you using this and without you using this. But it’s your choice.”Binshahbain said international students who are learning English in the U.S. are tempted by AI tools. But he advises students that they should use AI only for some things, like searching for sources.“When I first came here, I was using it for everything,” he said. “But I stopped because I understand the best thing to do (is) to put the effort on learning. It’s going to pay off in the future.”Part III. KEYQ1. C. 细节题。命题出处:“Using another person’s words without giving them credit is considered plagiarism.” 意为:“不注明出处使用他人的话语被视为抄袭。” C 选项与之相符。因此答案为C。Q2. B. 细节题。命题出处:“Smitobol said the reason citations are difficult for international students is that teachers and professors overseas are more often concerned that students provide the correct answer to a question than showing the information source.” 意为:“Smitobol说,引用对国际学生来说之所以困难,是因为海外的老师和教授更关心学生是否能提供正确的答案,而不是展示信息来源。” 根据此句,可知国际学生觉得引用困难是因为他们更习惯于注重提供正确答案。因此答案为B。Q3. C. 细节题。命题出处:“He said one of the first things ELC students learn is how to follow American university guidelines for recording source material.” 意为:“他说ELC学生首先要学习的事情之一是如何遵循美国大学指导原则来记录参考资料。” C 选项与之相符。因此答案为C。Q4. B. 推理题。命题出处:“But I think it’s also the flip side of that is if they do it incorrectly, it could have such devastating effects on their futures, you know, pretty immediately.” 意为:“但我认为另一方面是,如果他们做得不对,这可能会立即对他们的未来产生毁灭性的影响。” 根据此句,可以推理出如果硕士或博士学生引用不当,可能会对他们的未来职业生涯产生严重影响。因此答案为B。Q5. A. 主旨题。全文通过Nat Smitobol, Amjad Binshahbain和Meredith Bricker的观点,围绕国际学生在学术写作方面面临的挑战展开,着重讨论了理解抄袭和引用实践等问题。文章还强调了AI工具的使用及其潜在影响。因此,对整篇文章主旨的最佳概述是学术写作的挑战和国际学生面临的独特困难,包括理解剽窃和引用实践。答案为A。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)


授课点评:胡笑然老师以充分的课前准备、认真的育人态度、专业的学科素养、科学的教学方法,在限定的20分钟时间内出色地完成了所指定的授课任务,为全国高校英语专业师生呈现了一堂值得学习和反思的短课。在整个授课过程中,胡老师精神饱满,着装端庄,形象甜美,教态自然,认真专注,热情友好,充满活力,展现了良好的个人魅力,体现了青年教师的时代风貌。胡老师具有扎实的英语基本功、娴熟的课堂掌控能力和应变能力、流畅的语言表达能力;综述简洁明了,呈现单元设计、教学目标、相关活动和拟用时间;授课有明确的目标,以学生为中心,围绕单元主题和语篇意义,突出重点,聚焦难点,讲解和引导规范适切。胡老师有自己的教学理念,能运用一定的教学理论,遵循“题材—功能—活动”的教学原则,重视语言感知和信息获取,围绕单元主题展开教学,各教学步骤衔接自然。能注重培养学生的观察力、想象力和分析能力,积极帮助学生通过语篇学习,了解重要概念以及语篇作者的观念和意图,努力激发学生对语篇主题的学习兴趣,师生之间有积极的互动和良好的交流。能充分利用和发挥电子课件的辅助教学功能, PPT和嵌入视频有良好的功能性和实用性,形式与内容相吻合,体现了课件形式与课文内容、教学手段与教学目的有机关联和主从关系,发挥了现代化教学资源及手段的教学辅助作用,增强了学生对单元主题和语言表述的理解。从整体上看,胡老师的授课比较成功。授课目的明确,授课重点突出,内容讲解清晰,活动安排合理,起承转合自然,师生互动自然,课件使用得当,教学效果较好。当然,她所展示的这堂英语短课仍存在以下待改进之处:授课停留在主题词语的概念解读层面,对主题意义的挖掘不够深入;教师个人主导成分太强,讲解和提问过多,学生活动不足,活动形式比较单一;时间把握不够合理,没有时间结尾,匆忙收课,无法安排课后作业和课外活动;授课时间用于教学,缺乏对教学成效的必要评价活动,难以确定单元教学目标的达成。建议胡老师在今后的教学研究和实践中,更加重视单元设计的完整性和课堂教学的有效性,关注输入与输出、课内与课外、语篇意义与语言形式的协调,注重教学手段、过程、效果的统一,促进学生在语言知识、语用技能、心智、情感、态度等方面的综合发展和提高。点评专家:梅德明


说课点评:在30分钟的准备时间里,读完、理解一篇800多词的商务英语文章,记住文章的结构和要点,设计出一套有理论指导、教学理念清晰、目标合理、结构完整、方法得当,最好再带点创新的教学方案,然后在10分钟的时间里,用英语条理清晰地把它展示出来,这对任何商务英语教师来讲都是一项重大的挑战。潘紫萌老师首先分析了课文,根据内容将其解构成三大部分。选手将第二部分(第3-8段)归纳成 promotion, price and place 和将第三部分(第9段)归纳成对计划进入中国市场的外国企业的忠告,这都是正确的。但是,她把第一部分(第1-2段)归纳成product,进而把前两部分归纳成营销学中著名的4P战略,这种做法有待商榷。因为课文的第1段主要讲两个问题:1)营销战略如何在中国成功,2)这些战略如何根据中国人的喜好以及对产品或服务的认知进行调整,而不是具体的产品。也许是准备的时间非常紧迫,选手对课文的理解和归纳出现了偏差。然后,潘老师分析了学生的特点。在教学模式上,她采取以学生为中心、以产出为导向的教学模式。其教学目标包括商务英语知识、商务技能和伦理价值。在具体的教学方法上,她例举了基于任务的教学、基于讨论的教学、案例教学、学生参与的测评等,并强调要综合利用线上线下教学资源。在学习测评上,她采用师生共同参与的方式,以增强教学效果。至于具体的教学步骤,她采用BOPPPS模式,再加课后作业。以上教学方案应该说中规中矩,显示出潘老师对商务英语教学的理论、模式、方法和测评等各要素有比较全面的了解。潘老师最亮眼的表现是在10分钟的时间里,用流利的英语将其教学方案展现出来,而且条理清晰,相关的教学理论、教学方法、商务知识、商务案例均了然于胸,信手拈来,同时口到手到,同步将所讲内容写到白板上,手起笔落,一气呵成。在提问阶段,潘老师的表现依旧出色,理解到位,回答中肯,表现出较高的英语基本功和商务、人文素养。不过有的回答可以再精炼一些。比如在回答第一个问题时,把EGP,EOP,EAP,ESP 的定义都讲了一遍,有点啰嗦。总而言之,潘紫萌在说课中表现突出,是一位素质比较全面、经验比较丰富的优秀商务英语教师。点评专家:陈准民



专题工作坊1:生成式人工智能如何重构语言教育新图景王萍 教授第一部分智能涌现:语言教学的挑战与转型1. AI对语言教学的挑战2. 外语核心能力培养的智能化升级思考3. AI赋能语言教学的变革机遇第二部分双模智能:指令型与推理型大模型的特性与应用1. 生成式人工智能与大语言模型 (LLMs)的技术演进图谱2. 指令型大模型:特点与典型模型3. 推理型大模型:特点与典型模型4. 两类模型的对比分析第三部分融合创新:大语言模型赋能外语教学的多维实践1. 双模应用:外语教学场景的精准映射(1)指令型大模型:语言教学的智能助手(2)推理大模型:语言教学的深度赋能2. 全技能覆盖:听说读写译的大模型融合策略与实践第四部分转型升级:AI语言教育的生态构建与行动方案1. 教学重构:AI驱动的课程设计与教学模式创新2. 能力进阶:教师AI素养与专业发展路径3. 行动方案:AI语言教育转型与实施路径第五部分实战赋能:大模型应用技能与实践操作1. 模型掌握:大语言模型操作与应用技能培训2. 实践演练:教学场景实操与案例构建工作坊预期成果1. 知识层面:参与教师全面理解指令型与推理型大语言模型的特点及其在外语教学中的应用潜力。2. 技能层面:掌握不同类型大语言模型的选择标准、操作方法及提示词工程技巧。3. 应用层面:根据不同教学目标设计AI辅助的教学活动,并将大语言模型有效融入听、说、读、写、译等教学环节。4. 创新层面:形成AI时代外语教学的新理念,能够持续探索人机协作的教学创新模式。 本工作坊通过理论讲解、案例分析、实操训练相结合的方式,帮助外语教师建立AI素养,掌握大语言模型的应用技能,培养将AI技术与语言教学深度融合的创新能力,从而更好地应对智能时代的教育挑战,提升教学效果。专题工作坊2:生成式人工智能赋能大学外语教育创新改革王海啸 教授一、工作坊目标本工作坊旨在帮助大学英语教师结合一门大学英语课程,系统了解生成式人工智能(GAI)在实际教学中的应用潜力,掌握如何将GAI技术融入教学的各个环节,从而提升教学效率、优化学生学习体验,并实现个性化教学目标。通过培训,教师将能够设计智能化教学方案,开发多模态教学资源,实施动态教学评价,最终推动外语教学改革与创新。二、工作坊主要内容1. 教学大纲:智能化设计与动态优化(1)应用概述:利用GAI动态分析学生语言水平与学习需求,生成个性化教学目标,并通过模块化设计优化教学大纲。(2)应用示例:•目标设定:通过GAI分析学生数据,动态调整课程目标,如为不同语言水平的学生制定个性化学习计划。•模块化设计:生成模块化课程大纲,灵活组合教学内容以适应不同教学需求。2. 教学设计:任务驱动与个性化学习路径(1)应用概述:结合任务型教学法与GAI技术,设计真实任务场景,规划个性化学习路径。(2)应用示例:• 任务型设计:通过GAI生成跨文化交流场景,学生完成模拟对话任务。• 学习路径规划:根据学生学习风格与兴趣,动态生成个性化学习计划并实时调整。3. 教学内容:多模态资源与动态生成(1)应用概述:利用GAI生成文本、音频、视频等多模态资源,满足不同学习风格需求。(2)应用示例:•多模态资源:设计“OrderingFood at a Restaurant”主题的教学材料,包括对话脚本、听力练习和互动任务。•动态生成:实时生成与时事热点相关的教学内容,保持课程吸引力。4. 教学材料:智能化生成与多样化呈现(1)应用概述:通过GAI快速生成个性化教学材料,支持课堂教学和学生自主学习。(2)应用示例:• 智能生成:为B1级学生设计一般过去式的语法讲解、听力材料和交互式练习。• 自主学习材料:生成旅行场景词汇表和模拟对话,供学生课后练习。5. 教学模式:线上线下融合与虚拟仿真(1)应用概述:结合线上学习与线下互动,利用虚拟仿真技术增强语言实践。(2)应用示例:• 混合式教学:线上学习词汇与语法,线下通过情景模拟任务(如机场对话)进行语言输出。• 虚拟仿真:通过GAI生成虚拟会议场景,学生参与跨文化交流练习。6. 教学方法:自主学习与协作学习相结合(1)应用概述:利用GAI设计自主学习任务和协作学习场景,提升学生语言综合运用能力。(2)应用示例:• 自主学习:学生通过GAI生成的听力材料和写作反馈工具完成个性化学习任务。• 协作学习:小组制定班级旅行计划,分工完成任务并用目标语言展示成果。7. 教学工具:智能平台与辅助工具(1)应用概述:通过智能写作平台、语料库与翻译工具、虚拟语伴等技术,提升语言学习效率。(2)应用示例:• 智能写作:利用GAI优化学生作文的语法、词汇和逻辑。• 虚拟语伴:学生与AI模拟真实对话场景(如餐厅点餐),提升口语流利度。8. 教学评价:实时反馈与个性化改进(1)应用概述:通过GAI实时评价学生语言输出,生成个性化学习建议。(2)应用示例:• 实时评价:课堂讨论中,GAI即时分析学生的语法和词汇使用,提供改进建议。• 个性化反馈:根据学生作文生成详细的语法与逻辑改进报告。三、预期成果1. 教师能力提升:参训教师将掌握GAI在外语教学中的核心应用方法,能够设计智能化教学方案并开发多样化教学资源。2. 教学效果优化:通过GAI技术的应用,教学效率和学生学习效果将显著提升,学生的语言技能与跨文化能力得到全面发展。3. 教学改革推动:培训将为外语教学改革提供实践经验,推动人机协同的创新教学模式在高校英语课程中的广泛应用。专题工作坊3:AI赋能的大学英语单元教学设计模式构建与实践冯豫 副教授本工作坊的设计特色1.理实结合:从理论阐释到实操示范、共享和演练2.多元互动:基于大学英语综合课单元设计的讲解和深入探讨,主讲教师和参训教师具化有机整体模式的构建,并在演示和互助学习的氛围中学会将AI工具有目的和贴切的融入。本工作坊的预期成果参训教师掌握AI赋能单元设计的基本方法与工具,形成可落实应用的并具有教师个人特色的AI赋能教-学-评模式本工作坊的核心理念与目标1.理念定位(1)秉持“教师主导、多元AI赋能”的教育理念(2)以教学基本原理为认知基础,构建师生协同意义共建型单元学习模式,促进学习者的语言能力、思维品质和个人素养的综合发展2.目标导向探索受理论启发、发挥教师主观能动性的AI技术与教学深度融合的个性化创新路径本期工作坊的内容1. 理论基础与框架梳理工作坊依据的教学基本原理,来自于教育心理学认知和学习理论、二语习得理论与教学设计互为印证的理论群组,同时结合《大学英语教学指南》的指导原则,明确单元设计的核心要素。2.AI赋能的整体性单元设计关键要素(1)目标设定:基于教育目标、课程要求、学情、单元学习成果的理解,构建具体、可测的单元教学目标,促进学生运用所学所思所能的个性化产出。(2)内容解读和选择:单元文本的主题意义解读与结构化梳理(3)活动设计:在单元主题意义的深入探讨中,展开层次分明、循序渐进、环环相扣的多元化教学活动(4) AI技术融合:了解目前一些国内外通用型和语言教学专用型AI工具, 教师与AI协同合作、优势互补,在教学设计与资源生成中将AI为我所用, 实现教学活动的个性化设计与精准化实施(5)工具与思维的深度互动和碰撞:教师的教学智慧与AI的技术效能相结合本期工作坊的教学形式1. 案例分享、解析和讨论 主讲教师展示人机协同实现的《大学英语进阶综合英语》多个单元的整体设计案例,并邀请参训教师分享创意、感想,丰富示范案例2. 小组互助实操AI赋能单元设计 回顾工作坊学习内容,尝试在AI辅助下进行一个指定单元的全新(或者重构)设计,讨论恰当融入AI工具的种类、方式和关切,并在AI助力下反思和精进自己的单元教学设计



2研修内容1. 教学成果奖的内涵与价值导向2. 教学成果奖的评审标准与要求3. 教学成果奖的选题设计、培育孵化与提炼升华4. 教学成果奖的申报流程与注意事项5. 教学成果奖申报书填写方法与案例分析6. 教学成果奖评审答辩的方法与技巧7. 教学成果奖创新点及工作思路的推广应用8. 教学成果奖重点成果转化经验分享胡美馨博士,浙江师范大学杰出教授、博导、博士后合作导师、外国语学院院长,主要从事外语教育与教师发展研究、儒学经典外译与传播话语研究。浙江省教学名师,浙江省高校创新领军人才,浙江省翻译协会副会长,浙江省外文学会副会长,中外语言文化比较学会常务理事。主持国家社科基金、教育部人文社科项目、浙江省哲社重点项目等多项。在《中国翻译》《外国语》等发表论文近30篇,出版著作4部。主持获得国家级教学成果二等奖、国家一流课程、国家一流专业。李庚靖原深圳市教育科学研究院基础教育研究中心主任、正高级研究员、教育学博士,首届深圳市陶行知研究会常务副会长,深圳市教育国际交流协会副会长,全国“生活·实践”教育共同体粤港澳中心副主任兼深圳中心主任。长期从事基础教育教学成果培育、提炼与申报指导工作,撰写论文《从国家级教学成果奖看中学外语教学高质量发展方向》在《教学月刊·中学版》发表并被人大复印报刊资料《中学外语教学》转载。俞洪亮扬州大学二级教授、博士生导师。兼任江苏省人民政府督学、江苏省外国语言文学重点学科(A类)负责人、扬州大学外国语言文学一级学科博士点带头人,教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会副主任委员(2014-2018、2018-2022),全国翻译专业学位研究生教育指导委员会委员(2016-2021、2021-2026),江苏省翻译协会常务副会长、江苏省外国语言学会副会长等职。主要研究方向包括二语习得、应用语言学、系统功能语言学、话语分析、课程教学论等。主持国家社会科学基金项目、江苏省社会科学基金及省高校人文社会科学基金重点项目等科研项目;主持江苏省教改课题重中之重项目、重点项目、研究生培养重大委托项目、教育部首批新文科研究与实践项目、教育部首批虚拟教研室试点等教改课题;主持建设国家级精品课程、国家级精品资源共享课、国家级一流专业和国家级一流课程、国家级规划教材等本科教学建设项目;发表论文出版著作60多篇(部)。曾获省部级教学科研成果奖励7项以及“江苏省先进工作者”“江苏省教育工作先进个人(教学名师)”等荣誉。张俊翔南京大学教授、博士生导师、外国语学院副院长,兼任中国俄罗斯东欧中亚学会俄语教学研究分会常务理事、中国高等教育学会外语教学研究分会理事。研究领域为俄罗斯文学与文化、外语教育。主持和参与国家级和省部级社科项目7项,出版专著2部、译著14部,主编教材和文集4部,发表论文50余篇。获国家级教学成果奖一等奖、二等奖,江苏省教学成果奖一等奖,江苏省第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖,首届俄罗斯当代文学作品中文翻译奖,入选南京大学“我最喜爱的老师”和“魅力导师”。祝庆东原上海市教育科学研究院普教所培训中心主任,中学数学特级教师(2001年),教育科研特级教师(2014年)。先后在两所重点中学任教研组长、教导处副主任、教务处主任、主管教学的副校长(14年)。曾任教师进修学校书记、副校长(5年)、上海市普陀区科研室主任(10年)等职务,卢仲衡研究员主持的“中学数学自学辅导教学实验”团队重要成员,积累了丰富的教学研究实战经验,先后主持三届名师工作室。4会务说明研修时间与活动地点线下研修:2025年5月9-12日(9日报到,10-11日研修,12日离会),江苏省淮安市线上研修:2025年5月10-11日,腾讯会议*线下研修具体地点及交通住宿等相关信息请见报名页面;报到须知等相关文件将于教师报名后一周内发至邮箱,请注意查收。研修对象与报名方式大、中、小学从事外语学科教学与研究的骨干教师及骨干管理人员,同时欢迎感兴趣的硕博士研究生参加,可点击右侧“我要报名”按钮,研修邀请函请在本页末尾下载。研修证书研修证书为电子证书。凡参加研修全部课程的学员均可获得由主办单位联合签章的研修合格证明。资费说明(1)收费标准线下研修:1980元/人,含学费、餐费、资料费等。线上研修:1480元/人,含学费、电子版资料费。(2)优惠政策同一单位5-9人报名本项目,享受研修费9折优惠,10人以上团报请联系会务组;非在职研究生享受研修费8.5折优惠。*以上优惠均不与其他优惠政策同享。(3)缴费方式推荐个人手机银行转账缴费或财务对公汇款缴费,银行账户信息如下:账户名称:上海外教社教育培训中心学杂费存取专户银行账号:1001 2744 2920 0087 510开户银行:中国工商银行上海市上外支行* 特别提醒:请至少在开班前3天完成汇款,以实际到款为准。汇款时请务必备注:“姓名+学校+教学成果申报”,请在汇款后,将您的缴费凭证照片发送至yanxiu@shisu.edu.cn,以便及时确认您的缴费信息。(若您无法通过上述方式缴费,也请通过邮件联系会务组:yanxiu@shisu.edu.cn。)发票事宜研修发票为电子发票,将在研修结束后统一开具,并发送至您报名时所填邮箱,请仔细填写邮箱地址。研修费发票由上海外教社教育培训中心开具,发票内容默认为“研修费”,如需开具“培训费”、“会务费”、“会议费”等内容,请您在报名时备注相关要求,并准确填写发票抬头、纳税人识别号。住宿事宜本期研修的报到及举办地点为江苏省淮安市国联奥体明都酒店,地址:淮安清江浦区淮安生态文化旅游区通甫路9号。会务组为参会教师协调了酒店房间,会议期间房源紧张,请您务必在5月5日之前自行完成预订,会务组不代订!房间数量有限,先到先得。预订方式:将入住人姓名、学校、性别、入住日期、离店日期、房型(标间/单间,默认单住)等信息以电话/短信形式发送给酒店联系人(卜经理,电话:18105238882),收到确认回复即为预订成功。预订时备注参加“外教社淮安研修”,即可享有研修酒店房间协议价300元/晚/间(标间/单间,含双早餐)。交通事宜(1)淮安站出发至研修地点,乘坐出租车:约19.8公里,约30分钟;乘坐公交车:约1小时30分钟。(2)淮安东站出发至研修地点,乘坐出租车:约18公里,约22分钟;乘坐公交车:约1小时。(3)淮安南站出发至研修地点,乘坐出租车:约8.5公里,约18分钟;乘坐公交车:约1小时。(4)淮安涟水国际机场出发至研修地点,乘坐出租车:约36.5公里,约45分钟;乘坐公交车:约2小时。联系我们:地址:上海市大连西路558号901室电话:021-6542 7770 021-5538 6122 021-5539 3386电邮:yanxiu@shisu.edu.cn微信公众号:外教社教培发布


