新闻听力 | 如何当好一位领导

如何当好一位领导Handling the Responsibility of Becoming a Leader常速 | CET-6偏易| 510词 | 3min44s刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the talk and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is the main subject of Mind Tools’ Video Learning Series episode discussed here?A. Methods to improve company culture and values.B. Techniques for effective risk and stakeholder analysis.C. Strategies for starting strong in a new leadership position.D. Financial management and accountability in leadership.Q2. What is the first step mentioned to get off to a great start in a new leadership role?A. Examining the organization's mission and vision statements.B. Conducting stakeholder analysis.C. Reviewing the organization's overall health.D. Meeting with colleagues from different departments.Q3. What tool is suggested for testing the roles and processes of an organization?A. A performance review.B. A risk analysis.C. An efficiency audit.D. A financial assessment.Q4. According to the text, what is one of the primary purposes of conducting a stakeholder analysis?A. To determine the company’s financial status.B. To identify the key decision-makers and understand their motivations.C. To evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies.D. To create a detailed employee performance review.Q5. What should leaders regularly do as part of their role according to the video?A. Update the company’s mission and vision statements.B. Create a schedule for regular department meetings.C. Scan for potential problems and look for new opportunities.D. Reassess personal connections with stakeholders.Part II. TRANSCRIPTHandling the Responsibility of Becoming a LeaderWelcome to Mind Tools’ Video Learning Series.Are you leading a new team? Or heading up a different department? Maybe you’ve just been appointed CEO of the whole organization!You’ll likely feel excited by the new challenges awaiting you. But you may also feel anxious and overwhelmed by the new responsibilities attached to your role. After all, if something goes wrong, the buck now stops with you!buck n. 责任,过失(Q1) New leaders are especially vulnerable to being caught out by difficult situations, so in this video we’ll look at seven things you can do to get your new leadership role off to a great start:(Q2) First, examine the aims of your organization by looking through its mission and vision statements, if it has them.Do they reflect your company’s purpose? Will they motivate your people and engage customers? If not, now’s the time to clarify or refresh it.Now, think about what could go wrong.(Q3) Do a risk analysis to test the roles and processes that make your organization run. Are they still viable? Do any changes need to be made? This will help you to avoid unpleasant surprises — and to spot opportunities.viable adj. 能独立发展的;能独立生存的You’ll also need key decision-makers on your side. (Q4) A stakeholder analysis can help you to identify people who hold the real power in your firm — and what makes them tick.tick v. 做出行为Try to make meaningful connections with these players early on. If you can, call or meet them before your first day. Ask what problems they’re facing, but also what’s working well.Next, review your organization to get a picture of its overall health. Look at processes, people, values, culture, and management structure — in detail. How do they relate to each other? What’s working? And what needs to change?Also, question how robust this information is. Are financial accounts up to date? Are goals and targets appropriate? And will they motivate people? Do they tie in with the organization’s over-arching mission? And, how are you monitoring progress?robust adj. 强劲的;富有活力的over-arching adj. 非常重要的,首要的Now it’s time to review the information you’ve gathered. This will help you to clarify how the reality differs from what is being planned.Specifically, identify whether any teams are struggling with heavy workloads. What could be the cause of this? Perhaps there are bottlenecks or inefficiencies that need to be addressed.Also, are there any outcomes that appear “too good to be true”? Does this mean that corners are being cut?And, finally, are there any departments with high staff turnover or sickness? What could be the cause? Perhaps there’s a lack of management or a source of conflict that needs to be addressed.turnover n. 人事变更率;人员调整率As a leader, your work never stops. (Q5) So, build time into your schedule to scan for potential problems, find solutions in advance, and look for new opportunities.Do this by meeting with colleagues from different departments regularly — in person or virtually. This will help you to gather regular feedback on processes, workloads and customer expectations.If you want to learn more about taking responsibility in a new leadership role, see the article that accompanies this video.Part III. KEYQ1. C.主旨题。命题出处:整段视频的焦点在于:“ things you can do to get your new leadership role off to a great start...”意为:“……你可以做七件事,让你新官上任就有一个好的开始……”。这表明该系列教学视频的这一集主要讨论如何强势上任新领导职位的策略。Q2. A.细节题。命题出处:“First, examine the aims of your organization by looking through its mission and vision statements, if it has them.”意为:“首先,仔细查看公司的使命和愿景(如果有的话),以此审视公司的目标是否合适。”此句明确提到了担任新领导的第一步是审视与组织的使命和愿景有关的阐述。Q3. B.细节题。命题出处:“Do a risk analysis to test the roles and processes that make your organization run.” 意为:“进行一次风险分析,对保证公司运转的各种人员和流程进行测评。” 因此选B。Q4. B.细节题。命题出处:“A stakeholder analysis can help you to identify people who hold the real power in your firm — and what makes them tick.”意为:“利益相关者分析可以帮助你确定你公司中真正掌握权力的人是谁,以及他们所作所为的原因是什么。”因此选B。Q5. C.细节题。命题出处:“So, build time into your schedule to scan for potential problems, find solutions in advance, and look for new opportunities.”意为:“因此,在你的日程表里安排出一定的时间用来查看潜在问题,提前寻找解决方案,并寻求新的发展机会。”因此选C。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 人工智能是否会抢走你的饭碗

人工智能是否会抢走你的饭碗Will artificial intelligence take your job?常速 | 考研 偏易 | 427词 | 3min41s刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the talk and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. According to the IMF research, what percentage of jobs worldwide could be affected by AI?A. 20%.B. 40%.C. 60%.D. 80%.Q2. What is one of the potential positive impacts of AI on the job market mentioned in the text?A. AI can complement worker skills and enhance productivity.B. AI will completely replace human workers.C. AI will only create new jobs in high-income countries.D. AI will make all jobs more difficult to perform.Q3. Which of the following is a concern regarding the impact of AI on developing economies mentioned in the text?A. Developing economies will be the first to adopt AI technology.B. Developing economies have a surplus of high-skilled jobs.C. Developing economies may lack the infrastructure to benefit from AI.D. AI will not have any impact on developing economies.Q4. According to the text, how is AI expected to impact income and wealth inequality within countries?A. AI will equally benefit all workers, regardless of their ability to harness it.B. Younger workers and those who can harness AI are likely to experience pay gains and increased productivity.C. Older workers are expected to adapt easily to AI advancements.D. Policymakers are confident that AI will reduce overall inequality.Q5. What is the main idea of the text regarding the impact of AI on the global economy and society?A. AI will only bring mostly positive changes to the global economy.B. AI will lead to the extinction of all jobs.C. AI has the potential to both improve and disrupt the global economy and society.D. The impact of AI on the global economy will be negligible.Part II. TRANSCRIPTWill artificial intelligence take your job?The revolutionary technology can increase productivity, boost economic growth, and lift incomes. But it may also threaten employment and widen inequality. The likely effects of AI on the global economy, as well as our lives and livelihoods, are cause for both excitement and concern. Let’s start with how it’s reshaping work.reshape v. 重塑;改组(Q1) IMF research shows that almost 40% of jobs worldwide could be affected by AI. In advanced economies, this share rises to 60%, posing both opportunities and risks. In some scenarios, jobs may evolve, even vanish, as AI takes on tasks traditionally performed by humans. For example, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can already handle many customer service inquiries.(Q2) The bright side is that AI can also complement worker skills — enhancing productivity and opening up new opportunities. AI-powered algorithms can analyze medical images with precision, assisting doctors in making quicker, more accurate diagnoses. New jobs and even new industries may also arise. In most emerging markets and low-income countries, there is a smaller share of high-skilled jobs than in advanced economies. So, they will likely be less affected and will face fewer immediate disruptions from AI.algorithm n. 算法;计算程序(Q3) At the same time, many of these countries don’t have the infrastructure or skilled workforces needed to harness the benefits of AI. This could worsen inequality among nations.AI could also affect income and wealth inequality within countries. (Q4) Workers who can harness AI may see pay gains or greater productivity, while those who can’t may fall behind. Younger workers may find it easier to exploit opportunities, while older workers could struggle to adapt.In most scenarios, AI will likely worsen overall inequality, a troubling trend that policymakers must prevent.The key question, then, is how can we ensure that these rapid gains in AI benefit everyone?To help countries craft the right policies, the IMF has developed an ‘AI Preparedness Index’ that measures readiness in areas like digital infrastructure, human-capital and labor-market policies, innovation, and regulation. It shows that wealthier economies — like Singapore, the US, and Denmark — tend to be better equipped for AI adoption than low-income countries.Advanced economies should expand social safety nets, invest in training workers, and prioritize AI innovation and integration. They also need to strengthen regulation to protect people from excessive risks and abuses, and build trust in these technologies.Emerging markets and developing economies should lay a strong foundation by investing in digital infrastructure and digital training for workers.Together, we can navigate this revolution with foresight and humanity, ensuring a prosperous, inclusive future for generations to come.foresight n. 深谋远虑;先见之明Part III. KEYQ1. B.细节题。文章中提到:“IMF research shows that almost 40% of jobs worldwide could be affected by AI.” 意为:“国际货币基金组织的研究表明,全球几乎40%的工作可能会受到人工智能的影响。” 因此,正确答案是B。Q2. A.细节题。文章中提到:“The bright side is that AI can also complement worker skills — enhancing productivity and opening up new opportunities.” 意为:“积极的一面是,人工智能也可以与工人的技能形成互补——以此提高生产力并开辟新的机会。” 因此,正确答案是A。Q3. C.细节题。文章中提到:“…many of these countries don’t have the infrastructure or skilled workforces needed to harness the benefits of AI.”意为:“这些国家中,许多国家并不具备从人工智能中获益所必需的基础设施或熟练劳动力。” 因此,正确答案是C。Q4. B.推理题。文章中提到:“Workers who can harness AI may see pay gains or greater productivity, while those who can’t may fall behind. Younger workers may find it easier to exploit opportunities, while older workers could struggle to adapt.”意为:“能够驾驭人工智能的工人可能会有收入的增长或更高的生产力,而那些无法驾驭的工人可能会落后。年轻的工人可能会更容易发现机会,而年长的工人可能难以适应。”因此,正确答案是B。Q5. C.主旨题。文章讨论了人工智能对全球经济和社会的双重影响,既包括提高生产力和创造新的就业机会,也包括对就业和不平等带来潜在威胁。因此,正确答案是C。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

教学素材 | 经常熬夜的人,身体的味儿有多重?

教学素材 | 经常熬夜的人,身体的味儿有多重?How bad is the body odor of people who frequently stay up late? 亲爱的小伙伴们,你们是否曾注意到,熬夜后的自己仿佛自带“香气”?别误会,这可不是什么迷人的香水味,而是身体在向你发出的疲劳信号。今天,我们就来聊聊熬夜后的身体为何会变得“有味道”。01首先登场的是“氨味”,它源自我们体内的蛋白质代谢过程。ammonia odor 氨味the metabolism of proteins 蛋白质代谢过程正常情况下,氨气会被肝脏勤劳地转化为尿素,通过尿液排出。Under normal circumstances, ammonia is diligently converted into urea by the liver and excreted through urine.但是,熬夜后的肝脏超负荷工作,代谢能力下降,氨气便趁机在体内“游荡”,最终通过皮肤散发出来,让你“香飘四溢”。However, after staying up late, the liver works overtime and its metabolic capacity decreases. 02接着是口臭君。熬夜时,我们往往忽略了水分的补充,导致口腔干燥,唾液减少。bad breath 口臭 dry mouth 口腔干燥reduced saliva production 唾液减少要知道,唾液可是天然的清洁剂,少了它,细菌们就开始狂欢派对,口臭自然找上门。Saliva is a natural cleanser. Without enough of it, bacteria throw a party, and bad breath comes knocking. 再加上熬夜时的不健康饮食,像是咖啡、酒精和高脂肪食品,更是为口臭添砖加瓦。03最后,我们谈谈“油脂味”。greasy odor 油脂味熬夜打乱了生物钟,刺激了皮质醇的分泌,让皮肤油脂分泌失控,仿佛一夜之间变成了“油王”。Staying up late disrupts our biological clock and stimulates the secretion of cortisol(皮质醇), causing the skin's sebum(皮脂) production to go haywire(故障的), as if overnight it's turned into an "oil tycoon."这些油脂经过氧化酸败,味道可不怎么友好。那么,如何应对熬夜后的“香”味呢?1. 多喝水,少碰刺激性食物Drink plenty of water and avoid spicy foods保持口腔湿润,避免细菌滋生,同时减少胃酸逆流的可能。2. 清晨洗个澡Take a morning shower重点清洁容易出汗的部位,如腋下、脚部等。3. 更换干净衣物Change into clean clothes尤其是内衣和袜子,选择透气材质,减少污渍停留。4. 必要时,使用香体喷雾或香水遮盖异味Use body spray or perfume if necessary切记适量,以免皮肤不适。但记住,最好的方法还是:尽量避免熬夜!充足的睡眠才是真正的养生之道。Adequate sleep is indeed the true path to good health.(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 极端天气似乎无处不在

VOA慢速:极端天气似乎无处不在Extreme Weather Seems to Be Everywhere慢速 | 高考 偏易 | 587词 | 5min18s刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What recent event in Brazil was mentioned in the news report?A. A severe drought in São Paulo.B. Record high temperatures in multiple cities.C. Flooding that resulted in at least 100 deaths.D. A storm preventing rain over southern Brazil.Q2. How high were the temperatures that voters and politicians in India faced during national elections?A. 36 degrees Celsius.B. 46 degrees Celsius.C. 56 degrees Celsius.D. 66 degrees Celsius.Q3. Which country reported deaths due to record heat?A. The Philippines.B. Myanmar.C. Malaysia.D. Thailand.Q4. According to the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center, how did the number of tornadoes in April rank historically?A. It was the second-highest ever recorded for April.B. It was the highest ever recorded for April.C. It was the lowest ever recorded for April.D. It was below average for April.Q5. What was Jonathan Overpeck’s prediction about the year 2024?A. It might be a record year for climate policy changes.B. It might be a potentially significant year for technological advancements.C. It might be a record year for climate disasters.D. It might mark a decrease in climate-related issues.Q6. What is the particular effect of climate change Alvaro Silva pointed out on weather events?A. It increases the frequency of volcanic eruptions.B. It affects where and when weather events occur.C. It causes more predictable weather patterns.D. It reduces the severity of natural disasters.Q7. What does the European climate service Copernicus report indicate about the global average temperature?A. It has been decreasing over the past 11 months.B. It has shown no significant change since 1950.C. It has remained stable compared to the pre-industrial period.D. It has broken the record for the past 11 months.Q8. What goal did countries set in the Paris Climate Agreement regarding temperature increase?A. To limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.B. To limit warming to 1 degree Celsius above pre-industrial levels.C. To limit warming to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.D. There was no specific temperature increase limit set.Q9. According to Maximiliano Herrera, how many countries or territories broke heat records in the first five days of May?A. 50 countries or territories.B. 60 countries or territories.C. 70 countries or territories.D. 80 countries or territories.Q10. What is the main theme discussed in the news report?A. Political turmoil affecting various countries.B. Advancements in global climate research.C. Extreme weather events occurring globally.D. International efforts to combat climate change.Part II. TRANSCRIPTExtreme Weather Seems Nearly EverywhereIn recent months, reports of extreme weather have reached new levels. Some climate scientists say they cannot remember when the world had so much extreme weather.(Q1) In Brazil, for example, flooding killed at least 100 people and damaged the southern city of Porto Alegre. (Q2) Voters and politicians in India are facing heat as high as 46 degrees Celsius during national elections.A heat wave caused officials to close schools in the Philippines. (Q3) Thailand has reported deaths from record heat. Weather experts are also reporting high heat in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Maldives and Myanmar. Record temperatures hit many parts of Africa too.(Q4) In the United States, the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center recently put a message on social media service X. It said April had the second-highest number of tornadoes for that month ever recorded.tornado n. 龙卷风;旋风Jonathan Overpeck leads the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan. He said, “It is not surprising to see worsening climate extremes so early in the year.” The climate expert added, (Q5) “If this record pace of warming continues, 2024 will likely be a record year of climate disasters and human suffering.”Some scientists have been saying that, when the world is warmer, it is likely to have more extreme weather. They call these “climate events,” including record heat and rainfall. (Q6) They say climate change is also changing where and when weather events take place. Alvaro Silva said that leads to rainy and hot systems staying over areas for longer periods. Silva is a climate scientist at the World Meteorological Organization based in Geneva.meteorological adj. 气象的Climate scientists have reported 13 straight months of record high ocean temperatures as a possible influence on the weather extremes.(Q7) Recently, the European climate service Copernicus reported the 11th record-breaking month in a row for the world’s average temperature. The average global temperature of 15 degrees Celsius in April beat the old record from 2016 by 0.14 degrees Celsius. Copernicus’ data dates back to 1950.Last month was 1.58 degrees Celsius warmer than what climate scientists call the pre-industrial period of the late 19th century. (Q8) Countries signing the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015 set a goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.Several influences play a part in the recent extremes. Silva said, “climate change is the most important one.”(Q9) In the first five days of May, 70 countries or territories broke heat records, said climatologist Maximiliano Herrera. He follows temperature records across the world.Recently in Southeast Asia, “it was the hottest May night ever,” Herrera posted on X. Parts of Thailand did not drop below 31 degrees Celsius.Many African nations are also facing extreme heat. Herrera said it reached 47.5 degrees Celsius in Kayes, Mali. The capital of Niger, Niamey, had its hottest May night and Burkina Faso’s capital, Ouagadougou, had its hottest night for any month.The heat in Brazil affected cites like São Paulo and kept a rainstorm from moving over the country’s south. Francisco Aquino, a climatologist at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, said that caused the weather to become dangerous.There was also an increase in humidity from the Amazon River area, which Aquino called “flying rivers.” The flying rivers are air currents that carry a lot of water vapor. “These caused clouds to generate extreme rainfall,” he said.humidity n. (空气中的)湿度April also brought the heaviest rains ever recorded to the United Arab Emirates. Parts of major highways flooded, as did Dubai International Airport, the world’s busiest airport for international travel.I’m Dan Novak.Part III. KEYQ1. C. 细节题。文本提到:“In Brazil, for example, flooding killed at least 100 people...”意为:“例如在巴西,洪水导致至少100人死亡……”选项C直接反映了新闻中提及的巴西事件。Q2. B. 细节题。文章中提到:“Voters and politicians in India are facing heat as high as 46 degrees Celsius during national elections.”意为:“在全国选举期间,印度的选民和政治家们面临着高达46摄氏度的高温。”选项B与文中信息相符。Q3. D. 细节题。文章中指出:“Thailand has reported deaths from record heat.”意为:“泰国报告了由于创纪录的高温导致的死亡事件。” 因此,选项D正确。Q4. A. 细节题。报道中提到:“…the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center recently put a message on social media service X. It said April had the second-highest number of tornadoes for that month ever recorded.” 意为:“国家气象服务风暴预测中心最近在社交媒体服务端X上发布了一条消息。消息称,四月份的龙卷风数量是有史以来第二高的。”这说明四月份的龙卷风数量排名历史第二。因此,答案选A。Q5. C. 细节题。Jonathan Overpeck表示:“If this record pace of warming continues, 2024 will likely be a record year of climate disasters and human suffering.”意为:“如果这种创纪录的升温速度持续下去,2024年很可能会是气候灾害和人类苦难的创记录之年。”因此答案是C。Q6. B. 细节题。Alvaro Silva所述的情况是:“They say climate change is also changing where and when weather events take place.”意为:“他们说气候变化也改变了天气事件发生的时间和地点。” 因此,正确选项为B。Q7. D. 细节题。Copernicus报告指出:“...the 11th record-breaking month in a row for the world’s average temperature.”意为:“……连续第11个月打破了世界平均气温的记录。”因此,报告表明全球平均气温过去11个月已连续打破记录。答案是D。Q8. A. 细节题。关于《巴黎协定》设定的目标,文本中提到:“Countries signing the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015 set a goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.”意为:“2015年签署《巴黎协定》的国家设定了一个目标,即将升温限制在工业化前水平之上的1.5摄氏度以内。”选项A与这一信息吻合。Q9. C. 细节题。Maximiliano Herrera提到:“...70 countries or territories broke heat records...” 意为:“……70个国家或地区打破了高温记录……”因此,答案为C。Q10. C. 主旨题。整个新闻报道的焦点是关于世界各地极端天气事件的报道。从巴西的洪水、印度的高温,到非洲和东南亚的高温等,新闻涉及多个不同地区面临的极端天气现象。因此,该新闻的主题是全球发生的极端天气事件,答案选择C。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 对多语者的研究显示大脑如何处理语言

VOA慢速:对多语者的研究显示大脑如何处理语言Study of Polyglots Shows How Brain Deals with Language慢速| CET-4 偏难| 605词| 5min5s刘立军 供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. How many languages did the polyglots participating in the study speak?A. Between 1 and 4 languages.B. Between 2 and 7 languages.C. Between 5 and 54 languages.D. More than 55 languages.Q2. What tool did scientists use to monitor brain activity in the study?A. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).B. Positron emission tomography (PET).C. Electroencephalography (EEG).D. Computed tomography (CT) scan.Q3. What area of the brain is involved with language processing according to the study?A. The cerebellum.B. The cerebral cortex.C. The hippocampus.D. The amygdala.Q4. Why does the native language of the polyglots result in less activation in the brain’s language network?A. Because it is less efficient and effective for them.B. Because they have lost some proficiency in their native language.C. Because they have a lower emotional connection to their native language.D. Because the neural processes are more efficient when processing their native language.Q5. What general conclusion can be drawn from the study’s findings?A. Polyglots’ brains are identical when hearing both native and non-native languages.B. Native languages generate a considerably stronger response in the brain compared to other known languages.C. The brain responds more to languages that individuals understand well except for their native language.D. Polyglots have less brain activity compared to people who speak only one language.Part II. TRANSCRIPTStudy of Polyglots Shows How Brain Deals with LanguageMost people around the world speak one or two languages. But some can speak three or more. These people are called polyglots. And they are helping researchers better understand how the human brain deals with language.polyglot n. 通晓多种语言的人In a new study, a team of scientists monitored the brain activity of 34 polyglots. (Q1) The polyglots spoke between 5 and 54 languages.(Q2) The scientists used a method called functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI. In fMRI, the brain is studied through images that measure changes in blood flow in different areas of the brain. The researchers used fMRI to study the brain as the polyglots listened to different languages.resonance n. 共鸣;共振(Q3) The researchers found that, when the polyglots heard a language they knew, activity increased in an area of the brain involved with language processing. That area is the cerebral cortex. When they listened to a language they did not know or knew less well, there was less activity in the cerebral cortex.cerebral cortex 大脑皮层Evelina Fedorenko is a brain scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a member of MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research. She was also a senior writer of the study, which recently appeared in the publication Cerebral Cortex.She explained the findings.“We think this is because when you process a language that you know well, you can engage the full suite of linguistic operations — the operations that the language system in your brain supports,” Fedorenko said.However, an exception caught the attention of the researchers. For many of the polyglot participants, listening to their native language produced less of a brain response compared to hearing other languages they knew. On average, the response was about 25 percent less. And in some of the polyglots, listening to their native language activated only one part of the brain’s language network, not the whole thing.Olessia Jouravlev is a brain scientist at Carleton University in Canada. He also helped write the report. (Q4) He said that the brain’s neural processes were more efficient, or effective, when the polyglots heard their native language.neural adj. 神经的;神经系统的“Therefore, the language network in the brain does not activate as much as when they do native versus non-native language processing,” Jouravlev said.The brain’s language network involves a few areas in its frontal and temporal lobes.temporal adj. 太阳穴的lobe n.(身体器官的)叶;(尤指)肺叶,脑叶Saima Malik-Moraleda is a doctoral student at the Harvard/MIT Program in Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology. She was one of the lead writers of the study. She said the findings suggest that the way the brain finds, or extracts, meaning in language governs the brain’s response to language.bioscience n. 生物科学;生命科学(Q5) “The more meaning you can extract from the language input you are receiving, the greater the response in language regions — except for the native language,” she said.Of the 34 polyglots who took part in the study, 20 were men and 14 were women. They were between 19 and 71 years old. 21 were native English speakers. The rest were native speakers of French, Russian, Spanish, Dutch, German, Hungarian, and Mandarin Chinese.Mandarin n.(中文)普通话Researchers monitored the polyglots’ brain activity as they listened to recordings in eight languages. One was their native language. Three were languages they spoke well, somewhat well or somewhat. The other four were languages they did not know.Fedorenko noted that a lot of work in language research has been centered on individuals with linguistic difficulties.linguistic adj. 语言的;语言学的But she said there is a lot that researchers can learn about the language process by studying so-called language “experts” too. That includes polyglots, Fedorenko added.Part III. KEY1. C.细节题。文章中提到:“The polyglots spoke between 5 and 54 languages.”意为:“这些多语者会说5到54种语言。”因此答案为C。2. A.细节题。文章中明确提到了研究人员使用的方法:“The scientists used a method called functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI.”意为:“科学家们使用了一种叫做功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)的方法。”因此答案为A。3. B.细节题。文本中明确指出哪个脑区参与语言处理:“…when the polyglots heard a language they knew, activity increased in an area of the brain involved with language processing. That area is the cerebral cortex.”意为:“……当多语者听到他们熟悉的语言时,参与语言处理的大脑区域活动增加。那个区域是大脑皮层。”因此正确答案为B。4. D.推理题。根据Olessia Jouravlev的话:“…the brain’s neural processes were more efficient, or effective, when the polyglots heard their native language,”可以推断对于母语,大脑语言网络中的神经处理过程更为高效。选项A、B和C都没有在文本中提及。因此答案为D。5. C.主旨题。文章中提到了研究的总体结论:“The more meaning you can extract from the language input you are receiving, the greater the response in language regions — except for the native language.”这句话意味着对于通晓程度越高的语言,大脑的反应越强,母语除外。因此答案为C。(封面图片来自摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 如何当好一位领导

如何当好一位领导Handling the Responsibility of Becoming a Leader常速 | CET-6偏易| 510词 | 3min44s刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the talk and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is the main subject of Mind Tools’ Video Learning Series episode discussed here?A. Methods to improve company culture and values.B. Techniques for effective risk and stakeholder analysis.C. Strategies for starting strong in a new leadership position.D. Financial management and accountability in leadership.Q2. What is the first step mentioned to get off to a great start in a new leadership role?A. Examining the organization's mission and vision statements.B. Conducting stakeholder analysis.C. Reviewing the organization's overall health.D. Meeting with colleagues from different departments.Q3. What tool is suggested for testing the roles and processes of an organization?A. A performance review.B. A risk analysis.C. An efficiency audit.D. A financial assessment.Q4. According to the text, what is one of the primary purposes of conducting a stakeholder analysis?A. To determine the company’s financial status.B. To identify the key decision-makers and understand their motivations.C. To evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies.D. To create a detailed employee performance review.Q5. What should leaders regularly do as part of their role according to the video?A. Update the company’s mission and vision statements.B. Create a schedule for regular department meetings.C. Scan for potential problems and look for new opportunities.D. Reassess personal connections with stakeholders.Part II. TRANSCRIPTHandling the Responsibility of Becoming a LeaderWelcome to Mind Tools’ Video Learning Series.Are you leading a new team? Or heading up a different department? Maybe you’ve just been appointed CEO of the whole organization!You’ll likely feel excited by the new challenges awaiting you. But you may also feel anxious and overwhelmed by the new responsibilities attached to your role. After all, if something goes wrong, the buck now stops with you!buck n. 责任,过失(Q1) New leaders are especially vulnerable to being caught out by difficult situations, so in this video we’ll look at seven things you can do to get your new leadership role off to a great start:(Q2) First, examine the aims of your organization by looking through its mission and vision statements, if it has them.Do they reflect your company’s purpose? Will they motivate your people and engage customers? If not, now’s the time to clarify or refresh it.Now, think about what could go wrong.(Q3) Do a risk analysis to test the roles and processes that make your organization run. Are they still viable? Do any changes need to be made? This will help you to avoid unpleasant surprises — and to spot opportunities.viable adj. 能独立发展的;能独立生存的You’ll also need key decision-makers on your side. (Q4) A stakeholder analysis can help you to identify people who hold the real power in your firm — and what makes them tick.tick v. 做出行为Try to make meaningful connections with these players early on. If you can, call or meet them before your first day. Ask what problems they’re facing, but also what’s working well.Next, review your organization to get a picture of its overall health. Look at processes, people, values, culture, and management structure — in detail. How do they relate to each other? What’s working? And what needs to change?Also, question how robust this information is. Are financial accounts up to date? Are goals and targets appropriate? And will they motivate people? Do they tie in with the organization’s over-arching mission? And, how are you monitoring progress?robust adj. 强劲的;富有活力的over-arching adj. 非常重要的,首要的Now it’s time to review the information you’ve gathered. This will help you to clarify how the reality differs from what is being planned.Specifically, identify whether any teams are struggling with heavy workloads. What could be the cause of this? Perhaps there are bottlenecks or inefficiencies that need to be addressed.Also, are there any outcomes that appear “too good to be true”? Does this mean that corners are being cut?And, finally, are there any departments with high staff turnover or sickness? What could be the cause? Perhaps there’s a lack of management or a source of conflict that needs to be addressed.turnover n. 人事变更率;人员调整率As a leader, your work never stops. (Q5) So, build time into your schedule to scan for potential problems, find solutions in advance, and look for new opportunities.Do this by meeting with colleagues from different departments regularly — in person or virtually. This will help you to gather regular feedback on processes, workloads and customer expectations.If you want to learn more about taking responsibility in a new leadership role, see the article that accompanies this video.Part III. KEYQ1. C.主旨题。命题出处:整段视频的焦点在于:“ things you can do to get your new leadership role off to a great start...”意为:“……你可以做七件事,让你新官上任就有一个好的开始……”。这表明该系列教学视频的这一集主要讨论如何强势上任新领导职位的策略。Q2. A.细节题。命题出处:“First, examine the aims of your organization by looking through its mission and vision statements, if it has them.”意为:“首先,仔细查看公司的使命和愿景(如果有的话),以此审视公司的目标是否合适。”此句明确提到了担任新领导的第一步是审视与组织的使命和愿景有关的阐述。Q3. B.细节题。命题出处:“Do a risk analysis to test the roles and processes that make your organization run.” 意为:“进行一次风险分析,对保证公司运转的各种人员和流程进行测评。” 因此选B。Q4. B.细节题。命题出处:“A stakeholder analysis can help you to identify people who hold the real power in your firm — and what makes them tick.”意为:“利益相关者分析可以帮助你确定你公司中真正掌握权力的人是谁,以及他们所作所为的原因是什么。”因此选B。Q5. C.细节题。命题出处:“So, build time into your schedule to scan for potential problems, find solutions in advance, and look for new opportunities.”意为:“因此,在你的日程表里安排出一定的时间用来查看潜在问题,提前寻找解决方案,并寻求新的发展机会。”因此选C。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)


授课点评:潘紫萌老师在本次大赛中与来自全国各地的商务英语优秀教师展开激烈角逐,在教学理念、教学方法、课堂设计、英语素质、商务知识、教姿教态、师生互动等方面的表现都较突出,最后以总分第一荣获特等奖。潘老师以准确的英语发音先声夺人,丰富的表达方式、适中的语调语速和端庄的教姿教态也令人印象深刻。在课程设计环节,为实现其教学目标,她选择business ethics作为主题,介绍了教学目标、学生特征、以学生为中心和以产出为导向的教学理念,以及线上线下结合、传统和高科技媒体结合等丰富多彩的教学方式。这份介绍全面立体但简明扼要,为后面的演示(demo)课提供了一个很好的支撑。由于大赛的授课时间有限,潘老师突出重点,在演示课上只展示教学方案的第三步,即participatory learning 1 和 post assessment 1。她采用BOPPPS(bridge in, objectives, pre-assessment, participatory learning, post assessment, summary)模型,通过德国大众汽车减排作假、中国支付宝公益植树项目等案例,教学目标涵盖商务英语知识、技能、以及相关的伦理和价值观等。在短短的十几分钟里要达到这么多项教学目标绝非易事。潘老师通过一系列的短视频、多种教学方法(如听力填空、案例讨论、汉译英、样本对话补正等)以及活泼的师生互动,较好地实现了教学目标,显示出选手突出的课堂组织能力。商务英语教学起源于英美等国,因此基本使用本国素材、讲本国故事。传入中国后,主要使用外国素材、讲外国故事。令人欣喜的是,潘老师注意突出中国特色,多次引用中国案例,讲授中国故事,传播中国价值观。加上她出色的英语基本功和良好的师生互动,使得教学过程十分流畅,也没有不同文化同场展示的违和感。总而言之,潘紫萌老师在授课环节的各方面表现都很优秀。不足之处当然也有。首先, 8’13’’开始的讨论过于仓促,只有18秒, 8’31’’就结束了。由于讨论不充分,在随后的问答环节中,更多的回答似乎来自老师而不是学生。第二个是要增加教学过程的自然自发 (spontaneity)。不知是因为课前多次排练还是老师特意要求,学生的产出只有一次对话(17’40’’)相对自然,其他的多次回答虽准确无误,但都像中国小学生朗读课文或回答问题,语音、语调、语速都过于整齐合一,这不利于培养学生的英语实际表达能力。点评专家:陈准民




