新闻听力 | 如何使用人工智能工具提高互联网搜索质量

VOA慢速:如何使用人工智能工具提高互联网搜索质量How to Use AI Tools to Improve Quality of Internet Searches慢速/四级偏难/572词/6min10sPart I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is the expected trend for the use of AI systems in Internet searches?A. It is expected to decline gradually.B. It is expected to grow sharply.C. It will remain relatively stable.D. It has already reached its peak.Q2. Which of the following AI tools is associated with Microsoft’s search engine Bing?A. Gemini.B. Gemini and Copilot.C. ChatGPT.D. Copilot.Q3. What is the primary purpose of Google’s “Search Generative Experience”?A. To replace links with AI-produced briefs about a subject.B. To provide a list of links to external websites.C. To offer chatbot services for search assistance.D. To enhance the search experience with multimedia content.Q4. What can be inferred about the effectiveness of AI-assisted search tools from the text?A. They are less effective than traditional search engines for common search queries.B. They are most effective when used in conjunction with human oversight.C. They are particularly useful for finding obscure information.D. They have been proven to eliminate the risk of misinformation.Q5. What is the main idea of the text regarding AI search tools?A. AI search tools are becoming obsolete due to technological advancements.B. AI search tools are improving the search experience but also pose potential risks.C. AI search tools have completely replaced traditional search engines.D. AI search tools are only available to users who pay for premium services.Part II. TRANSCRIPTHow to Use AI Tools to Improve Quality of Internet SearchesInternet search companies have already built artificial intelligence (AI) tools into their systems. (Q1) And the use of AI systems to support Internet searches is expected to grow sharply in coming years.Some technology experts feel this change can greatly improve the overall search experience for users. But experts also have concerns.One early user, or adopter, of AI search is Google. The American-based company’s search engine currently processes an estimated 80 percent of the world’s Internet search requests.(Q2) Microsoft’s search engine Bing also includes AI-powered results. Bing’s AI system is linked to the company’s Copilot service. Copilot is an AI tool designed to operate across a series of Microsoft business products.Copilot is based on OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which launched in late 2022. ChatGPT is a computer-powered AI tool designed to interact smoothly with humans.Such AI tools — known as “chatbots” or “generative AI” — are trained on massive amounts of Internet data. They have shown an ability to perform human-level writing and create high-quality images and videos based on short, written descriptions.But these AI systems have also demonstrated possible risks. One risk is the tools can present false or misleading information as truth. They can also produce results that represent long-standing biases against minorities or underrepresented communities.Here, we offer some guidance for users seeking new systems to provide improved and relevant search results.l Where do I find AI search tools?Some major search companies have made it easy to find AI search engines on their main search pages.Google’s search system is powered by its own chatbot tool, called Gemini. It can easily be found directly on desktop or mobile phone browsers. Gemini can be used to perform other chatbot actions as well as providing search assistance.(Q3) Google also has been testing a new search offering, called “Search Generative Experience.” It replaces links with AI-produced briefs containing basic facts about a subject. This system is currently limited to U.S. users who sign up through Google’s experimental Labs site.To use AI with Microsoft’s Bing search engine, simply click the Chat or Copilot button underneath the main search window. This should pull up an information box where users can enter their search requests.New AI search sites have also launched. But they are not as easy to find. The Associated Press reports one way to find them is to perform searches for tools on Copilot or Gemini. Some to look out for include Perplexity, HuggingChat,, Komo, Andi, Phind, Exa and AskAI.l Do I have to sign up for or pay for these services?Most of these services have free versions. But generally, there are limits on how many searches a user can make. Users can also upgrade from basic services to higher levels providing smarter AI tools and more search possibilities.Gemini users, for example, can pay $20 for an upgraded version that offers its “most capable” model, called Ultra 1.0.Most of the startup sites are largely free to use and don’t require setting up an account. Many also have upgrade possibilities.l What are the results like? Unlike a traditional Google search, results from AI tools usually produce a longer, readable collection of information. Sometimes, the original source of information is also included. And in some cases, messages are included to warn users about possible misinformation appearing in the results. It is a good idea to try out different AI tools. Results from each can differ, sometimes wildly. (Q4) The AP reports that results from AI-assisted search tools can be especially useful when searching for more obscure facts or information.obscure adj. 费解的;难以理解的I’m Bryan Lynn.Part III. KEYQ1. B.细节题。根据文本中的描述:“And the use of AI systems to support Internet searches is expected to grow sharply in coming years.” 可知,使用AI系统支持互联网搜索的趋势预计将在未来几年内急剧增长。因此答案为B。 Q2. D.细节题。文本提到:“Microsoft’s search engine Bing also includes AI-powered results. Bing’s AI system is linked to the company’s Copilot service.” 这说明与微软的搜索引擎Bing相关联的AI工具是Copilot。因此答案为D。 Q3. A.细节题。根据文本中的信息:“Google also has been testing a new search offering, called ‘Search Generative Experience.’ It replaces links with AI-produced briefs containing basic facts about a subject.” 可知,Google的Search Generative Experience主要是用AI生成的关于某一主题的基本事实概要来替代链接。因此答案为A。 Q4. C.推理题。文本中提到:“The AP reports that results from AI-assisted search tools can be especially useful when searching for more obscure facts or information.” 这说明AI辅助搜索工具在寻找更模糊的事实或信息时特别有用。因此答案为C。 Q5. B.主旨题。文章整体讨论了AI搜索工具如何改善用户的搜索体验,同时也提到了这些工具可能带来的风险,如提供虚假或误导性信息,以及可能反映长期存在的偏见。因此,文章的主要观点是AI搜索工具在提升搜索体验的同时也存在潜在风险。答案为B。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 晒太阳与皮肤癌

晒太阳与皮肤癌Sun and Skin Cancer常速/词汇:CET-6/812词/5min20s刘立军 供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the interview and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. According to Dr. Frank Pega, what is a primary cause of non-melanoma skin cancer in outdoor workers?A. Exposure to loud noise.B. Direct contact with certain chemicals.C. Intense sunlight exposure.D. Poor diet and nutrition.Q2. How does Dr. Frank Pega describe the global prevalence of workers exposed to intense sunlight?A. 1 in 10 workers globally.B. 1 in 6 workers globally.C. 1 in 4 workers globally.D. 1 in 2 workers globally.Q3. What types of jobs did Dr. Frank Pega mention as examples of outdoor work with intense sunlight exposure?A. Farmers and office workers.B. Farmers and construction workers.C. Teachers and healthcare workers.D. Construction workers and office workers.Q4. What can be deduced regarding the protection measures available to outdoor workers in the informal economy?A. They lack health protections that come with formal employment.B. They are well-informed about the risks of sun exposure.C. They have robust health protections similar to formal employment.D. They are not affected by non-melanoma skin cancer as much as others.Q5. Based on the dialogue, what can be inferred about the incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer deaths among outdoor workers?A. It has peaked and is now declining.B. It predominantly affects workers in high-income countries.C. It is considered an occupational disease in all countries.D. It is equally distributed across all regions worldwide.Q6. According to Dr. Frank Pega, how has the problem of non-melanoma skin cancer changed over the past 20 years?A. The problem has remained stable.B. The number of cases has decreased.C. The number of cases has doubled.D. The problem has been fully resolved.Q7. From the suggestions provided by Dr. Frank Pega, what inference can be made about the role of governments in addressing the risks of outdoor work?A. Governments are currently focused on treating skin cancer rather than preventing it.B. Governments can play a significant part in preventing outdoor work-related health hazards.C. The role of governments is minimal as private companies have taken charge of worker safety.D. Only governments in low- and middle-income countries need to take action.Q8. According to the discussion, which regions already have regulations in place to protect outdoor workers from sun exposure?A. Eastern Mediterranean and Western Pacific.B. North America and Eastern Europe.C. South Asia and Central America.D. Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia.Q9. What is the main focus of the dialogue between Vismita Gupta-Smith and Dr. Frank Pega?A. The benefits of working outdoors.B. The economic impact of skin cancer.C. The protection against skin cancer for outdoor workers.D. The advancements in skin cancer treatment.Part II. TRANSCRIPTWHO’s Science in 5: Sun and Skin CancerVismita Gupta-Smith: WHO and the International Labour Organization have recently released estimates about how many workers are exposed to sunlight at work, and how many of them get skin cancer, specifically non-melanoma skin cancer as a result of long exposure to sun. How does sun cause skin cancer? Who is at risk and how can you, your employer, and your government keep you safe? Here to talk about it is Dr Frank Pega. Welcome, Frank. Frank, explain to us how intense exposure to sunlight can cause non-melanoma skin cancer.non-melanoma skin cancer 皮肤癌,非黑瘤皮肤癌Dr Frank Pega: Outdoor workers regularly work under the intense sun, sometimes for really long periods of time. (Q1) And sun comprises ultraviolet radiation. When this type of radiation hits skin cells, it can damage their DNA. And that can in turn lead to skin cancer, where these skin cells basically grow uncontrolled. There are two main types of skin cancer. Melanoma is the more deadly type. We looked at non-melanoma, which is the type that is less deadly but much, much more common and a big problem. Non-melanoma skin cancer commonly appears as either a red firm lump or a flat, scaly patch that doesn’t heal for several weeks, so outdoor workers are at a 60% increased risk compared to indoor workers from having a non-melanoma skin cancer. This kind of skin cancer is commonly seen on the face, on the ears, or on the head, but also the arms and the legs where workers are most exposed to the sun. So, for example, imagine a farmer who plants or harvests rice. That worker will be exposed intensively to the sun for a really long time, and the surface of the water that has flooded the fields that the worker is standing in will be reflecting back, aggravating the exposure.ultraviolet adj. 紫外线的melanoma n. 黑素瘤;黑瘤Vismita Gupta-Smith: So Frank, talk to us about how many people get non-melanoma skin cancer as a result of sun exposure at work, and does this depend on what kind of country we live in, whether we are in a low-income, middle-income or high-income country?Dr Frank Pega: It’s many more people who are working outdoors and who die as a result of non-melanoma skin cancer from this exposure than we could have possibly imagine before we did our estimates. (Q2) About one in four workers globally is actually exposed to intense sunlight at work. That’s a staggering 1.6 billion people globally. staggering adj. 令人难以相信的Vismita Gupta-Smith: (Q3) So these are the farmers in the rice field, the construction workers, the people who are working in the non-organized sector for long hours under intense sunlight.Dr Frank Pega: That’s correct. (Q4) So these are outdoor workers who live primarily in low- and middle-income countries and who are often working in the informal economy where they don’t have any health protections that formal employment would afford to them. One in three non-melanoma skin cancer deaths are actually from working under the sun, so that’s about 19,000 deaths globally each year. (Q5) If you work outdoors, you’re at a higher risk and we find that the number of people who die from non-melanoma skin cancer in each region per population is almost equal. So it’s a global problem. (Q6) Additionally, it’s a growing problem because the numbers have doubled in the last 20 years.Vismita Gupta-Smith: So Frank, what can governments do and what can workers do to protect themselves from long exposure to intense sunlight and from skin cancer?Dr Frank Pega: (Q7) Governments can pass regulations and policies that can prevent outdoor work that is hazardous because it’s under the sun. For example, governments can reorganize work, they can require that workers reorganize so that working under the sun has shifted away from solar noon, and therefore away from the intense sun. Governments can also implement requirements that workers are provided with shade when they work outdoors. This is something we’ve seen a lot. (Q8) Countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region and the Western Pacific already have these types of regulations in place. Additionally, governments can provide public health information. This is very important. They can talk about sun safety protocols and protective measures that can be taken. Also important, as there can be a requirement that workers are provided with protective clothing. They can wear broad brimmed heads, long sleeved shirts, long trousers and also there could be a provision of sunscreen where it’s effective and deemed possible. Additionally, it’s important that we have functioning health services and systems where skin cancer is prevented and we have workers being regularly checked so that skin cancer can be detected early and can be treated. And finally but importantly, governments can recognize skin cancer from occupational exposure to the sun as an occupational disease and include it in worker’s compensation schemes.protocol n. 条约草案;协议 brimmed adj.有帽檐的provision n. 提供Vismita Gupta-Smith: Thank you, Frank. That was Science in 5 today. Until next time then, stay safe, stay healthy and stick with science. Part III. KEYQ1. C. 细节题。文本中Dr. Frank Pega提到:“And sun comprises ultraviolet radiation. When this type of radiation hits skin cells, it can damage their DNA.”意为:“阳光包含紫外线辐射。当这种辐射击中皮肤细胞时,可以损坏它们的DNA。”根据此句,明确指出阳光中的紫外线辐射是导致非黑色素瘤皮肤癌的原因。因此答案为C。Q2. C. 细节题。文本中Dr. Frank Pega提到:“About one in four workers globally is actually exposed to intense sunlight at work.”意为:“全球大约有1/4的工人在工作时暴露于强烈的阳光下。”这个比例说明了这个问题的普遍性。因此答案为C。Q3. B. 细节题。Vismita Gupta-Smith说道:“So these are the farmers in the rice field, the construction workers...”意为:“所以这些是在稻田里的农民、建筑工人……”。通过这个描述,我们知道哪些工种的工人更容易暴露于强烈阳光之下。因此答案为B。Q4. A. 推理题。文本中Dr. Frank Pega提到:“...who are often working in the informal economy where they don’t have any health protections that formal employment would afford to them.”意为:“……他们通常在非正规经济领域工作,在那里他们没有正式就业所能提供给他们的任何健康保护措施。”根据此句,我们可以推断非正规经济领域的户外工作者缺乏正式就业所带来的健康保护。因此答案为A。Q5. D. 推理题。文本中Dr. Frank Pega提到:“...the number of people who die from non-melanoma skin cancer in each region per population is almost equal.”意为:“……每个地区因非黑色素瘤皮肤癌死亡的人数与人口数量之比几乎相等。”基于这个信息,我们可以推断该病状在全球范围内分布相对均匀。因此答案为D。Q6. C. 细节题。文本中Dr. Frank Pega提到:“Additionally, it’s a growing problem because the numbers have doubled in the last 20 years.”意为:“此外,这是一个日益严重的问题,因为在过去20年中,这个数字翻了一番。”根据这个描述,我们可以推断出非黑色素瘤皮肤癌的情况正在恶化。因此答案为C。Q7. B. 推理题。文本中Dr. Frank Pega提到:“Governments can pass regulations and policies that can prevent outdoor work that is hazardous because it’s under the sun...”意为:“政府可以通过法规和政策来预防因在阳光下工作而带来的危险……”。根据这句话,我们可以推断政府在预防户外工作相关健康风险方面扮演着重要角色,并能够通过立法和政策干预来降低这些风险。因此答案为B。Q8. A. 细节题。文本中Dr. Frank Pega提到:“Countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region and the Western Pacific already have these types of regulations in place.”意为:“东地中海地区和西太平洋地区的国家已经制定了这类规定。”这些具体的地区已有保护工人免受阳光暴露的法规。因此答案为A。Q9. C. 主旨题。整段对话的核心焦点是讨论户外工人如何防范因长时间暴露于强烈阳光而引起的皮肤癌。文本多次提到户外工作与皮肤癌之间的关系以及预防措施,例如政府可以做什么,工人如何保护自己等等。因此答案为C。 (本文图片来自摄图网,版权归摄图网所有。)

教学素材 | 当爱变得坎坷

When love isn’t easy当爱变得坎坷词汇:考研| 句法:四级 | 文本:考研刘立军 供稿Once again, the night finds you awake, wrestling with the complexities of love. Dinner brought another debate. You attempted to explain your reactions and behaviors in the relationship, but were met with your partner’s growing frustration over their own grievances. 夜幕再次降临,你却依旧清醒,内心纠缠于爱情的纷繁纠葛之中。晚餐时分,一场辩论再度上演。你试图解释自己在这段感情中的反应与行为,然而却遭遇伴侣自身不满情绪的日益加剧。grievance n. 委屈;抱怨;牢骚Both of you made commendable efforts to communicate calmly and kindly. After a long two-hour dialogue, you separated on an almost tender note, retreating to separate rooms. 为了能够以平静且善意的态度进行沟通,你们双方都做出了值得称许的努力。经过长达两个小时的对话,你们在一种几近温柔的氛围中暂别,回到了各自的房间。Yet here you are at 3a.m., listening to the rain and plagued by doubts. You question what mistakes you’re making in love. Are you and this genuinely good person meant to be together? Why does it have to be so challenging?然而,此刻已是凌晨三点。你独坐聆听雨声,心中却被疑虑所困扰。你反思自己在爱情中究竟犯下了何种错误。你与这位真诚善良之人是否真的注定携手一生?为何这段感情必须如此艰难?The thought of leaving crosses your mind, imagining new relationships, but that thought quickly sours at the prospect of starting anew. You’d miss your partner and the memories and hope you once shared. But the path forward is unclear, and you wish for someone wise and kind to offer guidance. 离别的念头闪过脑海,你想象着新的恋情,然而一想到要重新开始,这念头便迅速变得苦涩。你会怀念你的伴侣,怀念你们曾经共有的美好回忆与期望。然而,前方的道路迷雾重重,你多么渴望有一位智者能给予你温柔的指引。However, you realize that more than answers, you seek understanding; someone to acknowledge the struggle of not having a clear solution, simply saying, ‘I know, I know…’ 然而你意识到,比起答案本身,你更渴望得到理解;你期盼有人能感同身受那种找不到明确的解决之道时的挣扎,只是说:“我懂,我懂……”。Sometimes solutions aren’t what we need. We crave validation and empathy for our dilemmas. It’s comforting to know we’re not foolish for facing these issues, that we’re not alone, and that perhaps this challenge is just one of life’s constants. 有时,我们需要的并非解决方案。我们渴望他人对我们所处困境的认可与共鸣。如果能知道我们在面对这些问题时并不愚蠢,知道自己并不孤单,知道这种挑战不过是生活中不可避免的一部分,这样会让人感到宽慰。empathy n. 同感;共鸣;同情A dose of sobering philosophy might help, acknowledging that life is inherently tough, existence is messy, and love can seem an insurmountable task because we’re all only human. 此时,一剂清醒的哲学观或许会对我们有所帮助:承认生活本就艰难,存在本身就是混乱的,而爱情这一关似乎难以逾越,只因我们皆为凡人。insurmountable adj. 无法克服的;难以解决的;不可逾越的Ideally, you wanted to resolve this flawlessly, as you would any problem at work or at home. But matters of the heart are not like organizing a cupboard or balancing finances. 理想情况下,你希望能像处理工作中或家里的问题那样完美地处理这段感情。然而,感情之事并非如整理衣柜或平衡财务那般简单。Very few people have this aspect of life figured out — probably less than 1%. Yes, you’ve stumbled, but you’re not exceptionally deficient for it. You’re typically flawed, typically unsettled, embarking on a journey that is exceptionally, extraordinarily difficult. 很少有人能真正参透人生的这一面——也许不足百分之一。没错,你已经跌跌撞撞,但你并不那么差劲。你只是普通人,有着平凡的缺陷,你正踏上的是一条异常艰难的人生旅途。It’s hard for you, and indeed, for everyone. 这对你来说很难,实际上,对每个人也是如此。 (本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 讨人喜欢的10个迹象

讨人喜欢的10个迹象10 Signs You’re More Likeable Than You Realize TEM-4听力语速/六级(CET-6)偏易/1129词/7分30秒刘立军 供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is mentioned as the first sign that you are more likeable than you realize?A. Receiving compliments and positive feedback frequently.B. People actively seeking your company.C. Strangers feeling comfortable approaching and talking to you.D. Laughter often surrounding you.Q2. According to the text, what does it signify when strangers approach and talk to you?A. You have an innate ability to make people feel at ease.B. You are an expert in social dynamics.C. You are always looking for new friends.D. You are a good storyteller.Q3. When people extend small acts of kindness toward you, what does this indicate?A. They expect something in return.B. They see you as someone who needs help.C. They are naturally inclined to be kind to those they truly like.D. They want to impress you with their generosity.Q4. What may be the possible reason if people tend to confide personal information or secrets to you?A. Because they owe you a favor.B. Because they have no one else to talk to.C. Because they want to spread rumors.D. Because they view you as an empathetic and non-judgmental listener.Q5. What type of compliments suggest you are genuinely cherished for who you are on the inside?A. Compliments that reference your character qualities.B. Compliments that focus on your physical appearance.C. Compliments about your professional achievements.D. Compliments on your sense of style.Q6. How does laughter in your presence reflect on your likability?A. It reveals that you are likely a professional comedian.B. It means that you don't take life seriously.C. It shows that you are always telling jokes.D. It indicates that others find you engaging and pleasant to be around.Q7. What can be inferred about a person who often receives suggestions to work together on projects?A. They might be perceived as an authority in their field.B. They may be considered reliable and cooperative by their peers.C. They likely prefer working alone.D. They probably have limited social skills.Q8. What may be the possible reason if others seek out your point of view according to the text?A. They are required to get multiple opinions for decision-making.B. They want to validate their own opinions.C. They respect your character and reputation.D. They are testing your knowledge.Q9. Based on the text, what does spontaneous support from others indicate?A. People care about your well-being and value you.B. Others are interested in your personal affairs.C. You have an obligation to reciprocate their help.D. You are perceived as someone incapable of managing alone.Q10. What is the overall message of the text? A. The importance of being humorous in all interactions. B. The relationship between receiving help from others and your popularity. C. The fact that you are probably more likeable than you expect. D. The need to become more approachable to strangers.Part II. TRANSCRIPT10 Signs You’re More Likeable Than You RealizeYou know those folks who effortlessly attract friends, seamlessly connect with everyone, and leave a trail of positivity wherever they go? Have you ever paused to wonder if you might be one of them? In the whirlwind of daily life, (Q10) it’s easy to overlook the subtle signals whispering that you’re actually more liked than you give yourself credit for. It’s time to turn the spotlight inward and explore the tell-tale signs that suggest you might be one of those genuinely likeable individuals after all!seamlessly adj. (两部分之间)无空隙的,不停顿的whirlwind n. 混乱; 破坏性的力量或事物#1 People Actively Seek Your Company(Q1) If you notice that others actively make an effort to include you and spend time with you, it’s a clear indicator that they find your presence enjoyable. When planning events or meetups, your friends or colleagues ensure you’re available and able to attend, emphasizing that your involvement is integral to the overall enjoyment of the gathering. This attentiveness reflects a profound appreciation for the positive energy and contributions you bring to the group dynamic.attentiveness n. 注意#2 Strangers Feel Comfortable Approaching and Talking to YouIf this is the case, you probably have an innate ability to make people feel acknowledged when you first engage. You likely exude an inviting energy that puts others at ease. (Q2) Something about your demeanor and open body language signals your receptive presence, making people feel comfortable approaching you and initiating conversation. Even a brief exchange of words leaves the other person feeling seen and heard. Overall, your approachability and accessibility reflect your inherent warmth and compassion, inviting people to open up and connect.innate adj. 天生的;先天的;与生俱来的exude v. 感觉或品质)显现demeanor n. 行为,举止,态度receptive adj.(对新观点、建议等)愿意倾听的,乐于接受的#3 Kindness Gravitates Toward YouDo you ever receive small, thoughtful gifts from others just because…? Or maybe you’ve noticed that your co-worker consistently reserves a seat for you at those early morning meetings. (Q3) These thoughtful acts are akin to personal gestures of kindness, indicating that people are naturally inclined to extend such niceties to those they truly like. So, if you frequently find yourself on the receiving end of such considerate acts, see it as a quiet endorsement from the universe, affirming that your likability is shining through.nicety n. 细节;细微的差别#4 People Confide in You with Personal Information or SecretsOne telltale sign that you’re more likable than you realize is that people confide in you and trust you with personal information or secrets. (Q4) Your reputation as an empathetic, non-judgmental listener makes them feel comfortable opening up to you about sensitive topics they might not share with others. When friends are going through tough times, they know they can turn to you for a listening ear without fear of criticism. Your open and accepting nature creates a welcoming atmosphere and encourages them to be vulnerable and honest with their feelings. Even casual acquaintances sense your compassion and find it easy to talk to you about deeper issues.#5 You Frequently Receive Compliments and Positive FeedbackCompliments signify that you’ve made a positive impression on someone. When people take the time to express their appreciation, it reinforces your appeal and value in their eyes. And, the more you receive kind words, the more evidence there is that you are well-liked by those around you. (Q5) Sincere compliments, especially those referencing your character like “you’re so thoughtful” or “you always know how to cheer me up,” are particularly meaningful. These types of compliments are a direct acknowledgment of your inner qualities. If you find yourself regularly on the receiving end of such feedback, it’s a strong sign that you are genuinely cherished for who you are on the inside.#6 Laughter Often Surrounds You(Q6) Laughter is an instinctive response to enjoyment and comfort, and when it frequently accompanies your presence, it indicates a genuine affinity. Your ability to bring about laughter not only reflects a sense of humor but also shows that others find you engaging and pleasant to be around. Even in tense situations, your ability to find humor and share a genuine laugh can cut through awkwardness or discomfort. Your tendency to smile and laugh often puts others at ease, spreads positive energy, and makes social interactions more enjoyable. Inside jokes, in particular, signify a level of intimacy and shared experiences, making your connections stronger and more meaningful.affinity n. 密切的关系#7 People Frequently Suggest Working Together on Projects or ActivitiesReceiving frequent invitations to collaborate with classmates, colleagues, or new acquaintances is quite significant. (Q7) It means peers hold your contributions in high regard and find you to be reliable and pleasant to work with. They recognize your positive traits that would benefit teaming up on projects big and small, whether it’s talent, work ethic, creativity, or the friendly and cooperative spirit you bring to the team. Being sought after for partnerships truly reflects the recognition of the positive dynamic you bring to shared endeavors. People want you to contribute your time and energy alongside them because it enhances the experience for everyone involved.#8 Others Often Ask for Your AdvicePeople ask for advice when they want an honest, thoughtful response from someone they respect. (Q8) The fact that others seek out your point of view reflects well on your character and reputation. It means people not only enjoy your company but also appreciate your intellect. Those who turn to you for guidance likely see you as dependable, insightful, and wise beyond your years. Your advice is valued because it comes from a place of thoughtfulness, empathy, and sincere concern.#9 Your Online Presence Reflects PositivityIn a digital world, your online presence can reveal a great deal about how you are perceived. When your interactions consistently reflect positivity, it signals that your placed trust, rapport, and goodwill have earned you respect and likeability within your social circles. It’s not just about the posts you share or the comments you leave; it’s about creating a vibe that resonates with people. When your content and conversations add value by informing, inspiring, entertaining, or helping others, it creates enjoyable exchanges that make you appreciated.rapport n. 亲善;融洽;和谐vibe n. 感应; 气氛resonate with sb. 使产生联想;引起共鸣#10 You Tend to Receive Spontaneous Support(Q9) When others offer to help you out or lend a hand without you even needing to ask, it’s a clear sign that people genuinely care about your well-being. Whether it’s offering to give you a ride when your car is in the shop or bringing over a home-cooked meal when you’re feeling under the weather, these gestures show that others want to support you when you need it most. Such actions speak volumes about how much you are valued by those around you.Reflecting on the signs we’ve covered, it’s likely that you have many qualities that make you pleasant to be around. Even if you don’t notice it yourself, others do respond positively to your warmth, kindness, dependability, and wisdom. These traits not only attract friends and opportunities but also enrich the lives of those around you.Part III. KEY Q1. B. 细节题。原文提到:"If you notice that others actively make an effort to include you and spend time with you, it’s a clear indicator that they find your presence enjoyable." 意为:“如果你发现其他人活动时积极努力地想带上你与你共度时光,这是一个明确的迹象表明他们发现你的存在令人愉快。”所以正确答案是 B。 Q2. A. 细节题。原文提到:"Something about your demeanor and open body language signals your receptive presence, making people feel comfortable approaching you and initiating conversation." 意为:“你的举止和开放的肢体语言表达了你的接纳态度,让人们觉得接近你很舒服并开始对话。”因此答案是 A。 Q3. C. 细节题。原文提到:"These thoughtful acts are akin to personal gestures of kindness, indicating that people are naturally inclined to extend such niceties to those they truly like." 意为:“这些关切的行为类似于个人的善意姿态,表明人们自然倾向于将这种善意延伸到他们真正喜欢的人身上。”因此答案是 C。 Q4.D. 细节题。原文提到:"Your reputation as an empathetic, non-judgmental listener makes them feel comfortable opening up to you about sensitive topics they might not share with others." 意为:“你作为一个有同情心、不带评判的倾听者的声誉使他们在敏感话题上乐于向你敞开心扉,这些话题他们可能不会与其他人分享。”因此答案是 D。 Q5. A. 细节题。原文提到:"Sincere compliments, especially those referencing your character like 'you’re so thoughtful' or 'you always know how to cheer me up,' are particularly meaningful." 意为:“尤其是那些涉及你性格的真诚赞美,比如‘你如此体贴’或‘你总是知道怎么让我高兴起来’,特别有意义。”这表示这些类型的赞美是对你内在品质的直接认可。因此答案是 A。 Q6. D. 细节题。原文提到:"Laughter is an instinctive response to enjoyment and comfort, and when it frequently accompanies your presence, it indicates a genuine affinity." 意为:“笑声是感到享受和舒适的本能反应,当你的出现经常伴随着笑声时,这表明是一种真正的亲近关系。”因此答案是 D。 Q7. B. 推理题。原文提到:"It means peers hold your contributions in high regard and find you to be reliable and pleasant to work with." 意为:“这意味着同龄人非常重视你的贡献,并认为你是一个可靠而愉快的合作伙伴。”因此答案是 B。 Q8. C. 推理题。原文提到:"The fact that others seek out your point of view reflects well on your character and reputation." 意为:“其他人寻求你的观点这一事实很好地反映了你的性格和声誉。”因此答案是 C。 Q9. A. 推理题。原文提到:"When others offer to help you out or lend a hand without you even needing to ask, it’s a clear sign that people genuinely care about your well-being." 意为:“当别人无需你请求就提供帮助或伸出援手时,这是一个明确的信号,表明人们真正关心你的福祉。”因此答案是 A。 Q10. C. 主旨题。原文:"'s easy to overlook the subtle signals whispering that you're actually more liked than you give yourself credit for..." 意为:“人们很容易会忽视一些小迹象。而这些迹象证明你其实比你自己认为的更受人欢迎。”因此答案是 C。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 如何制定与实现2024年目标?

如何制定与实现2024年目标?How to set and achieve goals for 2024?语速:TEM-8听力 / 词汇:六级 (CET-6) 偏易 / 篇幅:1358词 / 时长:8分29秒刘立军 供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the talk and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is the suggested starting point for setting New Year's goals in the text?A. To differentiate between resolutions and goals.B. To plan steps for measurable success.C. To pledge to improve personal habits.D. To reflect on the past year's experiences.Q2. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?A. Writing down personal thoughts has no impact on future planning.B. Changing the past is one of the methods to improve future performance.C. Reflecting on the personal patterns can aid in identifying strengths and weaknesses.D. Toxic relationships should be continued as part of personal growth.Q3. How does the text describe the aspect of "Achievable" within the S.M.A.R.T. framework?A. Goals should be as large and complex as possible.B. It’s recommended to have few small goals instead of a big one.C. Large goals can be broken into smaller steps to manage them better.D. One should always choose goals that require new skills or education.Q4. What additional elements are included in the extended version of the S.M.A.R.T. acronym, as noted in the text?A. Excitement and Reflection.B. Evaluate and Reward.C. Endurance and Resolve.D. Education and Realism.Q5. Based on the text, what inference can be made regarding the prioritization of goals?A. Prioritizing goals is not necessary if one has a large number of goals.B. Goals linked to important aspects of life are likely to be pursued with more enthusiasm.C. The number of goals one sets is more crucial than the content of those goals.D. Goal-setting should be avoided as it is often too challenging and leads to failure.Q6. What is the primary purpose of the text as a whole?A. To emphasize the importance of past experiences on future goal setting.B. To compare different goal-setting methodologies like S.M.A.R.T. and F.A.S.T.C. To encourage readers to set and achieve personal goals using structured approaches.D. To promote the benefits of frequent discussions and ambitious scopes in team settings.Part II. TRANSCRIPTHow to Set and Achieve Your Goals in 2024[1] A new year is on the horizon. This is a time when many people start to think about what changes they can make through goals or personal resolutions. What’s the difference between a goal and a resolution? Well, a resolution tends to be a starting point, such as making yourself a pledge to begin exercising more or eat better. A goal is more focused on a specific endpoint, such as losing ten pounds in six months, or walking for 20 minutes every evening after dinner. A goal has planned steps and measurable success. So this year, when you think about what you want to accomplish in 2024, you might consider setting goals instead of new year’s resolutions. But where do you start?[2] Reflect on 2023(Q1) To know where you’re going, it can help to know where you’ve been. Research has shown that reflecting on your past endeavors can improve your future performance. You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it. (Q2) Notice your patterns and habits, both good and bad. When you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can identify what’s working for you, and what’s working against you. For example, if you’re a person who rises early in the morning and starts the day with vigor and enthusiasm, then that’s a habit you’ll want to continue. But if you identify other areas of your life that are holding you back, such as fears, unhealthy food choices or toxic relationships, you can examine these behaviors, and think about how you might want to change them. Some topics you might choose to reflect on, depending on what’s relevant to you, could be your health, your career, your relationships, self-care, and personal growth. Journaling about your personal thoughts on the past year can help put things into perspective. Some examples of questions to ask yourself are things like:endeavor n. 努力,尽力toxic adj. 有毒的;引起中毒的 How did I spend the majority of my time, and how do I feel about that? What was the best thing that happened to me in the past year? What were my biggest achievements? What was my lowest point and why? What lessons did I learn, and what might I do differently next year? What was I most thankful for? What goals did I have that didn’t happen? And do I want to carry them over to next year?By reflecting on the feelings and events of 2023, you can begin to form a picture of what happened and why. Take the information you gather from your observations and create a new plan.[3] Set S.M.A.R.T. GoalsOnce you’ve identified what areas of your life you want to focus on, then begin the planning process. Deciding what your goal is, setting an end date to accomplish it, and writing down the steps you’ll take can help create a solid plan. (Q3) One method often used to help formulate goals is called the S.M.A.R.T. system, and was outlined in an article, written in 1981, by George Doran, Arthur Miller, and James Cunningham.[4] 5 key aspects of the acronym “S.M.A.R.T.” are:Specific - Have a defined goal with a clear picture of what is to be accomplished, and what actions you will take to achieve it. For example, if your goal is to buy a new car, know exactly what car you want, and how you will pay for it. Make a step-by-step plan that includes saving money each month for a down payment, and arranging your budget to include the new car payment. By factoring in details of your plan, you can be clear about what it is you want and how to get there.Measurable - Think about how you will track your progress. Once you know what your goal is, you need to be able to measure your success along the way to be sure you are reaching your milestones. In thinking of the car scenario, checking each month to be sure you are putting money aside for the down payment can create momentum as you watch your savings grow. If you are not able to save money each month, then you can use this information to restructure your goal.milestone n. 重要事件;重要阶段;转折点;里程碑scenario n. 设想;方案;预测momentum n. 契机(Q4) Achievable - Be realistic about the goals you set. Smaller goals may be met more easily in less time. But a large goal, like buying the car, may need more steps, or more planning. You may need to extend the end date to give yourself more time to save up the money, or adjust your expectations, and buy a lower priced car. Breaking a large goal into smaller steps can keep you going over a longer period of time, and make the overall task more manageable. If the goal you set requires additional skills or education, these can be made into individual goals of their own.Relevant - When setting a goal, choose something that really matters to you. If it will make a difference in your life, such as better health, improved finances, or make life easier and more enjoyable in some way, you will be more likely to stick with it. If your heart’s not in it, it may be hard to justify the time and energy you need to invest, to reach the goal.(Q5) Time-Bound - Setting a finish line for your goal, lets you know how close you are to achieving it, and when you have actually completed the goal. It allows you to plan your steps in a timely fashion that makes it manageable and measurable.By setting goals using the S.M.A.R.T. method - S.M.A.R.T., you can focus with intention, using a step-by-step plan, track your success along the way, and reach a clearly defined finish line!(Q6) Some people add “E.R.” to the S.M.A.R.T. method, which then reads, “S.M.A.R.T.E.R.”, to include the words, “Evaluate” and “Reward”. Evaluating your finished goal and rewarding your efforts can bring even more value to the process.Another method used in goal setting uses the acronym “F.A.S.T”, which stands for “frequent discussions, ambitious scope, specific milestones, and transparency.” This system is more geared for team environments and allows for flexibility and changes along the way. Regardless of what system you use to set goals, the main thing is to find something that works for you, and don’t quit.Mountain climber, Junko Tabei, was the first woman to complete the “Seven Summits”, climbing the tallest mountain on each continent. She was familiar with setting goals and achieving them, which is reflected in her motto, “Do not give up. Keep on your quest.”motto n. 座右铭quest n. 探索,寻找,追求(幸福等)[5] PrioritizeHow do you decide what goals to set? Maybe you don’t have very many goals in mind. Or maybe you have so many, you don’t know where to start. When planning goals for the coming year, it may be helpful to think about what’s really important to you. Setting a goal that will make a difference in your life will be easier to get excited about. Make a list of all of the goals that come to mind. It may be helpful to group them into similar topics. For example, in the health category, you may list things like weight loss, exercise, and healthy eating. In the fun goal category, you may write down travel ideas, learning a new craft or sport, or adopting a pet. Once you have all of your ideas on paper, rank them within their group as to which are most meaningful or realistic for you. Continue to narrow down the list until you have five goals that you want to work on next year. Once you know which items are most important to you, you can then begin to plan the steps to achieve them. Author C.S. Lewis wrote, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” As you look forward to 2024, think about the goals you have for your life and how you want to achieve them. Find support and encouragement from people you trust, evaluate your progress often, and hold yourself accountable to succeed. The coming year is the perfect time to reach new heights by setting goals that matter most to you. So go ahead and plan the celebration now. You got this!Part III. KEYQ1. D。细节题。文章第 [2] 段提到:“To know where you’re going, it can help to know where you’ve been.” 意为:“要知道你要去哪里,了解你来自哪里会有所帮助。” 根据这句话,建议在设定新年目标时从回顾过去一年的经历开始。因此答案为D。Q2. C。细节题。文章第 [2] 段提到:“Notice your patterns and habits, both good and bad. When you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can identify what’s working for you, and what’s working against you.” 意为:“注意你的行为模式和习惯,无论好坏。当你了解自己的优点和缺点时,你就可以识别什么对你有利,什么对你不利。” 因此,根据文本,通过反思个人的模式可以帮助识别优势和弱点。答案为C。Q3. C。细节题。文章第 [4] 段提到:“Achievable - Be realistic about the goals you set... Breaking a large goal into smaller steps can keep you going over a longer period of time, and make the overall task more manageable.” 意为:“可实现性 - 对你设定的目标要现实……把一个大目标分解成小步骤可以让你更长时间地坚持下去,并使整体任务更易于管理。” 这说明在S.M.A.R.T.框架中,“可实现性”指的是将大目标分解成更容易管理的小步骤。答案为C。Q4. B。细节题。文章第 [4] 段提到:“Some people add ‘E.R.’ to the S.M.A.R.T. method, which then reads, ‘S.M.A.R.T.E.R.’, to include the words, ‘Evaluate’ and ‘Reward’.” 意为:“有些人在S.M.A.R.T.方法中加入了'E.R.',成为'S.M.A.R.T.E.R.',包括了‘评估(Evaluate)’和‘奖励(Reward)’两个词。” 因此,在文中提到的S.M.A.R.T.首字母缩略词的扩展版本中添加了额外元素“评估”和“奖励”。答案为B。Q5. B。推理题。文章第 [5] 段提到:“Setting a goal that will make a difference in your life will be easier to get excited about.” 意为:“设定一个能改变你生活的目标会更容易让你感到兴奋。” 根据此信息,可以推断与生活中重要方面相关联的目标更有可能被积极追求。因此答案为B。Q6. C。主旨题。整篇文章围绕如何利用结构化方法(如S.M.A.R.T.)设定和实现个人目标给予建议,强调了设定目标的重要性,并提供了如何进行规划和评估的具体方式。文章并未主要比较不同的目标设定方法,也没有特别强调团队环境中讨论的频繁性和雄心勃勃的范围的好处。因此答案为C。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

练习 | 住房对孩子上学的重要性

VOA慢速:住房对孩子上学的重要性Housing Important for Keeping Children in School刘立军 供稿TRANSCRIPTLast year, 40 percent of students in Los Angeles public schools missed more than 10 percent of the school year.That information comes from the Los Angeles Unified School District, which says about 429,000 students are enrolled in its schools.In addition to the attendance numbers, the district’s website says its officials did not know where 2,500 students were. These students stopped attending class and did not appear to enroll anywhere else.Elmer Roldan is executive director of Communities in Schools of Los Angeles, a nonprofit group that aims to keep children in school. He said, “Housing is the biggest reason kids aren’t going to school or we can’t find them.”The Associated Press (AP) recently reported on a case of one of those children whose housing situation led to problems at school.Fifteen-year-old Deneffy Sánchez has faced housing problems with his family for years. An AP reporter spoke with the teenager and his family.Deneffy lives with his mother Lilian Lopez and a 3-year-old sister. Lopez had been having a hard time keeping up with monthly rent payments in an earlier apartment. So the family of three shared a small living space with Fabiola Del Castillo, someone they did not know.As they fell behind on rent payments again, Del Castillo wanted to give up the apartment and pressured the family to leave. To fight the threat of losing their home, Deneffy stayed in the apartment ― and missed school.Federal data shows that the majority of students the government considers “homeless” have a place to stay. But the situation is often complex with shared roommates and an unsure future. In Los Angeles, the city’s superintendent said last spring that 13,000 students were homeless and 2,000 of them stayed in city shelters.In Deneffy’s case, his family was struggling to stay in their small apartment. His father has not been with them. His mother immigrated from Guatemala 22 years ago. In 2020, after his mother gave birth to Jennifer, his sister, the family was homeless.That year, schools across the country closed because of the spread of COVID-19. Deneffy tried to attend seventh-grade classes online through Zoom but said he could not pay attention. “I felt like they were judging me,” he said.By ninth grade, classes became more difficult, and his family did not have internet service at home. Deneffy’s grades crashed. His school offered help with homework. But AP reported the boy said that he really wanted a therapist.Deneffy spoke to the school’s “psychiatric social worker” to see if she could help him get mental health counseling. But demand for such help increased sharply during the pandemic.In 2021, an opinion study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 42 percent of high school students said they felt sad or hopeless a lot compared to 28 percent ten years before.After leaving the apartment shared with Castillo, Deneffy’s family had another bad experience sharing a place. Then they found a place where they could live without roommates through an old friend. The apartment is small and costs $1250 to rent each month. That is more than Deneffy’s mother makes from government assistance and cleaning jobs.The 15-year-old now has a laptop computer provided by the school and a wireless connection to help with schoolwork. He has the most trouble with writing. “I never know where to put the commas and other punctuation,” he said.He also sees a therapist at school once a week. But he is worried that his family’s new living situation might change. His mother needs to find a full-time job to meet the rent payments.Speaking of his mother, Deneffy says she tells him not to worry. “But I do,” he said. “What if we don’t have money, and we get kicked out again?”I’m Mario Ritter, Jr.VOCABULARY1. unify v. to bring together or combine into one; to make unified or cohesive. 统一,使统一2. superintendent n. a person who oversees or manages an organization, especially in an educational setting. 负责人,主管3. Zoom n. 一款在线会议软件4. psychiatric adj. relating to the study and treatment of mental illness or disorders. 精神病学的,心理治疗的QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1. According to the Los Angeles Unified School District, what percent of students missed more than 10% of the school year last year?A. 20%.B. 30%.C. 40%.D. 50%.2. How many students were reported lost by the district’s officials?A. 1,500.B. 2,000.C. 2,500.D. 3,000.3. What is stated as the biggest reason kids aren’t going to school or can’t be found according to Elmer Roldan?A. Lack of internet connection.B. Mental health problems.C. The COVID-19 pandemic.D. Housing issues.4. What was Deneffy’s family’s living situation after leaving the apartment shared with Castillo?A. They were homeless.B. They found a place without roommates through an old friend.C. They stayed in city shelters.D. They moved to another shared apartment.5. Based on the information in the text, what could be a potential problem for Deneffy’s family in the future?A. They might struggle to meet rent payments due to financial problems.B. They may have issues with their internet service.C. Deneffy may get expelled from school due to his poor performance.D. The family might face another housing shortage due to COVID-19.KEY1. According to the Los Angeles Unified School District, what percent of students missed more than 10% of the school year last year?A. 20%.B. 30%.C. 40%.D. 50%.【答案】C【解析】细节题。题目的命题出处在文本的第一句:Last year, 40 percent of students in Los Angeles public schools missed more than 10 percent of the school year. 根据这句话,我们可以确定C选项”40%”是正确答案。2. How many students were reported lost by the district’s officials?A. 1,500.B. 2,000.C. 2,500.D. 3,000.【答案】C【解析】细节题。题目的命题出处在文中的一段话:In addition to the attendance numbers, the district’s website says its officials did not know where 2,500 students were. 这句话告诉我们C选项2500是正确答案。3. What is stated as the biggest reason kids aren’t going to school or can’t be found according to Elmer Roldan?A. Lack of internet connection.B. Mental health problems.C. The COVID-19 pandemic.D. Housing issues.【答案】D【解析】细节题。题目的命题出处在文中的一段话:Elmer Roldan is executive director of Communities in Schools of Los Angeles, a nonprofit group that aims to keep children in school. He said, ‘Housing is the biggest reason kids aren’t going to school or we can’t find them.’ 根据这句话,我们可以确定D选项“住房问题”是正确答案。4. What was Deneffy’s family’s living situation after leaving the apartment shared with Castillo?A. They were homeless.B. They found a place without roommates through an old friend.C. They stayed in city shelters.D. They moved to another shared apartment.【答案】B【解析】细节题。题目的命题出处在文中的一段话:After leaving the apartment shared with Castillo, Deneffy’s family had another bad experience sharing a place. Then they found a place where they could live without roommates through an old friend. 这句话说明了他们在离开与Castillo共享的公寓后,通过老朋友找到了一个可以不需要合租的地方,所以B选项是正确答案。5. Based on the information in the text, what could be a potential problem for Deneffy’s family in the future?A. They might struggle to meet rent payments due to financial problems.B. They may have issues with their internet service.C. Deneffy may get expelled from school due to his poor performance.D. The family might face another housing shortage due to COVID-19.【答案】A【解析】推理题。题目的命题出处在文中的一段话:The apartment is small and costs $1250 to rent each month. That is more than Deneffy’s mother makes from government assistance and cleaning jobs. 和 “His mother needs to find a full-time job to meet the rent payments.” 这两句话都提到了Deneffy’s family可能会在满足房租付款方面遇到困难,所以A选项“他们可能因财务问题而努力满足租金付款”是正确答案。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)




授课点评:胡笑然老师以充分的课前准备、认真的育人态度、专业的学科素养、科学的教学方法,在限定的20分钟时间内出色地完成了所指定的授课任务,为全国高校英语专业师生呈现了一堂值得学习和反思的短课。在整个授课过程中,胡老师精神饱满,着装端庄,形象甜美,教态自然,认真专注,热情友好,充满活力,展现了良好的个人魅力,体现了青年教师的时代风貌。胡老师具有扎实的英语基本功、娴熟的课堂掌控能力和应变能力、流畅的语言表达能力;综述简洁明了,呈现单元设计、教学目标、相关活动和拟用时间;授课有明确的目标,以学生为中心,围绕单元主题和语篇意义,突出重点,聚焦难点,讲解和引导规范适切。胡老师有自己的教学理念,能运用一定的教学理论,遵循“题材—功能—活动”的教学原则,重视语言感知和信息获取,围绕单元主题展开教学,各教学步骤衔接自然。能注重培养学生的观察力、想象力和分析能力,积极帮助学生通过语篇学习,了解重要概念以及语篇作者的观念和意图,努力激发学生对语篇主题的学习兴趣,师生之间有积极的互动和良好的交流。能充分利用和发挥电子课件的辅助教学功能, PPT和嵌入视频有良好的功能性和实用性,形式与内容相吻合,体现了课件形式与课文内容、教学手段与教学目的有机关联和主从关系,发挥了现代化教学资源及手段的教学辅助作用,增强了学生对单元主题和语言表述的理解。从整体上看,胡老师的授课比较成功。授课目的明确,授课重点突出,内容讲解清晰,活动安排合理,起承转合自然,师生互动自然,课件使用得当,教学效果较好。当然,她所展示的这堂英语短课仍存在以下待改进之处:授课停留在主题词语的概念解读层面,对主题意义的挖掘不够深入;教师个人主导成分太强,讲解和提问过多,学生活动不足,活动形式比较单一;时间把握不够合理,没有时间结尾,匆忙收课,无法安排课后作业和课外活动;授课时间用于教学,缺乏对教学成效的必要评价活动,难以确定单元教学目标的达成。建议胡老师在今后的教学研究和实践中,更加重视单元设计的完整性和课堂教学的有效性,关注输入与输出、课内与课外、语篇意义与语言形式的协调,注重教学手段、过程、效果的统一,促进学生在语言知识、语用技能、心智、情感、态度等方面的综合发展和提高。点评专家:梅德明


