新闻听力 | 国际学生应该如何看待写作与人工智能
VOA慢速:国际学生应该如何看待写作与人工智能How International Students Should Think about Writing, AI慢速 | 四级 偏易 | 1031词 | 8min53s刘立军 供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is considered plagiarism in the context of academic writing according to the text?A. Using complex technical language.B. Failing to attend the first-year writing class.C. Not giving credit when using another person's words.D. Using artificial intelligence tools for research.Q2. Why do international students find citations difficult according to Nat Smitobol?A. Because they are not familiar with the English language.B. Because they are more used to focusing on providing the correct answer.C. Because they lack access to citation management tools.D. Because academic culture dramatically varies from one country to another.Q3. What is one of the first things ELC students learn at American universities?A. How to avoid plagiarism accusations.B. How to improve their social communication skills.C. How to record source material according to university guidelines.D. How to use AI tools for grammar improvement.Q4. What are the consequences of incorrect citations for master’s or Ph.D. students according to Meredith Bricker?A. They may lose the opportunity to study abroad.B. They could face serious impacts on their future careers.C. They will have to take the first-year writing class again.D. They might be required to use citation tools more frequently.Q5. Which statement best represents the main idea of the text?A. The challenges of academic writing and the unique difficulties faced by international students are significant, including understanding plagiarism and citation practices.B. The widespread use of AI in academic writing is altering the landscape of post-secondary education in the United States.C. The strict guidelines of American universities make it difficult for international students to adjust to college life.D. Advanced degrees require students to solely focus on research without the need for academic writing skills.Part II. TRANSCRIPTHow International Students Should Think about Writing, AIStudents must learn academic writing and research methods when moving from high school to college. That is why universities require a first-year writing class. As experienced students move on to higher degrees, they continue learning how to do research and to write for academic publications.But learning the new writing methods can be difficult for international students, said Nat Smitobol. He is a counselor for IvyWise, a company that helps students prepare their applications for top-level American universities.Different “academic culture”In the United States, Smitobol said, most students have a basic understanding that they must give credit to, or cite, the sources of the words and ideas in their academic writing. For those who come from other countries, this can be new.Smitobol said one of the most important lessons students new to the U.S. learn is: “this academic culture of really making sure you give other people credit in a formal way.”(Q1) Using another person’s words without giving them credit is considered plagiarism. VOA Learning English recently prepared a guide for international students who need to learn more about plagiarism and why it is a serious concern. A plagiarism accusation recently led to Harvard University’s president having to step down from her position.(Q2) Smitobol said the reason citations are difficult for international students is that teachers and professors overseas are more often concerned that students provide the correct answer to a question than showing the information source.Amjad Binshahbain agrees. He is a student at the English Language Center, or ELC, at Old Dominion University in Virginia. Binshahbain is from Yemen and also attended school in the United Arab Emirates. In Virginia, he takes classes with students from places like Greece, Spain and Japan. They often discuss the academic differences between the U.S. and their countries.AI tools(Q3) He said one of the first things ELC students learn is how to follow American university guidelines for recording source material. They also talk about writing papers without the help of artificial intelligence, or AI, tools.Binshahbain said it is easy for students who are learning how to write papers in English to depend on generative AI tools. These tools can change their grammar or make their writing easier to understand. However, after nearly a year at the ELC, he has, in his words, “progressed a lot.”“I have been improving since then, since the summer in 2023. Now I can write a whole assignment without any outside source. I can read an article and understand it and write it in my own words. That’s one of the techniques that I got since I come to the U.S.”He said it is better to struggle with writing and adding citations to academic work early in college than to find out that you do not know how to do it later on.Smitobol noted that many universities will show students how to use tools such as the RefWorks citation manager. The computer tool permits students to carry out research online and collects all of the source material necessary.High stakesMeredith Bricker teaches in the English Language Institute at the University of Michigan. Many of her students are working on advanced degrees. That means they are learning and doing research on difficult academic subjects. She said the citation tools are both good and bad. On the one hand, they permit students to easily create a source list. On the other hand, they can prevent students from finding or understanding the best sources for a project.“They’re like, ‘OK, fine. I’ll just put whatever comes up (in my search) on my citation list,’” Bricker said.Students who come to Bricker’s class are doing their own research, she added. They hope that they can make a discovery or create a new idea and be published in a journal. So, the stakes are high for master’s or Ph.D. students compared to those just beginning college. She said it is likely the people cited in a paper by one of her students will read it.“In some ways it’s (citations) more relevant. You know, like, almost easier for them to see the purpose and the point. (Q4) But I think it’s also the flip side of that is if they do it incorrectly, it could have such devastating effects on their futures, you know, pretty immediately.”flip side:(想法、论点或行动的)另一面,反面,负面devastating adj. 破坏性极大的;毁灭性的International students who are caught using other people’s ideas without citing them can be expelled or removed from school. That would cause them to be in violation of their F1 student visa. At higher levels, a young researcher who is caught plagiarizing may have trouble finding another job.AI is ‘not going away’Bricker believes students should also give credit to AI tools whenever they use them. “Gen-AI is not going away,” she said. “Part of our job as writing teachers is to make sure students know the boundary between appropriate and inappropriate use.”She said some academic journals will permit the use of artificial intelligence and others will not. “It depends on the field,” she said, noting that a linguistics journal might have different rules than an engineering journal.Bricker said she tells her students that it is difficult for teachers to know if their students are using AI tools. But as a writing teacher, it is her goal to help them learn to write on their own, without help from a machine.“I’m a teacher of writing. So, letting my students know ‘I want to see your writing, you.’ I want to see what you’re doing as a writer, and I want to help you grow as a writer. So I can do that with you using this and without you using this. But it’s your choice.”Binshahbain said international students who are learning English in the U.S. are tempted by AI tools. But he advises students that they should use AI only for some things, like searching for sources.“When I first came here, I was using it for everything,” he said. “But I stopped because I understand the best thing to do (is) to put the effort on learning. It’s going to pay off in the future.”Part III. KEYQ1. C. 细节题。命题出处:“Using another person’s words without giving them credit is considered plagiarism.” 意为:“不注明出处使用他人的话语被视为抄袭。” C 选项与之相符。因此答案为C。Q2. B. 细节题。命题出处:“Smitobol said the reason citations are difficult for international students is that teachers and professors overseas are more often concerned that students provide the correct answer to a question than showing the information source.” 意为:“Smitobol说,引用对国际学生来说之所以困难,是因为海外的老师和教授更关心学生是否能提供正确的答案,而不是展示信息来源。” 根据此句,可知国际学生觉得引用困难是因为他们更习惯于注重提供正确答案。因此答案为B。Q3. C. 细节题。命题出处:“He said one of the first things ELC students learn is how to follow American university guidelines for recording source material.” 意为:“他说ELC学生首先要学习的事情之一是如何遵循美国大学指导原则来记录参考资料。” C 选项与之相符。因此答案为C。Q4. B. 推理题。命题出处:“But I think it’s also the flip side of that is if they do it incorrectly, it could have such devastating effects on their futures, you know, pretty immediately.” 意为:“但我认为另一方面是,如果他们做得不对,这可能会立即对他们的未来产生毁灭性的影响。” 根据此句,可以推理出如果硕士或博士学生引用不当,可能会对他们的未来职业生涯产生严重影响。因此答案为B。Q5. A. 主旨题。全文通过Nat Smitobol, Amjad Binshahbain和Meredith Bricker的观点,围绕国际学生在学术写作方面面临的挑战展开,着重讨论了理解抄袭和引用实践等问题。文章还强调了AI工具的使用及其潜在影响。因此,对整篇文章主旨的最佳概述是学术写作的挑战和国际学生面临的独特困难,包括理解剽窃和引用实践。答案为A。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)