John Liang

Clinical Professor


Dr. John Liang is a Clinical Professor of TESOL and the Director of the MA TESOL program at NYU Shanghai. Dr. Liang has a deep passion for language studies and enjoys exploring theory and practice in language learning and teaching. His top priority is equipping students to become effective classroom teachers and professional language educators committed to lifelong learning. Prior to joining NYU Shanghai, he worked as an ESL program coordinator and second language teacher educator in the U.S. for 26 years. Dr. Liang has received CATESOL’s Pearson Longman Spirit of Teaching Award, which recognizes excellence in ESL teaching, and the Sadae Iwataki Award, a lifetime achievement honor for outstanding service to CATESOL. An active practitioner-researcher, Dr. Liang has published in academic journals such as INTESOL Journal and CATESOL Journal and contributed book chapters to edited volumes by prestigious publishers, including Peter Lang, Routledge, and Cambridge Scholars. His academic and professional work spans diverse areas, including grammar pedagogy, ESL materials development, second language reading and writing, and language assessment.
