新闻听力 | 读大学值得吗?

VOA慢速:读大学值得吗?Is College Worth It?慢速 | CET-4中等 | 751词 | 7min35s刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is the main idea discussed in this report?A. The declining number of college applicants in recent years.B. The increasing doubts about higher education in the U.S.C. The political bias and indoctrination in American universities.D. The benefits of attending two-year community colleges over four-year universities.Q2. What percentage of adults in the 2024 study expressed strong confidence in higher education?A. 36 percent.B. 57 percent.C. 32 percent.D. 25 percent.Q3. What reason did Randy Hill mention for his nephew planning to pursue a welding apprenticeship instead of college?A. He wants to gain practical experience.B. College is too expensive and not job-oriented.C. He dislikes the liberal bias in colleges.D. He prefers hands-on learning.Q4. What is one of the potential consequences of fewer college graduates mentioned by experts?A. Higher unemployment rates.B. Increased economic stability.C. Worsening labor shortages.D. Improved lifetime earnings.Q5. Why do more people reportedly have confidence in two-year community colleges compared to four-year colleges?A. Two-year programs offer more diverse courses.B. Community colleges are less politically biased.D. They are seen as more cost-effective.C. They have better job placement rates.Part II. TRANSCRIPTIs College Worth It?(Q1) A new study says that Americans have increasing questions about the value and cost of a college education. Most of the people taking part in the study felt that higher education in the U.S. is headed in the “wrong direction.”Gallup and the Lumina Foundation carried out the study. It found that (Q2) only 36 percent of adults said they had a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in higher education.That confidence level has decreased steadily from 57 percent in 2015. That was the first year in which Gallup measured confidence in higher education.The decline is seen in all subgroups of people including sex, age, and political ties. Some of the opinions in the study might show concerns about the high cost of college and how race and other subjects are taught.Fifty-nine-year-old Randy Hill is a registered Republican in Connecticut and a driver for a car service. (Q3) He told the Associated Press, “It’s so expensive, and I don’t think colleges are teaching people what they need to get a job.” Hill said his nephew plans to do a welding apprenticeship after high school instead of going to college.welding n. 焊接The June 2024 study found that 36 percent of adults feel strong confidence in higher education. That percentage is unchanged from the year before.But the researchers said they were concerned that fewer Americans were saying that they had “some” confidence, and more were reporting “very little” or “none.” This year’s findings show almost as many people have little or no confidence, 32 percent, as those with high confidence.(Q4) Experts say that fewer college graduates could worsen labor shortages in fields from health care to information technology. For those who do not go to college, it often means lower lifetime earnings.Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce said lifetime earnings for those without a bachelor’s degree could be 75 percent less than for those with a degree. The center also said that during an economic downturn, those without college degrees are more likely to lose their jobs.Courtney Brown is a vice president at Lumina, an education nonprofit group. It aims to increase the number of students who seek education beyond high school. She said, “What’s shocking to me is that the people who have low or no confidence is actually increasing..”This year’s study added new, detailed questions in an effort to understand why confidence is shrinking.Almost one-third of people in the study said college is “too expensive.” About 25 percent thought students are not getting the right education or taught what they need to succeed.The study did not ask about the protests against the war in Gaza this year that divided many college communities. But people who took part said they had concerns about indoctrination, political bias, and that colleges are too liberal. Among those who said they lack confidence in college, 41 percent said political activity was a reason.indoctrination n. 教导,教化Other findingsSixty-seven percent of adults in the study said colleges are headed in the “wrong direction.” That is more than two times higher than the 31 percent who think that colleges are going in the right direction.Gallup noted that when people express confidence in higher education, they are thinking of four-year colleges. But the study found that more people have confidence in two-year community colleges.(Q5) Forty-nine percent of adults said they have “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in two-year programs, compared with 33 percent of Americans who feel that way about four-year colleges.California college student Kristen Freeman said she understands why.“It’s about saving money. That’s why I went to a two-year. It’s more bang for your buck,” said Freeman who is a 22-year-old sociology major at Diablo Valley Community College. She plans to go to San Jose State University for the final two years of college.bang for one’s buck 钱花得合算;所有的努力都值得Freeman said she understands the concerns about indoctrination and whether college prepares students for life and work. But she feels the only way to change structural problems is from the inside.“I am learning about the world around me and developing useful skills in critical thinking,” Freeman said. “I think higher education can give students the spark to want to change the system.”Part III. KEYQ1. B. 主旨题。题目出处为“A new study says that Americans have increasing questions about the value and cost of a college education.” 意为:“一项新研究表明,美国人越来越质疑大学教育的价值和成本。” 整篇文章围绕这一主题展开,分析了不同群体的观点和数据。因此答案为B。Q2. A. 细节题。题目出处为“Only 36 percent of adults said they had a ‘great deal’ or ‘quite a lot’ of confidence in higher education.” 意为:“只有36%的成年人表示他们对高等教育有‘很大的’或‘相当多的’信心。” 因此答案为A。Q3. B. 细节题。题目出处为“He told the Associated Press, ‘It’s so expensive, and I don’t think colleges are teaching people what they need to get a job.’”意为:“他告诉美联社,‘费用太高了,我认为大学没有教人们获得工作的必备技能。’” 因此答案为B。Q4. C. 细节题。题目出处为“Experts say that fewer college graduates could worsen labor shortages in fields from health care to information technology.”意为:“专家表示,较少的大学毕业生可能会加剧从医疗保健到信息技术领域的劳动力短缺现象。” 因此答案为C。Q5. C. 推理题。题目出处为“Forty-nine percent of adults said they have ‘a great deal’ or ‘quite a lot’ of confidence in two-year programs... ‘It’s about saving money. That’s why I went to a two-year.’” 意为:“49%的成年人表示对两年制课程非常有信心……‘这是为了省钱。这就是我选择两年制学校的原因。’” 因此答案为D,cost-effective的意思是“划算的,有成本效益的”。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

教学素材 | 你为何对某人总是放不下

Why You Can’t Stop Thinking about Someone你为何对某人总是放不下词汇:六级| 句法:考研| 文本:六级 刘立军 供稿Many of us experience moments when we find ourselves repeatedly thinking about someone — a crush, an ex, or even a friend. These thoughts can be both thrilling and frustrating. They bring joy and anticipation, but can also distract and cause pain, especially if feelings are unreciprocated or a relationship has ended. Understanding why this happens can help you manage your emotions more effectively. 我们中的许多人都会经历这样的时刻:我们不断地思念某人——可能是暗恋对象、前任,甚至是朋友。这些思绪既令人兴奋又令人沮丧。它们带来快乐和期待,但也可能让人分心并造成痛苦,尤其是当这些感情得不到回应或一段关系已经结束时。理解其背后的原因,可以帮助你更有效地管理自己的情绪。Reason 1. Emotional Connection情感联结Emotional bonds are powerful. They form through shared experiences, deep conversations, or intense feelings. When we connect with someone emotionally, we naturally prioritize thoughts and memories related to them. Such connections make it almost inevitable that we think about these individuals, especially when we’ve invested emotionally in the relationship. 情感纽带是非常强大的。它们通过共同的经历、深入的交谈或强烈的情感而形成。当我们与某人建立了情感联系,自然会优先考虑与他们相关的想法和记忆。这种联系几乎不可避免地会使我们不断想起这些人,尤其是当我们在这段关系中投入了感情时。Reason 2. Unresolved Feelings 未了结的情感Unresolved emotions can keep someone on your mind for an extended period. When we have unfinished business, our minds replay situations in an attempt to make sense of them. This cycle can lead to constant thoughts about the person, especially if there are significant unresolved feelings. 未了结的情感可能会让你对某个人念念不忘。当我们有未了之事时,我们的脑海会反复回放这些情境,试图理清头绪。这种循环会导致你不断想起这个人,尤其是当你这种未了结的情感非常浓烈之时。Reason 3. Chemistry and Attraction化学反应和吸引力Attraction can play a significant role in why someone occupies our thoughts. When we’re attracted to someone, our brains release chemicals that generate feelings of pleasure and excitement. This response can be addictive, leading us to think about the person frequently. 当某个人占据着我们的思绪的时候,吸引力在其中也扮演着重要角色。当我们被某人吸引时,大脑会释放出产生愉悦和兴奋的化学物质。这种反应可能让人上瘾,导致我们频繁思念对方。Reason 4. Psychological Attachment心理依附Psychological attachment is formed through repeated interactions and shared experiences. It creates a sense of comfort and familiarity. When someone who has been a significant part of our routine is no longer around, we may feel a sense of loss, causing them to linger in our thoughts. 心理依恋通过反复的互动和共同的经历形成,这种依恋创造了一种舒适和熟悉感。当一个曾经是我们日常生活重要组成部分的人不再在身边时,我们可能会感到失落,从而让他们在我们心中徘徊。Reason 5. Idealization and Fantasies理想化和幻想Idealization can keep someone at the forefront of your mind. When we focus only on their positive traits and ignore their flaws, we create an unrealistic image that can be hard to let go of. Acknowledging imperfections in the person can help in letting go of these fantasies. 理想化会让某人始终占据你的思绪。当我们只关注他们的优点而忽视他们的缺点时,我们创造了一个难以释怀的不切实际的形象。承认这个人身上的不完美,可以帮助你放下这些幻想。Reason 6. External Triggers and Reminders外部触发和提醒Our surroundings often contain cues that can evoke memories associated with someone. These triggers can be unexpected — a place you frequented together, a song that brings back memories, or even certain smells. Such stimuli can reignite feelings and thoughts, making it feel like you’re back at square one. 我们的周遭环境常常含有能够唤起与某人相关记忆的线索。这些触发因素可能是意料之外的——你们曾经经常去的地方、一首勾起回忆的歌曲,甚至是某些气味。这些刺激可能会重新点燃你的情感和思绪,使你感觉又回到了起点。The complexity of human emotions means that thoughts about others can arise from various factors. It’s natural to think about those who have impacted our lives. With time and self — awareness, you can find a healthy balance and move forward. 人类情感之复杂,意味着关于他人的思绪可能来源于多种因素。想念那些影响过我们生活的人,是人之常情。相信随着时间的推移和自我意识的增强,你会找到一种健康的平衡,并继续前行。 【词汇】1. unreciprocated adj. 未得到回报的2. unresolved adj. 未解决的;未解答的3. linger v. 继续留存4. idealization n. 理想化5. imperfection n. 缺点;瑕疵6. evoke v. 引起,唤起7. frequent v. 常去,常到(某处)8. stimuli n. 促进因素;激励因素9. be back at square one 回到原地,毫无进展 (本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 减少饮酒或戒酒更益健康

VOA慢速:减少饮酒或戒酒更益健康Less or No Alcohol Is Better for Health慢速| 四级 偏难 | 765词 | 7分31秒刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the report and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What does the report suggest about the current trend in alcohol consumption guidelines?A. They are becoming more permissive.B. They are promoting no drinking for health benefits.C. They are advocating for reduced alcohol intake.D. They are being standardized across different countries.Q2. What caused Tessa Weber to participate in “Dry January”?A. It was a new social trend she wanted to try.B. She wanted to be a moderate drinker for health reasons.C. It was a requirement for a health program she joined.D. She found that alcohol was increasing her anxiety.Q3. What is the main point of discussing previous studies on alcohol?A. Previous studies have conclusively proven the health benefits of alcohol.B. There are significant flaws in the methodology of previous studies.C. The studies have been widely accepted by the scientific community.D. The studies provide evidence of no link between alcohol and health issues.Q4. What does Dr. Naimi indicate about the relationship between alcohol consumption and health benefits?A. The supposed benefits are questionable among people with higher income.B. The health benefits are more apparent among moderate drinkers.C. The health benefits of alcohol are significant and undisputed.D. The benefits are more noticeable in younger drinkers.Q5. What is the safe limit for alcohol consumption per day according to the U.S. government’s guidelines mentioned in the report?A. One drink or fewer for both men and women.B. Two drinks or fewer for men and one drink or fewer for women.C. Three drinks or fewer for both men and women.D. Four drinks or fewer for men and three drinks or fewer for women.Part II. TRANSCRIPTLess or No Alcohol Is Better for HealthAlcohol is often consumed at social gatherings from happy hours after work to birthday parties on the weekend. Drinking some alcohol is normal and believed to be good for heart health.However, new research may have put an end to that idea.Dr. Timothy Naimi directs the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research at the University of Victoria. He said, “Drinking less is a great way to be healthier.”Guidelines, or advice, for drinking alcohol, differ greatly from country to country. But overall, the advice has been moving toward drinking less.(Q1) Britain, France, Denmark, Holland, and Australia recently reviewed new evidence and lowered the suggested amount of alcohol consumption.Ireland went further than most. It will require cancer warning descriptions on alcohol starting in 2026.Carina Ferreira-Borges is an adviser for alcohol at the World Health Organization office for Europe. She said scientists see “evidence linking alcohol to over 200 health conditions, including cancers, cardiovascular diseases and injuries.”cardiovascular adj. 心血管的Overall, people may have already been moving toward drinking less alcohol. Social calendar events called “Dry January” and “Sober October” are celebrated with non-alcoholic drinks. “Dry” means no alcohol. And a sober person is not affected by alcohol.sober adj. 持重的;冷静的(Q2) “People my age are way more accepting of it,” said Tessa Weber. The 28-year-old from Austin, Texas said she stopped drinking for Dry January after seeing how alcohol increased her anxiety. She liked the results ― better sleep, more energy ― and has stuck with it.The idea that alcohol can be heart-friendly came from imperfect studies comparing groups of people by how much they drink.(Q3) Usually, alcohol consumption was measured at one point in time. And none of them compare drinkers and non-drinkers. As a result, these studies could not prove cause and effect.(Q4) People who report drinking an average amount of alcohol usually have higher income, education, and better health care. “It turns out that when you adjust for those things, the benefits tend to disappear,” Dr. Naimi said.Most studies also did not include younger people. And almost half of the people who die from alcohol-related causes die before the age of 50.“If you’re studying people who survived into middle age, didn’t quit drinking because of a problem and didn’t become a heavy drinker, that’s a very select group,” Naimi said. “It creates an appearance of a benefit for moderate drinkers.”Other studies challenge the idea that alcohol has benefits.These studies compare people with a certain gene variant that makes it unpleasant to drink to people without this gene variant. People with this gene tend to drink very little or not at all. One of these studies found people with the gene variant have a lower risk of heart disease. This may supply more proof that alcohol does not protect people from heart problems.gene variant 基因变异So, how many alcoholic drinks can people safely have every day? That depends.Drinking alcohol raises the risk of several kinds of cancer, including colon, liver, breast, mouth, and throat. Alcohol breaks down in the body into a substance called acetaldehyde. This substance can damage your cells and stop them from repairing themselves. That creates the conditions for cancer to grow.acetaldehyde n. 乙醛,醋醛Thousands of U.S. deaths per year could be prevented if people follow the U.S. government’s guidelines. (Q5) They advise men to limit themselves to two drinks or fewer per day and women to one drink or fewer per day, Naimi said.One drink is the equivalent of about one can of beer, a glass of wine, or a very small glass of hard alcohol.hard alcohol 烈性酒Naimi served on an advisory committee. That committee wanted to lower the guideline for men to one drink per day. However, that advice was rejected when the federal guideline came out in 2020.“The simple message that’s best supported by the evidence is that, if you drink, less is better when it comes to health,” Naimi said.On its website, the National Institute of Health says some people should not consume alcohol at all. The agency says to avoid alcohol completely if you are:Taking medications that interact with alcoholHaving a medical condition that can be made worse by drinkingUnder the age of 21, the minimum legal drinking age in the U.S.Recovering from alcohol use disorder or unable to control the amount you drinkPregnant or might become pregnantmedication n. 药;药物Part III. KEYQ1. C.细节题。文章中指出:“Britain, France, Denmark, Holland, and Australia recently reviewed new evidence and lowered the suggested amount of alcohol consumption.”意为:“英国、法国、丹麦、荷兰和澳大利亚最近重新审视了新的证据,并降低了推荐的饮酒量。”这表明当前的趋势是倡导减少酒精摄入量。因此答案为C。Q2. D.细节题。文中提到:“... she(Tessa Weber) stopped drinking for Dry January after seeing how alcohol increased her anxiety.”意为:“……在看到酒精如何加重她的焦虑之后,她决定参加一月的戒酒活动。”这说明Tessa Weber参加Dry January是为了减少因酒精摄入而引起的焦虑。因此答案为D。Q3. B.主旨题。这一部分讨论了之前关于酒精研究的不足,如:“Usually, alcohol consumption was measured at one point in time. And none of them compare drinkers and non-drinkers. As a result, these studies could not prove cause and effect.”意为:“通常,酒精摄入量仅是在某一时间点进行测量,并且这些研究没有比较饮酒者和非饮酒者。因此,这些研究无法证明因果关系。”这表明先前的研究在方法论上存在重大缺陷。因此答案为B。Q4. A.细节题。Dr. Naimi指出:“People who report drinking an average amount of alcohol usually have higher income, education, and better health care. It turns out that when you adjust for those things, the benefits tend to disappear,”意为:“称自己饮酒量适中的人一般都收入较高,受过更好的教育,享有更优质的医疗卫生服务。结果表明,当你对这些因素进行调整时,饮酒的好处往往会消失。” 这说明所谓的酒精对健康的好处在更高收入群体中可能并不存在。因此答案为A。Q5. B.细节题。根据文本中:“They advise men to limit themselves to two drinks or fewer per day and women to one drink or fewer per day, Naimi said.”可知,美国政府的指导建议是,男性每天限制在两杯或更少的酒量,女性则是一杯或更少。因此答案为B。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 锻炼真能减肥吗?

锻炼真能减肥吗?We Need to Rethink Exercise: The Workout Paradox常速 | CET-6中等| 1328词 | 9min19s刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the talk and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What did scientists discover when comparing calorie burn between the Hadza and people in industrialized societies?A. The Hadza burn significantly more calories.B. Both groups burn about the same amount of calories.C. Industrialized societies burn more due to higher stress levels.D. Calorie consumption is irrelevant to lifestyle.Q2. According to the text, what is one reason why exercising might not lead to significant fat loss?A. Exercising burns too few calories.B. People tend to eat more after exercising.C. The body compensates by reducing activity levels at other times.D. Most exercises are not intense enough.Q3. How does chronic inflammation affect health according to the text?A. It boosts the immune system’s efficiency.B. It reduces the brain’s energy consumption.C. It helps in faster recovery from injuries.D. It can lead to serious diseases if not controlled.Q4. Based on the text, why do humans have a tendency to overeat in modern times?A. Because of their big brains and social skills training.B. Due to increased availability of food.C. Because they need more energy for physical activities.D. Because of genetic predisposition to obesity.Q5. What is the main focus of this text?A. The relationship between calorie intake and exercise.B. The benefits of different types of physical activities.C. The reasons why exercise alone may not be effective for weight loss.D. The impact of modern lifestyles on health and fitness.Part II. TRANSCRIPTWe Need to Rethink Exercise: The Workout ParadoxThe Myth of the WorkoutA few years ago, scientists began to compare populations in industrialized societies, which sit a lot, to hunter-gatherer communities who move around a lot. The Hadza people in Tanzania walk an average of 9 km a day to find wild plants and hunt animals, dig for tubers, climb trees for honey, or collect water. They can move more in a single day than an office worker in a week. So of course, they burn more calories, right? hunter-gatherer 采集狩猎者tuber n. 块茎(某些植物的肉质地下茎)(Q1) But it turns out that the Hadza burn the same amount of calories per day as a typical person in an industrialized country: around 1,900 for women and around 2,600 for men — which doesn’t make sense at all. It’s also not their genes, since it’s the same for other hunter-gatherer tribes.So the confused scientists looked at similar measurements in individual countries. It got even stranger: Active people who work out regularly do burn more than inactive people, but only very little, often as low as 100 calories, the equivalent of a single apple. For some strange reason, the amount of calories you burn is pretty much unrelated to your lifestyle. Per kilo of body weight, your body has a fixed calorie budget it wants to burn per day. Sure, if you want to gain muscles by pumping iron, you also need to eat more to build and sustain them or your new muscles wither away. But in total, your body keeps your calorie budget per unit of you pretty stable.And to make matters worse, if you want to lose fat your body sabotages you in small and big ways: (Q2) First of all, when you begin to work out regularly, maybe going for a run in the morning, your body may subconsciously make you move less when you don’t pay attention. Maybe you take the elevator instead of the stairs, you sit more when you meet your friends or you sleep longer — largely balancing out your burn again, preventing you from burning much fat. You can overcome this temporarily: If you do actually change your life after sitting around for years and suddenly start working out without eating more, this is a shock to your system. You actually do burn more calories and lose fat — so you can lose a few kilos or pounds through exercise! But this is very short-lived. Your body adapts and burns fewer and fewer extra calories each day until it restores its original calorie budget. After a few months you burn basically the same amount you did when you didn’t work out. Bizarre! And now we are getting to the actual reason why exercise is healthy.Why Your Body is Sabotaging YouSo your body has a hardwired activity budget per day that it wants to stick to. This setting evolved when humans had to move a lot. Not because they wanted to, but because they had to find food for survival. But when food is abundant and exercise is voluntary, what does your body do with the energy that you are not using to move around? We are simplifying a lot here, and this is relatively new science, but in a nutshell: There are many different systems in your body trying to do their job as well as possible. And if there’s extra energy, they seem to use it. Unfortunately, this is bad. When your immune cells detect injuries or infections, they trigger inflammation. Fighter cells, alarm chemicals and fluids flood into your tissue. This is crucial, but it also causes damage, so it needs to be cleaned up quickly or it can become chronic. (Q3) And chronic inflammation is one of the major contributors to many serious diseases, from cancer to heart failure. If your immune system is on a tight budget, it has to be efficient with inflammation — with lots of free calories though, it over-commits.inflammation n. 发炎;炎症Another thing is that your glands produce hormones you don’t need, like cortisol, the stress hormone, which triggers your fight or flight response. Crucial for survival, but if you have too much of it you get, well, very stressed, all the time. Chronic stress is a major cause for a bouquet of health issues including your mental state. gland n. 腺hormone n. 激素;荷尔蒙cortisol n. (生化)皮质醇For our ancestors, who moved a lot and had to deal with sudden bursts of activity, fleeing from a lion, attacking that bison, this cortisol was crucial — but if you live a modern, sedentary lifestyle your body is ready for action that doesn’t happen, hurting itself in the process.bison n. 野牛(分北美野牛和欧洲野牛两类)sedentary adj. 惯于久坐不动的Your body evolved to move regularly and is fine-tuned to a certain base level of activity. If this activity is missing, it still uses almost the identical amount of energy, just on stupid stuff. This is why you burn almost the same amount of calories whether you work out or not — by working out you are not doing anything extra, you are doing what your body is literally made to do.Working out is not a magic bullet, but it seems to restore an internal physical balance that seriously affects your body. And this is also why regular exercise is so incredibly healthy, the evidence is incredibly clear here. It reduces chronic inflammation and stress, it is good for your heart, may ease depression, and makes you live longer and better. Movement is not really made to burn your fat though.Why Humans Are So HungryWhen your ancestors evolved, they had to work hard for calories. Sometimes it would be easy, and they could afford to chill out quite a bit. But in hard times, they had to move quite a bit to feed themselves, walk longer to find prey, or dig longer to find tubers. chill out 放松,冷静If extra movement burned more calories, this would lead to a spiral of starvation. The less food you find, the more energy you need to find food — which doesn’t even fill you up, because you moved more. It’s like taking on more debt when you are in the red. It works for a while, but then you go bankrupt and die. So for your ancestors, being able to move a lot without burning extra calories was a matter of life and in the red 负债,有赤字OK. But this means the obesity epidemic of the modern world is not primarily caused by laziness, but by overeating. Humans evolved to be mad for calories because of our extremely hungry brains and our extremely useless kids. Kids are cute, but unlike other species, human kids have to be fed and cared for by adults for years before they become even remotely useful. (Q4) Because the human brain not only eats up about 20% of all our calories at rest — twice as much as our closest ape relatives’ — it also takes a lot of time to develop through playing, learning and honing social skills — all the things that make us human.hone v. 磨练,训练Our species is so extremely calorie-expensive to maintain that we became super-efficient calorie harvesters. 5 hours of human hunter-gatherer foraging yields between 3,000 and 5,000 calories, while our ape relatives get no more than 1,500 in the same time. And we became so good at calorie harvesting precisely because of our big brains and years of social skill training. forage v. 觅(食)In a typical ancestral tribe, some members would spend the day searching for plants, others hunting or gathering honey, others nurturing kids. And at the end of the day, we’d share the calories so that no one would end up hungry.Being frenetic calorie harvesters seems to be deeply part of what makes us human. It’s not a bug, but a feature. But today, it seems as if that feature has turned on us — we can’t stop overproducing food and overeating. If you want to lose fat, food is the answer. We’ll cover diet in the next part.frenetic adj. 发狂似的;狂乱的So, to conclude: You’ll probably not lose nearly as much fat by working out as you hoped, but you will do something more important: give your body balance and make you more resilient and prevent or delay many of the diseases that will make your life miserable so you can enjoy a higher-quality of life, for much longer.Part III. KEYQ1. B. 细节题。题目出处为“But it turns out that the Hadza burn the same amount of calories per day as a typical person in an industrialized country.”意为:“但事实证明,哈扎人每天消耗的卡路里与工业化国家的普通人相同。” 因此答案为B。Q2. C. 推理题。题目出处为“First of all, when you begin to work out regularly ... your body may subconsciously make you move less when you don’t pay attention.” 意为:“首先,当你开始定期锻炼时……你的身体可能会在你不注意的时候下意识地让你减少活动。” 因此答案为C。Q3. D. 推理题。题目出处为“And chronic inflammation is one of the major contributors to many serious diseases, from cancer to heart failure.” 意为:“慢性炎症是导致多种严重疾病的主要原因之一,这些疾病包括从癌症到心力衰竭。” 因此答案为D。Q4. A. 细节题。题目出处为“Because the human brain not only eats up about 20% of all our calories at rest — twice as much as our closest ape relatives’ — it also takes a lot of time to develop through playing, learning and honing social skills — all the things that make us human.” 意为:“因为人类大脑在休息时不仅消耗所有卡路里的约20%——这是与我们最接近的猿类亲戚的两倍——人类还需要通过玩耍、学习和磨练社交技能来进化很长时间——这些都使我们成为了人。” 因此答案为A。Q5. C. 主旨题。文章主要讨论了为什么仅靠锻炼可能无法有效减肥的原因。因此答案为C。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 韩国在机场派驻嗅虫狗防范臭虫

BBC新闻:韩国在机场派驻嗅虫狗防范臭虫South Korea Deploys Bedbug-Sniffing Dog at Airport常速| CET-4 偏难| 111词 | 46秒刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What specific type of mission is Seco the Beagle on at Seoul’s Incheon Airport?A. To provide comfort to returning athletes.B. To conduct a general security check on news reporters.C. To inspect luggage for bedbugs.D. To offer assistance to elderly travelers.Q2. Why has South Korea decided to use a bedbug sniffing dog at the airport?A. To address a previous bedbug incident in Paris.B. To gather data for scientific research.C. To test new methods of pest control.D. To support international animal training programs.Q3. What capability does the two-year-old dog Seco possess?A. Guiding lost children.B. Detecting the scent of pheromones from bedbugs.C. Identifying hidden drugs.D. Predicting severe weather changes.Q4. What is the main objective of South Korea’s initiative involving Seco the Beagle?A. Enhancing airport security.B. Ensuring athletes return safely.C. Showcasing advanced dog training techniques.D. Preventing the reentry of bedbugs after the Paris Olympics.Q5. Based on Seco’s training and deployment to the airport, what can we infer about South Korea’s stance on pest control?A. They prioritize using technology over animals.B. They consider pest control a critical public health issue.C. They only recently started addressing pest control problems.D. They rely solely on pest control companies for solutions.Part II. TRANSCRIPTSouth Korea Deploys Bedbug-Sniffing Dog at AirportSouth Korea has posted a bedbug sniffing dog at its main airport to check people heading home from the Paris Olympics. bedbug n. 臭虫 Clitia Sarla reports. (Q1) Seco of the Beagle is on a special mission at Seoul’s Incheon Airport to inspect the luggage of athletes and fans returning from France, where the summer Olympics ended on Sunday. (Q2) The Korean government says it’s trying to prevent bedbugs from entering the country. It’s after a bedbug’s care hit the French capital last year. (Q3) The two-year-old dog can sniff out the scent of pheromones, a substance released by bedbugs. (Q5) The pest control company that trains Seco says he can detect over 95% of the tiny pests.beagle n. 比格犬pheromone n. 外激素;信息素 Part III. KEYQ1. C. 细节题。题目出处为:“Sec of the Beagle is on a special mission at Seoul’s Incheon Airport to inspect the luggage of athletes and fans returning from France …”。意为:“比格犬Sec在首尔仁川机场执行特别任务,检查从法国返回的运动员和粉丝们的行李”。根据此处可以判断Seco的任务是检查旅行者行李中的臭虫,因此答案选C。Q2. A. 细节题。题目出处为:“The Korean government says it’s trying to prevent bedbugs from entering the country. It’s after a bedbug’s care hit the French capital last year.” 意为:“韩国政府表示,它正在努力防止臭虫进入该国。去年,臭虫袭击了法国首都。” 因此答案选A。Q3. B. 细节题。题目出处为:“The two-year-old dog can sniff out the scent of pheromones, a substance released by bedbugs.” 意为:“这只两岁的狗可以嗅出臭虫释放的信息素气味”。因此答案选B。Q4. D. 主旨题。题目出处可以概括理解为整个报道称述了比格犬Sec在首尔仁川机场被用来检查从法国返回的人,目的是防止臭虫进入韩国,因此答案选D。Q5. B. 推理题。题目出处为:“The pest control company that trains Seco says he can detect over 95% of the tiny pests.”以及韩国政府使用Seco进行检查的整个背景,这暗示了韩国政府对保护公共健康的高度重视。因此答案选B。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 巴西飞机坠毁,搜救队已找回所有遇难者遗体

BBC新闻:巴西飞机坠毁,搜救队已找回所有遇难者遗体Brazil Plane Crash, All Bodies Retrieved常速 | CET-6 偏易| 128词 | 45s刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear. Q1. What is currently being done to determine the cause of the plane crash?A. Legal proceedings.B. An investigation.C. A public hearing.D. A media report. Q2. How did witnesses describe the plane’s descent?A. Smooth and controlled.B. Erratic and spiraling.C. Gradual and cautious.D. Swift and direct. Q3. Who are reported to be among the dead in the plane crash?A. Tourists and business professionals.B. Politicians and journalists.C. Doctors, university students, and a family.D. Pilots from another airline.Q4. What was told about the residents in the area where the plane crashed?A. All residents were evacuated immediately.B. Some residents were injured in the crash.C. Residents assisted in the rescue efforts.D. No residents were harmed by the crash.Q5. What was the response of the local government to the plane crash?A. It declared a period of mourning.B. It initiated a ban on flights over residential areas.C. It ordered an immediate evacuation.D. It established a fund for the victims’ families.Part II. TRANSCRIPTBrazil Plane Crash, All Bodies RetrievedEmergency teams in Brazil have retrieved all the bodies from the site of a plane crash near the city of São Paulo. (Q1) An investigation is underway to establish the cause of the disaster. underway adj. 正在进行中Here’s Simon Jones. (Q2) Terrified witnesses describe seeing the plane spiraling out of control towards the ground, then bursting into flames. The aircraft came down in a residential area, killing all 58 passengers and four crew members on board. (Q3) A group of doctors, university students and four members of the same family were among the dead. (Q4) Nobody on the ground was hurt. Brazil’s civil aviation agency said the plane’s black box containing voice recordings and flight data had been recovered. (Q5) The governor of São Paulo has declared three days of mourning. terrified adj. 非常害怕的,惊恐的World News from the BBC.Part III. KEYQ1. B. 细节题。题目出处为“An investigation is underway to establish the cause of the disaster.” 意为:“调查正在进行,以确定灾难原因。”因此答案为B选项。Q2. B. 细节题。题目出处为“Terrified witnesses describe seeing the plane spiraling out of control towards the ground, then bursting into flames.” 意为:“目击者惊恐地称,看到飞机失控并且螺旋式下降,然后爆炸起火。” 根据这一描述,可以排除其他选项。因此答案为B,erratic表示飞机不稳定,spiraling表示飞机螺旋式下降。Q3. C. 细节题。题目出处为“A group of doctors, university students and four members of the same family were among the dead.” 意为:“死者包括一群医生、大学生和一个家庭的四名成员。”因此答案为C。Q4. D. 推理题。题目出处为“Nobody on the ground was hurt.” 意为:“地面上没有人受伤。” 从这句话我们可以推断出,坠机事件没有伤害到当地的居民,因此答案是D。Q5. A. 细节题。题目出处为“The governor of São Paulo has declared three days of mourning.” 意为:“圣保罗州州长宣布为期三天的哀悼。”因此答案为A。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)


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