练习 | FOX新闻:别让孩子沉溺于科技产品

练习 | FOX新闻:别让孩子沉溺于科技产品

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燕山大学 刘立军 编写


FOX on Family. 

Kids and parents can overdo it with technology: "The brain wasn't designed for that amount of intense stimulation over a long period of time."

Psychologist Doctor Gregory Jantz especially concerned about developing brains. So what are the red flags a child may be spending too much time on devices? "There could be academic struggles and failures. There could be the kid that just wants to walk around with their earbuds in their ear all the time. Disconnecting from their own peer group."

Also changes in behavior or sleep patterns. Any of these could be signs of an overtaxed brain, or for older kids, something happening at school or online: "Teenagers' two questions are who am I and where do I fit in? Well, if they feel like they don't fit in anywhere, technology becomes their best friend."

He says online isn't where to build a trusting relationship. And while parental controls and limits can help, talking to your kids and taking an interest in their world and their concerns can help build trust at home, helping with any future problems.

With FOX on Family, I'm Lisa Brady.


1. red flags n. If you refer to something as a red flag, you mean that it acts as a danger signal. 危险信号。例如:The abnormal bleeding is your body's own red flag of danger. 这反常的流血是你身体本身的危险信号。

2. earbud n. a small earphone worn in the ear for use with a mobile phone (配合手机等使用的)耳塞

3. overtax v. If you overtax someone or something, you force them to work harder than they can really manage, and may do them harm as a result. 使…工作过度。

Listen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.

(Q1) What's the news mainly about?
(A) Kids and parents can use too much of technology.
(B) Kids and parents can use too much of their brains.
(C) Kids and parents can overdo it with earbuds.
(D) Kids and parents can overdo it with sleep.

(Q2) What did Psychologist Doctor Gregory Jantz especially worry about?
(A) The academic struggles and failures.
(B) The development of the brains.
(C) The changes in behavior.
(D) The changes in sleep patterns.

(Q3) How can parents help with any future incoming problems? 
(A) Try to provide more parental controls and limits.
(B) Try to help kids' with their homework.
(C) Try to build a trusting relationship with kids.
(D) Try to buy high quality earbuds for their kids.


(Q1) A。细节题。命题出处:Kids and parents can overdo it with technology: "The brain wasn't designed for that amount of intense stimulation over a long period of time."

(Q2) B。细节题。命题出处:Psychologist Doctor Gregory Jantz especially concerned about developing brains. 

(Q3) C。推断题。命题出处:He says online isn't where to build a trusting relationship. And while parental controls and limits can help, talking to your kids and taking an interest in their world and their concerns can help build trust at home, helping with any future problems.

  • 时长:1.0分钟
  • 语速:166wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2018-05-31