练习 | FOX新闻:枪击案后如何应对

练习 | FOX新闻:枪击案后如何应对

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燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写

FOX on Family. The Las Vegas Concert attack shakes the psyche; tragedy on such a large scale at a public event. It can leave anyone, including children, feeling like they have to look over their shoulder.

Psychologist Doctor John Huber says a toned-down version of that hyper-vigilance can be helpful:
"When you go to your favorite restaurant and you sit down with your family, scan the room, look where the exits are, because who knows, the power goes out, you may not be able to see the exits and it may be something you can do."

Be aware of your surroundings. Seek out family and friends for support. And watch for any emotional or physical signs that grief counseling may be needed; avoiding certain places, for instance, or this case even certain music.

And to help temper all of the negatives: "Look at the successful things, look at our lives; it's a gift. And, spend time with your family, put the cellphones down." And he says give your family a hug, every chance you get.

With FOX on Family, I'm Lisa Brady.

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1. psyche n. (formal) the mind; your deepest feelings and attitudes 灵魂;心灵;精神;心态
the human psyche人的心灵。例如:
○She knew, at some deep level of her psyche, that what she was doing was wrong. 她在内心深处还是知道自己当时正在做错误的事。

2. be looking over your shoulder:to be anxious and have the feeling that sb. is going to do sth. unpleasant or harmful to you 惴惴不安;小心提防

3. hyper-vigilance n. 过度警觉

Listen to the news and choose the best answer to each question.

(Q1) What does the Doctor suggest when we go to a restaurant?

(A) Check the room exits of the restaurant.
(B) Check the restaurant table of the room.
(C) Check the room power of the restaurant.
(D) Check the restaurant chairs of the room.

(Q2) The Psychologist Doctor gave some suggestions to help temper the negatives caused by the attack. Which of the following is not given by him?

(A) Look at the successful things in our lives.
(B) Travel abroad with our family.
(C) Spend time with family and put cellphones down.
(D) Give our family a hug whenever possible.


(Q1) A。命题出处:When you go to your favorite restaurant and you sit down with your family, scan the room, look where the exits are, because who knows, the power goes out, you may not be able to see the exits and it may be something you can do.

(Q2) B。命题出处:And to help temper all of the negatives: "Look at the successful things, look at our lives; it's a gift. And, spend time with your family, put the cellphones down." And he says give your family a hug, every chance you get.

  • 时长:1.0分钟
  • 语速:135wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 宋葳 2018-01-03