新闻听力 | 澳大利亚计划禁止16岁以下儿童使用社交媒体

澳大利亚计划禁止16岁以下儿童使用社交媒体Australia Plans Social Media Ban for Children under 16慢速 | 高考 偏难 | 593词 | 6min16s刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is the main purpose of the new bill introduced by the Australian Parliament?A. To ban social media for children under 16.B. To promote social media use among children.C. To increase social media engagement.D. To support social media companies financially.Q2. What is Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s main concern regarding social media?A. The economic impact of social media.B. The safety of children online.C. The popularity of social media platforms.D. The technological advancements in social media.Q3. What is Antigone Davis’s position regarding the age limit proposal?A. She opposes the age limit completely.B. She believes social media should be banned for everyone.C. She supports respecting the government’s age limits.D. She thinks social media is not harmful to children.Q4. What is the main idea of the opposition to the social media age limit?A. The ban will improve children’s mental health.B. The age limit will enhance digital literacy.C. The age limit will increase online harm.D. The ban is not an effective way to address social media risks.Q5. Why does child psychologist Philip Tam believe enforcing a ban for children under 16 might be challenging?A. Children under 16 do not use social media.B. The problem might be driven underground.C. The technology to enforce the ban does not exist.D. Parents will not support the ban.Part II. TRANSCRIPTAustralia Plans Social Media Ban for Children under 16The Australian government recently announced plans to ban the use of social media by children under the age of 16.Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said, “Social media is doing harm to our kids.” He added that now is the time for the government to intervene.The country’s Parliament will introduce a new bill during the final two weeks of its meeting starting on November 18. (Q1) The bill will set an age limit of 16 for children to use social media and make the services responsible for enforcement.parliament n. 议会,国会enforcement v. 执行,实施Albanese told reporters that the age limit would take effect 12 months after the bill is passed. And social media services, including X, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, would need to use the year to work out how to put age controls in place.(Q2) “I’ve spoken to thousands of parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles. They, like me, are worried sick about the safety of our kids online,” Albanese worried sick 非常担心The proposal comes at a time when governments around the world are considering ways to control how young people use smartphones and social media.Under the Australian proposal, social media companies would face penalties for violating the age limit. However, under-age children and their parents would not face penalties.(Q3) Antigone Davis is the head of safety at Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram. Davis said the company would respect any age limits the government wants to put in place. She added that officials need to discuss the ways social media can make the age limit happen. She suggested that stronger tools in app stores and computer systems for parents could be a “simple and effective solution.”effective adj. 有效的X did not immediately answer a request from The Associated Press (AP) for comment. TikTok said it would not offer a comment to the AP.Some groups oppose the age limitMore than 140 experts in fields related to technology and children signed an open letter to Albanese last month opposing a social media age limit. (Q4) The letter said a ban would not be an effective way to deal with the risks of social media use.Sunita Bose is a director at the Digital Industry Group in Australia. Bose said in a statement, “Rather than blocking access through bans, we need to take a balanced approach to create age-appropriate spaces, build digital literacy and protect young people from online harm.”literacy n. 读写能力,文化水平Jackie Hallan is a director at the youth mental health service ReachOut. She also opposed the ban. She noted that 73 percent of young people across Australia seeking mental health support get it through social media. She added that young people are likely to find ways to use social media even with a ban in place.Child psychologist Philip Tam said it would have been easier to enforce the ban for children under the age of 12 or 13. (Q5) Tam said, “My real fear honestly is that the problem of social media will simply be driven underground.”Prime Minister Albanese said there would be rules to permit social media use in some situations, such as a need to connect with educational services.Earlier this year, the government began testing age-restriction technologies among a group of users. Officials will use the test results to guide what reasonable steps social media services can take.Lawmaker Paul Fletcher said the services already have the technology to enforce such an age ban. He added that if the law for controlling social media use is well written, Australia can get the results it wants.Part III. KEYQ1. A. 细节题。题目出处为:The bill will set an age limit of 16 for children to use social media and make the services responsible for enforcement. 意为:“该法案将设定16岁的年龄限制,禁止16岁以下的儿童使用社交媒体,并要求这些服务提供商负责执行这一规定。”因此答案是A。Q2. B. 细节题。题目出处为:I’ve spoken to thousands of parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles. They, like me, are worried sick about the safety of our kids online,’ Albanese said. 意为:“我和成千上万的父母、祖父母、叔叔和阿姨交谈过。他们和我一样,非常担心孩子们在网络上的安全问题,”阿尔巴尼斯说。因此答案是B。Q3. C. 细节题。题目出处为:Antigone Davi... said the company would respect any age limits the government wants to put in place. 意为:安提戈涅·戴维斯……说公司会尊重政府决定实施的任何年龄限制。因此答案是C。Q4. D. 主旨题。题目出处为:The letter said a ban would not be an effective way to deal with the risks of social media use. 意为:这封信表示,禁止使用社交媒体并不是应对社交媒体风险的有效方法。因此答案是D。Q5. B. 推理题。题目出处为:Tam said, ‘My real fear honestly is that the problem of social media will simply be driven underground.’ 意为:Tam说,“我真正担心的是,社交媒体的问题将被直接转入地下(以更隐蔽的形式存在)。”因此答案是B。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

教学素材 | 如何战胜对失败的恐惧

How to Break through Your Fear of Failure 如何战胜对失败的恐惧 词汇 | CET-4 | 句法CET-4 | 文本CET-6刘立军 供稿Failure is a normal part of life. Everyone experiences it, especially when stepping outside of their comfort zone. Despite being common, failure feels overwhelming because it is tied to negative emotions like shame and disappointment. However, the real issue may not be failure itself but the fear of failing. 失败是生活的一部分。每个人都会经历,尤其是在走出舒适区的时候。尽管失败很普遍,但它带来的负面情绪如羞耻和失望等等让人感到难以承受。然而,真正的问题可能不是失败本身,而是对失败的恐惧。Reframe Your Fear 重新定义你的恐惧 It’s important to ask yourself why you are afraid of failure. Are you worried about others’ opinions, losing a job, or not achieving your goals? Failure can damage your self-esteem and confidence, but it’s part of growth. Instead of seeing failure as an end, think of it as a learning opportunity. 重要的是要问自己为什么害怕失败。你是在担心别人的眼光,失去工作,还是无法实现自己的目标?失败可能会损害你的自尊和自信,但它同时也是成长的一部分。与其将失败视为终点,不如把它看作是一次学习的机会。For example, if you didn’t get a job you wanted, this setback could be a chance to improve your skills and find a better fit. If you miss a deadline, it can teach you to manage your time better. By analyzing what went wrong, you can turn failure into a stepping stone for success. 例如,如果你没有得到想要的工作,这次挫折可能是一个提升技能并找到更合适机会的契机。如果你错过了一个截止日期,这可以教会你更好地管理时间。通过分析是哪里出了问题,你可以把失败转变为通往成功的垫脚石。Changing your mindset is key. Rather than fearing failure, view it as part of the process of learning and improvement. This shift can make you stronger and more resilient. 改变心态是关键。不要害怕失败,而是把它视为学习和提升的一部分。这种心态的转变会让你变得更强大、更有韧性。Visualize Success 设想成功 Fear often leads to self-doubt and procrastination. To overcome this, train your mind to focus on positive thoughts. Replace negative thinking with positive affirmations. For instance, athletes use visualization techniques to improve performance. By mentally picturing success, they enhance their physical skills.恐惧常常会导致自我怀疑和拖延。为了克服这一点,要训练你的思维专注于积极的想法。用积极的肯定来代替消极的思考。例如,运动员使用视觉化技巧来提升自己的成绩。通过在脑海中描绘成功的场景,他们能够增强自己的运动技能。You can do the same. Try visualizing yourself achieving your goals. Be specific and use your senses to imagine success vividly. You can also create vision boards with images and words that represent your goals to keep you motivated. Visualizing your achievements can help you stay focused and reduce fear. 你也可以这样做。尝试想象自己达成目标时的情景。具体一些,用感官生动地想象成功时的各种细节。你还可以制作一个愿景板,上面贴满代表你目标的图片和文字,以保持动力。想象自己达成目标可以帮助你保持专注,减少恐惧。Surround Yourself with Supportive People 与支持你的人为伴 Having supportive friends and mentors is crucial in overcoming fear. Real friends offer encouragement and can help you stay motivated, even during tough times. They can also provide honest feedback, helping you navigate challenges and improve. 拥有支持你的朋友和导师对于克服恐惧至关重要。真正的朋友不仅会在你遇到困难时给予鼓励,帮助你保持进取心,还会提供真诚的反馈,帮你应对挑战并不断进步。Supportive relationships make failure less daunting. When others believe in you, it becomes easier to believe in yourself and keep going after setbacks. 支持性的关系使失败显得不那么可怕。当他人对你有信心时,你也会更容易相信自己,并在遭遇挫折后继续前进。Take Action 采取行动 Fear of failure can paralyze you, making it hard to take action. However, taking small steps helps build confidence and reduces fear. Start with manageable tasks, and as you achieve them, you’ll feel more capable. Focus on progress rather than perfection. Remember, failure is not the end ― it’s part of the journey toward success. 对失败的恐惧可能会让你停滞不前,难以采取行动。然而,通过一步步采取行动,你可以逐渐建立信心,减少恐惧。从容易处理的任务开始,随着你逐步完成它们,你会感觉自己更有能力。专注于进步而不是完美。记住,失败并不是终点,而是通向成功之旅的一部分。Taking action is key to breaking the cycle of fear. Every step forward helps you move closer to your goal, even if there are failures along the way. 行动是打破恐惧循环的关键。每前进一步,即使途中遇到失败,都会让你更接近目标。Learn from Failure 从失败中学习Failure is an opportunity to learn and improve. Instead of resisting failure, accept it as part of life’s ups and downs. Entrepreneur Malcolm Forbes said, “Failure is success if we learn from it.” Each failure teaches you valuable lessons that can guide better decisions in the future. 失败是学习和提升的机会。与其抗拒失败,不如接受它是生活起伏的一部分。企业家马尔科姆·福布斯说:“如果我们从失败中学习,那么失败就是成功。”每次失败都能教会我们宝贵的教训,指导我们在未来做出更好的决定。Life is not perfect, and neither is the path to success. Embracing failure with humility and courage will help you thrive. Celebrate your successes, but also appreciate the lessons that failure brings. 生活并不完美,成功之路也不尽然如此。以谦逊和勇气接受失败,这将帮助你茁壮成长。庆祝你的成功,但也要珍惜失败带来的教训。When you stop fearing failure, you open up a world of new possibilities. 当你不再害怕失败时,你将打开一个充满新的可能性的世界。【词汇】 1. mindset n. 心态2. resilient adj. 有韧性的;适应力强的3. procrastination n. 拖延症4. affirmation n. 确认,断言5. mentor n. 导师,指导者6. navigate v. 导航,航行;找到正确的方法7. daunting adj. 使人气馁的,使人畏缩的8. paralyze v. 使瘫痪,使麻痹9. humility n. 谦逊,虚心(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | AI方法开发者获诺贝尔物理学奖

AI方法开发者获诺贝尔物理学奖Developers of AI Methods Win Nobel Prize in Physics慢速 | 高考 偏难| 618词 | 6min4s刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. How did Geoffrey Hinton describe the potential impact of AI on civilization?A. It will have little influence.B. It will be like the Industrial Revolution.C. It will reduce productivity.D. It will only affect healthcare.Q2. What concern did Geoffrey Hinton express about AI?A. It will never surpass human intelligence.B. It will decrease technological progress.C. It will only benefit a few people.D. It could become uncontrollable.Q3. What inference can be made about the Nobel committee's view on AI?A. They believe AI has no ethical concerns.B. They think AI's benefits outweigh its risks.C. They acknowledge both the benefits and risks of AI.D. They are opposed to AI development.Q4. What is John Hopfield's contribution to AI, according to the Nobel committee?A. Developing backpropagation.B. Inventing a network for saving and recreating patterns.C. Winning the ImageNet competition.D. Creating facial recognition technology.Q5. What is the main theme of the article?A. The recognition of AI pioneers by the Nobel committee.B. The dangers of AI development.C. The history of the Nobel Prize in Physics.D. The future of machine learning technologies.Part II. TRANSCRIPTDevelopers of AI Methods Win Nobel Prize in PhysicsTwo early developers of artificial intelligence (AI) have won this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics.American John Hopfield is with Princeton University in New Jersey. Geoffrey Hinton is a citizen of Canada and Britain who works at the University of Toronto.The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences honored them for helping “to develop methods that are the foundation of today’s powerful machine learning.”The 76-year-old Hinton is known as the Godfather of artificial intelligence for his part in developing machine learning. However, he also has warned that AI has created threats to humanity.Godfather n. 教父,创始人Ellen Moons is a member of the Nobel committee at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Moons said the two scientists “used fundamental concepts from statistical physics to design artificial neural networks that function as associative memories and find patterns in large data sets.”neural adj. 神经的,神经网络的Moons added that their research has been used to make progress in physics but has also become part of people’s daily lives. Technologies like facial recognition and language translation are used every day.(Q1) Hinton predicted that AI would have a “huge influence” on civilization and will bring improvements to productivity and health care. He told reporters and Royal Academy officials that, “It would be comparable to the Industrial Revolution.”The Industrial Revolution was a period of intensive development of machines and manufacturing that started more than 250 years ago in Britain.Hinton said, “Instead of exceeding people in physical strength, it’s going to exceed people in intellectual ability.” (Q2) But Hinton also expressed concern about the possible bad results of AI, especially noting, in his words, “the threat of these things getting out of control.”The Nobel committee also recognized the possible damage the discoveries that it was honoring could cause. (Q3) Moons said AI’s “development has also raised concerns about our future. Collectively, humans carry the responsibility for using this new technology in a safe and ethical way for the greatest benefit of humankind.”ethical adj. 伦理的,道德的What they didIn the 1980s, Hinton helped to develop a method known as backpropagation, which is used to “train” computers to learn.Later, he headed a team at the University of Toronto that won the ImageNet computer competition in 2012 for designing a “neural network.”Hinton and AI scientists Yoshua Bengio and Yann LeCun won the Turing Award in 2019. It is the top award in computer science. That year, Hinton told the Associated Press about the reaction he and his fellow researchers received over their work.They thought “we were very misguided and what we were doing was a very surprising thing for apparently intelligent people to waste their time on. My message to young researchers is, don’t be put off if everyone tells you what you are doing is silly."be put off 失去兴趣或感到厌烦Hopfield is now 91 years old. (Q4) The Nobel committee said he “invented a network that uses a method for saving and recreating patterns.”Hinton used Hopfield’s network to create a new network using a different method known as the Boltzmann machine. The committee said this “machine” can learn to recognize elements in a particular kind of data.“What fascinates me most is still this question of how mind comes from machine,” Hopfield said in a video posted online by the Franklin Institute after it awarded him a physics prize in 2019.The Nobel Prize in Physics is valued at $1 million. Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel created the prizes to honor discoveries that help humanity. The first prizes were awarded in 1901.On Wednesday, the prize in chemistry will be announced; on Thursday, the prize for literature; and Friday, the peace prize. The Nobel for economics will be announced on Monday.The winners receive their prizes in ceremonies held on December 10.Part III. KEYQ1. B. 细节题。题目出处为:Hinton predicted that AI would have a ‘huge influence’ on civilization and will bring improvements to productivity and health care. He told reporters and Royal Academy officials that, ‘It would be comparable to the Industrial Revolution.’ 意为:Hinton预测人工智能将对文明产生巨大影响,并将提高生产力,改善医疗保健。他告诉记者和皇家科学院官员,‘在未来这将与工业革命相媲美。’因此答案是B。Q2. D. 细节题。题目出处为:But Hinton also expressed concern about the possible bad results of AI, especially noting, in his words, ‘the threat of these things getting out of control.’ 意为:“但Hinton也表达了对人工智能可能带来的不良后果的担忧,特别指出‘这些东西失控所带来的威胁’。”因此答案是D。Q3. C. 推理题。题目出处为:Moons said AI’s’ development has also raised concerns about our future. Collectively, humans carry the responsibility for using this new technology in a safe and ethical way for the greatest benefit of humankind.’ 意为:Moons表示,人工智能的发展也引发了对我们未来的担忧。人类有责任以安全和道德的方式使用这项新技术,以造福人类。这表明诺贝尔委员会承认人工智能兼具利弊。因此答案是C。Q4. B. 细节题。题目出处为:The Nobel committee said he ‘invented a network that uses a method for saving and recreating patterns.’ 意为:诺贝尔委员会称他‘发明了一种使用保存和重构模式的方法的网络。’因此答案是B。Q5. A. 主旨题。文章主要讲述了两位人工智能先驱因其对人工智能发展的贡献而获得诺贝尔物理学奖。因此答案是A。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 澳大利亚计划禁止16岁以下儿童使用社交媒体

澳大利亚计划禁止16岁以下儿童使用社交媒体Australia Plans Social Media Ban for Children under 16慢速 | 高考 偏难 | 593词 | 6min16s刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is the main purpose of the new bill introduced by the Australian Parliament?A. To ban social media for children under 16.B. To promote social media use among children.C. To increase social media engagement.D. To support social media companies financially.Q2. What is Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s main concern regarding social media?A. The economic impact of social media.B. The safety of children online.C. The popularity of social media platforms.D. The technological advancements in social media.Q3. What is Antigone Davis’s position regarding the age limit proposal?A. She opposes the age limit completely.B. She believes social media should be banned for everyone.C. She supports respecting the government’s age limits.D. She thinks social media is not harmful to children.Q4. What is the main idea of the opposition to the social media age limit?A. The ban will improve children’s mental health.B. The age limit will enhance digital literacy.C. The age limit will increase online harm.D. The ban is not an effective way to address social media risks.Q5. Why does child psychologist Philip Tam believe enforcing a ban for children under 16 might be challenging?A. Children under 16 do not use social media.B. The problem might be driven underground.C. The technology to enforce the ban does not exist.D. Parents will not support the ban.Part II. TRANSCRIPTAustralia Plans Social Media Ban for Children under 16The Australian government recently announced plans to ban the use of social media by children under the age of 16.Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said, “Social media is doing harm to our kids.” He added that now is the time for the government to intervene.The country’s Parliament will introduce a new bill during the final two weeks of its meeting starting on November 18. (Q1) The bill will set an age limit of 16 for children to use social media and make the services responsible for enforcement.parliament n. 议会,国会enforcement v. 执行,实施Albanese told reporters that the age limit would take effect 12 months after the bill is passed. And social media services, including X, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, would need to use the year to work out how to put age controls in place.(Q2) “I’ve spoken to thousands of parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles. They, like me, are worried sick about the safety of our kids online,” Albanese worried sick 非常担心The proposal comes at a time when governments around the world are considering ways to control how young people use smartphones and social media.Under the Australian proposal, social media companies would face penalties for violating the age limit. However, under-age children and their parents would not face penalties.(Q3) Antigone Davis is the head of safety at Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram. Davis said the company would respect any age limits the government wants to put in place. She added that officials need to discuss the ways social media can make the age limit happen. She suggested that stronger tools in app stores and computer systems for parents could be a “simple and effective solution.”effective adj. 有效的X did not immediately answer a request from The Associated Press (AP) for comment. TikTok said it would not offer a comment to the AP.Some groups oppose the age limitMore than 140 experts in fields related to technology and children signed an open letter to Albanese last month opposing a social media age limit. (Q4) The letter said a ban would not be an effective way to deal with the risks of social media use.Sunita Bose is a director at the Digital Industry Group in Australia. Bose said in a statement, “Rather than blocking access through bans, we need to take a balanced approach to create age-appropriate spaces, build digital literacy and protect young people from online harm.”literacy n. 读写能力,文化水平Jackie Hallan is a director at the youth mental health service ReachOut. She also opposed the ban. She noted that 73 percent of young people across Australia seeking mental health support get it through social media. She added that young people are likely to find ways to use social media even with a ban in place.Child psychologist Philip Tam said it would have been easier to enforce the ban for children under the age of 12 or 13. (Q5) Tam said, “My real fear honestly is that the problem of social media will simply be driven underground.”Prime Minister Albanese said there would be rules to permit social media use in some situations, such as a need to connect with educational services.Earlier this year, the government began testing age-restriction technologies among a group of users. Officials will use the test results to guide what reasonable steps social media services can take.Lawmaker Paul Fletcher said the services already have the technology to enforce such an age ban. He added that if the law for controlling social media use is well written, Australia can get the results it wants.Part III. KEYQ1. A. 细节题。题目出处为:The bill will set an age limit of 16 for children to use social media and make the services responsible for enforcement. 意为:“该法案将设定16岁的年龄限制,禁止16岁以下的儿童使用社交媒体,并要求这些服务提供商负责执行这一规定。”因此答案是A。Q2. B. 细节题。题目出处为:I’ve spoken to thousands of parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles. They, like me, are worried sick about the safety of our kids online,’ Albanese said. 意为:“我和成千上万的父母、祖父母、叔叔和阿姨交谈过。他们和我一样,非常担心孩子们在网络上的安全问题,”阿尔巴尼斯说。因此答案是B。Q3. C. 细节题。题目出处为:Antigone Davi... said the company would respect any age limits the government wants to put in place. 意为:安提戈涅·戴维斯……说公司会尊重政府决定实施的任何年龄限制。因此答案是C。Q4. D. 主旨题。题目出处为:The letter said a ban would not be an effective way to deal with the risks of social media use. 意为:这封信表示,禁止使用社交媒体并不是应对社交媒体风险的有效方法。因此答案是D。Q5. B. 推理题。题目出处为:Tam said, ‘My real fear honestly is that the problem of social media will simply be driven underground.’ 意为:Tam说,“我真正担心的是,社交媒体的问题将被直接转入地下(以更隐蔽的形式存在)。”因此答案是B。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 什么是农历新年

什么是农历新年What Is the Lunar New Year?慢速| 中考 | 575词 | 5min35s刘立军 供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. When will the Year of the Dragon start according to the text?A. At the end of January.B. On February 10.C. During the Spring Festival.D. After 15 days of celebration.Q2. Which animal in the Vietnamese zodiac replaces the rabbit found in the Chinese zodiac?A. Cat.B. Dragon.C. Buffalo.D. Goat.Q3. What are the fears of Nian, the monster from the Lunar New Year story?A. Fireworks, dragons, and light.B. Red color, silence, and darkness.C. Fire, loud noises, and the color red.D. Water, bright lights, and firecrackers.Q4. What is the purpose of the activities during the Lunar New Year celebrations according to the ancient story?A. To entertain families with fireworks.B. To celebrate ancestors with food offerings.C. To prepare traditional games for the community.D. To chase away bad luck and welcome good fortune.Q5. Which tradition is common among many Korean families during the Lunar New Year?A. Wearing red clothing.B. Holding a ceremony called “charye”.C. Playing traditional games.D. Decorating homes with orchids.Q6. Based on the passage, why might cleaning the home be a special activity for some during the Lunar New Year?A. To make room for gifts of money.B. To prepare for the visit of ancestors’ spirits.C. To symbolize starting the new year fresh and clean.D. To avoid the attention of Nian, the monster.Q7. What is “changshou mian” and what does it symbolize in Chinese culture during the Lunar New Year?A. A type of firecracker that symbolizes warding off evil spirits.B. A traditional game that symbolizes family unity.C. Red lanterns that symbolize good luck and joy.D. Long-life noodles eaten with a wish for longevity.Q8. What is the main theme of the passage?A. The history and significance of the Lunar New Year celebrations.B. The importance of ancestor worship during the Lunar New Year.C. The different foods associated with the Lunar New Year.D. The comparison of Lunar New Year traditions in various cultures.Part II. TRANSCRIPTWhat Is the Lunar New Year?(Q1) On February 10, Asian American communities around the world will ring in the Year of the Dragon. Some Lunar New Year celebrations will be public, like parades and fireworks. But, families will also gather for private parties.What is the Lunar New Year?The Lunar New Year is a major holiday in several Asian countries. And people celebrate over several days or even weeks. It is called the Spring Festival in China, Tet in Vietnam and Seollal in Korea. The holiday begins on the first new moon of the lunar calendar and ends 15 days later on the first full moon. Because the holiday is based on the moon, it falls somewhere between the end of January and the end of February. The lunar calendar is based on 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. The animals are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. (Q2) In the Vietnamese zodiac, the cat replaces the rabbit and the buffalo is in place of the ox. For 2024, it is the year of the dragon for both.Tet 是“Tết Nguyên Đán”的简称,是越南春节的简称the Chinese zodiac 中国十二生肖buffalo n. 水牛(分非洲水牛和亚洲水牛两种)What are some traditions around the Lunar New Year?One well-known ancient story speaks of Nian, a terrible monster that eats human flesh on New Year’s Day. But (Q3) Nian has some fears that weaken him. He fears the color red, loud noises and fire. So, (Q4) Lunar New Year activities include putting up red paper dragons on the doors of homes. People also burn red lanterns all night and set off firecrackers to chase away the monster. To this day, the Lunar New Year celebration is centered on removing bad luck and welcoming all that is good and successful. Red is considered a lucky color to ring in a new year. In many Asian cultures, the color symbolizes a good future and joy. People wear red clothing, decorate their homes with red paper lanterns and use red envelopes to present loved ones with gifts of money. Gambling and playing traditional games are common during Lunar New Year among celebrants around the world. Ancestor worship is also common during this time. (Q5) Many Korean families take part in a ceremony called “charye.” Female family members prepare food and male members serve it to ancestors. The final act involves the entire family sharing a meal and asking for help from their ancestors for the coming year. Vietnamese culture holds a similar tradition. People cook traditional dishes and place them on a home altar in honor of their ancestors.celebrant n. 参加聚会(或庆典)的人altar n.(教堂、庙宇的)圣坛,祭坛,祭台How do diaspora communities celebrate?Members of Asian American communities around the U.S. also organize parades, parties and other events around the Lunar New Year. Lion and dragon dances are common, as are fireworks, traditional food and cultural performances. (Q6) People do special cleanings of their homes and decorate using orchids and other brightly colored flowers.diaspora n.(任何民族的)大移居What are some special foods for the New Year?Each culture has its own special foods for New Year celebration, including dumplings, rice cakes, spring rolls, tangerines, fish and meats. In Chinese culture, for example, “changshou mian” or “long-life noodles” are eaten with a wish for a long, healthy and happy life. Koreans celebrate with “tteokguk,” a soup that contains thinly sliced rice cakes. And Vietnamese culture has “banh chung”, a traditional dish made from rice, mung bean and pork belly. The dish is usually covered with banana leaves, shaped into a square and tied up with strings for steaming. tangerine n. 柑橘;蜜橘mung n. 绿豆Part III. KEYQ1. B. 细节题。文章中提到:“On February 10, Asian American communities around the world will ring in the Year of the Dragon.”意为:“在2月10日,世界各地的亚裔美国社区将迎来龙年。”可知,龙年将在 2 月 10 日开始。因此答案为B。Q2. A. 细节题。文章中提到:“In the Vietnamese zodiac, the cat replaces the rabbit...”意为:“在越南生肖中,猫取代了兔子……”。可知,越南生肖中猫取代了中国生肖中的兔子。因此答案为A。Q3. C. 细节题。文章中提到:“Nian has some fears that weaken him. He fears the color red, loud noises and fire.”意为:“年有一些恐惧的东西会削弱它。它害怕红色、巨大的噪音和火。”可知,年兽害怕红色、巨大声响和火。因此答案为C。Q4. D. 细节题。文章中提到:“Lunar New Year activities include... to chase away the monster.”以及“...the Lunar New Year celebration is centered on removing bad luck and welcoming all that is good and successful.”意为:“农历新年活动包括……赶走怪物。”以及“……农历新年庆祝活动的核心是消除坏运气,迎接一切美好和成功的事物。”可知,农历新年庆祝活动的目的是赶走厄运,迎接好运。因此答案为D。Q5. B. 细节题。文章中提到:“Many Korean families take part in a ceremony called “charye.””意为:“许多韩国家庭参加一个叫做‘茶礼’的仪式。”可知,在农历新年期间,许多韩国家庭都有举行“茶礼”的传统。因此答案为B。Q6. C. 推理题。文中虽未直接阐述清洁房屋的原因,但结合新年庆祝活动多与辞旧迎新相关,清洁房屋很可能象征着以崭新、干净的状态开始新的一年。因此答案为C。Q7. D. 细节题。文章中提到:“In Chinese culture, for example, ‘changshou mian’ or ‘long-life noodles’ are eaten with a wish for a long, healthy and happy life.”意为:“例如,在中国文化中,人们会吃‘长寿面’或者说‘长命百岁面’,并希望有一个长寿、健康和快乐的生活。”可知,“changshou mian” 是长寿面,它在中国文化中象征着长寿。因此答案为D。Q8. A. 主旨题。整篇文章围绕农历新年的庆祝活动展开,介绍了农历新年的时间、名称、基于的生肖,讲述了相关传统故事及传统习俗,还提及不同文化的庆祝方式和特殊食物,整体围绕农历新年庆祝活动的历史和意义。虽然文章还涉及了食物、祖先崇拜和不同文化之间的比较,但这些内容都只是文章的部分内容,不能概括全文主旨。因此答案为A。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)

新闻听力 | 增强自信始于自己

增强自信始于自己Boosting Your Confidence Starts with You 常速| 四级 | 高考 | 136词 | 52s刘立军供稿Part I. QUESTIONSListen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.Q1. What is the main issue addressed in the text?A. Achieving personal goals.B. Overcoming daily life challenges.C. Dealing with a lack of self-confidence.D. Meeting new people.Q2. According to the text, what can feel far away and unlikely due to a lack of confidence?A. Achieving one’s goals.B. Living a challenging daily life.C. Taking little steps towards self-improvement.D. Making someone proud.Q3. What does becoming more confident depend on according to the text?A. How many friends you have.B. The events you attend.C. How much you believe in yourself.D. The number of goals you set.Q4. What emotion does the text suggest you may experience when being introduced to someone if you’re confident?A. Embarrassment.B. Pride.C. Indifference.D. Anxiety. Q5. What might be a small step towards boosting self-confidence mentioned in the text?A. Attending every event you are invited to.B. Setting an unreachable goal.C. Feeling proud when meeting someone new.D. Saying “no” to an unwanted event.Part II. TRANSCRIPTBoosting Your Confidence Starts with You (Q1) For anyone suffering from a lack of self-confidence, it can prove difficult to live life to its fullest. (Q2) Achieving goals can feel far away and unlikely. Daily life is often challenging too. That said, boosting how you feel about yourself isn’t a million miles away. (Q3) Becoming more confident is all about how much you believe in yourself. (Q4) When you’re being introduced to someone, do you feel proud of what’s being said or do you struggle to listen? The more you believe in yourself, the more you will like yourself. confident adj. 自信的;有自信心的It all starts with little steps. (Q5) It can start by saying “no” to an event you know you won’t like, or even simply setting a new, more attainable goal. Whatever it is, I hope it helps you believe in yourself more.Part III. KEYQ1. C. 主旨题。整篇文章围绕如何提升自信进行讨论,特别是在开头提到的:“For anyone suffering from a lack of self-confidence, it can prove difficult to live life to its fullest.” 意为:“对于任何缺乏自信的人来说,尽情享受生活是很困难的。” 后续也是围绕缺乏自信展开,所以主要讨论的是应对缺乏自信的问题。因此答案为C。Q2. A. 细节题。文章在第一段中提到:“Achieving goals can feel far away and unlikely.” 意为:“实现目标可能感觉遥不可及且不太可能。” 这句话直接指出了由于缺乏自信,完成个人目标可能感到困难。因此答案为A。Q3. C. 细节题。在第二段中,文本说明:“Becoming more confident is all about how much you believe in yourself.” 意为:“变得更自信完全取决于你对自己的相信程度。” 这句话清晰地阐明了自信程度取决于自我信念的大小。因此答案为C。Q4. B. 推理题。根据文本第二段所述:“When you’re being introduced to someone, do you feel proud of what’s being said or do you struggle to listen?” 意为:“当你被介绍给某人时,你是否对所说的内容感到自豪?还是你听得很费劲?” 可以推断出,如果你有自信,当你被介绍给别人时,你可能会感到自豪。因此答案为B。Q5. D. 细节题。文本在最后一段提到:“It can start by saying ‘no’ to an event you know you won’t like...” 意为:“它可以从拒绝你知道你不会喜欢的活动开始……”。 这表明拒绝不想参加的活动是提升自信的一个小步骤。因此答案为D。(本文图片来源于摄图网,版权归摄图网所有)


说课点评:在30分钟的准备时间里,读完、理解一篇800多词的商务英语文章,记住文章的结构和要点,设计出一套有理论指导、教学理念清晰、目标合理、结构完整、方法得当,最好再带点创新的教学方案,然后在10分钟的时间里,用英语条理清晰地把它展示出来,这对任何商务英语教师来讲都是一项重大的挑战。潘紫萌老师首先分析了课文,根据内容将其解构成三大部分。选手将第二部分(第3-8段)归纳成 promotion, price and place 和将第三部分(第9段)归纳成对计划进入中国市场的外国企业的忠告,这都是正确的。但是,她把第一部分(第1-2段)归纳成product,进而把前两部分归纳成营销学中著名的4P战略,这种做法有待商榷。因为课文的第1段主要讲两个问题:1)营销战略如何在中国成功,2)这些战略如何根据中国人的喜好以及对产品或服务的认知进行调整,而不是具体的产品。也许是准备的时间非常紧迫,选手对课文的理解和归纳出现了偏差。然后,潘老师分析了学生的特点。在教学模式上,她采取以学生为中心、以产出为导向的教学模式。其教学目标包括商务英语知识、商务技能和伦理价值。在具体的教学方法上,她例举了基于任务的教学、基于讨论的教学、案例教学、学生参与的测评等,并强调要综合利用线上线下教学资源。在学习测评上,她采用师生共同参与的方式,以增强教学效果。至于具体的教学步骤,她采用BOPPPS模式,再加课后作业。以上教学方案应该说中规中矩,显示出潘老师对商务英语教学的理论、模式、方法和测评等各要素有比较全面的了解。潘老师最亮眼的表现是在10分钟的时间里,用流利的英语将其教学方案展现出来,而且条理清晰,相关的教学理论、教学方法、商务知识、商务案例均了然于胸,信手拈来,同时口到手到,同步将所讲内容写到白板上,手起笔落,一气呵成。在提问阶段,潘老师的表现依旧出色,理解到位,回答中肯,表现出较高的英语基本功和商务、人文素养。不过有的回答可以再精炼一些。比如在回答第一个问题时,把EGP,EOP,EAP,ESP 的定义都讲了一遍,有点啰嗦。总而言之,潘紫萌在说课中表现突出,是一位素质比较全面、经验比较丰富的优秀商务英语教师。点评专家:陈准民


授课点评:赵雪宇老师展示了“3A设计”,整合了准备、习得与应用这三个不同的教学阶段。对教学阶段和教学过程的表述比较清晰,教学过程在“3A设计”的基础上展开,强调学生参与的多元形式,例如学生提问、学生评价、学生总结等。设计框架层次清晰。教学展示与教学设计紧密地融合在了一起。展示伊始,教师提醒学生回忆“3A设计”,并且多次使用“I want you to be/do…”的句式,运用丰富的肢体语言、重读、停顿等方式明确提出了自己的期待,帮助学生更加直观地获得课堂学习的方向感。此外,教师对学生的分享做出了真诚的回应,而不只是用简短的评价话语敷衍了事,这对学习共同体的建构大有助益。这同时体现出教师对英语有着较好的掌握程度,能够从容、准确地重述学生观点,帮助学生修正语言表述上的错误,并提供更加规范、高效的表达方式。整体而言,赵老师在教学展示过程中教态得体,状态自然、松弛,说课清晰,且能够脱离讲稿等材料的辅助完成授课。课堂教学紧密围绕教学目标,环环相扣,逐步深入。她有效运用了多媒体课件,运用多样的视图突出核心教学内容,起到了辅助作用。可以看出赵老师的整体状态(尤其体现为笑容、身势,对重读、停顿的运用,以及真诚的回应)有效吸引了学生的注意力,激发了学生的学习兴趣,为学生创设了安全的发言空间,让学生有分享欲,愿意主动参与课堂互动。最后,建议赵老师未来可以在分析课文内容的同时,进一步在词汇层面对近义词加以辨析。点评专家:杨延宁


