在综合各高校外语教师反馈与需求调研的基础上,上海外国语大学中国外语教材与教法研究中心、上海外教社教育培训中心联合上海纽约大学定于2024年7月11-15日(7月11日报到,12-14日研修,15日离会)在上海市举办主题为“Content-based Course Design”的高级教师研修班。具体通知如下:

This three-day intensive course assists teacher trainees in exploring effective approaches to designing a content-based course in a vocational college setting, helps them develop their own model of content-based material design that is appropriate for their own teaching setting, and equips them with knowledge and skills to select, create, adapt, and prepare materials that best serve the needs of their students.
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply principles of Communicative Language Teaching and learner engagement to designing a content-based English language course;
2. Formulate their own model of course design for curriculum development and materials preparation in integrated content and language learning;
3. Develop a set of instructional techniques and strategies for integrated language and content learning appropriate for their teaching setting;
4. Design a content-based unit by using authentic materials or adapting published materials to enhance integrated content and language learning.

Dr. John Liang loves language studies and enjoys exploring theory and practice in language learning and teaching. He sets as his top priority equipping students to be effective classroom teachers and professional language educators who are committed to lifelong learning. Before coming to NYU Shanghai, he served for 22 years as a professor of TESOL and as Director of TESOL Programs at Biola University, California and for 4 years as ESL Coordinator in the Learning Center at the University of California, Riverside. Dr. Liang is a recipient of CATESOL’s Pearson Longman Spirit of Teaching Award, an award in recognition of an ESL professional’s excellence in teaching, and the Sadae Iwataki Award, a lifetime achievement award in recognition of a CATESOL member's outstanding service. A prolific presenter at professional conferences, he is very active in practitioner research in English Language Teaching. His single- and co-authored articles have also appeared in INTESOL Journal, CATESOL Journal, and edited books published by Peter Lang, Routledge, and Cambridge Scholars. His academic and professional works come in a wide range of areas, including grammar pedagogy, ESL materials, second language reading and writing, language assessment, and technology-enhanced language learning.
Dr. Meng Zhang is a Clinical Assistant Professor of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) at New York University Shanghai, an Adjunct Professor of Education at Shanghai Jiaotong University, and the Associate Editor of the International Journal of EAP. She received a Mater of Arts degree in TESOL from University of Southern California and a Ph.D. in Foreign, Second and Multilingual Education from The Ohio State University. Dr. Zhang has extensive experience in designing and teaching EAP and ESL courses in China and in the U.S. Her students are from a range of nonnative English-speaking countries and cultures. Dr. Zhang’s research interests include second language speaking and writing, academic socialization, and the design-based research methodology. Her publications can be found in several prestigious journals, such as TESOL Quarterly and International Journal of Educational Research. Moreover, Dr. Zhang is a public speaker and a creative writer. She gave her talks at the TEDx 2022 Conference and several library events held in Shanghai. Her books titled I Confess (poetry and prose) and Rains in the Sixteen (poetry and prose) were published by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing House in 2023 and 2007 respectively.
About NYU Shanghai
About NYU Shanghai - NYU Steinhardt Joint MA TESOL Program
上海纽约大学的英语教育硕士项目(MA TESOL)由上海纽约大学与全美教育学院排名前十的纽约大学斯坦哈特文化教育和人类发展学院合作开设,为在职英语教师及专业人士提供与斯坦哈特学院常规英语教育硕士项目不同的培养模式,全英文授课,为时两年。秋季和春季学期期间,学员以非全日制方式在上海纽约大学校园及线上平台进行学习,第二学年暑期则于纽约进行沉浸式课程学习。该硕士项目立足于现今国外前沿的教学方法,结合当前中国英语教学的需求,注重培养学员们的英语教学与研究技能,提高他们课堂内外的组织管理能力。该项目师资力量强大,由纽约大学斯坦哈特学院及上海纽约大学教授授课,他们精于第二语言的教学与研究,深谙中国学生的学习特点,因人施教。学员毕业后,将获得由中国教育部认可的纽约大学硕士学位。
上海纽约大学 NYU Shanghai
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