双语阅读 | 疫情与宠物

双语阅读 | 疫情与宠物
困难 8459

教学素材 | 疫情与宠物

叶心怡 供稿

The novel coronavirus has infected more than 2,400,000 people around the globe, killing more than 160,000. But it's not just humans impacted by the spread of the pandemic.



Many pets have died or are at risk of dying because their owners got ill or evacuated the houses in lockdown without them.



Vshine Animal Protection Association, a China-based animal welfare and environmental organization which partners with Humane Society International, estimated in March that the number of dogs and cats left behind in apartments in Hubei cities were in the tens of thousands. The organization has received hundreds of calls from worried residents, asking employees to check in on their pets, and they have saved hundreds of dogs and cats that were left behind.



There are also many animals abandoned by their owners on purpose, for fear of animal-to-human transmission.



According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US, there is no evidence that companion animals can spread the virus that causes COVID-19 to people.



Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, in which some cause illness in people, and others cause illness in certain types of animals. Animals infected by some viruses of the family can spread it to people, but such cases are rare.



Up till now, there have been a few cases in which animals were tested positive for the virus, but further studies are needed to understand how animals could be affected by the virus, and how infected animals might affect human health. For the time being, the new coronavirus is spreading mainly from person to person.



Nevertheless, many people kept at home are adopting pets, because pets can accompany them and provide a sense of purpose.



For pet owners, so far the best suggestion to protect yourselves and your pets is to treat pets as you would treat human family members: keep them away as far as possible from people or other animals outside the household.




pandemic - n. (全国或全球性的)流行病

evacuate - v. 撤离、疏散

nevertheless - adv. 尽管如此、然而

household - n. 一家人、同住一间房子的人


  • 字数:347个
  • 易读度:困难
  • 来源:互联网 2020-04-30