双语阅读 | 美国新冠疫情现状与应对

双语阅读 | 美国新冠疫情现状与应对
标准 17245
叶心怡 供稿

Coronavirus, which has caused more than 330 thousand infections and over 14 thousand death globally, is affecting countries around the world and arousing increased awareness. Let’s take a look at what is going on in the United States.

The US government is imposing tighter travel restrictions, with California being the first state to order its residents to remain at home as far as they are able to over the next several weeks.

The worldwide pandemic is cutting into the agriculture industry, bringing a lot of anxiety. Farmers are worried about the potential for even lower commodity prices, farm labor shortages, supply chain breakdowns and empty farmers’ markets. At the same time, many events in the industry have been canceled for fear of further spreading. Nevertheless, some producers are seeing a boost in business, and some have declared that despite the virus, they will not shut down business.

Delaware closed its beaches on March 21st, and the mayor of Ocean city called for vacationers to postpone their visits until the outbreak gets under control, saying that he did not want them to be here and contract anything in Ocean City, and that those who already were in the city should practice social distancing and avoid large crowds.

Marriott International Inc., the largest hotel company, announced on March 22nd that in the coming April it will furlough thousands of corporate employees across the globe due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to executives, two-thirds of the company’s 174,000 employees around the world would be furloughed for 90 days. Furloughed employees in the U.S. will receive 20 percent of their salary, and those still working will face reduced pay and work hours. Hotel companies throughout the United States have been seeking financial aid from the government to pay the staff.

pandemic: n. (全国或全球性的)流行病
breakdown: v. 故障、损坏
postpone: v. 推迟
contractv. 感染
furlough: v. 给予休假,使……暂时离岗

  • 字数:319个
  • 易读度:标准
  • 来源:叶心怡 2020-04-01