双语阅读 | 疫情防控期间的世界百态

双语阅读 | 疫情防控期间的世界百态
困难 11101

双语阅读 | 疫情防控期间的世界百态

叶心怡 供稿


The COVID-19 disease is rapidly spreading worldwide, and the number of cases is rising around the globe with increasing pace in affected areas, forcing countries to practice lockdown.



Some people are finding every chance to sneak out and have social life as usual, since the pandemic doesn't seem to be a big deal to them.



In Italy, one of the key affected countries, there have been videos that filmed mayors raging at lockdown breakers, who grabbed every chance to wander the streets, buy tobacco, have haircuts, and throw parties. In one of the videos, the mayor himself went patrolling the streets of the city, hunting down stragglers who ignored instructions to stay at home.



In UK, a couple said that they captured their neighbour dressing as a bush to break out of his home amid lockdown conditions.



In Spain, many have been trying to use pet-walking as an excuse for leaving their houses, as the government said pet-owners could take animals outside for walks. Some started dog rental businesses for others to take walks without getting fined. There was even a man caught trying to trick officers using a stuffed toy dog.


On the contrary, there are people engaged in meaningful deeds, helping and encouraging those in need.



Some quarantined Italians sang from their balconies to lift the spirits of those around them.



One McDonald's franchisee in Florida is serving free meals to hospital employees, who are working long and difficult shifts, to express gratitude to all the men and women who dedicate their lives to serve those affected by this global pandemic.



One of the largest French luxury conglomerates, LVMH, has set out to produce free hydroalcoholic gels for health authorities, in order to deal with shortage of hand sanitizers.



Two of the leading supermarket brands in Australia have launched a dedicated shopping hour for the elderly and differently-abled to fend for necessities.




lockdown - n. 活动限制,封锁

straggler - n. 掉队的人,离群的人

quarantine - v. 隔离、检疫

franchisee - n. 加盟店

conglomerate - n. 企业集团

hydroalcoholic gel - n. 水醇凝胶

  • 字数:328个
  • 易读度:困难
  • 来源:互联网 2020-04-22