练习 | BBC新闻:众志成城 遏制疫情

练习 | BBC新闻:众志成城 遏制疫情

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BBC新闻:众志成城 遏制疫情

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BBC新闻:众志成城 遏制疫情

燕山大学 刘立军 编写




BBC news with Chris Barrel.

President Trump has presented his Middle East peace plan, warning it may be the last chance Palestinians have to gain true independence. Under his proposals, Jerusalem would remain the undivided capital of Israel. The plan would offer the Palestinians contiguous territory for their state if they made certain demands. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said his country had to have sovereignty over the Jordan Valley. The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has rejected president Trump's proposal, calling it a conspiracy which will not pass. In the televised address from Ramallah in the Israeli occupied West Bank, Mr. Abbas said the rights of Palestinians are not for sale.

The Chinese president Xi Jingping has said China is struggling against the demon virus but he is confident the country will win the battle. Mr. Xi said he was directing efforts to stop the spread of the new illness.

The European Commission is to help repatriate European citizen currently in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the center of the coronavirus outbreak.

Syrian government forces are assaulting the rebel stronghold of Maaret al-Numan. It's the second biggest town in the mainly rebel-held province of Idlib.

United Sates says it's disappointed Britain’s decision to give the Chinese telecoms company Huawei a limited role in the development of its 5G mobile network. The British government said Huawei will be excluded from military bases and critical infrastructure.

The U.S military in Afghanistan has recovered two set of human remains from the site where an air force plane crashed. Taliban militants said all those on board had been killed.

And Greece's governing New Democracy party has said it's expelling one of the nation's sporting heroes from its group of the European parliament. Theodoros Zagorakis led the Greek's side to victory in Euro 2004 Football championships. His expulsion follows a threat to become an independent.

And that's the latest BBC news.

Adapted from https://www.chinavoa.com/show-8792-242030-1.html




1. contiguous adj. contiguous (with/to sth) (formal, or technical术语) touching or next to sth 相接的;相邻的。例如:The countries are contiguous. 这些国家互相接壤。

2. sovereignty n. sovereignty (over sth) complete power to govern a country 主权;最高统治权;最高权威。例如:The country claimed sovereignty over the island. 那个国家声称对该岛拥有主权。

3. conspiracy n. conspiracy (to do sth) / conspiracy (against sb/sth) a secret plan by a group of people to do sth harmful or illegal 密谋策划;阴谋。例如:a conspiracy to overthrow the government颠覆政府的阴谋

4. demon n. an evil spirit 恶魔;魔鬼。例如:demons torturing the sinners in Hell地狱里折磨罪人的魔鬼

5. repatriate v. to send or bring sb back to their own country 遣送回国;遣返。例如:The refugees were forcibly repatriated. 难民被强制遣送回国。

6. assault v. to attack sb violently, especially when this is a crime 猛烈攻击,袭击,侵犯人身(尤指构成罪行)。例如:He has been charged with assaulting a police officer. 他被控袭击警察。

7. stronghold n. a castle or a place that is strongly built and difficult to attack 堡垒;要塞;据点

8. critical adj. serious, uncertain and possibly dangerous 严重的;不稳定的;可能有危险的。例如:The first 24 hours after the operation are the most critical. 病人手术后头24小时是最危险的。

9. expulsion n. the act of sending sb away from a school or an organization, so that they can no longer belong to it; the act of expelling sb 开除;除名。例如:The club faces expulsion from the football league. 这家俱乐部面临被足协开除。



Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

BBC news with Chris Barrel.

President Trump has presented his Middle East peace plan, warning it may be the last chance Palestinians have to gain true (Q1) _________________. Under his proposals, Jerusalem would remain the undivided capital of Israel. The plan would offer the Palestinians contiguous territory for their state if they made certain demands. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said his country had to have (Q2) _______________________ over the Jordan Valley. The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has rejected president Trump's proposal, calling it a (Q3) ________________ which will not pass. In the televised address from Ramallah in the Israeli occupied West Bank, Mr. Abbas said the rights of Palestinians are not for sale.

The Chinese president Xi Jingping has said China is struggling against the demon virus but he is (Q4) __________________ the country will win the battle. Mr. Xi said he was directing efforts to stop the spread of the new illness.

The European Commission is to help repatriate European citizen currently in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the center of the (Q5) ____________________ outbreak.

Syrian government forces are assaulting the rebel (Q6) _________________ of Maaret al-Numan. It's the second biggest town in the mainly rebel-held province of Idlib.

United Sates says it's disappointed Britain’s decision to give the Chinese telecoms company Huawei (Q7) _____________________ in the development of its 5G mobile network. The British government said Huawei will be excluded from military bases and (Q8) ______________________.

The U.S military in Afghanistan has recovered two set of human remains from the site where an air force plane crashed. Taliban militants said all those (Q9) __________________ had been killed.

And Greece's governing New Democracy party has said it's expelling one of the nation's sporting heroes from its group of the European parliament. Theodoros Zagorakis led the Greek's side to victory in Euro 2004 Football championships. His (Q10) _________________ follows a threat to become an independent.

And that's the latest BBC news.



Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

BBC news with Chris Barrel.

President Trump has presented his Middle East peace plan, warning it may be the last chance Palestinians have to gain true (Q1) independence. Under his proposals, Jerusalem would remain the undivided capital of Israel. The plan would offer the Palestinians contiguous territory for their state if they made certain demands. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said his country had to have (Q2) sovereignty over the Jordan Valley. The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has rejected president Trump's proposal, calling it a (Q3) conspiracy which will not pass. In the televised address from Ramallah in the Israeli occupied West Bank, Mr. Abbas said the rights of Palestinians are not for sale.

The Chinese president Xi Jingping has said China is struggling against the demon virus but he is (Q4) confident the country will win the battle. Mr. Xi said he was directing efforts to stop the spread of the new illness.

The European Commission is to help repatriate European citizen currently in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the center of the (Q5) coronavirus outbreak.

Syrian government forces are assaulting the rebel (Q6) stronghold of Maaret al-Numan. It's the second biggest town in the mainly rebel-held province of Idlib.

United Sates says it's disappointed Britain’s decision to give the Chinese telecoms company Huawei (Q7) a limited role in the development of its 5G mobile network. The British government said Huawei will be excluded from military bases and (Q8) critical infrastructure.

The U.S military in Afghanistan has recovered two set of human remains from the site where an air force plane crashed. Taliban militants said all those (Q9) on board had been killed.

And Greece's governing New Democracy party has said it's expelling one of the nation's sporting heroes from its group of the European parliament. Theodoros Zagorakis led the Greek's side to victory in Euro 2004 Football championships. His (Q10) expulsion follows a threat to become an independent.

And that's the latest BBC news.

  • 时长:2.0分钟
  • 语速:174wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2020-03-04