练习 | 六名格陵兰人要求丹麦政府给予赔偿

练习 | 六名格陵兰人要求丹麦政府给予赔偿

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Six Greenlanders Demand Compensation from Denmark Government

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Six Greenlanders Demand Compensation from Denmark Government

刘立军 供稿




Six indigenous Greenlanders, who were taken as children to Denmark in a failed social experiment 70 years ago, are demanding compensation from the Danish state. Danny Eberhardt reports. 


Twenty-two Inuit children were put on a boat in 1951 and sent to foster homes in Denmark, then the colonial power. Those behind the scheme believe those taken would, on their return to Greenland, form part of a new, as they saw it, modern elite. They were, in fact, returned to an orphanage. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen apologized last year for what she called a human tragedy. But now the six survivors all in their 70s want compensation, $38,000 each. Their lawyer says they had their childhoods ruined and lost their families, language, and culture. 




1. indigenous adj. (formal) belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else 本地的;当地的;土生土长的。例如:the indigenous peoples/languages of the area该地区的本地人 / 语言

2. compensation n. something, especially money, that sb. gives you because they have hurt you, or damaged sth. that you own; the act of giving this to sb. 补偿(或赔偿)物;(尤指)赔偿金,补偿金;赔偿。例如:to claim/award/receive compensation要求 / 判给 / 得到赔偿金

3. Inuit n. a race of people from northern Canada and parts of Greenland and Alaska. The name is sometimes also wrongly used to refer to people from Siberia and S and W Alaska. 因努伊特人(加拿大北部以及格陵兰和阿拉斯加部分地区的一个种族的人,有时误指西伯利亚及阿拉斯加南部和西部的人)

4. elite n. a group of people in a society, etc. who are powerful and have a lot of influence, because they are rich, intelligent, etc. 上层集团;(统称)掌权人物,社会精英。例如:In these countries, only the elite can afford an education for their children. 在这些国家里,只有上层人士才供得起子女上学。

5. orphanage n. a home for children whose parents are dead 孤儿院




Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.


Six indigenous Greenlanders, who were taken as children to Denmark in a failed (Q1) __________ 70 years ago, are demanding (Q2) ______________ from the Danish state. Danny Eberhardt reports. Twenty-two Inuit (Q3) ______________ were put on a boat in 1951 and sent to foster homes in Denmark, then the colonial power. Those behind the scheme believe those taken would, on their return to Greenland, form part of a new, as they saw it, modern (Q4) ____________. They were, in fact, returned to an (Q5) _____________. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen apologized last year for what she called a (Q6) _________________. But now the six (Q7) _________________all in their 70s want compensation, $38,000 each. Their lawyer says they had their childhoods ruined and lost their (Q8) __________________________. 




Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.


Six indigenous Greenlanders, who were taken as children to Denmark in a failed (Q1) social experiment 70 years ago, are demanding (Q2) compensation from the Danish state. Danny Eberhardt reports. 


Twenty-two Inuit (Q3) children were put on a boat in 1951 and sent to foster homes in Denmark, then the colonial power. Those behind the scheme believe those taken would, on their return to Greenland, form part of a new, as they saw it, modern (Q4) elite. They were, in fact, returned to an (Q5) orphanage. Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen apologized last year for what she called a (Q6) human tragedy. But now the six (Q7) survivors all in their 70s want compensation, $38,000 each. Their lawyer says they had their childhoods ruined and lost their (Q8) families, language, and culture


  • 时长:0.8分钟
  • 语速:159wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2021-12-20