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燕山大学 刘立军 编写


Hello, I'm Debby Russ with the BBC News.

The world renowned British Physicist Stephen Hawking who tried to explain the mysteries of the universe to millions of people has died at the age of 76. His family said he died peacefully at his home in Cambridge. Professor Hawking used wheelchair and was able to speak only through a computer synthesizer, having been diagnosed with a rare form of motor neuron disease as a young man. Despite being given only a few years to live, he wrote popular science books for several decades. A film about his life The Theory of Everything won an Oscar for the actor Eddie Redmayne who portrayed him.

Stephen's daughter Lucy spoke about her father's love of the limelight in 2012. Another fancy of my father people don't very really highlight is what a showman he is. He's a bit of an impresario at heart, and he loves a big show, a big stage, bright light, whether it's him on stage or whether it's watching the spectacle.

Stephen Hawking's death was announced in the statement by his children who said they will miss him forever. They said his courage and brilliance inspired people across the world. Among politicians to pay tribute was the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who said Professor Hawking had made the world a better place.


1. synthesizer n. (British English also -iser)an electronic machine for producing different sounds. Synthesizers are used as musical instruments, especially for copying the sounds of other instruments, and for copying speech sounds. 音响合成器 例如:a speech synthesizer语音合成器
2. motor neuron disease n. a disease in which the nerves and muscles become gradually weaker until the person dies 运动神经元病(神经和肌肉逐渐萎缩,直到死亡)
3. portray v. to act a particular role in a film / movie or play 扮演(某角色) play 例如:
Her father will be portrayed by Sean Connery. 肖恩•康纳利将饰演她的父亲。
4. limelight n. (usually the limelight) the centre of public attention 公众注意的中心。例如:
● to be in the limelight成为公众注目的中心
● to stay out of the limelight避免引人注目
● to steal / hog the limelight (= take attention away from other people) 把公众的注意力吸引过来
5. showman n. a person who does things in an entertaining way and is good at getting people's attention 善于引起公众注意的人;喜欢出风头的人
6. impresario n. a person who arranges plays in the theatre, etc., especially a person who manages a theatre, opera or ballet company (剧院、歌剧或芭蕾舞团的)经理
7. spectacle n. a performance or an event that is very impressive and exciting to look at 精彩的表演;壮观的场面。例如:The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle. 狂欢节游行场面热烈,蔚为大观。
8. tribute n. tribute (to sb.) an act, a statement or a gift that is intended to show your respect or admiration, especially for a dead person (尤指对死者的)致敬,颂词;悼念;致哀;吊唁礼物。例如:
● At her funeral her oldest friend paid tribute to her life and work. 在葬礼上,她最早的朋友对她的一生和工作给予了高度的赞扬。
● This book is a fitting tribute to the bravery of the pioneers. 本书是对先驱们大无畏精神恰如其分的献礼。
● floral tributes (= gifts of flowers at a funeral) 葬礼献花

Listen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.

1. Where did Stephen Hawking die?
A. At his home in Cambridge.
B. At his office in Cambridge.
C. At his home in Oxford.
D. At his office in Oxford.

2. What did Stephen Hawking’s daughter Lucy speak about him in 2012?
A. He is a man love to be a physicist.
B. He is a man love to be in the limelight.
C. He is a man love to stay out of the limelight.
D. He is a man love to be an actor.

3. Who announced Stephen Hawking’s death? 
A. His colleagues.
B. His wife.
C. His children.
D. His doctor.


1. A。细节题。命题出处:His family said he died peacefully at his home in Cambridge.
2. B。细节题。命题出处:Stephen's daughter Lucy spoke about her father's love of the limelight in 2012.
3. C。细节题。命题出处:Stephen Hawking's death was announced in the statement by his children who said they will miss him forever.

  • 时长:1.3分钟
  • 语速:191wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 宋葳 2018-04-24