教学素材 | 2024政府工作报告,热词金句大盘点!

教学素材 | 2024政府工作报告,热词金句大盘点!
极难 1745

教学素材| 2024政府工作报告,热词金句大盘点!



1. “新三样”


The volume of foreign trade remained stable and its mix was improved, and there was a 30-percent increase in exports of the “new trio,” namely, electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and photovoltaic products.

- new trio:新三样,比喻说法,指代三种新兴且重要的出口商品类别,在此指电动汽车(electric vehicles)、锂电池(lithium-ion batteries)和光伏产品(photovoltaic products)。

- the volume of foreign trade:一个国家或地区的对外贸易总量

- mix:外贸商品结构或者组成成分的多样化程度

2. 超长期特别国债


It is proposed that, starting this year and over each of the next several years, ultra-long special treasury bonds be issued. These bonds will be used to implement major national strategies and build up security capacity in key areas. One trillion yuan of such bonds will be issued in 2024.

- ultra-long special treasury bonds超长期特别国债,一般指发行期限在10年以上的,为特定目标发行的、具有明确用途的国债。ultra-long指债券期限非常长,通常超过常规国债的期限,special表示这类国债是为了特定目的。

- implement major national strategies:实施重大国家战略

- build up security capacity:建设安全能力指增强关键领域的安全保障水平

3. 宏观政策取向一致性


We should enhance the consistency of macro policy orientation. To promote overall national development, we should strengthen coordination between fiscal, monetary, employment, industrial, regional, scientific and technological, and environmental policies and include noneconomic policies in evaluating the consistency of macro policy orientation. Policy coordination should be enhanced so that all policies are well-aligned and form synergy.

- the consistency of macro policy orientation:宏观政策取向一致性这要求各种经济政策措施要建立在科学制定的基础上,一切从实际出发,实事求是,使各项政策才同向发力,形成合力

- noneconomic policies:非经济政策,指除了直接影响经济运行的政策外,教育、文化、社会保障等间接影响经济社会发展的政策

- form synergy:形成协同效应

4. 新质生产力


Striving to modernize the industrial system and developing new quality productive forces at a faster pace. We should give full rein to the leading role of innovation, spur industrial innovation by making innovations in science and technology and press ahead with new industrialization, so as to raise total factor productivity, steadily foster new growth drivers and strengths, and promote a new leap forward in the productive forces.

- new quality productive forces:新质生产力,指创新起主导作用,摆脱传统经济增长方式、生产力发展路径,具有高科技、高效能、高质量特征,符合新发展理念的先进生产力质态。

- raise total factor productivity:提高全要素生产率指在劳动力、资本、技术等各类生产要素投入既定的情况下,通过优化资源配置、技术创新等方式,提高产出效率。

5. 未来产业


We will formulate development plans for the industries of the future, open up new fields such as quantum technology and life sciences, and create a number of zones for pioneering the development of future-oriented industries.

- the industries of the future:未来产业,指那些基于新兴科技、有望在未来成为主导或具有显著增长潜力的产业,如量子技术、生物科技等。

- quantum technology:量子技术

- life sciences:生命科学

6. 人工智能+


We will step up R&D and application of big data and AI, launch an AI Plus initiative, and build digital industry clusters with international competitiveness.

- step up R&D增加或加快研发(Research and Development)的力度

- big data:大数据

- launch an AI Plus initiative:推出“人工智能+行动计划,这意味着在现有基础上进一步深度融合人工智能技术与其他行业领域,打造更多智能化解决方案和服务

l build digital industry clusters:打造数字产业集群,指通过集聚相关的数字技术企业和配套服务机构,形成在地理空间上集中布局、在业务上紧密协作的产业生态

7. 全国一体化算力体系


We will develop appropriately future-oriented digital infrastructure, work faster to create a nationally unified computing system, and foster industrial ecosystems for computing.

- future-oriented digital infrastructure:未来导向型数字基础设施,指为了适应未来发展趋势而构建的信息化设施

- nationally unified computing system:全国一体化算力体系,是指在全国范围内建立一套标准化、集中化、协同化的计算服务体系

- foster industrial ecosystems for computing:培育计算产业生态意味着要围绕计算资源的开发、集成、应用和服务等环节,构建起涵盖硬件制造商、软件开发商、服务提供商等在内的完整产业链条

8. 放心消费行动


To improve the consumption environment, we will launch a year-long program to stimulate consumption and roll out a “worry-free consumption” initiative. We will strengthen protection of consumer rights and interests and fully implement paid leave.

- roll out a "worry-free consumption" initiative: 实施“放心消费行动”,标志着政府将着力解决消费者在购买、使用商品和服务过程中可能遇到的问题和顾虑

- fully implement paid leave: 全面落实带薪休假制度,意味着政府将积极推动企事业单位执行法定的员工带薪休假权利

9. “投资中国”


We will strengthen services for foreign investors and make China a favored destination for foreign investment.

- make China a favored destination for foreign investment:使中国成为外国投资首选地。这意味着中国将努力营造良好的投资环境,让全球投资者优先考虑在中国进行投资

10. 房地产发展新模式


We will, in response to the trend of new urbanization and supply and demand changes in the housing market, move faster to foster a new development model for real estate. We will scale up the building and supply of government-subsidized housing and improve the basic systems for commodity housing to meet people’s essential need for a home to live in and their different demands for better housing.

- new urbanization:新型城镇化,指在推进城镇化进程中注重以人为本、绿色发展和创新驱动,优化城乡结构和空间布局,提升城市综合承载力和宜居水平

- foster a new development model for real estate:构建房地产发展新模式,意味着在当前形势下,要转变传统的房地产开发模式,转向更加科学、健康、可持续的发展道路。

- scale up the building and supply of government-subsidized housing:扩大政府补贴住房的建设和供应

- improve the basic systems for commodity housing:完善商品住房基本制度

11. 美丽中国先行区


We will launch pilot zones for the Beautiful China Initiative and foster pacesetters for green and low-carbon development.

- launch pilot zones for the Beautiful China Initiative建设美丽中国先行区这是中国式现代化先行区的有机组成部分,其核心要义是美丽,关键特征是先行,工作目标是打造美丽中国全域建设的示范样本,探索出可复制、可借鉴、可推广的经验模式

12. “高效办成一件事”


We will press ahead with building a digital government and promote one-stop government services to enhance our service levels.

- a digital government:数字政府

- one-stop government services:一站式政务服务


  • 字数:606个
  • 易读度:极难
  • 来源:徐媛 2024-03-18