双语阅读 | 极简衣橱挑战

双语阅读  | 极简衣橱挑战
标准 3973

How to Build a Minimalist Wardrobe?

Have you ever pulled open the doors of your wardrobe, only to find yourself groaning loudly that you have nothing to wear? At this point it can be tempting to rush out and buy something new, fun, and affordable. But this kind of quick-fix buying probably leads to the “nothing to wear” dilemma in the first place. It is time to bring the minimalism into your wardrobe.

One closet-reducing program is the capsule wardrobe. Though usually thought to be some contemporary notion, the term was originally coined by British fashion icon Susie Faux in the 1970s. A capsule wardrobe consists of the most essential clothing items, which serve as the building blocks of the closet. You can create entire looks with just the capsule wardrobe, and you can also layer capsule pieces with seasonal pieces and trendy, fast-fashion items.

“胶囊衣橱计划”是精简衣橱的方法之一。虽然经常被视为当代的时髦概念,但该词最初是在上世纪70年代由英国时尚偶像苏茜·法克斯(Susie Faux)创造的。胶囊衣橱包含的是最经典的必备款衣服,以此作为整个衣橱的基础。你可以用胶囊衣橱负责全身行头,也可以将其与其他季节性的快时尚潮流单品搭配。

Another minimalist fashion challenge is a popular movement “Project 333”. In “Project 333", fashion blogger Courtney Carver encourages people to create a wardrobe of thirty-three items every three months. It has inspired thousands of people since then to minimalize their wardrobe – and other parts of their life as well. YouTube fashion blogger Daria Andronescu also takes newbie by the digital hand and helps them on their way to sustainable style. Her “Wonder Wardrobe” YouTube channel boasts more than 40k subscribers, who are treated with regular tips, news and fashion finds.

另一个极简主义时尚挑战是备受欢迎的“ 333计划”。在“ 333计划”中,时尚博主考特尼·卡弗(Courtney Carver)鼓励人们每三个月打造一个由33件单品组成的衣橱。这一时尚运动鼓舞了数千人去简化自己的衣橱以及生活的其他方面。油管时尚博主达里亚·安德罗涅斯库(Daria Andronescu)通过网络手段帮助时尚新手们形成 “可持续性”的穿衣法则。她的油管频道“美妙衣橱”(“Wonder Wardrobe”)订阅数超过4万,这些订阅者会定期收到她的穿搭建议、业内新闻和时尚新发现。

The “minimalist wardrobe” concept represents a shift in thinking about how we wear clothes, which could inspire important changes in our consumption habits. Since the capsule collection is meant to be worn over and over, the idea is that we will invest in fewer, high-quality, well-made pieces. It is not only far better for the pocketbook, but also better for the environment in the long term. Join the minimalist wardrobe challenge now!


tempting  adj. 诱人的
capsule  n. 胶囊
newbie  n. 新手
pocketbook  n. 钱包
  • 字数:328个
  • 易读度:标准
  • 来源:邓晶 2020-08-13