What we should know about the coronavirus

What we should know about the coronavirus
极难 5996

What we should know about the coronavirus



Coronaviruses1, so called because they vaguely2 resemble3 monarchical crowns when examined under an electron microscope4, are a widespread group that infect many species of mammal and bird. The two human examples known of before 2003 both cause colds, but are not regarded as life-threatening. A diligent5 search after the emergence of SARS discovered two others that had been circulating6, previously unnoticed, in the human population. Then, in 2012, a sixth human coronavirus was discovered and shown to be responsible for newly described symptoms now called Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)7 that kill about a third of those infected. The agent responsible for the outbreak in Wuhan, which has yet to be named formally, appears to be the seventh.


1. coronavirus: n. 冠状病毒

2. vaguely:adv. 含糊地;有点

3. resemble:v. 与……相像

4. electron microscope:电子显微镜

5. diligent:adj. 辛勤的,孜孜不倦的

6. circulate:v. 传播

7. Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS):中东呼吸综合征



On 7th January 2020, the Chinese authorities identified a new type of coronavirus (novel coronavirus1, 2019-nCoV) from a cluster of pneumonia cases2 in Wuhan city, Hubei province, China. 2019-nCoV is a new strain of coronavirus and has not been previously identified in humans. According to the information provided, the initial cases3 in Wuhan were linked to Huanan seafood market4 in Wuhan (temporarily closed since then), but in the last few days, close contact of cases5 became positive6 and some cases had no travel history to Wuhan. 


1. novel coronavirus:新型冠状病毒

2. a cluster of pneumonia cases:一组肺炎病例

3. the initial cases:最初的病例

4. seafood market:海鲜市场

5. close contact of cases: 与患者密切接触

6. positive:adj. 阳性



China’s National Health Commission (NHC)1 said on Sunday that the new Coronavirus is contagious2 even in its incubation period3 which lasts up to 14 days, and that the virus’ ability to spread is getting stronger.


1. China’s National Health Commission (NHC):中国国家卫生健康委员会

2. contagious:adj. 传染的

3. incubation period:疾病潜伏期



The possible source of the outbreak or host1 is still under investigation by Chinese authorities and it may have emerged from an animal species as other coronaviruses2. The number of cases in the current epidemic is likely to have been underestimated since the symptom are similar to seasonal influenzas3 or any other acute respiratory infection (ARI)4; an inability to identify the infection initially is possible, therefore the exact extent of the outbreak still remains imprecise. The evidence of human-to-human transmission is of concern5. WHO does not yet have enough data to assess clinical severities of cases6. 


1. host:n. 宿主;受体

2. coronavirus:n. 冠状病毒

3. seasonal influenza:季节性流感

4. acute respiratory infection (ARI):急性呼吸道感染

5. The evidence of human-to-human transmission including in health care facilities is of concern.  人传人证据令人关切。

6. WHO does not yet have enough data to assess clinical severities of cases.  世卫组织尚无足够的数据评估病例的临床严重性。

  • 字数:544个
  • 易读度:极难
  • 来源:互联网 2020-02-11