
困难 4401

Wolf Warrior 2 Wins the Summer Box



Domestic action movie Wolf Warrior 2 has made a heat at the box office, generating strong word-of-mouth with high occupancy rate since its release on July 27th.


Starring Jason Wu as Leng Feng, a former Chinese Special Forces operative, it tells the story of Leng’s mission to transfer Chinese emigrants in Africa’s war-torn regions.



The total box office revenue is estimated to reach more than 3.8 billion yuan, a new record for the world’s largest film market, according to Maoyan, a major film database in China.



On July 30, Wolf Warrior 2 won a new single-day box office record at 360 million yuan. The film’s action scenes, featuring underwater kung fu, gun fights, car chases and tank battles, along with a hand-to-hand brawl between Leng and a supervillain, provides the audience with stimulating experience like any James Bond or Jason Bourne series.



It is reported that the film is inspired by real events. China’s actions of evacuating overseas Chinese from conflict-ridden countries such as Yemen and Libya have been applauded by the international community in recent years.


Additionally, since 2008, over 80 Chinese Navy vessels have patrolled the Gulf of Aden and waters off Somalia, ensuring the safety of more than 6,000 domestic and foreign ships.



To be noted, the film received standing ovations by Chinese nationals in some Canadian cinemas. Many moviegoers expressed their patriotic feelings after watching the film.


Everyone Knows Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan,  

What About Jason Wu?



Born on April 3rd, 1974, Jason Wu is a famous Chinese martial artist, actor and director. Wu is best known as Hawkman / Jackie in Tai Chi Boxer(1996) and Kong Ko in Fatal Contact(2006).


At the age of six, Wu Jing was sent to Beijing Shichahai Martial Arts School. Both his father and grandfather were martial artists. Like predecessor Jet Li, Wu Jing competed as a member of Beijing Wushu Team. He won the first place in several national wushu competitions at the junior level and continued to compete as an adult, with his increasing height to 175 cm.


In April 1995, Wu was spotted by martial arts choreographer Yuen Woo-ping, then Wu played Hawkman / Jackie in Tai Chi Boxer (1996), his first Hong Kong film debut. Since Wu has appeared in numerous mainland Chinese wuxia television series.



In March 2008, Wu made his directorial debut, along with action choreographer Nicky Li, in his film Legendary Assassin. Later in the same year, Wu played in film The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor with Brendan Fraser and Jet Li. It is the first time he appeared in the American film.




word-of-mouth: adj. 有口碑的;口头的

culminate: v. 到达极点

vessel: n. 军舰

ovation: n. 热烈欢迎

choreographer: n. 编舞(武术)者

  • 字数:501个
  • 易读度:困难
  • 来源:外教社 2017-08-18