新闻听力 | 借助习惯叠加,迈向健康生活

新闻听力 | 借助习惯叠加,迈向健康生活

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Use Habit Stacking to Help Get Healthy

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Use Habit Stacking to Help Get Healthy

| 高考 | 535 | 5min13s



Listen to the news and choose the best answer to each question you hear.

Q1. What activity did Lindsay Kee initially add to her routine to foster a habit of exercise?

A. Jumping jacks after each walk.

B. Standing stretches before her dog walks.

C. High-intensity interval training sessions.

D. Cycling to various destinations.

Q2. According to the passage, what is the essence of habit stacking?

A. Creating entirely new routines.

B. Focusing on replacing old habits with new ones.

C. Attaching a new habit to an existing daily activity.

D. Making drastic changes in one’s lifestyle.

Q3. How does Dana Santas apply habit stacking in her personal health care routine?

A. She does push-ups before every shower.

B. She does waist exercises while brushing her teeth.

C. She takes her vitamins next to the coffee machine.

D. She integrates strength training into her work schedule.

Q4. What recommendation does the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention make for weekly physical activity?

A. Engaging in 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity.

B. Participating in at least two hours of daily exercise for all adults.

C. Combining strength training with flexibility exercises.

D. Ensuring a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise each day.

Q5. What strategy does Gretchen Rubin use to reinforce a “shaky” habit by linking it with a “strong” habit?

A. She only allows herself to shower after exercising.

B. She must listen to a podcast while exercising on a running machine.

C. She places her vitamins next to the coffee machine.

D. She integrates her exercise routine with her daily walk.


Use Habit Stacking to Help Get Healthy

A woman in Portland, Oregon started her daily exercise habit with one activity walking her dog. Lindsay Kee then added movements to this daily activity. (Q1) Before leaving on the walk, she did some standing stretches. On her return, she did other exercises such as jumping jacks.

jumping jacks 开合跳

Over time, Kee added more exercises around the dog walk. She said adding exercises to an existing activity took the pressure off of creating a whole new daily exercise. And now more than a year later, she consistently exercises around the dog walk.

Kee said, “I’ve found it to be really effective in helping me be consistent with things that I really want to do.”

What Kee did is called habit stacking. Writer S.J. Scott created this term for his 2014 book of the same name. (Q2) The idea behind habit stacking is to attach something you want to start doing to something you already do every day.

habit stacking 习惯叠加

A common example is flossing your teeth after brushing them. However, you can use habit stacking in many areas of your daily life. Kee, for example, places her vitamins next to the coffee machine. This helps her remember to take them every morning.

Exercise experts say habit stacking is especially helpful if you are trying to increase exercise time.

Dana Santas is a movement expert who has trained more than 50 professional sports teams. She combines exercise habits with personal health care. (Q3) For example, Santas does push-ups before every shower. And she does leg exercises while brushing her teeth. She says that her electric toothbrush makes a sound every 30 seconds to remind her to brush different teeth. But she uses the reminder to change her exercises. “It’s perfect,” she added.

push-up n. 俯卧撑

Two minutes of exercise may not get you in shape. But experts say, every little bit helps. (Q4) Experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest getting 150 minutes of moderate activity, like a fast walk, every week. Or you could also get 75 minutes of very energetic activity, like jogging, every week. The health experts also suggest two days a week of strength training.

moderate adj. 适度的,中等强度的

Most people find keeping new habits difficult. And while habit stacking is not a perfect solution, it does help with one barrier — decision-making.

Gretchen Rubin is the writer of Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives. She said habit stacking is one of the best ways to start and keep new habits. The technique helps to remove the barrier of deciding when or if to do something.

Rubin shared a story of her college days. To help her stay active, she would only shower if she had exercised that day.

She suggested combining the new, or what she calls “shaky” behavior with something you have to do or deeply want to do.

(Q5) “So you have to do the shaky habit before you get to the strong habit,” Rubin said. (Q5) If she wants to listen to a podcast, her strong habit, she must do it while exercising on a running machine. For her, this will strengthen her shaky habit.


Q1. B. 细节题。题目出处为:Before leaving on the walk, she did some standing stretches. 意为:在开始遛狗前,她会做一些站立伸展运动。这表明Kee最初通过在遛狗前做站立伸展运动来培养锻炼的习惯。因此答案是B

Q2. C. 主旨题。题目出处为:The idea behind habit stacking is to attach something you want to start doing to something you already do every day. 意为:习惯叠加背后的理念在于,将你想要开始做的事与你每天已经在做的事联系起来。因此答案是C

Q3. A. 细节题。题目出处为:For example, Santas does push-ups before every shower. 意为:例如,Santas在每次淋浴前做俯卧撑。因此答案是A

Q4. A.细节题。题目出处为:Experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest getting 150 minutes of moderate activity, like a fast walk, every week. Or you could also get 75 minutes of very energetic activity, like jogging, every week. 意为:美国疾病控制与预防中心的专家建议每周进行150分钟的中等强度活动,如快走;或者每周进行75分钟的高强度活动如慢跑。因此答案是A

Q5. B. 细节题。题目出处为:If she (Rubin) wants to listen to a podcast, her strong habit, she must do it while exercising on a running machine. 意为:如果她想听播客——这是她常有的习惯,她必须在跑步机上锻炼时听。因此答案是B


  • 时长:5.0分钟
  • 语速:129wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2025-01-15