练习 | FOX新闻:朋友圈晒度假照需谨慎

练习 | FOX新闻:朋友圈晒度假照需谨慎

0.6分钟 1900 178wpm


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燕山大学 刘立军 编写


A new study by UK insurance firm Aviva found most people do not like seeing friend's vacation pictures on social media. Out of 2,000 people surveyed, 73 percent said they find it annoying. The most irritating pose, was said to be the "hot dog" pose or photos of legs poolside or at the beach. While the majority of folks see time-off photos as a turn-off, 77 percent admitted they post vacation pictures themselves.

The study also notes sharing snaps while away could make you an easy target for potential burglars, revealing when you're not home.

I'm Krystin Goodwin, FOX News.

Adapted from http://www.kekenet.com/broadcast/201807/560422.shtml


1. poolside n. the area around a swimming pool 游泳池池边。例如:lazing at the poolside在游泳池边消闲
2. time-off n. 休假,放假
3. turn-off n. (informal) a person or thing that people do not find interesting, attractive or sexually exciting 扫兴的人(或事);厌烦的人(或事);引不起性欲的人(或物)。例如:
The city's crime rate is a serious turn-off to potential investors. 这个城市的犯罪率使得潜在的投资者望而却步。
I find beards a real turn-off. 我觉得胡子确实令人厌恶。
4. snaps n. a photograph, especially one taken quickly (尤指抢拍的)照片。例如:holiday snaps假日拍的照片
5. burglars n. a person who enters a building illegally in order to steal 破门盗贼;入室窃贼


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

A new study by UK insurance firm Aviva found most people do not like (Q1) ____________________________________ on social media. Out of 2,000 people (Q2) _________, 73 percent said they find it (Q3) ___________________. The most (Q4) _________________ pose, was said to be the "hot dog" pose or photos of legs poolside or (Q5) ___________________. While (Q6) ___________________________ folks see time-off photos as a turn-off, (Q7) ____________ admitted they post vacation pictures themselves.

The study also (Q8) _________________________ sharing snaps while away could make you (Q9) _____________________________ for (Q10) ________________, revealing when you're not home.

I'm Krystin Goodwin, FOX News.


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

A new study by UK insurance firm Aviva found most people do not like (Q1) seeing friend's vacation pictures on social media. Out of 2,000 people (Q2) surveyed, 73 percent said they find it (Q3) annoying. The most (Q4) irritating pose, was said to be the "hot dog" pose or photos of legs poolside or (Q5) at the beach. While (Q6) the majority of folks see time-off photos as a turn-off, (Q7) 77 percent admitted they post vacation pictures themselves.

The study also (Q8) notes sharing snaps while away could make you (Q9) an easy target for (Q10) potential burglars, revealing when you're not home.

I'm Krystin Goodwin, FOX News.

  • 时长:0.6分钟
  • 语速:178wpm
  • 来源:刘立军 2018-10-30