练习 | CNN 新闻:久坐的潜在健康风险

练习 | CNN 新闻:久坐的潜在健康风险

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CNN新闻:Potential Health Dangers of Sitting Too Much

燕山大学 刘立军 宋葳 编写


AZUZ: Is it true that the more time you spend sitting, the less time you`ll spend living?

A new study published this week in the "Annals of Internal Medicine" suggests long periods of sitting down are a risk factor for early death, even if you exercise. Of course, many Americans aren`t doing enough of that either. More than 80 percent of adults are estimated to fall short of
strength training twice a week and getting at least two and a half hours of aerobic activity weekly.

But if the sitting is making things worse, there is a silver lining. The study found that people who take a break, to move around every 30 minutes have the lowest risk of early death. It`s a wake up call for all of us to get on our feet.


SUBTITLE: Sitting can kill you.

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: I have sat more than just about anybody else. In fact, I was calculating this the other day, just based on my travel alone, I have traveled enough to have circumnavigated the Earth a hundred times. And I know that sitting can be really bad for you.

We humans did not evolve to be sitting creatures. We evolve to be naturally moving all day long. In fact, some people have called sitting the new smoking.

One of the big concern is something known as DVT, deep venous thrombosis. Think of these clots that are forming in the deep veins of your legs, the blood is just not moving very well. There`s where the clots start to form. That can be painful to your leg.

Your best bet if you`re forced to sit is to try and get the blood moving. Simply moving some exercise of your legs, spinning your feet around to actually get the blood flowing. Make sure to drink plenty of water. And if you can, get up and walk around.

That`s your best bet to live to a hundred.

Adapted from 久坐的潜在健康风险


1. circumnavigate v. (动词 + 名词短语) (formal) to sail all the way around sth., especially all the way around the world 环绕…航行;(尤指)环绕地球航行

2. venous adj. (technical 术语) of or contained in veins (= the tubes that carry liquids around the bodies of animals and plants) 静脉的;静脉中的;叶脉的。例如: venous blood静脉血

3. thrombosis n. (可数名词, 不可数名词) (pl. thromboses ) (medical 医) a serious condition caused by a blood clot (= a thick mass of blood) forming in a blood vessel (= tube) or in the heart 血栓形成

4. clot n. (血液的) 凝块 A clot is a sticky lump that forms when blood dries up or becomes thick. 例如:He needed emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain. 他需要进行紧急手术以清除脑部的一处血块。

5. vein n. (可数名词) any of the tubes that carry blood from all parts of the body towards the heart 静脉。例如:the jugular vein颈静脉


Read the following statements. Then listen to the news and decide the statements are TRUE (√)  or FALSE (×).

1. A new study suggests long periods of sitting down are a risk factor for early death.

2. More than 80 percent of adults are estimated to fall short of strength training twice a week and getting at least two and a half hours of aerobic activity weekly.

3. The study found that people who take a break, to move around every 13 minutes have the lowest risk of early death.

4. We humans evolved to be sitting creatures.

5. Your best bet if you`re forced to sit is to try and get the blood moving.

Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

AZUZ: Is it true that the more time you spend (1) __________________, the less time you`ll spend (2) ____________________?

A new study published this week in the "Annals of Internal Medicine" suggests (3) _______________________________ are a risk factor for early death, even if you (4) ___________. Of course, many Americans aren`t doing enough of that either. More than 80 percent of adults are estimated to fall short of (5) _____________________________ twice a week and getting at least two and a half hours of (6) _______________________ weekly.

But if the sitting is making things worse, there is a silver lining. The study found that people who take a break, to move around every (7) _______________________________ have the lowest risk of (8) _______________________. It`s a (9) ________________________ for all of us to (10) ________________________________.


SUBTITLE: Sitting can kill you.

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: I have sat more than just about anybody else. In fact, I was calculating this the other day, just based on my travel alone, I have traveled enough to have circumnavigated the Earth a hundred times. And I know that sitting can be really (11) ________________ for you.

We humans did not evolve to be (12) ______________________. We evolve to be naturally moving all day long. In fact, some people have called sitting the new (13) _____________________.

One of the big concern is something known as DVT, deep venous thrombosis. Think of these clots that are forming in the deep veins of your legs, the blood is just not moving very well. There`s where the clots start to form. That can be (14) ______________________ to your leg.

Your best bet if you`re forced to sit is to try and get the (15) _________________ moving. Simply moving some exercise of your (16) _______________, spinning your (17) _____________ around to actually get the blood (18) ___________________. Make sure to (19) _____________________. And if you can, (20) _______________________________.

That`s your best bet to live to a hundred.


√1. A new study suggests long periods of sitting down are a risk factor for early death.

√2. More than 80 percent of adults are estimated to fall short of strength training twice a week and getting at least two and a half hours of aerobic activity weekly.

×3. The study found that people who take a break, to move around every 13 minutes have the lowest risk of early death. 正确表达:The study found that people who take a break, to move around every 30 minutes have the lowest risk of early death.

×4. We humans evolved to be sitting creatures. 正确表达:We humans did not evolve to be sitting creatures.

√5. Your best bet if you`re forced to sit is to try and get the blood moving.

AZUZ: Is it true that the more time you spend (1) sitting, the less time you`ll spend (2) living?

A new study published this week in the "Annals of Internal Medicine" suggests (3) long periods of sitting down are a risk factor for early death, even if you (4) exercise. Of course, many Americans aren`t doing enough of that either. More than 80 percent of adults are estimated to fall short of
(5) strength training twice a week and getting at least two and a half hours of (6) aerobic activity weekly.

But if the sitting is making things worse, there is a silver lining. The study found that people who take a break, to move around every (7) 30 minutes have the lowest risk of (8) early death. It`s a (9) wake up call for all of us to (10) get on our feet.


SUBTITLE: Sitting can kill you.

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: I have sat more than just about anybody else. In fact, I was calculating this the other day, just based on my travel alone, I have traveled enough to have circumnavigated the Earth a hundred times. And I know that sitting can be really (11) bad for you.

We humans did not evolve to be (12) sitting creatures. We evolve to be naturally moving all day long. In fact, some people have called sitting the new (13) smoking.

One of the big concern is something known as DVT, deep venous thrombosis. Think of these clots that are forming in the deep veins of your legs, the blood is just not moving very well. There`s where the clots start to form. That can be (14) painful to your leg.

Your best bet if you`re forced to sit is to try and get the (15) blood moving. Simply moving some exercise of your (16) legs, spinning your (17) feet around to actually get the blood (18) flowing. Make sure to (19) drink plenty of water. And if you can, (20) get up and walk around.

That`s your best bet to live to a hundred.

  • 时长:1.8分钟
  • 语速:130wpm
  • 来源:刘立军、宋葳 2017-10-18