丛书精选 | 应用语言学研习丛书(13种)

时间:2020-06-12      来源:思飞学术


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近年来,应用语言学研究取得了很多新的进展,如何引导我国语言学方向的研究生快速便捷地了解这一领域的发展全貌和研究热点,成为我国语言学界老师面临的一个重要问题。有鉴于此,我们又从爱丁堡大学出版社、Multilingual Matters等国际知名出版社精选了一批图书,组成“应用语言学研习丛书”,以更好地满足广大师生和相关学者的需求。































An Introduction to Applied Linguistics: From Practice to Theory (Second Edition)




作者:Alan Davies


This Second Edition of the foundational textbook An Introduction to Applied Linguistics provides a state-of-the-art account of contemporary applied linguistics. The kinds of language problems of interest to applied linguists are discussed and a distinction drawn between the different research approaches taken by theoretical linguists and by applied linguists to what seem to be the same problems. Professor Davies describes a variety of projects which illustrate the interests of the field and highlight the marriage it offers between practical experience and theoretical understanding.

This book surveys issues in applied linguitics, including the concept of the Native Speaker and the development of World Englishes. The author examines the influence of linguistics, cognitive science and philosophy on applied linguistics and makes a contrast with educational linguistics.

Alan Davis is a long-term member of staff of the Department of Applied Linguistics in the University of Edinburgh. His publications include Principles of Language Testing, The Native Speaker: Myth and Reality, Dictionary of Language Testing, The Handbook of Applied Linguistics and A Glossary of Applied Linguistics.


Motivational Dynamics in Language Learning




作者:Zoltán Dörnyei, Peter D. MacIntyre,

Alastair Henry


This landmark volume offers a collection of conceptual papers and empirical research studies that investigate the dynamics of language learning motivation from a complex dynamic system’s perspective. The contributors include some of the most well-established scholars from three continents, all addressing the question of how we can understand motivation if we perceive it as continuously changing and evolving rather than as a fixed learner trait. The data-based studies also provide useful research models and templates for graduate students and scholars in the fields of applied linguistics and SLA who are interested in engaging with the intriguing area of examining language learning in a dynamic vein.

Zoltán Dörnyei is Professor of Psycholinguistics at the School of English, University of Nottingham. He has published widely on various aspects of second language acquisition and language learning motivation including Motivation, Language Identity and the L2 Self (2009, edited with Ema Ushioda).

Peter D. MacIntyre is Professor of Psychology at Cape Breton University. His research focuses on the dynamic changes in emotion and cognition that take place as part of the psychology of communication. He is the co-author of Capitalizing on Language Learners’ Individuality (2014, with Tammy Gregersen).

Alastair Henry teaches at University West, Sweden and has a PhD in Language Education from the University of Gothenberg. His research focuses on motivation in third language learning and gender differences in L2 motivation.


Materials Evaluation and Design for Language Teaching




作者:Ian McGrath


Teaching materials play a crucial role in teaching-learning. When these take the form of a textbook it is essential that the textbook be carefully selected to meet both external requirements and theneeds of the teachers. It is also important that teachers be able to mediatebetween the textbook and the learners, adapting and supplementing the book asnecessary. This volume provides a systematic approach to the selection and subsequent evaluation of textbooks and practical advice on their adaptation and supplementation. But it goes beyond this. For teachers who prefer to prepare their own materials rather than basing their teaching on a book there are suggestions on systematizing the process of materials development and on the use of learner-generated materials.

Ian McGrath is currently on secondment from the University of Nottingham to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, where he is an Associate Professor in the Department of English.


Language Assessment and Programme Evaluation




作者:Brian K. Lynch


This volume examines the overlapping areas of evaluation and assessment, where ‘evaluation’ is defined as the systematic use of information to make decisions about language teaching programmes and ‘assessment’ as the systematic use of information to make decisions about individuals and their language ability. A variety of topics are covered, including paradigms and purposes, design techniques, quantitative and qualitative methods for collecting and analysing data, and ethical, social and political considerations in the conduct of evaluation and assessment.

The book has two important goals: to underscore the relationships between the enterprises of evaluation and assessment, and to encourage the use of new paradigms in our approaches to these enterprises.

Brian K. Lynch is associate professor of applied linguistics at Portland State University. He has also taught applied linguistics at UCLA and the University of Melbourne, and has worked on English language teaching programmes in China, Mexico, Australia, and the United States.


Measuring L2 Proficiency 

Perspectives from SLA




作者:Pascale Leclercq, Amanda Edmonds,

 Heather Hilton


This volume brings together concrete ideas on identifying and measuring L2 proficiency from different branches of SLA research (psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic, corpus-based, applied linguistics) to contribute to a deeper understanding of what it means to be proficient in an L2. The chapters introduce a wide range of tools that are innovative, reliable, and easy-to-use for the evaluation of learners’ language level with respect to both productive and receptive skills and provide a variety of answers to the question of how to assess L2 proficiency in a valid, reliable and practical manner.

Pascale Leclercq is a Lecturer in the English Studies Department of Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, France.

Amanda Edmonds is a Lecturer in French as a Foreign Language at the Univertié de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France.

Heather Hilton is a Professor in the Language Department at the Université de Lyon 2, France.


Classroom Discourse and Teacher Development




作者:Steve Walsh


In this accessible textbook, Steve Walsh explains why it is essential to put an understanding of classroom discourse at the centre of any second language teacher education programme, whether it is a formal programmer under the guidance of a teacher educator or a more informal, self-directed programme of teacher development. He argues that in order to improve their professional practice, language teachers need to gain a detailed, up-close understanding of their local context by focusing on the complex relationship between teacher language, classroom interaction and learning. In order to do this, he revisits and reconceptualises the notion of reflective practice by giving teachers appropriate tools which allow them to reflect on and improve their professional practice.

Steve Walsh is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Newcastle.


The Social Turn in Second Language Acquisition




作者:David Block


Block discusses a wide variety of research by applied linguists and those working in SLA who have drawn on recent developments in social theory in their attempts to make sense of language practices and language learning. The main thread running through the text in the suggestion that SLA researchers need to concern themselves not only with language learning as an individual and primarily cognitive process, but also as a sociohistorically situated phenomenon.

This book is written for applied linguists and students on applied linguistics courses, who are familiar with recent developments in the field of SLA.

David Block is a Lecturer in the School of Culture, language and Communication at the Institute of Education, University of London. He has publishes numerous articles and chapters on a wide variety of topics in applied linguistics and is co-editor (with Deborah Cameron) of Globalization and Language Teaching.


Teaching Literature in a Second Language




作者:Brian Parkinson & Helen Reid Thomas


In this book, Brian Parkingson and Helen Reid Thomas focus on the relationship of language and literature in the context of the classroom. They examine both the language of literature as it occurs in a variety of texts from different genres and the language of the classroom as teachers and learners respond in speech and writing to those texts. While giving specific examples from the main literary genres of poetry, short stories, novels and drama, the authors are also concerned with wider issues that affect all teachers such as assessment, evaluation, planning and working with a syllabus, and teacher development. Exercises and suggestions for further work are included for each section.

Brian Parkinson is a lecturer in the Institute for Applied Language Studies, University of Edinburgh.

Dr Helen Reid Thomas is a former lecturer in the programme in Literary Linguistics, Department of English Studies, University of Strathclyde.


Linguistics and the Language of Translation




作者:Kristen Malmkjær


This book is for students of translation, languages and linguistics who would like to enhance their understanding of the relationships between these areas of study. The book uses explanation, discussion and practice to make explicit the forms of knowledge of language and of translation that make translators successful. Chapters on the development of translation studies in the West and on contemporary approaches to translation provide the disciplinary context within which the processes and products of translating are studied. The theoretical and academic context for the chapters in which application is focal is provided by the book’s flexible and forward-looking approach to meaning and translation. 

Five practical chapters cover sounds and rhythms, lexis, collocation and semantic prosody, texture, register cohesion, coherence, implicature, speech and text acts, text and genre analysis, clausal thematicity and transitivity and the expression through language choices of ideological positions.

Kirsten Malmkjær is Professor of Translation Studies and Head of the Centre for Research in Translation at Middlesex University.


Pragmatic Stylistics




作者:Elizabeth Black


This volume is a study of the language of literary texts. It looks at the usefulness of pragmatic theories to the interpretation of literary texts and surveys methods of analyzing narrative, with special attention given to narratorial authority and character focalisation. The book includes a description to Grice’s Co-operative Principle and its contribution to the interpretation of literary texts, and considers Sperber and Wilson’s Relevance Theory, with particular stress on the valuable insights into irony and varieties of indirect discourse it offers. Bakhtin’s theories are introduced, and related to the more explicitly linguistic Relevance Theory. Metaphor, irony and parody are examined primarily as pragmatic phenomena, and there is a strand of sociolinguistic interest particularly in relation tothe theories of Labov and Bakhtin.

Elizabeth Black is formerly Lecturer in Theoretical Applied Linguistics, University of Edinburgh.


Language Planning and Education




作者:Gibson Ferguson


Language Planning is a resurgent academic discipline, reflecting the importance of language in issues of migration, globalisation, cultural diversity, nation-building, education and ethnic identity. Written as an advanced introduction, this book engages with all these themes but focuses specifically on language planning as it relates to education, addressing such issues as bilingualism and the education of linguistic minority pupils in North America and Europe, the educational and equity implications of the global spread of English, and the choice of media of instruction in post-colonial societies. Contextualising this discussion, the first two chapters describe the emergence and evolution of language planning an academic discipline, and introduce key concepts in the practice of language planning. The book is wide-ranging in its coverage, with detailed discussion of the context of language policy in a variety of countries and communities across North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Gibson Ferguson is a Lecturer in the Department of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Sheffield, where he convenes the MA programme in applied linguistics.


Language and Politics




作者:John E. Joseph


Language, this book argues, is political from top to bottom, whether considered at the level of an individual speaker’s choice of language or style of discourse with others (where interpersonal politics are performed), or at the level of political rhetoric, or indeed all the way up to the formation of national languages. By bringing together this set of topics and highlighting how they are interrelated, the book will function well as a textbook on any applied or sociolinguistic course in which some or all of these various aspects of the politics of language are covered.

John E. Joseph is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Edinburgh. His previous book, Language and Identity (2004), has found a wide readership among sociologists, political scientists, historians, anthropologists and others besides linguists, many of whom will want to read his Language and Politics as its successor and complement.


Developing Critical Languaculture Pedagogies in Higher Education: Theory and Practice




作者:Adriana Raquel Díaz


Despite widespread agreement about the need to develop interculturally competent graduates, there is a lack of agreement about how this goal may be achieved in practice. This is significant as universities around the world, particularly in English-speaking countries, have espoused an interculturally-aware vision for their future graduates and turned to language education, as an inherently intercultural activity, to expose students to a world which is linguistically and culturally different from their own. This book focuses on narrowing the gap between the often conflicting theoretical and practical imperatives faced by language teachers in an internationalized higher education context. It does so by providing comprehensive conceptual discussions of emerging critical intercultural language pedagogies as well as empirical accounts and case studies from the frontline.

Andriana Raquel Díaz is Associate Lecturer at the School of Languages and Linguistics, Griffith University, Australia. Her main research activities focus on the development of intercultural competence, the variables affecting the implementation of intercultural language curricula and teaching methodologies as well as teachers’ journeys in the development of intercultural language learning pedagogies.




▶ 一本好书丨应用语言学概论:从实践到理论 

▶ 语法、词汇怎么教?应用语言学家来支招

▶ 新书推荐丨《应用认知语言学》(1、2)

▶ 儿童节专文丨应用语言学专家:学外语是不是越早越好?

▶ 世界知名TESOL专家论丛 | 世界英语:研究与实践

▶ 语言学和应用语言学到底是个什么关系?




