教学素材 | 我们为何时刻离不开手机

教学素材 | 我们为何时刻离不开手机
困难 3217

Why Do We Keep Picking Up Our Phones?


Why Do We Keep Picking Up Our Phones?

词汇:考研| 句法:四级| 文本:考研

刘立军 供稿

Why do we keep picking up our phones?


The typical answers seem straightforward: to check messages, see if someone posted something interesting, or to stay updated on global events.


Yet, these explanations are overly benign and fail to capture a darker truth: we often turn to our phones not to discover whats happening around us, but to avoid confronting deeper truths about ourselves.


If we analyze the moments when we feel compelled to pick up our devices, it's usually during times of anxiety.


These are moments when introspection could shed light on crucial aspects of our lives. Instead, we use our phones to evade this necessary self-reflection, to suppress complex thoughts and emotions that might challenge us.


Consider the scenarios: it could be a troubling remark from a parent, reflections on untapped potential after meeting an old friend, or a difficult exchange with a partner that raises doubts about the relationship.


Our phones offer a convenient escape, preventing us from facing uncomfortable truths and maintaining a superficial sense of connection under the guise of communication.


Ironically, this tool designed for communication often serves as a barrier to true introspection and self-awareness.


We celebrate the efficiencies gained the time saved not consulting dictionaries, the access to information and entertainment but overlook the creative idleness, daydreams, and deep thoughts sacrificed in the process.


Yet, there's an opportunity for change. At the peak of our distraction cravings, we can challenge ourselves with unconventional questions: What should I focus on in life? What emotions am I avoiding? What truths do I need to confront? These questions, often drowned out by the noise of digital distraction, hold the keys to profound self-discovery.


By reframing our relationship with our phones using our urge to pick them up as a cue for introspection rather than escape we can reclaim lost moments of contemplation and uncover insights into our unexamined lives.


Our devices, seen not just as tools of non-communication but as catalysts for self-awareness, may yet lead us to profound personal growth.



1. benign adj. 良性的,无害的

2. introspection n. 内省,反省

3. guise n. 外表,外观,伪装

4. idleness n. 闲散,懒惰

5. craving n. 强烈的愿望,渴望

6. reframe v. 再构造,再组织

7. reclaim v. 取回,拿回

8. catalyst n. 促进因素,催化剂


  • 字数:365个
  • 易读度:困难
  • 来源:刘立军 2024-07-01