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双语阅读 | 为什么刘畊宏突然爆火?
困难 6063

Why Has Liu Genghong Become an Online Hit

Why Has Liu Genghong Become an Online Hit

何雅蕙 供稿

Millions of people in China now share a common routine: A fitness session with their new star personal trainer Liu Genghong.

The couple is usually seen exercising to the fast-paced tune of pop singer Jay Chou’s “Compendium of Materia Medica” and others. Snippets of the workout where Liu appears in a red tank top and black slacks with his wife have since gone viral on social media.

Liu’s workout sessions have been so popular that they have broken Douyin’s livestreaming record for 2022 so far, according to data analysis platform Chanmama. Within one month, his livestreams have been viewed nearly 40 million times altogether, with his most popular session attracting over 1 million live views. 

Liu’s followers have also increased from 5 million to 33 million in just 10 weeks.  

“Li Jiaqi empties our wallet, Liu Genghong empties our body,” has become one of the most popular comments on microblogging platform Weibo lately.

Opportunity favors the prepared

Liu has been a fitness fanatic for more than 30 years, and has published several books, including A Fitness Book by Kent-Hung in 2004, and Fitness Can Change Your Life in 2014.

In 2013, Liu participated in the CCTV2 weight loss programme Super Diet King, aka The Biggest Loser, as a motivational coach, and later also became a fitness instructor for the Jiangsu TV show Changing My Life, in which he also helped overweight people to become fit. After that, more fitness programs followed, including the 2017 Challenge the Limit show.

In an interview with China Daily, Liu saidhis current popularity is not something he achieved in several months. Instead, it’s the result of many years of work.

The time produces its heroes

The online fitness business has seen a significant surge in China. According to a March report by Douyin, the number of fitness videos in 2021 increased by 134% while followers of such content were up by 208% compared with the previous year. 
线上健身在中国火速发展, 抖音3月的一份报告显示,与2020年相比,2021年抖音上的健身视频增加了134%,而相关内容的粉丝则增长了208%。

Liu Genghong isn’t the only icon who has been able to get the attention of fitness enthusiasts recently. With her workout videos, German fitness model Pamela Reif has also built a massive fanbase with over 8.3 million followers on social platform Xiaohongshu. 

1. snippets n. 片段
2. fanatic n.(对某项活动的)狂热者
3. surge n. 激增


  • 字数:418个
  • 易读度:困难
  • 来源:何雅蕙 2022-06-17