双语阅读 | 微笑的力量

双语阅读 | 微笑的力量
标准 12283

The Power of a Smile

The Power of a Smile

王淑怡 供稿

It is no secret that smiling is contagious. But do you know how powerful a smile can be? It brings benefits to us both physically and mentally. Here are some of the benefits that you can get from a simple smile.

1. Smiling releases endorphins and relieves stress
1. 微笑可以释放内啡肽,缓解压力

Feeling stressed out and over-loaded? Try smiling. According to recent studies, smiling has the power to reduce stress and increase our ability to deal with trying situations. This is largely owing to the fact that smiling boosts endorphin output and forces us to breathe deeper, resulting in a calmer outlook and increased coping ability.

When you smile, even when you force it, your body releases the “feel good" hormones and endorphins, which will put you in a much better mood and relieve stress.

2. Smiling boosts the immune system
2. 微笑可以增强免疫系统

Smiling really can improve your physical health. Your body is more relaxed when you smile, which contributes to good health and a stronger immune system.

In addition to making you look more attractive, successful and approachable, smiling may also protect you from the common cold. According to recent data, smiling can help boost the immune system by decreasing stress levels, which in turn increases white blood cell count and releases beneficial antibodies that help fight infection and disease.

3. Smiling is contagious
3. 微笑具有感染力

There are many facial expressions a person can make, but only a smile has the power to brighten and make your day. Moreover, it can even act on the moods of people around you.

According to science, neurons in the brain have a synchronizing feature that keeps you in sync with people you’re talking to. If they smile, you’ll smile. In a study that was conducted in Sweden, researchers found that people found it really difficult to frown, when they were looking at other people who were smiling and they couldn’t help smiling themselves. 

4. Smiling Suggests Success 
4. 微笑和成功密切相关

Studies suggested that individuals who smile often appear more confident and more likely to be approached. It would be a great idea to put a smile at important meetings and business arrangements. You may unexpectedly find that individuals will respond to you.


1. contagious adj. (情感)具有感染力的,(疾病)传染的
2. endorphins n. 内啡肽
3. trying adj. 令人厌烦的,难对付的
4. hormone n. 激素;荷尔蒙 
5. white blood cell. 白细胞
6. antibody n. 抗体
7. neuron n. 神经元,神经单位
8. synchronizing adj. 同步的
9. frown v. 皱眉;蹙额

  • 字数:391个
  • 易读度:标准
  • 来源:王淑怡 2022-02-13