双语阅读 | 疫情时代下的年龄歧视

双语阅读 | 疫情时代下的年龄歧视
较难 3812

How Ageism Leaves Seniors Vulnerable in COVID-19

How Ageism Leaves Seniors Vulnerable in COVID-19


王淑怡 供稿


Ageism” refers to prejudice or discrimination against individuals on the basis of their chronological age. Seniors are more likely, as a consequence of the natural aging process, to have pre-existing conditions or less robust immune systems, but this is hardly true of every older person. A Chinese study found that COVID-19 was 60% more fatal to men than women, yet it’s hard to imagine public health professionals ordering all men to stay at home for their own safety.




Ageism brings no good. If anything, ageist prescriptions only make matters worse. For years, older people have been burdened with labels like “frail,” “helpless,” and “unable to contribute to society.” Seniors often internalize the structural ageism they encounter through policies and in public, compounding their feelings of inadequacy. Their resulting anxiety can have real-life health effects: Researchers have found structural and individual ageism can have a lasting negative impact on the well-being of the seniors impacted.




The problem is, not getting old isn’t an option. Unlike sexism and racism, anyone could be a victim of ageism. If nothing changes, all of us will one day be subject to the same prejudices and marginalization we subject seniors to today.




Many older people are indeed vulnerable to COVID-19. Yet, the real risk isn’t the coronavirus per se; it’s the accumulation of social disadvantages exacerbated by ageism. Discussions about our post-coronavirus future have tended to center on “getting back to normal,” but this is one area where we should reconsider what “normal” looks like. It’s time to listen to the voices of our forgotten older people and revisit how we treat them.




With the battle against the coronavirus unlikely to end anytime soon, it’s important to look at the strengths and vulnerabilities of our seniors in an unbiased way, and to respect and protect them. After all, how we treat our older people is how we treat our future selves.






1. ageism n. 对老年人的歧视;年龄歧视

2. pre-existing adj. 现存的已存在的

3. internalize v. 使(感情、态度或信仰)成为思想行为的一部分;使内在化

4. inadequacy n. 能力不足

5. marginalization n. 边缘化;忽视;排斥

6. per se adv. 本身;本质上

7. revisit v. 重新讨论;重新考虑



  • 字数:383个
  • 易读度:较难
  • 来源:王淑怡 2020-12-09