
极难 2080

More jobs on offer

More jobs on offer



Nearly 1.58 million people were expected to have sat for China's annual national civil service exam on Sunday, competing for 25,700 government jobs that include a large number of positions targeting new college graduates and those intending to work at grassroots institutions, putting the average chance of landing a government job next year at about one in 61.



In recent years, the hotly contested exam has offered more job opportunities for new college graduates and sought to encourage more job seekers to take grassroots positions.



The administration said nearly 60% of new government jobs for 2021 are reserved for fresh graduates, with most positions at the city or lower levels open exclusively to applicants who will graduate next year.



Over 8,300 jobs are located in western provinces or remote and less-developed regions. Prospective applicants for those positions do not have to meet as many requirements related to their areas of study and work experience.


  • 字数:173个
  • 易读度:极难
  • 来源:China Daily 2020-12-02