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Unique gift giving traditions from around the world

Unique gift giving traditions from around the world



In Europe, dont accidentally cut yourself out of someones life.



Here in the US, a set of kitchen knives seems like the perfect gift idea for a wedding or holiday. However, in certain European countries like Germany, superstition dictates that a knife presented as a gift will sever your friendship. There is a way to beat this superstition: Tie a penny to the knife or gift box. The receiver then returns the penny to you as a payment to nullify the bad luck.



In Britain, diamonds are 60th wedding anniversary gifts.



Lottery tickets are bought and exchanged here more than they are anywhere else in the world, and often make a suitable birthday gift. Though diamonds originally symbolized 75 years of married life in the UK, they are now associated with 60, as Victorias 60 years on the throne marked her Jubilee.



At an Italian wedding, buy yourself a piece of the tie.



Theres a well-known Italian wedding tradition where the grooms tie is cut into a number of tiny pieces. Wedding guests can then buy these tie slices in exchange for cash. Its a fun way to give money to the bride and groom that leaves guests with a wedding souvenir. In addition to a visit from Santa, Italian kids have their stockings filled by a fallacious witch at the end of Epiphany on January 6. Interestingly, gifts are not exchanged between or within companies, as the act is deemed a little tacky.



In Russia, Vodka is not a desirable gift.



Due to the way Russia was governed during the Soviet era, Russians celebrate New Year with more gusto than they do at Christmas. While Vodka might seem the most suitable gift for a Russian, a lot of them would see it as an unimaginative gesture. Many even perceive the notion as insulting.



In Israel, nobodys giving or receiving gifts.



Despite the kind gesture, thank you cards and notes are not a common part of the gifting custom in Israel. Contrary to the way American Jews exchange gifts during Hanukkah, those from or residing in Israel wont typically receive gifts from one another.



In Native America, your host gives gifts rather than receive them.



Native American gifting etiquette is exactly the opposite to that of any other culture. Traditionally during weddings and powwow celebrations (birthdays arent always recognised), guests are the receivers of gifts rather than whomever the host may be.


  • 字数:441个
  • 易读度:较难
  • 来源:英语世界 2020-11-10