双语阅读 | 《花木兰》上映引争议

双语阅读 | 《花木兰》上映引争议
较难 23331

Mulan Rides Controversies in Its Debut


徐媛 供稿

While Disney's live-action Mulan remake has faced several delays due to the coronavirus pandemic, its debut on Disney Plus feels perfectly timed. In Disney’s new version of the ancient story, a fearless young woman disguises herself as a man to battle northern invaders in China, to save her ailing father from serving in the Imperial Army.


With the elimination of some old characters, new roles are introduced. The remake gives Mulan a sister, who is well-mannered as opposed to Mulan's unrestrained behavior. The lucky cricket is reimagined as a fellow soldier named Cricket, who has some mild humor woven into his role.


Among all the new characters, the most complex and fascinating one is Xianniang, a witch who often takes on the form of antagonist Böri Khan's bird. Struggling to be accepted, Xianniang is driven to serve Khan in exchange for his promise to provide "a place where your powers will not be vilified." With her outstanding fighting skills and exceptional ability to understand Mulan, Xianniang proves to be an exciting addition to the ranks of the Disney villains.


Despite Disney’s huge investment in Mulan, Chinese moviegoers have found reasons to tear the movie apart. Although the movie boasts of its cultural authenticity, the audience finds it rife with historical mistakes. Many were baffled when they saw the Hua family living in a tulou — a building typically found in Hakka communities in Fujian. As Mulan is set in the period of the Northern and Southern dynasties, its appearance does not make any historical sense because there is no way that the Northern Wei (A.D. 386–534) emperor could conscript someone from the other end of the country. It is also chronologically misplaced: Tulou only became commonplace nearly a millennium after Mulan’s setting.


To the great displeasure of fans worldwide, the beloved character Mushu was removed from the live-action remake by Disney. The Chinese audience was also immensely disappointed by Disney’s action scenes. Some blamed the poorly choreographed combat scenes and the catastrophic editing, while others blamed excessive CGI and evidently unrealistic fight scenes.



ailing adj. 生病的,身体不舒服的

predecessor n. 前任,前辈

antagonist n. 敌手

vilify v. 诽谤;中伤;轻视;贬低

villain n. 坏人,恶棍

rife adj. 普遍的;流行的

conscript v. 征召,征募

chronologically adv. 按发生时间顺序排列地

CGI (computer-generated imagery) 计算机生成图像

  • 字数:370个
  • 易读度:较难
  • 来源:徐媛 2020-09-27