
困难 1803

Tom Cruise going to space in 2021 to film movie with help of Elon Musk's SpaceX

Tom Cruise going to space in 2021 to film movie with help of Elon Musk's SpaceX



Tom Cruise will officially take on his biggest stunt yet in October 2021 when he travels to outer space to film a new movie.



The Space Shuttle Almanac tweeted Wednesday that previous reports that Cruise would lead the first movie filmed in outer space on the International Space Station (ISS) are coming to fruition. The 58-year-old actor will be joined by The Bourne Identity director Doug Liman next year as part of Elon Musks Axiom SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule.

《航天飞机年鉴》期刊9月23日发推文称,先前曾报道克鲁斯将主演首部在外太空的国际空间站拍摄的电影,如今这一传言即将成真。58岁的克鲁斯明年将和《谍影重重》导演道格·里曼一起乘坐埃隆·马斯克的 SpaceX 公司和 Axiom 公司合作的龙飞船前往太空。


Together, theyll head to the ISS and begin production on the first major movie ever shot in space. Although the movie doesnt yet have a title or plot, it will mark Cruises most ambitious stunt in a decadeslong career of death-defying on-screen moves.



In past "Mission: Impossible" installments, Cruise performed daring stunts such as hanging off the side of a jet plane and scaling skyscrapers. However, it was previously reported that the project hes blasting off the planet for is not related to the Mission: Impossible franchise, which is currently filming its seventh installment after Cruise personally paid for cast and crew to live on cruise ships amid the coronavirus pandemic.



NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine previously confirmed the news that the star was angling to go into space to further his impressive acting career. Cruise has been nominated for three Academy Awards throughout his career and is set to appear in the sequel to his hit flick "Top Gun," which is scheduled to debut in 2021.


  • 字数:281个
  • 易读度:困难
  • 来源:福克斯新闻网 2020-09-25