
困难 2045

China’s Pinduoduo has clashed with Tesla after it sold the US group’s electric vehicles at a hefty discount, highlighting the ecommerce platform’s controversial use of big subsidies.

China’s Pinduoduo has clashed with Tesla after it sold the US group’s electric vehicles at a hefty discount, highlighting the ecommerce platform’s controversial use of big subsidies.



Pinduoduo, the most valuable company in the world to have never turned an operating profit, last month hosted a group-buying event in which Chinese shoppers could buy a Tesla Model 3 for significantly below its Rmb291,800 ($42,100) price tag.

拼多多是从未实现营业利润的公司当中全球市值最高的那个。上月,该公司推出了一项团购活动,拼团的中国买家能够以显著低于官方指导价29.18万元人民币(合4.21万美元)的价格购买一辆特斯拉Model 3


But Tesla originally said it would not deliver the cars, pointing to a company policy that bans the resale of its vehicles. Tesla, which recently became the world’s most valuable carmaker, only sells its vehicles directly to buyers via its website, bypassing dealers.



Pinduoduo is well-known for offering customers generous subsidies, which it records as sales and marketing fees. In the first three months of this year, these fees were greater than its revenues. Analysts question if its business model can become sustainable.



Despite that, the group’s US-listed shares have surged 138 per cent this year to give Pinduoduo a value of roughly $110bn.



But analysts said the sales of the discounted Tesla cars had taken its use of subsidy-based marketing to a new level. Pinduoduo sold five Model 3s at about a 14 per cent discount, with the company and one of its online merchants making up the difference to the official price, according to Chinese media reports.

但分析师表示,团购特斯拉汽车将拼多多基于补贴的营销推到了一个新高度。中国媒体报道称,拼多多以约14%的折扣销售了5Model 3,拼多多及其平台上的一家商户补贴了与官方价格之间的差价。


Shawn Yang, managing director at Blue Lotus Capital Advisors, said the Tesla stunt suggested Pinduoduo was trying to shake off its reputation as a platform for cheap goods. Last year, its average order was worth just Rmb51. “It doesn’t want to stay that way and they’ve been doing a lot to let people know they have high-value stuff on their platform like iPhones or Teslas to try to attract high-value users.”

蓝莲花研究机构(Blue Lotus Capital Advisors)董事总经理杨子潇(Shawn Yang)表示,围绕特斯拉团购活动的这场风波表明,拼多多试图摆脱其廉价商品交易平台的名声。去年,拼多多每笔订单的平均价值仅为51元人民币。它不想一直这样下去,他们一直在做很多事情,让人们知道他们的平台上有高价值的东西,比如iPhone或特斯拉,以吸引高价值用户。


“It's all about marketing,” said another Hong Kong-based equity analyst. “Last year they sold Wuling , this year they sold Cadillac and now they are selling Tesla. They want to get rid of their low-end image.”



Pinduoduo was increasing subsidies to lift its growth but doing so only added to its losses, said one industry insider. “It’s an endless loop,” he said.



Sales on Pinduoduo have on occasion displeased Western brands, including Apple, whose high-end iPhones it sells with hundreds of dollars knocked off the retail price despite not being an authorised reseller. Apple declined to comment.



Tesla’s decision not to honour the Pinduoduo sales also yielded criticism of the carmaker, for which China is an important market. The group sold 45,721 vehicles in China in the first half of 2020, accounting for about a quarter of its total deliveries globally.



Qiu Baochang, an expert at the official China Consumers' Association, called Tesla’s actions “improper” and said they had “hurt consumers’ legitimate rights and interests”.

官方机构中国消费者协会(China Consumers' Association)的专家邱宝昌称特斯拉的行为不妥当,并表示它们损害了消费者的合法权益


Tesla on Monday pledged unspecified compensation to those who ordered a car via Pinduoduo for “losses of time and energy” if they repurchased the vehicle through its own website.



On Chinese social media, some users argued that the buzz generated by the Tesla incident could only be a good thing for Pinduoduo.



“Through giving a sizeable subsidy, Pinduoduo may have earned massive traffic, there is nothing wrong with that,” said Mr Qiu. Tesla did not immediately respond to a request for comment.



“Tesla has been played by Pinduoduo — it got all the attention and free advertising and in the end didn’t bear any responsibility,” said one user on China’s Twitter-like Weibo platform.




  • 字数:624个
  • 易读度:困难
  • 来源:Financial Times 2020-08-21