What Hiring Managers Wished You Knew

What Hiring Managers Wished You Knew
较难 2013


                           What Hiring Managers Wished You Knew
Avoid common interview mistakes.
The job search process can be stressful for candidates, but hiring managers have their share of challenges as well. Their companies are likely short-staffed if they’ve lost a team member, and preparing to train a new employee adds hours a day to managers' already busy workloads. Keep this reality in mind as you jump through the hoops of the interview process. Make life easier for the hiring team by avoiding key mistakes that trip up many applicants and homing in on what matters to your potential future boss.
The details make a difference.
From your first contact with an employer to the thank-you note that you send after your interview, everything matters. Don’t think that if your resume is perfect, you can let your guard down on the subsequent steps. Even communications with an employer that seem “less formal” to you – such as email messages to confirm logistics – should be treated as part of your official application. Typos and other careless mistakes can cause you to miss an opportunity, no matter how minor they may seem to you.
  • 字数:203个
  • 易读度:较难
  • 来源:互联网 2019-07-23