Academic Fraud

Academic Fraud
极难 810


Academic Fraud
Chinese authorities are cracking down on academic fraud after an international medical journal retracted 107 Chinese-authored papers from the past five years, in the biggest case to date of fake peer reviews to endorse research.

Springer, publisher of the journal Tumor Biology, said the retractions were made because the peer review process -- in which an independent academic recommends a paper for publication -- had been "deliberately compromised by fabricated peer reviewer reports".
《肿瘤生物学》(Tumor Biology)期刊的出版商斯普林格(Springer)表示,之所以撤稿,是因为同行评议流程(由一名独立学者建议发表一篇论文)已被“伪造的同行评议报告故意破坏”。

China's ministry of science and technology said this week that the incident had "seriously harmed the international reputation of our country's scientific research and the dignity of Chinese scientists at large". It vowed a "no tolerance" approach to academic fraud.

The government pledged to investigate the papers' authors and may strip them of their academic roles. All grant funding to the academics involved has been halted.

Academic publishing is the latest sector of the Chinese economy to encounter fake products, sales figures or reviews. Ecommerce has been plagued by waves of fake orders designed to improve the rankings of online sellers, while the cinema industry has been embroiled in a controversy over government attempts to censor unfavourable reviews of Chinese-made films.

China's race to become a world leader in science and technology has led it to become the second-biggest source of academic publications globally.

However, the pressure applied to academics to publish or perish has had adverse effects, said Zhang Yuehong, an editor of the Journal of Zhejiang University.

In recent years, China has seen a surge in academic scandals in medicine and biology. Ms Zhang, who pioneered anti-plagiarism software in scientific publishing, called biotechnology a "disaster area".

Last year, the food and drug regulator found that 81 per cent of applications for drug approvals were withdrawn after the pharmaceutical companies were asked to check their clinical data.

The US, which had led the world in academic retractions over the past three decades, was overtaken by China in 2009, according to a paper by Michael Grieneisen and Minghua Zhang at the University of California, Davis.
根据加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校(University of California, Davis)的迈克尔·格列内森(Michael Grieneisen)和张明华合写的一篇论文,美国曾经在30年期间一直在学术撤稿方面“领衔”世界,但在2009年被中国超越。

China and the US continued to have high numbers of retractions since 2010, but China's rate was roughly the global average when taking into consideration the volume of papers produced, said Harry Xia, president of the Alliance for Scientific Editing in China.
中国英文科技论文编辑联盟(ASEC)理事长夏华向(Harry Xia)表示,自2010年以来,中国和美国的撤稿数量都继续偏高,但考虑到论文的绝对数量,中国的撤稿率与全球平均水平大致相符。

The difference was that Chinese retractions were more likely to be associated with academic misconduct, Mr Xia added. China leads the world for articles retracted due to fake peer review, according to data from Retraction Watch, an NGO that tracks academic retractions.
夏华向补充说,不同点在于,中国的撤稿更有可能涉及学术不端行为。追踪学术撤稿的非政府组织“撤稿观察”(Retraction Watch)的数据显示,就同行评议造假导致论文被撤稿而言,中国领先世界。

In 2015, the British Medical Journal’s BioMed Central retracted 43 papers on suspicion of fake peer reviews, of which 41 were by Chinese authors.
2015年,《英国医学期刊》的出版商BioMed Central以涉嫌同行评议造假为由,撤回了43篇论文,其中41篇出自中国作者之手。

In addition, the rise of scientific editing companies has led to researchers paying not only for proofreading or checking English translations, but for scientific scrutiny and even additional data, according to a paper by Karen Kaplan, an editor at the journal Nature.
此外,根据科学刊物《自然》(Nature)的编辑之一卡伦·卡普兰(Karen Kaplan)发表的一篇论文,科学编辑公司的兴起导致研究人员不仅花钱请人校对或检查英文翻译,而且请人进行专业审议,甚至补充数据。

The government-backed National Natural Science Foundation of China said that 28 of 117 Chinese papers retracted by major international publishers from 2015-16 had been "touched up" by companies, with some being "bought from and written by others".

"One possible reason for the higher rate in China is the large bonuses paid to researchers who publish in prestigious journals," said Ivan Oransky, co-founder of Retraction Watch.
“中国撤稿率较高的一个原因可能是在知名期刊发表论文的研究人员能获得大笔奖金,”撤稿观察联合创始人伊万·奥朗斯基(Ivan Oransky)表示。

Not only university researchers but also practising doctors in China are required to publish in international journals to get promoted.

"China needs to let scientific research calm down. The research world here is too fickle and impatient." said Ms Zhang.
  • 字数:627个
  • 易读度:极难
  • 来源:互联网 2019-07-11