
困难 1149


▶▷One of the oldest streets in Manhattan's Chinatown in New York got a high-fashion makeover as a Chinese artist painted a grand dragon on it. As part of the Department of Transportation's Doyers Street Seasonal Street Public Art program of New York City, this technicolor painting is expected to attract more visitors to have a closer look at the neighborhood's history.


▶▷Located in the heart of Chinatown, Doyers Street was infamously known as the “Bloody Angle” in the early 20th century. With just one block in length and a sharp bend in the middle, the shape of the 61-meter street inspired Chen Dongfan, an artist from Hangzhou in eastern China, to visualize a dragon winding its way up and resting at the intersection with Pell Street.


▶▷The Song of Dragons and Flowers  is the name Chen gave to the vibrant painting he installed on the 450 square meters with removable and environmentally friendly paint. Chen believes that dragon, both from its visual form and cultural meaning, can best represent the area.


▶▷Meanwhile, the post office at 6 Doyers Street will be renamed “Mabel Lee Memorial Post Office”. Mabel Lee, who died in 1966, was the first Chinese woman to receive a PhD from Columbia University. She is known for organizing training classes for Chinatown's residents to develop skills in  carpentry, radio, typewriting and so on. 

与此同时,宰也街6号的邮局也将更名为“Mabel Lee纪念邮局”,以纪念1966年过世的Mabel Lee女士。作为首位获得哥伦比亚大学博士学位的华人女性,她曾经在唐人街开设讲习班,培训居民木工、无线电和打字等方面的技能。


technicolor: n. 五彩缤纷

intersection: n. 交叉

carpentry: n. 木工活

  • 字数:244个
  • 易读度:困难
  • 来源:外教社 2018-08-22