Big Fish: A novel of mythic proportions (excerpts)

Big Fish: A novel of mythic proportions (excerpts)
极易 1972


On one of our last car trips, near the end of my father’s life as a man, we stopped by a river, and we took a walk to its banks, where we sat in the shade of an old oak tree.
After a couple of minutes my father took off his shoes and his socks and placed his feet in the clear-running water, and he looked at them there. Then he closed his eyes and smiled. I hadn’t seen him smile like that in a while.
Suddenly he took a deep breath and said, “This reminds me.”
And then he stopped, and thought some more. Things came slow for him then if they ever came at all, and I guessed he was thinking of some joke to tell, because he always had some joke to tell. Or he might tell me a story that would celebrate his adventurous and heroic life. And I wondered, what does this remind him of? Does it remind him of the duck in the hardware store? The horse in the bar? The boy who was knee-high to a grasshopper? Did it remind him of the dinosaur egg he found one day, then lost, or the country he once ruled for the better part of a week?
“This reminds me,” he said, “of when I was a boy.”
I looked at this old man, my old man with his old white feet in this clear-running stream, these moments among the very last in his life, and I thought of him suddenly, and simply, as a boy, a child, a youth, with his whole life ahead of him, much as mine was ahead of me. I’d never done that before. And these images—the now and then of my father—converged, and at that moment he turned into a weird creature, wild, concurrently young and old, dying and newborn.
My father became a myth...
In Which He Speaks to Animals
My father had a way with animals, everybody said so. When he was a boy, raccoons ate out of his hand. Birds perched on his shoulder as he helped his own father in the field. One night, a bear slept on the ground outside his window, and why? He knew the animals’ special language. He had that quality .
Cows and horses took a peculiar liking to him as well. Followed him around et cetera . Rubbed their big brown noses against his shoulder and snorted, as if to say something specially to him.
A chicken once sat in my father’s lap and laid an egg there—a little brown one. Never seen anything like it, nobody had.
His Great Promise
They say he never forgot a name or a face or your favorite color, and that by his twelfth year he knew everybody in his home town by the sound their shoes made when they walked.
They say he grew so tall so quickly that for a time—months? The better part of a year?—he was confined to his bed because the calcification of his bones could not keep up with his height’s ambition, so that when he tried to stand he was like a dangling vine and would fall to the floor in a heap.

Edward Bloom used his time wisely, reading. He read almost every book there was in Ashland. A thousand books—some say ten thousand. History, Art, Philosophy. Horatio Alger . It didn’t matter. He read them all. Even the telephone book.
They say that eventually he knew more than anybody, even Mr. Pinkwater, the librarian.
He was a big fish, even then.

1. the better part of: 大部分,大半。
2. converge: (向某一点)相交,汇合;concurrently: 同时发生地,共存地。
3. have a way with: 善于处理,有能力应付。
4. quality: 品性,才能。
5. et cetera: 等等,及其他等等(略作etc.)。
6. rub: 摩擦;snort: 喷鼻息,自鼻孔喷气做声。
7. calcification: (人体组织的)钙化;dangling: 晃来晃去的,悬荡着的;heap: (一)堆,(一)团。
8. Horatio Alger: 霍雷肖•阿尔杰(1832—1899),美国儿童文学作家,以描写白手起家、勤奋致富的贫困孩子的故事而著名。
  • 字数:624个
  • 易读度:极易
  • 来源:普特英语听力 2018-06-14