Da Vinci Code village ‘fed up with treasure hunters’

Da Vinci Code village ‘fed up with treasure hunters’
较难 1613

Da Vinci Code village ‘fed up with treasure hunters’.

Da Vinci Code village ‘fed up with treasure hunters’

According to legend, the former parish priest left a hidden fortune in the commune.


A historic French village has gotten fed up following a spate of "treasure hunts" that have resulted in illegal excavations and vandalism in the area.


A metre-deep hole by a church in Rennes-le-Château, a small commune near Carcassonne in southern France, was uncovered in late December by residents. The police were called, but the suspects remain at large.


Deputy Mayor Marcel Captier said the hole-digging brought back memories of earlier attacks by vandals.

副市长Marcel Captier 说这样挖洞的行为带回了过往被文物破坏者袭击的回忆。 

“Above all, this kind of thing mustn’t start happening again. We don’t want to find ourselves with another wave of treasure hunters,” he told Le Parisien.


The St. Mary Magdalene Church lies at the centre of an intriguing tale. Legend has it that a nineteenth-century priest, Abbe Saunière, became rich after uncovering royal treasure from inside one of its pillars.

St. Mary Magdalene教堂是一个传奇故事的主人公。传说中,一位十九世纪的牧师,Abbe Saunière,在教堂内的一根柱子内发现了皇室的宝藏,变得十分富有。

He would go on to use his fortune to construct a luxurious villa, the Magdala tower and completely restore the then-dilapidated church.


The story inspired Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown, who named a character in the bestselling novel after the Roman Catholic cleric.

这个故事给予了达芬奇密码的作者Dan Brown灵感,他随后在他的畅销书中将一个人物以这位罗马天主教牧师的名字来命名。

Tens of thousands of visitors are received at the scenic hilltop village every year, many of whom are no doubt drawn by the allure of stumbling upon a hidden fortune.


The treasure hunt began in the early 1900s when Saunière’s maid Marie Dénarnaud claimed the priest had buried jewels and coins under Rennes-le-Château. In the years since, researchers, mediums and amateur excavators have flocked to the area and marred the landscape—so much so that in the 1960s, the mayor banned unauthorized digging. But the curiosity of travelers clearly persisted.

这样的寻宝是从二十世纪初开始的,那时Saunière的女佣Marie Dénarnaud声称Saunière在雷恩堡下面埋了珠宝和硬币。自从那时起,研究者,媒体以及业余寻宝者都一窝蜂地来到这个地区并且对它进行严重的破坏,以至于在二十世纪六十年代,当时的市长禁止未被许可的挖掘。然而游客们的好奇心依旧不减。

In the 1970s, Saunière’s body was moved and buried under concrete after brazen treasure hunters dug up graves and tunneled their way into the church. They left empty-handed.


Despite legend and conspiracy theories, many historians conclude Saunière amassed his riches by stealing donations and duping parishioners into paying for masses he never gave.


But Saunière never revealed the source of his wealth. He died on 22 January 1917, taking his secret to his grave.



Excavation: n. 挖掘

Vandalism: n. 蓄意毁坏文物

Parson: n. 牧师

Parishioner: n. 教区居民

Dupe sb. into doing sth. 欺骗某人做某事

  • 字数:411个
  • 易读度:较难
  • 来源:互联网 2018-01-18