
困难 3162


It is reported that Huawei is involved in the field of artificial intelligence phone, following Samsung and Apple. Huawei will launch a new flagship phone next month, showing the most cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology such as instant image recognition. At the IFA Consumer Electronics Fair in Berlin last Saturday, Huawei released its first chip with artificial intelligence technology, which will directly rival Samsung’s Bixby and Apple’s Siri.



Richard Yu, chief executive of Huawei’s consumer business, unveiled the mystery of the powerful new mobile phone chip, Kirin 970. Huawei will use the chip in high-end phones, including Mate 10, to provide higher computing speed and lower power consumption.

华为消费者业务CEO余承东在大会上揭开了麒麟970的神秘面纱。华为将在包括Mate 10在内的高端手机中采用该款芯片,提供更快的运算速度和更低的运行功耗。

华为Mate 10麒麟970发布

On October 16, Huawei will launch the Mate 10 and its sister phone, the Mate 10 Pro, in Munich. Yu declined to reveal more details, but as various tech blogs assume, new phones will be equipped with a full screen of 6 inches or more.

10月16日,华为将在慕尼黑发布Mate 10手机和姐妹型号Mate 10 Pro。余承东没有透露更多细节,但根据各大科技类博客的猜测,新手机将会配备6英寸以上的全面屏。

华为将在德国慕尼黑揭面Mate 10新机

Artificial intelligence built into chips can make phones more personalized. Phones can directly anticipate in behaviors and interests of their users. For example, AI can make real-time language translation; it can also take advantage of augmented reality, which overlays text, sounds, graphics and video on real-world images that present in front of users.



Huawei describes the new chip as the first “Neural Processing Unit” for smartphones. It combines classic computing, graphics, images and digital signal processing power that have typically required separate chips, saving more space and time of interaction between features within phones.


NPU(Neural Network Processing Unit)神经网络处理器

More importantly, Huawei aims to use the Kirin chips to differentiate its phones from a vast sea of competitors, including Samsung, who overwhelmingly relies on rival Snapdragon chips from Qualcomm, the market leader in mobile chip design. Among major phone manufacturers, only Apple and Huawei rely on their own core processors.


Huawei Ascending


Huawei is not only the market leader in telecommunication devices in China, but also a critical participator in the global market. In foreign countries, Huawei’s huge logo is everywhere in major cities. So, how can Huawei occupy such a prominent status?




Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. is a Chinese multinational networking and telecommunications equipment and services company headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong. It is the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer in the world, overtaking Ericsson in 2012.



Huawei was founded in 1987 by Ren Zhengfei, a former engineer of People's Liberation Army. When it was established, Huawei focused on manufacturing phone switches. Then it expands business to telecommunications networks, providing operational and consulting services and equipment in the global scale. Also, it offers manufacturing communication devices for the consumer market.




By 2016, Huawei had recorded a profit of 37.052 billion yuan. Its products and services have been deployed in more than 140 countries and regions, covering 45 telecoms operators of the world's 50 largest ones.


  • 字数:497个
  • 易读度:困难
  • 来源: 2017-09-12