How Technology Democratized Development

How Technology Democratized Development
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Twenty years ago, if you were information technology-literate and interested in international development, your options were limited. That's how things were for me when, in 1993, armed with ten years programming and networking experience I began turning my attention to the developing world.

My efforts didn't get me far. The information technology revolution we see today had barely started at home, let alone in many of the developing nations. If you weren't an English teacher, a doctor, a policy maker, an economist or a dam builder, careers in development seemed somewhat limited.

How things have changed. Driven largely by the spread of the world wide web and the burgeoning mobile phone sector, opportunities to develop solutions to many of the world's social and environmental problems have reached almost every bedroom and garden shed in the land.

The irony today is that arguably the greatest developmental tool we have in our hands isn't a product of the tens of billons of developmental aid spent over the years, but a by-product of private sector investment. Putting the debate around costs and coverage to one side, the development sector has a lot to thank the mobile industry for.

In 1993 the number of mobile subscribers in Africa numbered in the hundreds of thousands. By 1998 that had crept to four million. Today there are an estimated 735 million with penetration running at around the 70% mark. Not bad in less than 20 years.

The result of this growth is that many Africans now experience their first phone call on a mobile, and their first experience of the world wide web comes on the same small screen. And it's been that way for a while. Mobile phones are to most Africans what our laptops, tablet computers and landlines are to us, combined. They're also their banks. Today, as they pay bills and transfer money to friends and family with the press of a few key strokes, tens of millions of Africans will be doing something most of us in the west can only dream of.

But this rise in mobile phone ownership, and the slower but still significant rise in access to the internet, doesn't just represent a significant business opportunity. A few short years ago, non-profit organizations working on the ground suddenly found themselves with a new tool in their fight against poverty. Mobile phone ownership among the communities many of them serve presents new opportunities to increase the reach and efficiency of their work. Simply being able to send messages to coordinate meetings, or to remind people of key messages, can save hours – even days – on the road.

Community healthcare workers can also stay in better touch with the hospital when they're back in their villages. Farmers can access advice and market information directly from their fields. Citizens can report corruption, or engage in debate. Births can be registered. Illegal logging can be recorded and reported. It's safe to say that mobile phones have touched every sector of development in one way or another. It has become so ubiquitous that, in just a few short years, many development workers can hardly imagine life without them.

The beauty of mobile technology is that, unlike larger development efforts, it doesn't discriminate against the smaller, grassroots organizations. As we've found with the countless number of FrontlineSMS users over the years, if you give people the right tools and conditions to work in they're capable of innovating as well as anyone. Some of the most exciting technology-based development work going in Africa today is African. Barriers to entry are as low as they've ever been.

This “democratization of development” isn't just taking place in cities, towns and villages across Africa. With the internet as the distribution mechanism, and the mobile phone as the target device, anyone anywhere can today build a tool and make it available to a global audience with the minimum of funding and the minimum of effort. This is exactly how FrontlineSMS came about almost seven years ago. (BBC, 2014)


BBC. (2014, November 18). How technology democratised development. Retrieved from BBC:
  • 字数:687个
  • 易读度:较难
  • 来源:BBC 2017-09-21