2009 Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi Meets the Press

2009 Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi Meets the Press
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:Welcome to the Press Conference of the Second Session of the 11the NPC. Today, were delighted to have with us Foreign Minister, Yang Jiechi to meet the press and answer your questions related to Chinas foreign policy and Chinas foreign relations. Now some opening remarks from Foreign Minister Yang .

杨洁篪:谢谢曹卫洲副秘书长。各位记者朋友,大家上午好,很高兴和大家见面。大家从温家宝总理的政府工作报告当中已经了解了中国的对外政策和外交方针。今天我很乐意回答大家的问题.现在请提问.Thank you, deputy secretary-general, Mr. Cao Weizhou. Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, friends from the press. Im delighted to have this opportunity to meet you here. Premier Wen jiabao gave a full picture of Chinas foreign policy and foreign relations in his Report on the Work of the Government. Now Im ready to take your questions.

中央电视台记者:杨外长,您好。今年一开局国家领导人高层出访频繁,被媒体称为元月外交。在这样的开端之前,今年外交都有哪些思路和规划呢?另外,去年也是中国外交不平凡的一年,您认为有哪些亮点可以总结?China Central Television:Im with CCTV. From the very beginning of this New Year, leaders of China have already made several foreign trips. We have called this a diplomacy in the early beginning of the year. Whats the plan of the Chinese Ministry Of Foreign Affairs for conducting diplomacy in the New Year? And last year was truly eventful for China, What was some of the bright spots in Chinas diplomacy?

杨洁篪:是啊,今年年初胡锦涛主席的友好合作之旅和温家宝总理的信心之旅都极大地推进了中国同非洲、同中东国家、同欧洲国家的关系。去年这一年对中国来讲,是不平凡的一年,同样对中国的外交来讲也是如此.Indeed, the journey of friendship and cooperation by President Hu and the journey of confidence by Premier Wen have given a strong boost to Chinas relations with African countries, the Middle East countries and with European countries. Last year was an eventful for China. It was also an eventful year for Chinas diplomacy.

去年这一年对中国的外交来讲,可以讲是闯关之年开拓之年丰收之年Last year was a year of enormous challenges; yet, we met these challenges head-on and reaped a good harvest.所谓闯关之年,就是从抗击汶川大地震等自然灾害到排除各种干扰,举办奥运会,再来应对国际金融危机的冲击,我们的国家、我们的外交所受到的挑战之多、冲击之大、程度之严重是多年罕见的,我们闯过一道道难关,实属不易.In the year of enormous challenges, we fought natural disasters, including the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan. We hosted successfully the Olympic Games; in spite of the various destructive factors. And we worked hard to cope with the impact of the international financial crisis; the challenges that confronted our country and Chinas diplomacy last year have been rarely seen for many years in terms of scale, severity and impact. Meeting these challenges was, indeed, not easy.在党中央、国务院的坚强领导下,在全国人民的积极支持下,在各部门、各地区的通力协作下,我们努力贯彻落实科学发展观,我们的外交工作取得了重大成绩。Under the strong leadership of the CPPCC and State Council, with active support of Chinese people and with close cooperation with other governmental departments, We earnestly implemented the scientific outlook on development and made a lot of achievements on the diplomatic front.在许多方面确实有开拓创新,比如说我们努力地丰富和发展中国特色的外交理论,我们紧紧抓住统筹兼顾这个外交工作的根本途径,这方面我们要谈到,就是要统筹好国内和国际两个大局,要统筹好双边和多边关系。We broke new ground in many areas. We enriched and developed the diplomatic theories of Chinese features. We continued to take a holistic approach in pursuing diplomacy. We took in account both domestic and international situations and attached importance to both bilateral and multilateral diplomacy.我这里要特别提一下,一年多来我们是在努力地统筹地理区域外交和具体领域的外交,对这一点多讲几句。地理区域外交大家都很清楚,比如说大国外交、周边外交,与广大发展中国家外交,乃至于相当程度的多边外交。但是具体领域的外交,我们现在需要更重视,那就是,比如说像经济外交、安全外交、人文外交、公共外交等等。去年我们举行的奥运会,应该讲是一个大文化的盛会,也是人文外交。年初的时候,我和一些同事就谈到,如果把奥运会搞好,把人文外交搞好,2008年的中国外交就成功了至少一半。

Over the past year, we worked hard to combine regions diplomacy with diplomacy in specific areas. I believe you know well what regions ? diplomacy means. Its about developing relations with major countries and with neighboring countries, with other developing countries and also it involves a large part of our multilateral diplomacy. Let me say a few more words about what I mean by diplomacy in specific areas, an area that I believe we should pay more attention to, this diplomacy means economic diplomacy, security diplomacy, cultural diplomacy and public diplomacy.The Olympic Games we held last year was a big cultural event; it was also a large part of our efforts to promote cultural diplomacy. As I told my colleagues at the beginning of last year, if we could successfully host the Olympic Games and make further progress in conducting cultural diplomacy. Then our diplomatic work in 2008 would have a very good beginning and would already have the success of the whole year.

杨洁篪:同时我们也加强了外交工作体制和机制的完善,这一年来,中国的国际地位、作用、影响显著提高,我们为世界和地区的和平、稳定和发展作出了重要贡献。去年这一年,有多达180多位的国家元首、政府首脑和其他政要纷纷来到中国进行正式访问,或者参加奥运会、残奥会的开闭幕式和其他活动,或者参加亚欧首脑会议。杨洁篪:来的国家元首、政府首脑、其他政要人数之多、之重要,在中国外交史上是空前的。应该讲,去年这一年也的确是中国外交的开拓之年丰收之年We continue to improve the mechanisms and institutions in our diplomatic work. The international influence, role and standing of China have visibly increased. We have continued to make important contribution toword regional peace, stability and development. Last year, over 180 foreign heads of state, heads of government and other political leaders come to China on official visits, attending the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic and Parliament, or attending the 7th ASEM Summit.This has been truly unprecedented in the history of Chinas diplomacy in terms of the number of foreign guest. We received and the ranking of the foreign visitors. So in a word, last year, the year of 2008, was a year in which we worked hard and reaped a good harvest.大家都很关心今年的中国外交,应该讲现在当今世界正在发生着冷战结束以来最深刻的、最复杂的国际形势变化,国际金融危机还没有见底,中国的外部环境更趋复杂。I know you all have a keen interest in Chinas diplomacy this year, the international situation is undergoing the most profound and complex exchanges since the end of cold war. The international financial crisis has yet to his its bottom and Chinas external environment has become more complicated.我想对中国今年的外交工作可以讲四点:第一,抓住一条主线,那就是要全力为确保国内经济平稳较快发展服务。On Chinas diplomacy this year, let me make the following 4 points. First, we should stay focus on one overarching objective. This is to make every effort to serve the goal of ensuring steady and rapid economic development in China.第二,要抓好两大重点工作。一是要积极应对国际金融危机,要为保增长、保民生、保稳定服务好;Second, we should pursue 2 priorities, the first one is to make every effort to properly handle the impact of international financial crisis so as to serve the goal of preserving economic growth, the well-being of our people and stability in China; 二是要抓好中国国家领导人参加重大的国际多边会议活动的准备工作和实施。the second priority is to make full preparations for the participations of Chinese leaders in a series of important multilateral activities to ensure their success.我想到的是,比如即将在伦敦举行的金融峰会,7月份在意大利举行的八国集团与发展中国家领导人对话会,此前要进行的上合组织的峰会,此后要举行的上合组织总理会议,11月份要举行的亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议等等,我们要通过中国参加这些活动,推动国际秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。These major multilateral activities include, among others, the upcoming Financial Summit in London, the G8 plus 5 outreach sessions to be held Italy in July this year, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit and the meeting of Prime ministers of the SCO member states as well as the APEC economic leaders meeting to be held in November this year. What we hope is that with Chinas participation in these activities will help contribute to making the international order more fair and equitable.第三,要抓好三项工作。一是搞好安全外交,切实维护中国的主权、领土完整和安全利益;We should continue to work hard on the following three fronts. First, we should continue to advance security diplomacy to safeguard Chinas sovereignty, territorial integrity and security interest. 二是要加强人文外交,进一步增进中国人民和世界各国人民的友谊和合作; Second, well continue to pursue cultural diplomacy to increase the friendship and cooperation between the Chinese people and people of other countries. 三是继续抓好领事保护工作,要切实维护中国公民和企业在海外的合法权益。Third, well strengthen consular protection to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of Chinese nationals and companies overseas.总之,现在中国的国民出国越来越多,中国企业同其他国家的合作越来越多,这方面的领事保护工作我们一定要做的更好。As more and more Chinese are traveling abroad and more and more Chinese companies are doing business overseas. We must do an even better job with consular protection.第四,要做好四个方向工作。就是要促进我们同大国的关系稳定发展,进一步搞好同周边国家的睦邻友好关系,进一步加强同广大发展中国家的团结与合作,要更加积极地参加有关全球性的和地区热点问题的妥善解决。My 4 points is that we should continue to work hard in the following 4 areas. Well continue to promote the steady growth of Chinas relations with major countries, strengthen friendship with neighboring countries, enhance solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries, and take a continued active part in seeking proper settlement of global and regional hotspot issues.我相信,通过努力,中华人民共和国建国60周年将成为中国外交又一灿烂辉煌的一年。谢谢!I believe that with our hard work, the year of 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC will be another year of splendid achievements of Chinas diplomacy.

美联社记者:随着金融危机的爆发,国际社会日益关注中国同美国的关系。您是否认为中国现在面临的一些问题从某种程度上讲是由于美国规划不当以及不负责任的行为所造成的呢?也有人认为正是美国的所作所为才使中国陷于被迫不得不一直购买美国国债和支持美国政策的处境,您认为美国在多大程度上应该对这次危机负责?您认为美国应该采取什么措施才能重新获得中国政府和人民的信心?Associated Press:The current financial crisis has bought implications for Chinas relations, particularly with the USA. Many Chinese believed that Chinas problem was the result of poor planning and irresponsible policies of America and some even believed that China has been trapped into buying American government debts and supporting such policies in the US. To what degree do you believe America responsible to this aspect? What does America need to do to win back the confidence of the Chinese government and people to restore the reputation?

关于这次金融危机的起因,我想人们自有公论,有关的教训是应该汲取的。I think people have their judgment regarding the causes of the international financial crisis, lessons of the crisis should be learned.当务之急是各国应该携手共进,搞好伦敦金融峰会,使得这次金融峰会能够为提振人们的信心,为加强各国的宏观经济政策的协调,为稳定金融市场,为实现必要的金融体系和金融监管体系的改革,为促进广大的发展中国家的发展,以实现千年发展目标而努力,在这方面,我们愿意同美国、同世界其他国家一起在国际金融危机的惊涛骇浪中同舟共济,携手共进。The pressing task now is that all countries must work together to make the upcoming Financial     Summit in London a success. We believe the upcoming London Financial Summit should play a role in boosting the publics confidence, strengthening the countrys coordination on their macro economic policies, stabilizing financial markets, undertaking necessary reforms in the international financial system and international financial regulatory regime and helping developing countries to achieve the MDGs. In this regard, we are ready to work with the US and other countries in the world to weather the storm and make a joint effort to tide over the difficulties brought by the financial crisis?中国使用外汇资产所遵循的原则是安全、流动、增值In making use of its foreign exchange assets, China follows the principle of ensuring security, liquidity and value increase.中国将继续遵循这些原则来使用中国的外汇资产.We will make further use of Chinas foreign exchange assets in line with the above-mentioned principles.我想,自从奥巴马新政府上台以后,中国和美国新政府之间的关系开局是好的。In my view, since the inauguration of the Obama administration in US, relations between China and the new US government have got off to good start. 胡锦涛主席与奥巴马总统通了电话,进行了很好的交谈,为共同推进中美关系达成了许多重要的共识。President Hu and Obama had very good telephone conversations. They reached an important agreement on working together to advance China-US relations.希拉里.克林顿国务卿访华之际,中方也同她进行了会见、会谈,双方都表示了进一步推进中美关系的真诚愿望。Secretary State had meetings and talks with the Chinese leaders and her Chinese counterparts during her recent visit to China, the two sides expressed sincere wish to advance this bilateral relationship.在当前的国际形势下,中美之间存在着日益广泛的共同利益,我们愿意同美国新政府共同努力,不断地推进中美关系,我们希望双方都能够照顾彼此的核心利益,并且进一步加强交流、协作与合作。我们相信,通过双方的努力,中美关系一定会继续沿着健康稳定的轨道向前发展.Under the current international environment, China and the US have broad common interests. We are ready to work with the new US administration to push forward China-US ties. We hope that the two sides will accommodate each others core interests and continue to step up their exchange and cooperation. We believe that with joint efforts, China-US relations will continue to move along the track of sound and stable growth.

The Times of London:At the G20 in London next month,will Chinas president Hu contribute on Chinas behalf? What will he contribute? And concretely, what does China want for its part? And in that context, has the global financial crisis change the balance of power in Chinas favor?英国《泰晤士报》记者:4月份20国金融峰会即将在伦敦召开,胡锦涛主席会不会与会?胡锦涛主席如果与会,将会代表中方提出什么样的建议?也就是说具体的讲,中方对于这次金融峰会有什么样的期待?面对现在的国际金融危机,您是否认为他使世界权力的天平或者世界力量的天平向中方倾斜?

杨洁篪:胡锦涛主席将出席伦敦金融峰会,在此期间,他也会会见一些国家的领导人。President Hu will attend the London Financial Summit, during the summit; he will have meetings with leader of other countries. 最近我将应希拉里克林顿国务卿的邀请到美国去访问,就是为胡锦涛主席和奥巴马总统在伦敦进行会晤作必要的准备工作,Ill soon pay a visit to the US at the invitation of the Secretary State to make necessary preparations for the meeting between President Hu and Obama.并且将同美方一起进一步规划今年的中美关系的具体工作。Ill work with my US colleagues to make plans for China-US relations this year. 我相信在伦敦,胡锦涛主席也会会见布朗首相。I believe in London, Hu will also hold a meeting with the Prime Minister Gorden Brown.我们对英国为筹备这次金融会议所作的许多准备工作表示赞赏。Were appreciated the many preparations that the UK has made to get ready for the financial summit.中国继续保持它的经济稳定较快发展,这本身就是对应对金融危机的最大贡献。To maintain steady and rapid economic development in China is in itself a biggest contribution that China can make to international cooperation in meeting the financial crisis. 中国继续向广大的发展中国家,特别是非洲国家提供援助、增加援助,并且呼吁世界各国都要兑现自己的承诺,这本身也是对应对国际金融危机的重大贡献。Another important contribution to international cooperation against the financial crisis is also that weve increased our assistance to other developing countries, particular, African countries. And we have called upon other countries to honor their commitments to assistance. 我们商务部长陈德铭亲自率团到欧洲去,有关的公司同英国、德国等方面洽谈业务,达成的有关协议和谅解多达150亿美元。这本身也是对应对国际金融危机的重大贡献。Our commerce minister Mr. Chen personally headed a Chinese delegation to visit some European countries, including the UK. During their visits, the Chinese companies had consultations with their European counterparts on how to expand their business cooperation and they inked agreements and intends on further cooperation worth a total of 15 billion USD. This is another important contribution that China makes to the international efforts against financial crisis. 中国是最早表示要出席华盛顿金融峰会的国家之一,中国也是积极地同东道主英国合作,努力要共同举办好这次峰会的国家之一。 China was one of the first countries to make announcement that it will attend the WDC Financial Summit and we are also one of the countries which are actually cooperating with the host UK to make the upcoming London Financial Summit a success.我们相信在各方的共同努力下,这次伦敦峰会会取得积极的成果。至于经过这场金融危机到底对谁有利,我看应该讲是理智占了上风,广大人民群众的正当要求占了上风。而各国政府都应该以人为本,踏踏实实地为各国经济的发展、社会的进步,为世界的公平正义服务。We believe with the point efforts of all parties, positive results will be achieved at the London Financial Summit. As regards, in whose favor this international financial crisis is moving, actually, I believe that the international financial crisis has made rationality as well as the legitimate demands of people of all countries gain better attention. I believe its imperative for government of all countries to always put peoples interests first and take a down-to-earth approach in pursuing economic development, social progress and international justice and equity.

 俄罗斯国际文传电讯社记者:我有这样一个问题,今年是俄罗斯和中国建交60周年,请问杨部长,您认为我们两国关系再继续发展有什么潜力?另外俄罗斯和中国在国际组织、金砖四国框架内合作还有什么空间?谢谢。Interfax:The year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. How do you comment on China-Russia relations? And what potential do you think can be released in China and Russia cooperation in international organizations and under the framework of the BRICs?

杨洁篪:中俄战略协作伙伴关系已经建立13年了,13年来两国关系取得了巨大的发展,特别是近年来的发展更是令人瞩目。It has been 13 years since China and Russia established the strategic partnership of coordination, China-Russia relations have come a long way in the past 13 years an made a lot progress, particularly, in recent years. 我想,今年我们要做好如下四个方面的工作:第一,要进一步加强双边的高层交往、互访和各个层次的接触,I believe in the new year, we should make efforts in the following 4 areas. First, we should enhance our high-level exchanges and mutual visits and strength exchanges at other levels 以增进互信,加强合作。第二,我们需要大力地开展在各个领域的务实合作,特别是在能源、科技等各个方面的合作。so that well be able to increase our mutual trust and strength our cooperation. Second, the two countries should engage fully in practical cooperation in all fields, particularly in the fields of energy, sciences and technology.特别是最近举行了中俄能源谈判代表第三次会晤,双方就修建原油的输送管道、贷款、长期供油等方面达成了重要的协议,这是互利双赢的结果。Recently, the representatives of China-Russia Energy negotiations held their 3rd meeting. They reached an agreement on a series of important aspects, including the construction of crude oil pipeline, loans as well as the long-term trading, include oil, these agreements are of mutual benefit.第三,要全面地推进两国人文交流。今年恰逢中俄建交60周年,也是在中国举办的俄语年,我们一定要扎扎实实地搞好各方面的活动,以进一步增进两国人民的相互了解和友谊,进一步地巩固和发展两国关系发展的民意基础。

Third, we should take full effort to promote cultural exchanges and people-people interaction between China and Russia. The year is the 60th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Its also the year of Russian language in China. We should make every effort to make all these activities successful to increase mutual understanding and friendship between our peoples and strengthen the popular support for China and Russia relations.中俄两国都是世界上的大国,是安理会的常任理事国,我们要进一步加强在重大国际问题上的合作,推动世界的多极化、国际关系的民主化,要为维护地区和世界的和平稳定和发展做出更大的贡献。谢谢。Both China and Russia are major countries in todays world, and Permanente Members of UNSC. Its important for the two countries to strengthen their cooperation on major international issues to promote world multi-polarity and great democracy in international relations and make great contribution to promote world peace, stability and development.

人民日报记者:当今世界气候变化成了一个非常重要的问题,中国将如何应对气候变化带来的挑战?另外,今年年底联合国将在哥本哈根召开气候变化会议,请问您对这次会议有怎样的预期?谢谢。People's Daily:n issue of climate change has attacted a wide attention from the international community. What will China do to meet the challenge of climate change? At the end of this year, the UN will hold the international conference on climate change in Copenhagen, what does China expect from this UN conference?

杨洁篪:我先就金砖四国的合作再说几句。中国、俄罗斯、巴西、印度都是在世界上有重要影响的国家,被称为新兴大国Let me first make a few additional remarks on the cooperation of BRICs countries, China, Russia, Brazil, and India are countries with important influence in todays world.They are called the big emerging countries. 我们在很多方面面临着相同的挑战,也有着共同的发展机遇。 We face a lot common challenges in many areas and also share many developing opportunities.这四个国家的国家领导人和外长进行过会晤,也交流过不少意见,我觉得继续这种做法是十分有益的,是有利于推进四国的合作,也有利于有关地区乃至世界的和平稳定和发展。Leaders and foreign ministers of those 4 countries have met to exchange views. I think itll be useful to continue such practice as I believe this is in the interest of cooperation among the 4 countries. Its also in the interest of promoting peace, stability and development in the relevant regions and in the world.今年年底将在哥本哈根举行的应对气候变化会议是十分重要的,我们希望有关各方共同努力,按照巴厘路线图,实现哥本哈根的既定目标。At the end of this year, the UN will hold the international conference on climate change in Copenhagen. We believe this is a very important meeting and hope that all parties can work together to pursuer the Bali Roadmap and achieve desired results at the Copenhagen Conference.在这方面继续遵循共同但有区别的责任的原则,发达国家、发展中国家各自作出应有的努力,并且携手合作,取得这次会议的成功是至关重要。Its essential that the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities be observed and I believe the success of the meeting is very much depended on the developing and developed countries contributing their respect shares and working together as well.中国将一如既往地按照国家制定的应对气候变化的方案来采取各方面的积极措施,兑现自己的诺言,为这次会议的成功作出应有的贡献。谢谢。China will continue to implement its national program on tackling climate change and make every effort to honor its commitments and contribute its due share to the success of the conference.

日本朝日电视台记者:杨外长您好,我有两个问题:第一,关于中日关系,毒饺子事件在日本和中国都产生了受害者,过了一年多还没解决,日本消费者对中国食品的疑虑也没消除,解决这件事情困难的原因在哪里?关于东海油气田中日双方达到了共识,但是为什么不能开始缔结协议的磋商?另外,中方是否认为天外天不属于协议的对象?第二个问题关于东亚地区去年在日本召开了第一届中日韩三国领导人会议,今年将在中国召开第二届,在当前的金融危机的形势下,中方如何考虑加强中日韩之间的协作?谢谢。TV Asahi:I have two questions, the first is about China-Japan relations. We are both victims in Japan and China of the poisoned dumpling incident. The incident has not been resolved since it broke out more than a year ago. And the Japanese consumers are still concerned about the quality of maed-in-China food, what is the biggest obstacle in resolving this case? The other question is about the East China Sea, the two countries reached an agreement or a common understanding on the issue of the East Chain Sea, but why have the two countries not started their relevant negotiations on this issue? Does China think that this common understanding is not applicable to the tianwaitian oil and gas field?Secondly, my question is about the East Asian cooperation, last year, leader of China, Japan and the ROK held their first meeting in Japan this year. They will meet again in China under the international financial crisis. What does China expect from this cooperation? What will China do to enhance the cooperation?

杨洁篪:首先,我要讲,我们中国政府各有关部门十分重视产品的质量和食品的安全。First, Id like to say that the Chinese government or relevant government departments take food quality and safety very seriously.你讲到的饺子事件这是一起刑事案件,The dumpling incident you referred to is a criminal case. 中国的有关部门正在继续进行调查、侦查,努力在破案。The relevant Chinese departments are still conducting the investigation and working hard to crack the case.我们也一直表示中日双方要继续来合作调查。We believe that China and Japan should continue to cooperate in the investigation.我想问一下,日本有没有食品案件经过相当一段时间的艰苦侦查至今还没有破案的案子,有没有?I wonder if there were cases in Japan too on which after a long time of investigation still can not be resolved.我想日本警方是不会放弃努力,会继续追踪到底,哪怕需要更多的时间也要把它破案,这也是中方的决心,我想这一点日方应该理解,而且应该继续同中国合作,我还认为,双方应该就食品安全的问题能够建立长久的合作机制,这有什么不好啊!I believe the Japanese police will not give up their efforts and will pursue the investigation until these cases are resolved. That is what we are determined to do on this specific case. As well I think we should have the understanding of the Japan side on this point, and the two countries should cooperate on resolving the case to ensure food safety. And I also believe its important that our two countries establish a long-term cooperation mechanism on food safety. Isnt this a good idea?我想讲一句,希望记者们不要错误解释,中国的食品安全不是百分之百的,但我是经常吃了中国的速冻饺子去出席外交活动的,去出席记者招待会的。Id like to make a comment here which I hope the journalists will not misinterpret, I cant say that we dont have any problem at all in the food in China, but, more often than not, Ill go to attend some foreign or diplomatic functions after I have taken Chinese-made frozen dumplings.关于东海问题,双方达成的原则共识是两国关系改善和发展的一个重要体现。我想,双方都应该遵守原则共识的精神,要为原则共识的落实创造必要的条件。The principled common understanding reached between the two countries on the issue of the East China Sea is the reflection of improvement and development of China-Japan relations. I believe both sides should honor the spirit of the principle common understanding and create necessary conditions for its implementation.天外天油气田位于中国的专属经济区,同中日双方达成的东海问题原则共识没有关系。The天外天 oil and gas field is located in Chinas exclusive economic zone, and its nothing to do with the principled common understanding between the two countries on the East Chain Sea issue.我们认为,去年在日本举行的中日韩三国领导人的首次单独会晤是十分成功,我们也赞赏东道主日本方面为此所作出的努力。We believe the first separate meeting among leaders of China, Japan and the ROK held last year in Japan was a big success. And were appreciated the efforts made by the host country Japan.同事们告诉我说,中日韩三国的贸易额超过了英法德三国的贸易额。My colleagues told me that trade value among China, Japan and the ROK is bigger than the trade value among the UK, France and Germany. 我们三国又是近邻,我们三国的文化方面又有很多的历史渊源。Moreover, the 3 countries are close neighbors and share a strong historic bound of culture.我们三国理应在当前的国际金融危机的背景下进一步加强交流与合作,为我们三个国家共同战胜金融危机,使亚洲早日走出金融危机的阴影作出应有的贡献。中国作为东道国,今年一定要当好东道国,办好这次会议,相信,我们也会得到日本和韩国同事们的支持。In the face with international financial crisis, there is every reason for these 3 countries to enhance exchange and cooperation and make due contribution to international efforts against the financial crisis and helping Asia emerge from the difficulties as early as possible. China will do what it can to be a good host and chair and make the meeting a success. We believe we will also have support from our Japan and ROK colleagues.

韩国《中央日报》记者:我想提三个问题。第一,美国奥巴马政府上台后,中国的对外政策,特别是包括朝鲜半岛在内的东北亚政策是否会有调整?第二,如果朝鲜强行发射导弹的话,中方会有什么样的反应和看法?朝鲜导弹问题对六方会谈会有什么影响?最后,金融危机发生后,中韩贸易额有所减少,有专家建议,为了两国贸易的继续扩大,尽早推进中韩FTA协商,对此您有什么样的看法?谢谢。JoongAng Daily:I have three questions: first, since the inauguration of US Obama administration, will China make adjustment to its foreign policy, particularly its policy on Northeast Asia, including the Korean Peninsula; second, if the DPRK insists on launching a satellite. What will be the response of the Chinese side? And how will it impact the 6-Party talks process? Third, since the outbreak of the financial crisis trade between China and ROK has declined, therefore, some experts suggested that fast progress be made in the negotiation of China-ROK FTA to promote trade between the two countries, whats your comment?

杨洁篪:中国方面已经多次重申了自己的外交政策,简单地说,就是我们坚持走和平发展的道路.China has made clear its foreign policy on many occasions. Were committed to pursuing peaceful development.坚持奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,坚持奉行互利共赢的开放战略。Well unwearyingly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace and the win-win strategy of opening-up. 我们的外交政策没有任何改变。There has been no change in Chinas foreign policy. 我们高兴地看到,奥巴马新政府已经表示,高度重视朝核问题六方会谈,并且愿意为推进这一会谈与其他各方共同努力。We are glad to see that the Obama administration has expressed how much importance it gives to the 6-Party takes process and its ready to work with other relevant countries to advance the process.六方会谈已经取得了重要进展,这是值得珍惜的。目前遇到一些困难,在就这样复杂的问题进行谈判过程中出现一些困难,我们应该看到,这是正常的。Important progress has made in the 6-Party talks and we should cherish the progress that has been made. Its true that now the talks have encouraged some difficulties. But I believe its natural that people will encounter difficulties when negotiate a settlement of such a complicated issue.重要的是,各方都应该按照2005919日达成的协议行事,要尽快地相向而行,完成第二阶段的行动,使得会谈进入第三阶段。what important is that all relevant parties should earnestly implement the agreement reached on Sep. the 19th, 2005, they should work together towards their shared goal, complete the remaining action in the second phase as early as possible and bring the talk into its third phase. 中国将继续作为东道主为会议会谈取得进展作出自己独特的、建设性的努力。As the host of the 6-Party talks, China will continue to play its unique constructive role for continued progress at the 6-Party talks.我们注意到,朝鲜方面宣布要发射试验通讯卫星,Were aware of the DPRK announcement of test firing a communications satellite. 我们也注意到各国的反应,我们对有关的事态表示关注。 We have also taken note of the reactions of relevant countries. We are following the development of the situation.我们认为,维护朝鲜半岛的和平稳定符合各方的利益,我们希望有关各方多作对此有利的事情。We are of the view that safeguarding peace and stability on the KP serves the inertest of all relevant parties.中韩之间就建立自贸区进行了官方、企业界和学术界的讨论。Regarding the establishment of China-ROK FIA, discussions have also been held among government officials, academics and people from the industries. 我想,积极地推进这种研究、讨论,乃至于早日启动谈判,建成自贸区,这对于中韩双方都有着十分积极的意义,希望双方相向而行。I believe its very positive thing for both China and ROK to continue to conduct such discussions and research and even move onwards to launching the related negotiations at an early date. I hope the two sides will make joint efforts and meet each other halfway.我想,中日韩三国都应该成为反对投资和贸易保护主义的表率。In my view, China, Japan and the ROK should all be good examples in opposing trade and investment protectionism.中日去年贸易额超过2000亿,中韩接近2000亿。我们之间相互进一步开拓市场,我想,这有利于提振亚洲人民应对金融危机的信心,也符合我们两国和亚洲人民的利益。Last year, China-Japan trade value exceeded 200 billion USD, China-ROK trade value approached 200 billion USD. I believe to continue to expand the markets presence in each others countries will help boost the confidence of people in Asia in meeting this financial crisis, it also serves the interests of people of both countries and in Asia.

中国日报记者:杨外长您好,我们注意到,中国领导人在很多场合都表示过外交要为经济建设服务。请问外长,在金融危机继续扩散和蔓延的时候,中国外交应当怎样发挥作用,以应对危机并且支持国内保增长?谢谢。China Daily:Weve noted that Chinese leaders have advocated the vision on many occasions that diplomacy should serve the goal of economic development in China. As the international financial crisis continues to spread and develop. What role should Chinas diplomacy play to meet the financial crisis and support economic development at home?

杨洁篪:我可以告诉大家,对中国外交部和中国驻外外交机构来讲,做好为国内经济发展服务,做好为推进中国跟有关国家经贸合作服务已经成为我们最重要的任务之一。I can tell you for the Chinese Foreign Ministry and its overseas diplomatic commissions, one of our important tasks is to serve the goal of economic development at home and promote the business relations between China and other countries.我们有的大使回国就告诉我,说他计算了一下,在他的工作时间里面,至少30%乃至50%是用于抓经济工作方面的事情。When some of the ambassadors com back and talk to me, they told me that in all their working hours, they have spent about 30-50% of all working time on dealing with economic affairs. 我们的驻外使领馆,为促成很多大的项目,为解决很多的经济方面的纠纷做了很多事。时间有限,我不可能一一说。Our oversea diplomatic missions have putting a lot effort in facilitating some major cooperation projects as well as settling disputes in the economic field. Because time is timed, its impossible for me to list them one by one.关于下一步这方面的工作我想谈几点:第一,我们将继续深入地分析国际经济金融形势的走向,并且向党中央和国务院提出我们的意见和建议。As regards what we will do next, let me say the following. First, well make in-depth analysis into the evolution of the current international economic and financial situations and offer our suggestions and advices to the CPPCC and State Council.第二,我们要继续为保持乃至于提高中国同有关国家的贸易和经贸合作水平做出应有的贡献。 Second, well make our contribution to maintaining or even raising the trade and economic cooperation between China and relevant countries.第三,我们要为中国的企业走出去服务,并提供指导。Third, well provide services to Chinese companies as they go global and offer necessary guidance. 第四,我们要进一步做好保护海外中国公民和企业的合法权益工作。谢谢。Fourth, well continue to provide protection for the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationals and companies abroad.


TVB:The French company Christie insistent on going ahead with the auctioning of two bronze rabbit and rat heads from Chinas Old Summer Palace, the relevant Chinese department has said that this has offended the Chinese people. In spite of Chinas strong opposition,French Premier met with Dalai at the end of last year. How do you comment on China-France relations? My second question is what will the Chinese Foreign Ministry do to protect the overseas interests of Hong Kong compatriots and support the HK SAR government in conducting external exchanges?

杨洁篪:中国政府反对有关公司拍卖两只圆明园兽首,The Chinese government opposes the auction by relevant company of the two bronze rabbit and rat heads from Chinas Old Summer Palace.因为这些兽首是被窃掠的中国的流失的文物,中国有权追溯这些文物。Because these two bronze rabbit and rat heads are cultural relics looted from China and China has the right to recover those lost cultural relics.这种雪上加霜的行为是很不道德的.This move is adding salt to injury and its immoral.我们外交部全力为香港的繁荣稳定做工作。The Chinese Foreign Ministry is committed to working to foster a good external environment for prosperity and stability in HK SAR. 我们吸纳了香港特区政府的代表参加华盛顿峰会,这次我们也吸纳了香港特区政府的代表参团参加伦敦金融峰会。The central government invited HK SAR government officials to join the Chinese delegation and attend the Washington Financial Summit. Well also invite officials from HK SAR to join the Chinas delegation for the London Financial Summit. 我们一直积极地推动有关国际组织在召开国际会议的时候,多想着点香港、澳门,到那里去举行,We have also been encouraging the relevant international organizations to have Hong Kong and Macao more in their minds and host meetings there. 也为香港和澳门的政府官员、同胞们出去参加各种多边国际活动、会议创造条件。We have also created conditions for the participation of Hong Kong and Macao government officials and people to participate in overseas multilateral activities and events.就香港而言,我们外交部关注和处理了涉及600多起事件,涉及2000多香港同胞的领事保护事件。The Chinese Foreign Ministy followed and handled over 600 cases of consular protection with an involvement of over 2200 people in Hon Kong and Macao. 我们相信,在香港、澳门特区政府的领导下,香港和澳门同胞一定能够战胜金融危机。在中央政府的强有力支持下,香港和澳门一定会保持繁荣稳定。We believe under the leadership of the HK and Macao SAR governments, people in the regions will tide over the difficulties during the financial crisis. We believe with strong support of the Chinese central government, HK and Macao will maintain prosperity and stability.刚才问到中法关系,中法建交45年来,两国关系有了很大的发展,给两国人民带来了实实在在的利益。You also asked about China-France relations, in the past 45 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China-France relations have made a lot progress and brought real benefits to people of both countries.中方一直高度重视推进中法关系并为此作出了重大努力。China has always attached great importance to promoting relations with France and made tremendous efforts to this end.当前,中法关系当中发生了问题,责任不在中方。我们希望法国方面对中方的重大关切作出正面的、积极的回应.The current problem in China-France relations is not caused by the Chinese side; the response for it does not rest with China. We hope France will make a positive response to the major concerns of the Chinese side. 最后我想强调,我本人对中法关系的长远发展是抱有信心的,Finally, I want to emphasis that I have confidence for the long-term development of China-France relations, 因为这符合双方的共同利益,也是两国人民的呼声。because that serves the common interests of both countries and its in accordance with the aspiration of the both peoples.

德新社记者:The cooperation between China and EU has to tackle a lot of important issues, like the financial crisis and climate change. Last year, many Europeans were puzzled that China cancelled the China-EU Summit in December because French president was going to meet the Dalai Lama. There is a lack of understanding in Europe that China was suspend this important cooperation at any time, even in crisis when the European leader met the Tibetan religious leader for a tea, how do you respond to that? And the Czech EU presidency has proposed a new EU-China Summit in May in Prague, will China take part in this summit and is the date fixed? Deutsch Press Agency :在中国和欧盟的合作当中,其实涵盖了很多的领域,包括共同应对国际金融危机还有应对气候变化等问题。在去年,欧洲的一些老百姓感到不解的是,中国因为法国总统即将会见达赖而取消了在12月本该举行的中欧领导人会晤。在欧洲其实有些人不是特别了解,是否每次一些欧洲国家领导人接见达赖,即便是随便交谈或者是喝杯茶的时候都会威胁到中国和欧盟之间的合作呢?最近作为欧盟新的轮值主席国的捷克共和国提出召开新一轮中欧领导人会晤,中方是否会积极回应?是否参加?具体日期有没有确定?

杨洁篪:去年原定年底举行的中欧领导人会晤不得不推迟,其原因不在中方,人们都很清楚事情的经过。The China-EU Summit had to be postponed at the end of 2007, the responsibility doesnt rest with the Chinese side and I believe people are clear about the cause of it.有希腊这个古典哲学文化的基础,我想他们的逻辑应该是很严密的。People in Europe know well the classic philosophy of ancient Greece. I believe they have very good logic.达赖方面提出要在中国的1/4的土地上建立他的所谓大藏区,要赶走中国驻扎在那里守卫中国国土的中国军队,要赶在世世代代在那生活的其他民族的中国人。这样的人就是一个宗教人士?The Dalai side still insists on establishing a so-called greater Tibet on 1/4 of Chinese territory, they want to drive away the Chinese armed forces on the Chinese territory, and ask all non-Tibetans to relocate themselves, people who have long spent their lives on that part of the Chinese territory. You call this person a religious figure? 德国、法国,其他的国家愿不愿意自己1/4的领土被分割出去?Will Germany, France or other countries are accepted that a 1/4 of their territories will be separated?请记住,中国是一直支持德国的统一大业的。Please keep in mind that China has always been a supporter of Germans course of reunification.因此,达赖绝对不仅仅是一个什么宗教人士,而是一个政治流亡者.Dalai is by no means nearly a religious figure, but a political exile. 我们同他之间的矛盾不是什么宗教问题、人权问题、民族问题、文化问题,而是要不要保持中国的统一,要不要允许把西藏从中国的版图上分裂出去的问题。Our differences with him are not over religious issues, human rights, democracy or culture. Its a major issue that is about whether we should defend Chinas unity and prevent Tibet from being separated from Chinas territory. 世界上任何国家在处理对华关系当中,不允许达赖窜访,不允许达赖利用他们这些国家的国土从事分裂活动,这是国际关系准则的应有之意。In developing relations with China, other countries should not allow Dalai to visit their countries or should not allow their territories be used for Dalai to engage in separatist activities for Tibet independence.I think this is integral part of the norms governing international relations. 并不是对中国的什么照顾,This is not doing a favor to China.只不过是希望各国都按照自己对外宣称的标准来行事,那就是尊重国际关系准则,尊重国际法,尊重中国宪法,尊重中国民族区域自治法。What we hope is that all countries when handling this issue will follow the principles that they have claims they always pursue. We hope that they all respect the norms governing international relations, international law, as well as Chinas constitution and law of regional ethnic autonomy. 我想说明的是,即将举行的中欧领导人会晤这不是捷克方面一家提出的。Let me draw you attention to this fact, the upcoming China-EU Summit was not proposed by the Czech Republic alone.这次会晤是由我们温家宝总理今年早些时候访问欧洲总部,同欧洲方面共同商定在今年上半年举行这次会晤。This discussion was taken between Premier Wen and EU leaders during Premier Wens visit to the EU headquarters earlier this year. 确定具体的时间在哪个月、哪天举行这不应该是什么大问题。谢谢。I dont think it will be a big problem to finalize a date of the China-EU Summit.

中国国际广播电台记者:请问外长,中国是如何定位自己在亚洲地区的作用和影响力?在金融危机形势下,中国如何推进亚洲的区域合作?谢谢。China Radio International:Id like to ask in the face of the international financial crisis, how does China define its role and influence in Asia? And what will China do to advance regional cooperation in Asia?

杨洁篪:中国是亚洲大家庭的一员,我们的外交政策就是与邻为善、以邻为伴China is a member of the big Asian family; we pursue to establish amicable relations and partnership with surrounding countries.所谓,就是希望邻居政治上稳定、经济上发展、民生上改善。We hope to see political stability, economic development and the improved livelihood of the people in our neighboring countries. 所谓,就是我们要同我们的邻居建立和发展互利共赢的伙伴关系。We are committed to pursuing partnership of mutual benefit with surrounding countries.只要环视一下周围,我们就会发现我们许多贸易伙伴就在亚洲。If you look around, you will find that many of Chinas important trading partners are located in Asia.就是同印度,我们的贸易额也已经超过了500亿。For example, our trade with India has topped 150 billion USD.中国的经济对世界经济的增长,去年贡献率是20%,我想对亚洲经济的贡献恐怕要超过这个数。The growth of Chinas economic contributed to more than 20% to grow world economy last year, and I believe the figure for the growth of Asian economy is even higher.我觉得在当前国际金融危机背景下,中国和亚洲各国都需要开动脑筋、开拓创新,In the face of international financial crisis, I believe its important for China and other Asian countries to be more creative and take more pioneer steps 以便使亚洲的经济能够率先走出金融危机的阴影。so that our Asian economy will be one of the first to work out from the shadow cast by the financial crisis.具体讲,我们要进一步推进10+110+3的合作;我们要进一步推进清迈倡议的多边化,要建立亚洲的资本市场,要建立10+3的外汇储备库;我们要进一步推进大湄公河次区域的发展,中国要进一步地加强同南盟国家的合作等等。To be more specific, well continue to promote 10+1 and 10+3 cooperation. Well pursue the multi-lateralization of the Chiang Mai Initiative, establish the Asian Capital market and put in place the 10+3 foreign exchange reserves pooling. Well also promote our cooperation with countries in the sub-region in the Mekong River and enhance cooperation with the Southern Alliance member states.除了经贸方面,我们同亚洲国家有着长久的友好交往的历史,双方关系有着深厚的基础。In addition to our strong business ties, China and Asian countries share a long history of friendly exchanges, our relations are solidly based. 交友贵在交心,古语说以利合者,利尽则散.Making friends is about treating each other with every sincerity, as an old phrase reads/saying goes that cooperation driven solely by profits will soon end when there is no profit to gain.我们同很多亚洲国家的关系不仅仅是一个经济、贸易方面的互利关系,我们是君子之交,是道义之交。Our relations with other Asian countries are much more than just mutually beneficial cooperation in the economic and trade fields. Our relationship is a friendship of shared principles and integrity. 我相信,亚洲的明天会比今天更加美好。I have confidence that there will be an even better future for Asia.

摩洛哥通讯社记者:In the light of the current international financial crisis, what are the prospects of China-Africa relations? And anther question, how could China be more engaged in solving some African conflicts? Meaning Sahara in North Africa and Darfur in east Africa?Morocco News Agency :面对现在国际金融危机,您对中非关系的发展有何展望?第二就是中国如何更加积极地参与在苏丹达尔富尔问题以及非洲北部一些冲突问题上的解决?

杨洁篪:中国同非洲国家有着传统的友谊,今天,中非的合作又登上了一个更高的台阶.China and African countries enjoy traditional friendship and cooperation between the two sides has been raised to a new level. 2000年举行了中非合作论坛峰会,胡锦涛主席代表中国政府宣布了支持非洲发展的八项举措,现在这些举措要么正在顺利进行,要么已经完成。In 2000, the summit of China-Africa Cooperation Forum was held in Beijing, on behalf of the Chinese government, President Hu announced 8 major policy measures supporting the development in African countries, good progress is being made in the implementation of some of these measures and some of these measures have already been completed.我们也感谢非洲朋友们、兄弟们在台湾、涉藏、支持北京举办奥运会、抗震救灾等方面所给予我们的巨大支持。We highly appreciated the tremendous support from our African friends and brothers on Taiwan, on Tibet, and in hosting the Beijing Olympic Games and in our fight against natural disasters.有的国家元首跟我们国家领导人讲,我们国家太穷了,我们没有什么可以给你们的,我们给你们的就是我们的心。Some leaders from some African countries told the Chinese leaders that our countries are too poor that we have nothing to give you. All we can give you is sincere heart.我们很受感动。We are deeply touched by this.我们是心心相印的朋友、兄弟。 We are every close brothers and friends. 胡锦涛主席前不久对非洲几国进行访问就表示,中国将一如既往地支持非洲的发展,一如既往地支持提高非洲国家跟非洲地区在国际和地区事务中的发言权和代表性.Not long ago, President Hu made a trip to some African countries, during the trip, he made clear that China will continue to support African development and support a greater say and representation of African countries and the African Continent as a whole in international and regional affairs.我想讲一下,中国不是嫌贫爱富之辈,Id like to say that China will not develop relations basis/based on which country is a wealthy one or countries are poor one.中国也不是嫌贫爱之辈,Nor China is a country that only pursues relations with the country because that country is rich in oil.可以问问非洲没有石油的国家、没有天然气的国家,他们对中国的评价高还是对其他国家的评价高。You can ask whether some African countries without rich oil and gas reserves will have a better impression of China or other countries.即使我们同非洲国家发展能源方面的合作,这也是互利共赢的。Our energy and resource cooperation with African countries is based on mutual benefit. 非洲朋友们、兄弟们,要把他们潜在的优势变成现实的优势已经几百年了,还要让他们等下去吗?有人还要劝告他们等下去。这种劝告是道德的吗?It has been 100s of years since our African brothers and friends cherished the dream of translating their potentials into real strength. Should someone still advice tham to wait? And do you think such an advice is moral one?  他们有资本做出这样的劝告吗?Are they in the position to provide such advice?中非的合作是互利共赢的,我相信,今后的这种合作还要发展。再说,同非洲国家发展互利合作的不单单是中国这一个新兴大国,其他的新兴国家都在发展,做何解释?Our cooperation with Africa is based on mutual benefit; well continue to pursue such mutually benefit and win-win cooperation. Besides, China is not the only big emerging country that is developing cooperation with Africa, there are many emerging big countries having similar cooperation and how would you expand that?至于撒哈拉问题,我们希望有关各方通过协商对话能够得到妥善解决。On the issue in Sub-Sahara, I hope that the relevant parties will engage in dialogue and consultation for proper resolution.关于达尔富尔问题,我们的立场是劝和促谈。On the issue of Darfur, our position has always been to promote a dialogue and peace talks.我们希望关于达尔富尔的维和行动和政治谈判进程能够继续取得进展.We hope to see continued progress in both peacekeeping operations and the political process in Darfur.我们继续支持非盟、联合国和苏丹政府这三方的主渠道来发挥主要的推进作用。Well continue to support the role of the tripartite mechanism involving the AU, UN, the Sudanese government as the main channel. 我们向苏丹人民、向达尔富尔人民提供了很多援助,我们向达尔富尔人民提供了1.4亿元人民币的援助,我们还向非盟特派团和联合国信托基金提供了援助,我们在当地,在苏丹的公司也参与了打井,提供学校必要的设备等等,更不要提我们已经率先派出了多功能的工兵团去达尔富尔地区。We have provided assistance to people in Sudan and people in Darfur. We have provided people in Darfur with aid goods worth 140 million Yuan RMB. Weve also made donations to the AU mission in Sudan and UN Trust Fund, our companies in Sudan have helped sink wells or provide equipment to local schools in Darfur. In addition, China is among the first to send a multi-functional contingent of engineering soldiers to Darfur.我们希望达尔富尔问题早日得到解决,我们也希望各方多做对此有益的事,而不是相反。谢谢。We hope to see an early resolution of the Darfur issue, and we hope that all relevant parties will do things to facilitate this not the opposite.

新华社记者:我的问题是关于杨洁篪部长您的。我们知道,自新中国成立以来,历届外长都在出色完成历史使命的同时,以自己的个人魅力赢得了世界的赞赏。请问,您担任外长以来有什么样的体会?在与各国外长打交道的过程中有什么难忘的回忆?能否借此介绍一下您个人的外交理念以及当前中国在复杂形势下的外交理念?Xinhua News Agency :We know that successive foreign ministers of the PRC have all faithfully discharged their duties as Foreign Minister, and also won the applause from the international community with their personal charm and appeal. Id like to ask that what has struck you most in your interaction with foreign counterparts and if you can share with us your diplomatic vision particularly under the current difficult circumstances?

杨洁篪:这一年多来我自己还是感触挺多的.Actually, there are many unforgettable things since I became Chinas foreign minister more than a year ago. 我对自己有机会为国效力感到非常幸福。I feel very happy that I have this opportunity to serve my country. 我觉得中国外交当前一个特点就是同发展是密不可分的。I think one important feature of Chinas diplomacy now is that diplomacy is closely tied with development.外交要为中国的经济发展服务,要为中国的社会进步服务。Our diplomacy must serve Chinas economic development and social progress.我们国家现在一个中心任务是发展经济.You know the central task of our country is to develop the economy. 现在中国的外交不单单是为国家的经济发展创造一个良好的外部环境问题,我们在相当程度上是要直接地为中国经济发展服务。所谓直接就是对一些大的项目、两国经贸当中一些大的事件,我们都要高度关注,都要建言献策。Now Chinas diplomacy is more than just fostering a favorable external environment for Chinas economic development at home. In many occasions and under many circumstances, we need to directly serve Chinas economic development. By directly, what I mean is we must pay very close attention to all major cooperation projects and major issues in the business relations between China and other countries and offer our advice and suggestions.现在每遇到一个问题,我脑子里是会有连锁反应的。Every time I encounter an issue, it will set off a chain effect in my mind.遇到一个国际问题,我就会想这对我们国内会产生什么样的影响,是正面的还是负面的?我们外交部应该做什么事情?我们的驻外使馆应该朝哪方面努力? Whenever I encounter an international issue, the first thing that came to my mind is that what impact will it have on Chinese domestic development? Is it positive one or is it negative one? And How should the Chinese Foreign Minister and its overseas diplomatic missions react to it?国内发生一些事,我们就会想到如何妥善处理好它在国外所产生的影响,或者利用好它在国外所会产生的影响。For things that are taking place at home, we should consider how to make the best of the overseas impact of such things taking place at home.恐怕是要眼观六路、耳听八方、胸怀大局、处置得当。Seem that we should be receptive to all sources of information and knowledge and always keep the big picture in mind.这一年多来,我接触了很多别国的外长,应该讲他们都有很多长处值得我学习。In the past one year and more, I do have had a lot contacts with my foreign counterparts. I should say that there was a lot that I can learn from them.我发现他们大多数人有一个特点,除了外交以外,他们自己还有特别的嗜好.What I found that one thing they do share is that besides their focus on diplomatic work, they also have their own hobbits.有位外长在我刚当外长的时候跟我讲,他说我干了这么多年的外长,靠的就是网球拍子,因为我打网球,这样能够保持我身体健康,有充沛的精力去干外交.For instance, some foreign ministers told me when I just became Chinese Foreign Minister that they have been relying on their tennis rackets all through the years of being foreign ministers to keep them fit and having enough energy.我喜欢打乒乓球,前两天赢了一个比我水平高的人,赢了几盘,我今天情绪特别高。Well, you know that I like playing table tennis and a couple of days ago, I won a few games in my match with a player that is supposed to be better than me. So Im in very good spirit today.告诉大家,我是好胜心很强的人,我是个不服输的人,我觉得这个精神对我在外交上是有用的,当然要客观分析。Frankly, Im a person who wants to win and I dont accept defeat that easily. I think it will help me in dong diplomatic work. At the same time, I know that I have to have an objective judgment of the situation always.现在的世界外交不应该是零和游戏,应该是互利共赢的局面。Diplomacy in todays world should not be a zero-sum game. It should be one of mutual benefit. 中国外交一直秉承的是中华民族一脉相承的和谐合作互利共赢的理念.In pursuing Chinese diplomacy, we always follow the fine tradition of the Chinese nation, that is, to pursue harmony, cooperation and mutual benefit.我认为,以人为本、外交为民应该解释为,为中国人民和世界人民的根本利益去努力工作,做好服务。谢谢大家!Our vision is to put people first and doing diplomacy for the people, Guided by this vision, we should always work hard to defend the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and people of the world.非常感谢大家,刚才我不知道给了女记者们是不是公平的机会,但明天是三八妇女节,我向所有的女记者们、女听众们、观众们致以节日的热烈祝贺!Thank you all for coming to the press conference and I wonder if we have give people of opportunity to the female journalists.Tomorrow is the International Women's Day. My festive greetings to the female journalists and female audience.

Thank you all.


  • 字数:6463个
  • 易读度:困难
  • 来源:互联网 2017-03-17