Short Story Ideas

Short Story Ideas
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Short Story Ideas


The pen has always been mightier than the sword. If you have a creative streak in you and wish to pen some fiction, then short stories are relatively less time-consuming than writing a long novel. Fiction writing is not just about your imagination; it requires a whole lot more. The inspiration for short stories can be anything. There can be no dearth to short story ideas if you have the skill for writing.


Ideas for Short Stories


You shift into a new place and find an old letter in one of the cracks in the wall. The letter was never posted. What do you do?

You find a gold coin while gardening.

You hear a classmate has been spreading rumors about you that are absolutely false. The sad fact is that people are believing him/her.

You suspect that your best friend is hiding something from you so you follow her after class. What you discover is not what you had expected.

An elderly person runs away from a retirement home where his children had admitted him.



Elements for Writing Short Stories


Develop your Powers of Observation


For any kind of short story idea, you will need to first learn to observe things around you. Observe people around you, the places that you visit, and every little detail that comes along with it. This will definitely help to shape your story well. There are many things happening around us that may trigger a plot in our minds.


Read and Listen Carefully


To be able to develop a short story idea, you must make it a point to voraciously read various kinds of literature. This will give you a glimpse into the various styles of writing by different authors. Developing the ability to listen can also help you in creating short stories. For example, you might be able to incorporate an incident into a funny short story based upon something that happened in your life.


Incorporate Instances from your Life


Many times, when one is at loss for ideas, a simple incident from one's own life will help to shape a short story. For example, an inspirational short story idea can be based on an incident that was inspired by real life.


Let your imagination run wild


Finally, what you need for short stories, is a dose of imagination. Stop being realistic in every approach and sit back and relax. Let the creative juices flow and your imagination run wild. For example, it could be a scary short story and you need to transport yourself to a different world. A creative imaginative streak would surely be helpful to make it as interesting as possible.


Look through the examples penned above to get an idea of not only how to go about writing a story, but the kind of interesting topics that can be chosen, and worked on.



  • 字数:495个
  • 易读度:较易
  • 来源: 2016-08-16