教学素材 | 如何克服心理障碍

教学素材 | 如何克服心理障碍
困难 285

How to Overcome Psychological Barriers


How to Overcome Psychological Barriers

词汇考研| 句法:六级| 文本:考研

刘立军 供稿

Humans are inherently vulnerable, particularly in our formative years, where the lack of tenderness and care can leave deep psychological scars.


These emotional wounds often stem from various shortfalls of love, such as loss, cruelty, or misunderstanding.


In response, we develop defense mechanisms to shield ourselves from further harm, aiding our survival and progression through life.


For instance, the disappearance of a parent might lead to an emotional barrier that prevents us from feeling sadness when someone is absent. Or, in the face of an alcoholic caregiver, one might cultivate extreme independence and self-reliance.


Initially, these mechanisms serve us well, but over time, they can become maladaptive, hindering our current life circumstances and causing more harm than good.


The challenge lies in recognizing the cost of these outdated defenses. They can lead to shallow relationships, loneliness, or underperformance at work, among other issues.


Often, we accept these symptoms or remain oblivious to them. To heal, we must enhance our self-awareness and strive to understand ourselves better, which is a key to happiness and personal growth.


The process of self-understanding involves several steps:


1. Identify Symptoms: Reflect on what you wish to change, habits you want to overcome, and patterns of pain or difficulty in your life.


2. Recognize Defense Mechanisms: These can be elusive but considering common examples might resonate and help identify them in your life.


3. Understand the Logic: Defense mechanisms, though problematic, have a rationale. Recognize their original purpose and how they once protected you.


4. Appreciate Their Cleverness: Acknowledge the ingenuity of these strategies and how they were once beneficial.


5. Acknowledge Their Obsolescence: Realize that these mechanisms are no longer needed and may now be detrimental.


6. Confront the Costs: Understand the current price you pay for maintaining these defenses and how they impede your life.


7. Decide to Let Go: With a clear view of the mechanism, its logic, and its costs, make the conscious decision to release these outdated defenses.


For example, if you find yourself falling for unavailable partners to avoid disappointment, recognize this as a defense born from past wounds, such as an absent mother.


Now, understand the cost ― missing out on intimacy ― and decide to let go, embracing the possibility of a fulfilling relationship.


Similarly, if a history of relationship failures stems from an unpredictable father, causing you to avoid loss, now is the time to appreciate the mechanism's protective role and release it, to pursue the family you desire.


By understanding and addressing these defense mechanisms, we can move towards a future of flourishing, letting go of the need to be numb, fiercely independent, or perpetually fearful, and embracing hope and freedom instead. This journey requires introspection and courage but leads to a healthier, freer, and more creative life.



1. formative adj. 决定性格的,影响发展的

2. shortfall n. 不足,缺口

3. maladaptive adj. 不适应的

4. oblivious adj.未察觉的

5. resonate v. 引起共鸣

6. rationale n. 理由,依据

7. obsolescence n. 过时

8. introspect v. 内省


  • 字数:480个
  • 易读度:困难
  • 来源:刘立军 2024-07-09