教学素材 | 需要重新考虑是否交往的10种人

教学素材 | 需要重新考虑是否交往的10种人
较难 635

10 Kinds of Individuals to Reconsider as Friends

10 Kinds of Individuals to Reconsider as Friends


词汇:考研 | 句法:CET-4 | 文本:考研

刘立军 供稿

The influence your social circle exerts over you is substantial, a fact that's widely recognized. While friendships are indeed precious, it's important to exercise judgment in choosing your confidants. Not every friendship is beneficial, and there may come a time when you have to cut ties with someone who brings negativity into your life. Below, we delve into the categories of friends you might want to distance yourself from.


1. The Perpetual Help-Seekers 经常寻求帮助的人

These individuals are always amidst some crisis, constantly leaning on you for help. If the friendship feels unbalanced and exploitative, with them perpetually needing your assistance, it’s perhaps one-sided and harmful.


2. The Judgmental Critics 爱批评的朋友

Then there's the friend who has perfected the art of criticism, always ready to disparage your life choices. If their scrutiny is harsh rather than constructive, leaving you feeling belittled, it's time to evaluate the value they bring to your life.


3. The Unapologetic 不愿承认错误的人

Some friends never own up to their faults, dodging accountability at every turn. Mutual responsibility is key in any relationship, so if they can't admit their mistakes, consider if the friendship is worth your efforts.


4. The Unreliable Flakes 朝令夕改的人

We all know someone flaky, cancelling plans frequently or disappearing without notice. Reliability forms the foundation of trust; hence, if someone is too inconsistent, they may not be dependable friends.


5. The Bad Influencers 有不良影响的人

Avoid those who encourage dangerous behaviors, such as substance abuse or reckless acts. True friendship doesn's put your health or safety at risk for the sake of thrills.


6. Friends Who Get Too Close to Your Partner 过于亲近你伴侣的朋友

Be wary of friends who become overly intimate with your significant other, especially if it starts making you feel like an outsider. Healthy boundaries are essential in all relationships.


7. Friends Who Are Ashamed of You 因与你交往而难为情的朋友

Beware of friends who treat you differently in public than in private, as if embarrassed by your association. A genuine friend values and respects you openly.


8. The Pessimists  悲观主义者

Constant negativity can wear you down, whether it comes from drama or chronic complaining. Seek friends who contribute positivity rather than gloom to your everyday life.


9. The Competitors 竞争型的朋友

Steer clear of friends who view everything as a rivalry, which can leave you exhausted rather than supported. Friendship should be about support, not endless competition.


10. The Gossips 爱八卦的人

Gossip-lovers can be entertaining but also problematic, often leading to unwanted drama. Choose friends who favor joy and laughter over spreading rumors.


Remember, ending a friendship should be considered carefully. Your emotional well-being must take precedence. If these types of people consistently make you feel devalued or hurt, think about whether it's healthier to part ways. Prioritize relationships with those who uplift and encourage you for a more satisfying and happy existence.



1. delve into sth. 探索;探究;查考

2. amidst prep.

3. disparage v. 贬低;轻视

4. belittle v. 贬低;小看

5. devalue v. 降低……的价值;贬低


  • 字数:484个
  • 易读度:较难
  • 来源:刘立军 2024-04-29