练习 | BBC新闻:中国嫦娥五号揽月归来

练习 | BBC新闻:中国嫦娥五号揽月归来



燕山大学 刘立军 供稿




BBC News with Sue Montgomery.


The chairman of the US Federal Reserve Jerome Powell says America's Central Bank will continue to support the economy as it struggles with the effects of COVID-19. But he said the government needed to do more. He was speaking as both parties in Congress edged closer to agreeing an economic stimulus package. Andrew Walker reports.


The Federal Reserve decided to continue with its own stimulus policies put in place early in the pandemic. It kept its interest rates very close to zero and will continue buying financial assets, a program known as quantitative easing, which also helps keep borrowing costs low. Mr. Powell said that households and businesses facing lost incomes due to the spread of the virus also needs support from government spending and tax measures or fiscal policy. Mr. Powell also said that current data suggests that the recent surging infections is having an adverse impact on economic activity.


A Chinese space capsule containing the first moon rocks collected in over four decades has landed in the Inner Mongolia region. The Chang'e 5 probe took geological samples from the moon's oceans of storms, a vast lava plain. Scientists hope the new material will help them understand the formation structure and history of the moon.


A prominent critic of the Rwandan president who is in prison on terrorism charges says he is suing a Greek charter flight company for aiding his alleged kidnap. Paul Rusesabagina had been living in exile. He says when he boarded a private GainJet flight to Burundi, he was instead flown to Rwanda. Robert Hilliard is his lawyer.


The pilots have an international responsibility to every single one of the people on the plane. They cannot be complicit with the kidnappers and say, “go ahead and tie him up, go ahead and drug him and we'll get you to Rwanda where you can then pretend he's gonna get a fair trial.” GainJet has not responded to the BBC's request for comment.


The Brazilian government says it will begin the mass vaccination program against COVID-19 in February. The country has reported a record number of daily infections and it's the second highest number of deaths in the world. Leonardo Rocha reports.


More than 70,000 people tested positive for the virus in the past day. The number of deaths is also on the rise and hospitals across the country are operating close to capacity. President Jair Bolsonaro announced earlier, he had allocated $4 billion to buy millions of dollars' worth Brazil's health regulators gave their approval to one of the recently launched vaccines. Mr. Bolsonaro initially described the virus as a mild form of flu. But now on the huge political and economic pressure he's promised to act swiftly to protect the Brazilian population.


World news from the BBC.


Adapted from http://www.kekenet.com/broadcast/202012/622341.shtml




1. edge v. to move or to move sth. slowly and carefully in a particular direction (使)徐徐移动,渐渐移动。例如:She edged a little closer to me. 她慢慢地向我靠近了一些。

2. stimulus n. something that helps sb./sth. to develop better or more quickly 促进因素;激励因素;刺激物。例如:Books provide children with ideas and a stimulus for play. 书不仅给孩子们以思想,而且使他们玩得更尽兴。

3. fiscal adj. connected with government or public money, especially taxes 财政的;国库的。例如:fiscal policies/reforms 财政政策/改革

4. probe v. to ask questions in order to find out secret or hidden information about sb./sth. 盘问;追问;探究。例如:He didn't like the media probing into his past. 他不喜欢媒体追问他的过去。

5. prominent adj. important or well known 重要的;著名的;杰出的。例如:a prominent politician 杰出的政治家

6. exile n. the state of being sent to live in another country that is not your own, especially for political reasons or as a punishment 流放;流亡;放逐。例如:to be/live in exile 在流放中;过流放生活

7. complicit adj. involved with other people in sth. wrong or illegal (与某人或某事)同谋的,串通的。例如:Several officers were complicit in the cover-up. 几名军官串通一气隐瞒真相。

8. vaccinate v. to give a person or an animal a vaccine, especially by injecting it, in order to protect them against a disease 给……接种疫苗。例如:I was vaccinated against tetanus. 我接种了破伤风疫苗。




Read the statements. Then listen to the news and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).


1. According to Mr. Powell, current data suggests that the recent surging infections is having an adverse impact on economic activity.

2. A Chinese space capsule containing the second moon rocks collected in over four decades has landed in the Inner Mongolia region.

3. The Chang'e 4 probe took geological samples from the moon's oceans of storms.

4. Scientists hope the new material will help them understand the formation structure and history of the earth.

5. Paul Rusesabagina will live in exile.

6. The Brazilian government will begin the mass vaccination program against COVID-19 in March, 2021.




Read the statements. Then listen to the news and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).


(T) 1. According to Mr. Powell, current data suggests that the recent surging infections is having an adverse impact on economic activity.

(F) 2. A Chinese space capsule containing the second moon rocks collected in over four decades has landed in the Inner Mongolia region.
(正确表达)A Chinese space capsule containing the first moon rocks collected in over four decades has landed in the Inner Mongolia region.

(F) 3. The Chang'e 4 probe took geological samples from the moon's oceans of storms. 
(正确表达)The Chang'e 5 probe took geological samples from the moon's oceans of storms.

(F) 4. Scientists hope the new material will help them understand the formation structure and history of the earth.
(正确表达)Scientists hope the new material will help them understand the formation structure and history of the moon.

(F) 5. Paul Rusesabagina will live in exile.
(正确表达)Paul Rusesabagina had been living in exile.

(F) 6. The Brazilian government will begin the mass vaccination program against COVID-19 in March, 2021. 
(正确表达)The Brazilian government will begin the mass vaccination program against COVID-19 in February, 2021. 


  • 字数:179个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2021-01-19