练习 | VOA慢速:天气会影响户外的新冠病毒传播吗?

练习 | VOA慢速:天气会影响户外的新冠病毒传播吗?



燕山大学 刘立军 供稿




Does weather affect the spread of the coronavirus outside a building, in the open air? Not really, experts say. The World Health Organization (WHO) says the virus can be spread in any kind of weather. There is also no reason to believe that cold weather can kill it. The WHO says the virus is mainly spread between people. Rain and snow may help reduce the amount of the virus on chairs or other outside objects. But spread of the virus from surfaces is not believed to be a major contributor to the COVID-19 health crisis.


Scientists say the real concern about cold weather is that lower temperatures are more likely to keep people indoors. They also are more likely to be in more crowded spaces, where the virus can spread more easily.


Studies have shown that a large percentage of spread happens within homes when people are sharing common areas like bathrooms. The WHO and others have also warned about the virus spreading in indoor areas with poor ventilation. They note the virus can be spread in the air, and infectious particles might remain in the air for several hours.


Some infections have been linked to nightclub visits, working out at physical exercise centers, and even performing with other people as part of a singing group. The coronavirus does not spread as often outdoors because fresh air breaks up the virus particles. People also have an easier time keeping their distance from others in outdoor areas. But experts warn that coronavirus spread is still possible if people spend extended periods of time outdoors close to others without covering their nose and mouth.


Health officials say the best way to stop spread of the virus is to wear a face mask in public, stay at least 2 meters away from people not in your home and repeatedly wash your hands.


I'm Jonathan Evans.




1. ventilation n. 空气流通

2. infectious adj. an infectious disease can be passed easily from one person to another, especially through the air they breathe 传染性的,感染的(尤指通过呼吸)。例如:Flu is highly infectious. 流感的传染性很高。

3. extended adj. (只用于名词前)long or longer than usual or expected 延长了的;扩展了的。例如:an extended lunch hour 延长了的午餐时间




Read the statements. Then listen to the news and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).


1. Weather affects the spread of the coronavirus in the open air.

2. The WHO says the virus is mainly spread between people.

3. Rain and snow may help reduce the amount of the virus on chairs.

4. The WHO say the real concern about cold weather is that lower temperatures are more likely to keep people indoors.

5. Studies have shown that a small percentage of the coronavirus spread happens within homes when people are sharing common areas like bathrooms.

6. The WHO and others have also warned about the virus spreading in outdoor areas with poor ventilation.

7. The coronavirus does not spread as often outdoors because rain and snow breaks up the virus particles.

8. Experts warn that coronavirus spread is still possible if people spend extended periods of time outdoors close to others without covering their nose and mouth.

9. Health officials say the best way to stop spread of the virus is to wear a face mask in public, stay at least 1 meter away from people not in your home and repeatedly wash your hands.




Read the statements. Then listen to the news and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).


(F) 1. Weather affects the spread of the coronavirus in the open air.
(正确表达)Does weather affect the spread of the coronavirus outside a building, in the open air? Not really, experts say.

(T) 2. The WHO says the virus is mainly spread between people.

(T) 3. Rain and snow may help reduce the amount of the virus on chairs.

(F) 4. The WHO say the real concern about cold weather is that lower temperatures are more likely to keep people indoors.
(正确表达)Scientists say the real concern about cold weather is that lower temperatures are more likely to keep people indoors.

(F) 5. Studies have shown that a small percentage of the coronavirus spread happens within homes when people are sharing common areas like bathrooms.

(正确表达)Studies have shown that a large percentage of the coronavirus spread happens within homes when people are sharing common areas like bathrooms.

(F) 6. The WHO and others have also warned about the virus spreading in indoor areas with good ventilation.

(正确表达)The WHO and others have also warned about the virus spreading in indoor areas with poor ventilation.

(F) 7. The coronavirus does not spread as often outdoors because rain and snow breaks up the virus particles.

(正确表达)The coronavirus does not spread as often outdoors because fresh air breaks up the virus particles.

(T) 8. Experts warn that coronavirus spread is still possible if people spend extended periods of time outdoors close to others without covering their nose and mouth.

(F) 9. Health officials say the best way to stop spread of the virus is to wear a face mask in public, stay at least 1 meter away from people not in your home and repeatedly wash your hands.
(正确表达)Health officials say the best way to stop spread of the virus is to wear a face mask in public, stay at least 2 meters away from people not in your home and repeatedly wash your hands.

  • 字数:172个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2020-12-30