
标准 2428

Paws crossed for panda birth at Smithsonian zoo


Mei Xiang, a 22-year-old giant panda who came to the United States in 2000, could deliver a cub-or cubs-in the next few days, the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington has announced, after imaging revealed what appeared to be a fetus.


“We need this! We totally need this joy,” said zoo spokeswoman Pamela Baker-Masson. “We are all in desperate need of these feel-goods.”

之所以说是疑似怀孕,是因为大熊猫常会发生“假怀孕”(phantom pregnancies)的现象。尽管美香之前有过此现象,但动物园这次对怀孕判断有信心。

Mei has had numerous “false pregnancies,” which are common in giant pandas and happen when the animal exhibits early signs of pregnancy but no cub appears. That is not the case this time, the zoo said.


官方账号还把“finger crossed”短语改成大熊猫的“paws crossed”,手指交叉,意为祈祷、祝愿。表达希望大熊猫平安诞崽的愿望。

动物园首席兽医Don Neiffer表示美香甚至可能怀有两个胎儿。

I can’t confirm or deny that there’s two there. I would expect that she may have two, because that’s what do and that’s what she’s done in the past. So that’s what we’re all planning for. I suspect there are two.


Mei Xiang has given birth to three surviving cubs: Tai Shan, Bao Bao and Bei Bei. Tai Shan was born in July 2005 and now lives in China. Bao Bao was born in August 2013 and moved to China in February 2017.

By agreement, all cubs born at the zoo are sent to China when they are 4 years old.


Reproductive scientists from the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and zoo veterinarians performed the artificial insemination of Mei Xiang in late March, with frozen semen collected from Tian Tian, Mei Xiang's companion who also came to the zoo nearly 20 years ago, the zoo said in a statement.


The panda could also have a stillbirth, or the fetuses could be resorbed, said spokeswoman Pamela Baker-Masson.
发言人Pamela Baker-Masson说熊猫宝宝有可能死产,胚胎也可能被吸收。

Chief veterinarian Don Neiffer said the zoo’s panda pregnancy team would meet and make sure everyone was ready. “It takes a village to raise a panda — or at least get one out,” he said.
首席兽医Don Neiffer说,动物园的熊猫怀孕小组将会面,确保每个人都做好准备。他说:“养育一只熊猫需要很多人的努力,至少让一只熊猫成功出生是这样。”

  • 字数:332个
  • 易读度:标准
  • 来源:外教社 2020-08-25