练习 | VOA慢速:为何专家只字不提食物中的冠状病毒

练习 | VOA慢速:为何专家只字不提食物中的冠状病毒

Why Health Experts Aren't Warning about Coronavirus in Food


Why Health Experts Aren't Warning about Coronavirus in Food


燕山大学 刘立军 供稿



Chicken with salmonella bacteria can make you sick. Other foods with E. coli bacteria or noroviruses can also make you sick. So why are health officials not warning people about eating food contaminated with the new coronavirus?

The answer has to do with the way different organisms make people sick.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says viruses and germs attach to tissues to cause illnesses. Respiratory viruses like COVID-19 usually attach to cells in places like people's lungs. But germs like norovirus and salmonella can survive the acid found in stomachs. They then multiply after attaching to cells inside the organ.

The CDC and other experts note that they are still studying the new coronavirus. They say there is no evidence yet that COVID-19 sickens people through their stomachs. However, the virus has been found in the waste of infected people.

The germs also spread differently.

Viruses like the flu and COVID-19 spread mainly through person-to-person contact and air droplets from coughing or sneezing. Germs that make people sick through food cause illnesses like diarrhea. In some cases, germs found in human waste can travel from people's hands to whatever else they touch.

Experts say that is why it is so important for food workers to stay home when they are sick with digestive illnesses. Otherwise, they could end up sickening lots of people.

Experts say the biggest risk related to food and COVID-19 is contact with other people and workers in food stores. Stores are now limiting the number of people they let in. They are asking customers to practice social distancing and using tape to mark how far apart people should stand.

The new coronavirus can survive on some surfaces. Experts say to keep your hands to yourself as much as possible and to not touch your face when shopping. The CDC suggests washing your hands after unpacking your groceries at home.

It may also be harder for viruses to survive on food itself.

Alison Stout is an expert in infectious diseases and public health at Cornell University. She told the Associated Press that "the chances of anything surviving or coming out of food are small".

The CDC notes that it is not known whether the germs found in human waste can actually sicken someone. Stout said the coronavirus being found in human waste is not likely a sign of its ability to survive in the digestive system.

I'm Jonathan Evans.



1. salmonella bacteria n. 沙门氏菌

2. E. coli bacteria n. 大肠杆菌

3. norovirus n. 诺罗病毒

4. contaminate v. contaminate sth. (with sth.) to make a substance or place dirty or no longer pure by adding a substance that is dangerous or carries disease 污染;弄脏。例如:The drinking water has become contaminated with lead. 饮用水被铅污染了。

5. organism n. a living thing, especially one that is extremely small 有机体;生物;(尤指)微生物

6. diarrhea n. 腹泻



Read the statements. Then listen to the news and decide whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

1. According to the U.S. CDC, viruses and germs attach to hands to cause illnesses.

2. Respiratory viruses like COVID-19 usually attach to tissues in places like people's lungs.

3. According to the CDC and other experts, there is evidence that COVID-19 sickens people through their stomachs.

4. Viruses, such as the flu and COVID-19, spread mainly through person-to-person contact and air droplets from coughing or sneezing.

5. Germs that make people sick through food cause illnesses like diarrhea.

6. In some cases, germs found in human waste can travel from people's hands to whatever else they touch.

7. Food workers should stay home when they are sick with digestive illnesses.

8. Experts say the biggest risk related to food and COVID-19 is contact with other people and workers in food stores.

9. The new coronavirus cannot survive on some surfaces.

10. Experts say to keep your hands to yourself as much as possible and to not touch your face when shopping.

11. The CDC suggests washing your hands before unpacking your groceries at home.

12. It may also be easier for viruses to survive on food itself.

13. Alison Stout is an expert in infectious diseases and public health at Cornell University.

14. The CDC notes that it is known that the germs found in human waste can actually sicken someone.

15. Stout said the coronavirus being found in human waste is a sign of its ability to survive in the digestive system.



Read the statements. Then listen to the news and decide whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

(F) 1. According to the U.S. CDC, viruses and germs attach to hands to cause illnesses.(正确表达)According to the U.S. CDC, viruses and germs attach to tissues to cause illnesses.

(F) 2. Respiratory viruses like COVID-19 usually attach to tissues in places like people's lungs.(正确表达)Respiratory viruses like COVID-19 usually attach to cells in places like people's lungs.

(F) 3. According to the CDC and other experts, there is evidence that COVID-19 sickens people through their stomachs.(正确表达)According to the CDC and other experts, there is no evidence yet that COVID-19 sickens people through their stomachs.

(T) 4. Viruses, such as the flu and COVID-19, spread mainly through person-to-person contact and air droplets from coughing or sneezing.

(T) 5. Germs that make people sick through food cause illnesses like diarrhea.

(T) 6. In some cases, germs found in human waste can travel from people's hands to whatever else they touch.

(T) 7. Food workers should stay home when they are sick with digestive illnesses.

(T) 8. Experts say the biggest risk related to food and COVID-19 is contact with other people and workers in food stores.

(F) 9. The new coronavirus cannot survive on some surfaces.(正确表达)The new coronavirus can survive on some surfaces.

(T) 10. Experts say to keep your hands to yourself as much as possible and to not touch your face when shopping.

(F) 11. The CDC suggests washing your hands before unpacking your groceries at home.(正确表达)The CDC suggests washing your hands after unpacking your groceries at home.

(F) 12. It may also be easier for viruses to survive on food itself.(正确表达)It may also be harder for viruses to survive on food itself.

(T) 13. Alison Stout is an expert in infectious diseases and public health at Cornell University.

(F) 14. The CDC notes that it is known that the germs found in human waste can actually sicken someone.(正确表达)The CDC notes that it is not known whether the germs found in human waste can actually sicken someone.

(F) 15. Stout said the coronavirus being found in human waste is a sign of its ability to survive in the digestive system.(正确表达)Stout said the coronavirus being found in human waste is not likely a sign of its ability to survive in the digestive system.

  • 字数:237个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2020-05-13