练习 | VOA慢速:跑步前拉伸能预防损伤吗

练习 | VOA慢速:跑步前拉伸能预防损伤吗
燕山大学 刘立军 编写


It is widely believed that stretching improves running performance and lowers the risk of injuries. But, a group of researchers say that belief is a myth. Instead, they say an active warm-up can help with running performance and progressive training can reduce injury risk.

The researchers are the creators of an infographic series for the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The series is designed to separate truth and myths about running.

The research team says there is evidence that stretching could help keep joints moving well. But they say it does not help, or harm performance.

James Alexander with La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, is the lead writer of the series. He and his research team are physiotherapists and runners themselves.

In an email to Reuters Health, Alexander wrote that runners have some beliefs around running injury risks, injury prevention and performance that oppose current research. He added that such beliefs cause runners to continue using ineffective methods in their running training.

The team of physiotherapists work with runners of differing abilities and strengths. They discuss myths and facts about running with their patients. They created the series of five "Running Myth" infographics to inform other runners.

The latest deals with static muscle stretching - lengthening a muscle to the point of tension for 30 seconds. Many runners falsely believe this can reduce injuries. Runners also sometimes use static stretching to reduce muscle soreness after difficult runs, but research does not support this idea either.

However, after a run, stretching can improve joint movement and help runners relax, the researchers note.

Since running puts stress on the joints and soft tissues, runners have a high risk of suffering joint pain, shin splints, and other problems. These often happen when runners too quickly increase how often, how hard, or how long they run.

The infographic suggests that runners build their performance through progressive training. It should start with an active warm-up that involves 5-10 minutes of walking or jogging. They could include 6-8 dynamic stretches. That kind of stretching moves the joints fully. Runners can do this especially in the lower parts of the body, such as doing walking lunges and leg swings. In addition, the researchers suggest ending the warm-up with three short, quick runs at the goal running speed, such as three fast 100-meter runs.

The infographic creators say that warm-ups improve running performance but are not proven to reduce injuries. Progressive training and the improved running performance itself will do that, they say.

Richard Blagrove is a lecturer and researcher at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom. He was not involved in the infographics. He said many runners stretch because joints and muscles start to feel stiff after doing many repetitive movements.

Static stretches reduce the stiff sensations in the short-term because they extend the nerves in the overworked tissues.

If runners want to do a small amount of static stretching and find that it helps them, it probably will not have a bad effect on performance or increase injury risk, he told Reuters Health by email.
But instead of doing mainly static stretching, it would be better for runners to do strength training exercises and "progress their running at a sensible rate to avoid injury."

I'm Alice Bryant.


1.myth n. something that many people believe but that does not exist or is false 虚构的东西;荒诞的说法;不真实的事 (同义词)fallacy 例如:
It is time to dispel the myth of a classless society (= to show that it does not exist). 该消除那种无阶级社会的神话了。
Contrary to popular myth, women are not worse drivers than men. 都说女人开车比男人差,其实不然。
2.infographic n. 信息图(information+graphic 的组合,透过图像的力量让生硬的数据显出趣味与生命力,也让读者可以轻松的理解并在脑海中留下印象。)
3.physiotherapist n. a person whose job is to give patients physiotherapy 物理治疗师;理疗师
4.static v. (physics 物) (of a force力) acting as a weight but not producing movement 静力的。例如:static pressure静压 (反义词)dynamic
5. shin n. the front part of the leg below the knee 胫;胫部
6.lunge n. lunge (at sb) | lunge (for sb/sth) a sudden powerful forward movement of the body and arm that a person makes towards another person or thing, especially when attacking or trying to take hold of them 猛冲;猛扑。例如:He made a lunge for the phone. 他向电话扑了过去。
7. stiff adj. when a person is stiff , their muscles hurt when they move them 僵硬的;一动就疼的。例如:
I'm really stiff after that bike ride yesterday. 昨天骑了那趟自行车,我觉得浑身酸痛。
I've got a stiff neck. 我脖子发僵。


Read the statements. Then listen to the news and check the true (T) or false (F) statements.

1. It is widely believed that stretching improves running performance and lowers the risk of injuries. But, a group of researchers argue that it is a myth.
2. An active warm-up can help with running performance and progressive training can reduce injury risk.
3. Stretching could help keep joints moving well, and they say it does help performance.
4. James Alexander and his research team are physicists and runners themselves.
5. Many runners believe that static stretching can reduce injuries.
6. Before a run, stretching can improve joint movement and help runners relax.
7. Since running puts stress on the joints and soft tissues, runners have a high risk of suffering joint pain, shin splints, and other problems.
8. The infographic suggests that runners build their performance through progressive training.
9. Researchers suggest ending the warm-up with two short, quick runs at the goal running speed, such as two fast 100-meter runs.
10. The infographic creators say that warm-ups don't improve running performance.
11. Instead of doing mainly static stretching, it would be better for runners to do psychology training exercises and "progress their running at a sensible rate to avoid injury."


Read the statements. Then listen to the news and check the true (T) or false (F) statements.

(T)1. It is widely believed that stretching improves running performance and lowers the risk of injuries. But, a group of researchers argue that it is a myth.
(T)2. An active warm-up can help with running performance and progressive training can reduce injury risk.
(F)3. Stretching could help keep joints moving well, and they say it does help performance.(正确表达)Stretching could help keep joints moving well. But they say it does not help performance.
(F)4. James Alexander and his research team are physicists and runners themselves.(正确表达)James Alexander and his research team are physiotherapists and runners themselves.
(T)5. Many runners believe that static stretching can reduce injuries.
(F)6. Before a run, stretching can improve joint movement and help runners relax.(正确表达)After a run, stretching can improve joint movement and help runners relax.
(T)7. Since running puts stress on the joints and soft tissues, runners have a high risk of suffering joint pain, shin splints, and other problems.
(T)8. The infographic suggests that runners build their performance through progressive training.
(F)9. Researchers suggest ending the warm-up with two short, quick runs at the goal running speed, such as two fast 100-meter runs.(正确表达)Researchers suggest ending the warm-up with three short, quick runs at the goal running speed, such as three fast 100-meter runs.
(F)10. The infographic creators say that warm-ups don't improve running performance.(正确表达)The infographic creators say that warm-ups improve running performance.
(F)11. Instead of doing mainly static stretching, it would be better for runners to do psychology training exercises and "progress their running at a sensible rate to avoid injury."(正确表达)Instead of doing mainly static stretching, it would be better for runners to do strength training exercises and "progress their running at a sensible rate to avoid injury."
  • 字数:312个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2020-03-04