练习 | BBC新闻:退出英国王室后哈里王子首次发声

练习 | BBC新闻:退出英国王室后哈里王子首次发声


燕山大学 刘立军 编写


Hello, I'm Tom Watts with the BBC news.

World leaders have agreed to stop all foreign interference in the conflict in Libya and uphold an arms embargo at a peace summit in Berlin. They also said they would try to consolidate a shaky ceasefire. The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomed the decision.

Until now, we have an escalation of the Libyan conflict with some foreign interference. Now we were facing the risk of a true regional escalation. That escalation that was taking place and was becoming extremely dangerous. Today there is a strong commitment to stop it.

Prince Harry has expressed great sadness at his decision to step back from his royal duties but said he felt there was no other option. He made his first public comment since it was announced that he and his wife Meghan would stop using their royal titles and spend more time in Canada in a speech to his Sentebale charity.

I will continue to be the same man who holds his country dear and dedicates his life to supporting the causes, charities and military communities that are so important to me. Together, you have given me an education about living. And this role has taught me more about what is right and just than I could have ever imagined. We are taking a leap of faith, so thank you for giving me the courage to take this next step. Queen Elizabeth's grandson said the move followed months of talks.

Documents seen by the BBC show how Africa's richest woman made her fortune by corruption and exploiting her own country Angola. An investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has revealed that Isabel dos Santos was given access to lucrative deals involving land, diamonds, oil and telecoms while her father, the former Angolan president Jose Eduardo dos Santos was in power. Isabel dos Santos said the investigation was based on many fake documents and false information and a politically motivated attack.

At least three people were killed on Sunday night when an oil pipeline caught fire in the Nigerian commercial capital Lagos. Nearby houses and cars were also burned when the flames took hold in the Abule-Egba district of the city. Pictures on the internet show a massive fireball lighting up the night sky.

Violent demonstrations in the Lebanese capital Beirut have ended after security forces used tear gas and rubber bullets against stone-throwing anti-government protesters. Unusually heavy rain also help drive people off the streets near the parliament building. President Michel Aoun is to hold a security meeting to discuss the situation on Monday.

Brazil is sending police reinforcements to its border with Paraguay after 75 prisoners escaped from a prison there. Most of the fugitives are members of a notorious Brazilian drug gang. The Brazilian Justice Minister Sergio Moro said any who returned to Brazil would get a one-way ticket to jail. The prisoners got out by digging a tunnel, but Paraguay's Justice Minister Cecilia Perez said they must have had help from guards.


1. uphold v. to support sth that you think is right and make sure that it continues to exist 支持,维护(正义等)。例如:We have a duty to uphold the law. 维护法律是我们的责任。
2. embargo n. embargo (on sth) an official order that bans trade with another country 禁止贸易令;禁运 (同义词) boycott 例如:
an arms embargo 武器禁运
an embargo on arms sales to certain countries 禁止向某些国家出售武器的法令
a trade embargo against certain countries 对某些国家的贸易禁运
to impose/enforce/lift an embargo 实行 / 实施 / 取消贸易禁令
3. consolidate v. to make a position of power or success stronger so that it is more likely to continue 使加强;使巩固。例如:
With this new movie he has consolidated his position as the country's leading director. 他新执导的影片巩固了他作为全国最佳导演的地位。
Italy consolidated their lead with a second goal. 意大利队的第二个进球巩固了其领先的地位。
4. shaky adj. not firm or safe; not certain 不稳固的;不牢靠的;摇晃的;不确切的。例如:
That ladder looks a little shaky. 这梯子看来不大牢靠。
(figurative) Her memories of the accident are a little shaky. 那次事故她记不太清楚了。
(figurative) The protesters are on shaky ground (= it is not certain that their claims are valid). 抗议者未必站得住脚。
5. escalate v. escalate (sth) (into sth) to become or make sth greater, worse, more serious, etc. (使)逐步扩大,不断恶化,加剧。用法:
① (单独使用的动词) 例如:The fighting escalated into a full-scale war. 这场交战逐步扩大为全面战争。
② (动词 + 名词短语) 例如:We do not want to escalate the war. 我们不想让战争升级。
③ (派生词) escalation n. 例如:
an escalation in food prices 食品价格的不断上涨
further escalation of the conflict 冲突的进一步加剧
6. exploit v. (disapproving) to treat sb unfairly by making them work and not giving them much in return 剥削;压榨。例如:What is being done to stop employers from exploiting young people?
7. fake adj. (disapproving) not genuine; appearing to be sth it is not 假的。例如:fake designer clothing冒牌的名设计师服装
8. reinforcements n. (复数) extra soldiers or police officers who are sent to a place because more are needed 援军;增援警力。例如:to send in reinforcements 派出增援部队
9. fugitive n. fugutive (from sb/sth) a person who has escaped or is running away from somewhere and is trying to avoid being caught 逃亡者;逃跑者;亡命者。例如:a fugitive from justice 逃犯


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

Hello, I'm Tom Watts with the BBC news.

World leaders have agreed to stop all foreign interference in the conflict in Libya and uphold an arms embargo at (Q1) ___________________ in Berlin. They also said they would try to (Q2) _________ a shaky ceasefire. The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomed the decision.

Until now, we have an escalation of the Libyan conflict with some foreign interference. Now we were facing the risk of a true regional escalation. That escalation that was taking place and was becoming extremely dangerous. Today there is a strong (Q3) ________________ to stop it.

Prince Harry has expressed great (Q4) ____________ at his decision to step back from his royal duties but said he felt there was no other option. He made his first public comment since it was announced that he and his wife Meghan would stop using their (Q5) ____________ and spend more time in Canada in a speech to his Sentebale charity.

I will continue to be the same man who holds his country dear and dedicates his life to supporting the causes, charities and (Q6) _________________________ that are so important to me. Together, you have given me an education about living. And this role has taught me more about what is right and just than I could have ever imagined. We are taking a leap of faith, so thank you for giving me the (Q7) __________________ to take this next step. Queen Elizabeth's grandson said the move followed (Q8) _________________________.

Documents seen by the BBC show how Africa's richest woman made her fortune by (Q9) ________ and exploiting her own country Angola. An (Q10) ___________________ by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has revealed that Isabel dos Santos was given access to lucrative deals involving land, diamonds, oil and (Q11) ______________ while her father, the former Angolan president Jose Eduardo dos Santos was in power. Isabel dos Santos said the investigation was based on many fake documents and false information and a (Q12) ________________ motivated attack.

At least three people were killed on Sunday night when an (Q13) _______________ caught fire in the Nigerian (Q14) ____________________ capital Lagos. Nearby houses and cars were also burned when the flames took hold in the Abule-Egba district of the city. Pictures on the internet show a massive fireball lighting up the night sky.

Violent demonstrations in the Lebanese capital Beirut have ended after security forces used (Q15) ___________________________ against stone-throwing anti-government protesters. Unusually (Q16) __________________ also help drive people off the streets near the parliament building. President Michel Aoun is to (Q17) ___________________________ to discuss the situation on Monday.

Brazil is sending police (Q18) _____________________ to its border with Paraguay after 75 prisoners escaped from a prison there. Most of the fugitives are members of a notorious Brazilian drug gang. The Brazilian Justice Minister Sergio Moro said any who returned to Brazil would get (Q19) _____________________ to jail. The prisoners got out by (Q20) _________________, but Paraguay's Justice Minister Cecilia Perez said they must have had help from guards.


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

Hello, I'm Tom Watts with the BBC news.

World leaders have agreed to stop all foreign interference in the conflict in Libya and uphold an arms embargo at (Q1) a peace summit in Berlin. They also said they would try to (Q2) consolidate a shaky ceasefire. The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomed the decision.

Until now, we have an escalation of the Libyan conflict with some foreign interference. Now we were facing the risk of a true regional escalation. That escalation that was taking place and was becoming extremely dangerous. Today there is a strong (Q3) commitment to stop it.

Prince Harry has expressed great (Q4) sadness at his decision to step back from his royal duties but said he felt there was no other option. He made his first public comment since it was announced that he and his wife Meghan would stop using their (Q5) royal titles and spend more time in Canada in a speech to his Sentebale charity.

I will continue to be the same man who holds his country dear and dedicates his life to supporting the causes, charities and (Q6) military communities that are so important to me. Together, you have given me an education about living. And this role has taught me more about what is right and just than I could have ever imagined. We are taking a leap of faith, so thank you for giving me the (Q7) courage to take this next step. Queen Elizabeth's grandson said the move followed (Q8) months of talks.

Documents seen by the BBC show how Africa's richest woman made her fortune by (Q9) corruption and exploiting her own country Angola. An (Q10) investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has revealed that Isabel dos Santos was given access to lucrative deals involving land, diamonds, oil and (Q11) telecoms while her father, the former Angolan president Jose Eduardo dos Santos was in power. Isabel dos Santos said the investigation was based on many fake documents and false information and a (Q12) politically motivated attack.

At least three people were killed on Sunday night when an (Q13) oil pipeline caught fire in the Nigerian (Q14) commercial capital Lagos. Nearby houses and cars were also burned when the flames took hold in the Abule-Egba district of the city. Pictures on the internet show a massive fireball lighting up the night sky.

Violent demonstrations in the Lebanese capital Beirut have ended after security forces used (Q15) tear gas and rubber bullets against stone-throwing anti-government protesters. Unusually (Q16) heavy rain also help drive people off the streets near the parliament building. President Michel Aoun is to (Q17) hold a security meeting to discuss the situation on Monday.

Brazil is sending police (Q18) reinforcements to its border with Paraguay after 75 prisoners escaped from a prison there. Most of the fugitives are members of a notorious Brazilian drug gang. The Brazilian Justice Minister Sergio Moro said any who returned to Brazil would get (Q19) a one-way ticket to jail. The prisoners got out by (Q20) digging a tunnel, but Paraguay's Justice Minister Cecilia Perez said they must have had help from guards.
  • 字数:185个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2020-03-03