练习 | BBC新闻:鲍里斯终于签署脱欧协议

练习 | BBC新闻:鲍里斯终于签署脱欧协议


燕山大学 刘立军 编写


BBC news with Daniel Yelvoska.

The U.S. military says 34 of its troops suffered dramatic brain injuries or concussion in the recent Iranian missile strike on a base in Iraq. The Pentagon has initially said there were no casualties in the attack.

Aid workers say over the past week, 20,000 civilians have fled what they called a dangerous new front in Syria's civil war. The international rescue committee said dozens of local people have been killed in rebel held western parts of Aleppo Province.

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has signed the withdrawal agreement, sealing Britain's departure from the European Union, a week from now. Correspondents say the hardest work remains, with Britain and the EU facing an end of the deadline to negotiate a future relationship.

A BBC investigation has found the American founder of a militant Neo-Nazi group is leading the organization from Russia. Rinaldo Nazzaro founded the group The Base in 2018. U.S. investigators call it a violent extremist group that seeks to incite a race war.

15 people have gone on trial in Morocco in connection with the theft of dozens of watches that belonged to the country's monarch, King Mohammad. The main suspect is a cleaning woman, who worked in a royal palace. She's alleged to have had many of the watches melted down and sold.

That's the latest BBC news.


1. concussion n. (不可数名词) (This word is only (C) in NAmE . 在北美英语中只作可数名词。) a temporary loss of consciousness caused by a blow to the head; the effects of a severe blow to the head such as confusion and temporary loss of physical and mental abilities 脑震荡
(British English) He was taken to hospital with concussion. 他因脑震荡被送进医院。
(North Amercian English) He was taken to the hospital with a concussion. 他因脑震荡被送进医院。

2. incite v. incite sb (to sth) | incite sth to encourage sb to do sth violent, illegal or unpleasant, especially by making them angry or excited 煽动;鼓动。用法:
① (动词 + 名词短语) 例如:
to incite crime/racial hatred/violence教唆犯罪;煽动种族仇恨 / 暴力
They were accused of inciting the crowd to violence. 他们被控煽动群众暴乱。
② (动词 + 名词短语 + 带to的不定式) 例如:He incited the workforce to come out on strike.


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

BBC news with Daniel Yelvoska.

The U.S. military says 34 of its troops suffered (Q1) __________________________ or concussion in the recent Iranian (Q2) _________________ strike on a base in Iraq. The Pentagon has initially said there were no (Q3) ______________________ in the attack.

Aid workers say over the past week, 20,000 (Q4) ________________ have fled what they called a dangerous new front in Syria's civil war. The international rescue committee said dozens of local people have been killed in rebel held western parts of Aleppo Province.

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has signed the (Q5) __________________, sealing Britain's departure from the European Union, a week from now. Correspondents say the hardest work remains, with Britain and the EU facing an end of the deadline to (Q6) _____________________.

A BBC investigation has found the American founder of a militant Neo-Nazi group is leading the organization from Russia. Rinaldo Nazzaro founded the group The Base in 2018. U.S. investigators call it a violent extremist group that seeks to incite (Q7) _____________________.

15 people have gone on trial in Morocco in connection with the (Q8) ________________ of dozens of (Q9) __________________ that belonged to the country's monarch, King Mohammad. The main suspect is a (Q10) _____________________ woman, who worked in a royal palace. She's alleged to have had many of the watches melted down and sold.

That's the latest BBC news.


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

BBC news with Daniel Yelvoska.

The U.S. military says 34 of its troops suffered (Q1) dramatic brain injuries or concussion in the recent Iranian (Q2) missile strike on a base in Iraq. The Pentagon has initially said there were no (Q3) casualties in the attack.

Aid workers say over the past week, 20,000 (Q4) civilians have fled what they called a dangerous new front in Syria's civil war. The international rescue committee said dozens of local people have been killed in rebel held western parts of Aleppo Province.

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has signed the (Q5) withdrawal agreement, sealing Britain's departure from the European Union, a week from now. Correspondents say the hardest work remains, with Britain and the EU facing an end of the deadline to (Q6) negotiate a future relationship.

A BBC investigation has found the American founder of a militant Neo-Nazi group is leading the organization from Russia. Rinaldo Nazzaro founded the group The Base in 2018. U.S. investigators call it a violent extremist group that seeks to incite (Q7) a race war.

15 people have gone on trial in Morocco in connection with the (Q8) theft of dozens of (Q9) watches that belonged to the country's monarch, King Mohammad. The main suspect is a (Q10) cleaning woman, who worked in a royal palace. She's alleged to have had many of the watches melted down and sold.

That's the latest BBC news.

  • 字数:86个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2020-03-03