练习 | BBC新闻:森林砍伐量加大威胁全球气候

练习 | BBC新闻:森林砍伐量加大威胁全球气候

燕山大学 刘立军 编写


BBC news with Jonathon Izard. 

A new report on deforestation says the planet is losing an area of forest the size of Britain every year. A group of civil society organizations say a five-year-old international agreement to protect the world's forest is failing. Instead of deforestation being halved by next year, the amount of tropical woodlands lost actually increased by 44%.

Adapted from http://www.kekenet.com/broadcast/201909/594685.shtml


1. deforestation n. (不可数名词) the act of cutting down or burning the trees in an area 毁林;滥伐森林;烧林

2. civil adj. (只用于名词前) connected with the people who live in a country 国民的;平民的。例如:civil unrest (= that is caused by groups of people within a country) 民众的骚乱


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

BBC news with Jonathon Izard. 

A new report on (Q1) ________________ says the planet is (Q2) __________ an area of forest the size of (Q3) __________________ every year. A group of (Q4) ________________________ say a five-year-old international agreement to (Q5) ________________ the world's forest is (Q6) _______. Instead of deforestation being (Q7) _________ by next year, the amount of (Q8) ________________ lost actually (Q9) ________________ by (Q10) _________________.


Read the passage. Then listen to the news and fill in the blanks with the information (words, phrases or sentences) you hear.

BBC news with Jonathon Izard. 

A new report on (Q1) deforestation says the planet is (Q2) losing an area of forest the size of (Q3) Britain every year. A group of (Q4) civil society organizations say a five-year-old international agreement to (Q5) protect the world's forest is (Q6) failing. Instead of deforestation being (Q7) halved by next year, the amount of (Q8) tropical woodlands lost actually (Q9) increased by (Q10) 44%.

  • 字数:22个
  • 易读度:
  • 来源:刘立军 2019-09-24